HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-15, Page 10iV XX Z W rii t...) R t +—+i—,F,—$ — 1.._ —+}+—+—+1+— + —+—+—+ : —4—•i— E —+—+-- el; —*i^ YOUR HAR,NESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to Isere. See:us about DOUBLE T1 AM II'ARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRINCx OF ALL FINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete A Trial Solicited FRE •THIEL ZURICH 4'-0-4+--+ 4 f. +—+ + Jo + + + �r Many farmers in this vicinity have finished harvesting the grain ,cr Ops. Mr, W. Crelssman of Kitchener, visited" at the home of W. L :Sip - bort a few days last week. Messrs. Emery Ruby and Milton Dietz arrived home last F.iday from overseas and were given a hearty welcome by their friends. Gomes ti666®e444064s6esii4i6444644iaatoseatitessssseo6 sa44oe 0000000000000000000000000G0*000.00 002,00 00000 Ski **062,0000000S0600 idsu •WHITE VOILE WAISTS At $1.00 3 doz, white Voile waists embrodiers front, trimmed. with lace on collar and cuff, size 34-44 SPLENDID V_ .LUE In Georgette and crepe du ehene waists at $4,00 and $5.00 LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS Made from good quality repel and pique, two pockets, finished with pearl buttons. er BETTER QUALITY VOILE WAISTS AT r.,3.00 1M14911110, WW1 000000 4!) 8 0 6) s) 6) 6) t2 6) 6) s9 A s 6) 6) 9 6) 0 8 8 9 9 6) 9 9 .9 rn .9 at 9 9 .9 6) • 6) 9 0 .9 .9 8 9 ,p 8 6) 6) 0 0 .9 9 Q 6a .0 W O 9 A 9 .• 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) r6 6) 6) cv 6) ee 6) 0 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) 6) 9 c) 6W 9 6) m 6) e 6) to 6r N) 6a ai f:6 44 ra 6) 110 6) 9 6) Better quailty Voile waists in neat Swiss embrodered fronts,neat ly trimmed collars and cuffs, sig- es 34 to 42; EXTRA SPECIAL Value $3.00 WHITE SILK WAISTS In all sizes, at $2. and $3. each. iLADIES' HOSE Cotton and lisle hose in white, brown and black .sizes 8% to 10. SILE. ANKLE HOSE IN BLACit And white colors, sizes 8% to 10, LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Colors •in Brown taupe, dark grey, champagne and black, size 94 • CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE HOSE Mercerized. finish, colors in white black and brown, sizes 4% to 81-2. G@deQ86>r09000elee 000000000000 MENS' PANAMA HATS A nice assortment of mens' pa.an oma hats in the new styles at a low price WOMENS' 3: CItILDS MIDDIES IA. splendid assortment of wom- en.s' and children middies in plain white and striped collars long and short sleeves, all sizes. CHILDRENIS ROMPERS Children's Rompers made from good quality print in neat srtipe:l patterer, size 2 to 7' years. LITTLE GIRLS' GINGHAMS Little girl's Gingham dresses in brown, grey and 'navy plaid eff- ect sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW APROONS i3ungalo aprons made from ex- tra quality print in striped pat- terns, Troth light and dark colors. ax. . ireieF"_T,Zu-r iw=ricicems=e—r em eeosm . e n':.c,ncaemnrr.::}a• 'E`etre,1r..7.' :C24uwezesee i Sr'?i1i a Phone 59 1,40 6) ro( lige Wanted &J 6) 9 AUGUST 15, 1919. Mr. E Bosse+nbeery visite 1 at 1 New Dundee. over Sunday, Mr. Wm. Gmb and son of ,it:•:it-i ..ford, :Visited relatives hero oven Sun M. R..3. Ka1bfteisich, of theaIv1- sons Bank staff, Alvinston, holid.ayping at his hone. here. Ttti% Misses Leila and Ve:.i best, M. Preeter and M. )3rr,,wn, spelnf, a few days at Grand eeted ree.eiri41y. JYIr Ch,wies Weber, of Bu2fa11o, N. Y., son. of 14ir. Hy. Weber, o,' Peeeto,n, visited relatives f.ere thio"e eel.. PEs. W. Pi;nkb:11e,• and da ft • Hazel, of Stratford, .;re sew., owe the ii eek at the hone of her :,.:;.ci• Mrs. W. 11. Hoffman. Mr. Moses Geiger left on Theis - day of this weer;, for ;3emans, :.its. where he will visit his son, eiet Sain • - eiger+ and daughter, et: >, Mc14•:ii.11"01hey4 Mr. E. T. Golden of Kings: l a, Ont has been appointed judge cattle, sheep anti swine at the !eo- lith Fnli Fair by the Ontario L::,;- artiment of Agieculture. • Nils, (Rev.) W. White tle and two children, of Carberry, Man., is ' is- iting at the home of her brothe. s,1 and, sisters, Messrs. Leslie and x:oet and Misses Ethel and Eva Wil i m> at pg r;sent. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Randall, of Hanover, visited relatives here far a few days last week. Mr. Ran- dall had not visited his old, town for eight years and notes many ,changes for the better in that tipnia. Dr. G. J. Schellig and daughter, 1ViiIdr;:d, of Detroit, visited, at the home'. of Mr; and Mes. Geo, Grain., Pari .n, last week.' The latter a few-weheet'oi 'the faz''l%70.b foie returning to liei- h.oni.o in Detroit. Mr. Samuel Dietz has secured the contract of building a laf '. ,.en- ent shed at Brucefield for the Presbyterian church. The s::te will be the sank size and of tie. same appearance of the shed eeilt some years ago in Zurich on the Evangelical church grounds. No 6 • Zurich baseball team playc-1 in Se 1fertIi on Wednesday. 