HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-08, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XX NERAL ZURICH. FRIDAY MORtsIINtom, AUGUST 8, 1919. vplinqmprio No 5 ag ....--4.--+--+-+-4.-+-+--+-+-+ --4-4.-+-+-4.-+- --+-4. -4'-f YOUR HARNESS NEEDS 1 .n. ItiN be promptly attended to here. See:us about 1 DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, 4- REPAIRING OF ALL HINDS + 9 All our' -sewing done by Isesid 4. • 1 Rugs, Blankets, Bells + 1, Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc + �• A Trial Solicited j FRED THIEL ZURICH • -40-4- - F + + + + + •1• + •1•--+ + +--+ •fl• + •B• f• •II• + Mzi Ecl;::Peine, of Detroit, vise iced relatives lies a this week. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thiel, 'of Sebrissgvi lo, vsiited relatives here on Sunday'„ Mrs. Stoddard and Mrs. Weber, of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting relat-, ives here at present. a' •••••••••••••••••••••*.O•••••••••••••••••••••••••••t• •••••••••••••••••••••00. • • • ® . • • '• • • • • • • •• • ,•• • • • • • • s • • k • • • • • . • • y * • WHITE VOILE WAISTS • so G 0 At $1.00 3 doz. white Voile waists • embrodiers front, trimmed with • • lace on collar and cuff, size 14-44 • flEE TER'S Midsummer for the month ° • • • • • • • t • .• • 1 2 • • • • ,• '4. • • • • • A • ..0 toilitMt.00, >.44d.+144+.:er42« 2ww+ ..>. SPLENDID VALUE In Georgette and crepe du ehene waists at $4.00 and $5,00 LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS. Made from good quality repp dna pique, two pockets, finished with pearl buttons. Specials of June. BETTER QUALITY VOILE • .WAISTS AT $3.00 Better quality Voile waists in neat Swiss embaodered fronts,neat ly trimmed collars and cuffs, siz- es 34 to 42, ,EXTRA SPECIAL Value $3.00 ( ' WHITE SILK WAISTS In all sizes, at $2. and $3. each. • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • 4 a • 41 • s a • M. .' •. • r • • • •_ • Mr, E. Wurm was a business vis - !tor is -for inn London on Saturday, M. Jack Routledge, of .Exeter, opetnt Sunday at his home, Mr, Frank Bossenberry of Kit, chener spent the week -end in town Mr. and Mrs. Am.acher of Strat- ford: visited :relatives here over S'undayr Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson aid family visited relatives here o f Sunday, Mr. George Volland, of Detro't, is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. Volland, this week. Mr, Frank Siebert of Detroit is spending a few weeks at the home of his parents here, dr. E. A. Deichert, of Detroit, visitect relatvies liens for a few days this week. ',Mr. Geo. Kibler, of Kitchener, is ivieitifh at the home of, ,Mr. C. Fritz this week. Dr. Ferdinand Schnell, of Car- berry, Man, is visiting relatives here at present. Quarterly Communion services will be observed in the Evangelis- al church next Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Charles Weber and Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Weseloh spent. Sunday in Goderieh,. Rev. R. M, Geiger of Woodstock is speinding a few days at his bonne here this week. Miss Veda Weseloh returned to Detroit on Monday, after spending a few weeks vacation at her home here). Mrs A, Melick and daughter, Mies Lila and Mrs. C. L. Smith cal- led en friends in Seaforth on Tu- esday,. Mrs, Church, and two i:aughters, Ruth and .Ruby, are visiting with her parelnts,,.1VMr: and Mrs. Wm, Flom); of town. ' ,L .1'ohn 1Zettel.11.. "soldhis house ea lots in !Zurich to Mr. Michael • ,Hoffman, of Stephen, who : e.s •: 'Eull -possession on Oct. 1st. next. • ,Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Oliver, Miss' • McaMsters, and Mr. Ward Fritz, of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz over Sun, d,ay. •, 0 • • • • e•i • • • LADIES' HOSE Cotton and lisle hose in white, brown and black sizes 8% to 10. SILIf, ANKLE HOSE IN BLACiQ And white colors, sizes 8% to 10. LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Colors in Brown taupe, Clark grey, champagne and black, size 9% CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE HOSE Mercerized finish, colors in white black and broevn, sizes 4'z to 81-2. ets00806060•6110•000stOtis•@9•• MENS' PANAMA HATS A nice assortment of mens' paan emit hats in the new styles at a low price. Phone 59 J. PREF WOMENS' & CHILDS MIDDIES A splendid assortment of wom- ens' and children middies in plain white and striped Collars long and short sleeves, all sizes. CHILDRENIS ROMPERS IChildreln's Rompers made from good quality print in neat srtipe 1 patteonxsize 2 to 7 years. LITTLE GIRLS' GINGHAMS Little girl's Gingham dresses in brown, grey and navy plaid eff- ect sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW AP'ROONS Rangel° aprons made from ex- tra quality' print in striped pat terns, both tight and dark colors. 