1d1',ss Ida Ortwein, of Creditoe, spent they week -end with frieuds in town. D1'.si R. Gr:'nzebach r.turne ] t, Welland, after spend:ng her holi- days with Miss Routledge, Mr and Mrs. Hy. Weseloh, and daughter, Lillian, and Mrs, Hy• Thi:el visited relatives and friends ill) Kitchener over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. II, R. Elliott, and sari, Gordon, of London. scent a few days last week at the home of Dr. and Mrs J. Routledge. A. heavy downpour of rain, ac- companied. by hail, visited this Set toil on Tuvschee. The rain was very y- welcome end the hall!, al- though itl anted Lee some time, did tittle. damage. Me. H. G. Hess attended a Iccnventio.n of the Northern Elee- trle Co, Tell at London this we - The pupils of Mr,. N. E. 1)a h n principal of Zurich. Public Schee ee made a very satisf.ictcry sho,vin at the recent exams. All out one passed the Entrance •'x and all `those writing on junior graduation passed. Many of the candidates were successful in ob- taining honors. The jioeal brainch of the W. T. U. will (meet at the home of Mrs. C. L. Smith next Wednesday eve.i- ing, Aug. • ;20th. The devotional part will be led by Mrs. A. Melia';; and. the educational par: will t taken by Mrs. W. L. Siebert, A cordial invitation is extenrie:1 all ladies to be present. . The coin'ng Victory loan of $,;5)- 000,000 as pred:teted a short time ago will be taxable. Official ..n nouncrnient to this effect has Leen made. The yield rate at which tho proposed bonds are to bo :s •. sued will necessarily be more at- tractive than the rate at which outstanding bonds of previous war loam issuls, which are tax. free, ,can be purchased on the ope., market. BASEBALL TOURNEY It is propos.cd to hold a bfg Baseba:1 Tour.ianient in Zurich. on Monday,. Sept. 1st, .Plans are now under way to snake the day a success end a series of fast ga- mes will be staged. Four tent(' from towns in Huron county *ell Isle =]y: compete for good sited pri- zes A`colncert under the auseiees1 of the local baseball club w::l also likely be held in the now filall in the eve sing, Keep 1: 1; date open. HORSE RACES AT BICH FALL l+.^ I The Committee appointed to arrange the horse rates, aeine etc., for Zurich I`eli Pair met r e tl.y nacl dee:de:1 to have the 1 ,"- lowing races on show dday; Farmer's Race, best 2' in 3, nil � heats, Purscti; $12 .$3, Fie•. -for all, ht:st rl ;In 5, tri: hem's Parses ;920; $12; j$. The track at the f a'r gra End w i ,,— ,exeel'en't shape and this THE MESONS ANK K Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches Opportunity Shuns Those Unprepared to Grasp It. Start a Savings account today, in The Molsons Bank, and be ready for opportunity when it Comes along. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ek. This Co. sells an up -to -da:•.• f',n y, of cUctric systems for ,:o ever , ,. ,mm.>m,---, and light on thrr farm . The " T rld's Watch Ai'CiL'S'r ROD AND GUN Benliycastle Dale, the well- keown Canadian Naturalist, is the author of the leading articles in Rod and Gun in Canada for Aug ust, it is entitled "Sa:moa Fishing At Campbell River." The wond- rous beauty of the Campbell Riv- er eiv- er Falls to to be seen in the page photo--engravure that accompan- ies the article. Other articles and stories of note are; "Tahar The Turtle,' by A. 0. Ph Lipp; "Ri.laau I and Trent Canals," by L. Sherwood I "The Beaverley and Newboro'Lak €s," by Tyeth Bounsatl, and "The.. Sunnier Call to The Northland,]' 1 ,by Walter Thornton. An illustr-I —ated account of the 1918 Tourn- ament of leek N. S. Guides a.se ap- ,. �)ea.s isi tlla^ spitnurtl issue, along with. the usual high grade Guns and ammunition, Fishing, Kennel and Cons?rvation Department. Canada's rr m`er outing monthly is published by V. ,I. Taylor, Lim- -it'd, at Woodstock, Ont. 14ealer inn Watc es, Clocks, Musical Instruments, etc. Repairing .Promptly Done Hess the Jeweller Phone 67 1�a c.. OXF.'ORffS 4614 We invite you to inspect out now shoes for spring and summer t�tTM' wear. See our line of For Men For Ladies HIGH SHOES 4 6 0 4•� S tr2 $1 All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind BUTTED, AND Eous WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoernan +�FFtf 3 * 6)lee-efeeeilfregesteee Peri w4 I vices .. We have opened our NEW SPRING GOODS in EIS 'GE.L_\TEA` aI.1 k F .t . . ) ch fu We are offering some bargains in .ii Papeas, Mixed Paints. and other runes. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TTIig1iest Pi'ieesfor Farm Prml nc Your wants taken care of 14,1 R o, ,Aa ,., PDONE 11 on 97 BLAKE 47*