41404344044101110101111000414 Produce Wanted • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • • . • • b • • • Mr. and Mrs. M. Steppler, and daughter, of Kitchener, visite:; at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jo hn Kunz, 14th cone, for a few, days this week, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deichert, of New Haven, Mich., visited the farmer's mother, Mrs. De:chert, and other relatives in town over .Sunday„ In the report in last week's is- sue of the entrance exams, Miss Idella Bender should ha a been credited with the highest marks in writing instead of Ide;la Brenner. Mr Alvin Surerus is preparing the voters' list for poll No. 4, Zur- ich, and Mr. Albert Keys, for poll No. 3, Zurich, for the vote en the prohibition question in Septem- berti 'Monday, Aug. 4th, was observ- ed. as tZurichts Civic Holiday and all stores were closed. A. large number went to Clinton; while others 4peit the day at Grand Bernd. F1o3 d, the young son of Mr. P. Kropf hurt one of his, eyes se,er- ely the other day when a• nail he was driving with a lharemer flew up and hitt him. He may lose the sight of the eye. • PRIZE WINNERS • The (result of the judging of es • the 'standing oat crop of the com- e) petitors in the Standing Field ('roll, Competition held under the aus- • paces of the Zurich Agriculturae.• s oSoe:,ety has been announced by Che • judge, Mr. kl, W. Zavitz, of Guelph • They are as follows; * 1. Edgar Broderick ii 2. Elmer Krueger 3. Henry Krueger • 4. Oscar Klopp • 4. 5, Louis H. Rader es 6, Samuel Schoch • 7, W. C. Pearce • Tl ere were 12 entries in the con. • • petition. • '1 he above are eligible to 'com- • • pcte fort he large prizes offered in 0 they Field Crop Competition chra- • srs at Tordanto nuad Guelph exlzib.. ai Public School Graduation Exams The following candidates were successful Total marks 1100. The marks required to pass 660 :narks, to obtaiin first-class honors 825 marks and to obtain second class holnore 770 marks.' Reading -Rae Andrew, Caroline The highest marks obtained were Webb, Stanley Todd, 42. Writing -Herman Ireland, 47. Literature -Lulu Morlock, 93. 1Com.posi.ion-Re}r eta Thompson Caroline Webb, Lillian Weseloh, Verdi. Fassold, 85. Spelling -Amelia Hetherington, 100t, Grammar -Ila Brown, 85. Canadian History -Tony Nich- ol 93. Geography -Gertrude Snyder 92. Arithmetic -Trellis Hodgins, Jean Finlayson, Louise Graupner, Her- man Ireland, Russell Preeter, 100, Art -Russell Preeter, 82. Elementary Sciexifce Beatrice' McQuillin, 89. Book Keeping -Lizzie Hartleib, 93. Agriculture -Monica O'Connor 70. Highest total, Caroline Webb, 926. 'ZURICH School - Dorothy Cam- pbell, Theo. Denorame, Ilva Kalb- fleisch, Bruce Klopp, Russell Pre- eter (+B), Meda Surerus (B), Theo'. Wagner, Lillian Weseloh:, Edna, Zettel (B), IIvan Kalbfleisch. DASHWOOD SCHOOL - Verda' Fassold, Louise Graupner, Lizzie Hartleib (A), Herman Ireland,B. HENSALL SCHOOL - Ferris Can telon (B)', Nora MacEwan, J1rml. Ortwein, Wm'. Stone (B), Violet Whiteside, Anna Wood. KINGSBRIDE SCHOOL - Bert t Martin, Monica. O'Connor (B). X ail SA .pI roll We',Col irsen. Lochal h hC. son (By• St. Helens School - Beatrice (Co'ircluded on mage 4)' (THE MOLSO S BANK Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches Offers good banking facil- ities to Merchants, Manuf- acturers and Farmers who require ;credit to extend their operations. Savings Department con- ducted on up-to-date sy- lstem, , W. B. COLLES Manai;er Zurich Era.ncb The World's Watch Over Time Lam.? • ! PTCHES.-; Dealer in Watc es, Clocks, Musical. Instruments, etc. Repairing Promptly Done an 'r+irriny , Hess the Jeweller Phone 67 rot o f 4 1-064004 f4)s04 44•alio•i 4/45000040.010018,400014,1001*** We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and summer wear. See our line of 44.0 12 1 ., OXv,, �`; S HIGH SHOES For Men For Ladies All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoernan ofgasIaselat seeealttfa f4 44 &?*8 44 40 P.;!:31i:illll:"!iflGllii;i1;11111111111Mi1111111111i1N111111111111111111111i1l6111;1111111111i1111IIIIi1i11111illllllllllll}iHl!i!IIIP1iI11!1111;IIIII1111111111111111111111111111111f9ITIIIIIMPEllinliiIIII 'l1RIO We have opened our NEW SPRING GOODS in arm 1 .> 1uLNAbJ�h 1 IA8 NGt l c( Af We are offering some bargains in Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farin Produce Your wants taken care of R. I DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE I. r :Pi' 11;11.2.:I E v.l egeliiiR511111'31i111i111112111111riC131111i111}111?1111111111i1leile,'. eellifee' I y Mill':g1i111!41x1?Iii;'•11'11111,111111111111111 111411 "'.