HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-02, Page 8NEW SP ING = r_ODS For Your Inspection FOR MEN For Ladies's Wear New silk poplins in fashionable ' shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- tes and crepe du chenes. Also Borges, poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses. • See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Housefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, linoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs. !71 'I./.;!1.•rel "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" The 'finishing touch to a good meal---Silverwood.'s Ice Cream. Its creamy taste and pure fruit flavors are a real delight. Many fine dishes,tan be served with ice cream, Snaking dainty deserts for special occasions. ,Siivrw od's.ispurepasteurized cream—homogenized. SILVERWOOP'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Bricks in alt Flames Look for the Silvcrrvood'e Sign it ii hi.. A ,'�' �r([111 111111111��v y,,, Groceries ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST 1GODERICH MAN IS A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN SEEDS. J. Gascho Son Mr Joseph Smith, son of • Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Smith, Goshen.. Line, returned to his home here a few days ago from overseas. 1191•s Stevenson of M. r 0 te., and Mrs. Louis Hartman of Ann Arbour, Mich., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Waldo of town. Mr R. 1Zavitz, of Guelph, jud- ged the spring wheat and oats in the Standing Field Crop Compet- ition being held under the .auspices o: the Zur eh Ayricultu al Society. The winners will be anno:rn:ed at an early date. ee 4.44+++++++++++++44÷÷44+44.11++++++++++444+++44+++++++44 4.4. Gold Medal Twine 4.,. '!!11Y ,, Our supply of Gold Medal TWine 4.w� '1�PG;,'. has arrived. Our prices and 4? " • , 1 e i terms see as follows; 4 ii +'�; i�'`'?S 27c. per lb. 4 28c. for September payment. Also Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- • , X31 alk ,. 1e eaf at lower prices. -1• -1' ▪ Everyone in need of large hay fork rope should get our 1. • prices before buying. All sizes small ropes in stock. Pure Manilla Rope 4. BASEBALL 17 ELECTROCUTED A fatal accident occured teat Wednesday al Bissett Bros. dairy Saltiord, when .Harry Watson, a prominent electrician of Godefich, was electrocuted. Watson had been working at the, dairy all day and ha.d almost com- pleted his work, when a high vol- tage wire 'slipped out of his hand and touched his arm above the rubber glove, throwing him aga- inst another live wire., where he met instant death. The victim was about 40 years of age and Thad lived here all his life. Be was a son of the . late Capt. W. Watson. He is survived by his widow, mother and two brothers, George and Fred, both of this town. One* of the best games of ball that has been seen in Seafortn for a long time was played at. • the Race Track Diamond on Thursday evening of last week when the Zur- ich team met the locals. Zurich has one of the snappiest ball teams lin the county, and have gone thr- ough the ecason without' a- defeat usrtii they were forced to• bow down tot he locals on Thursday, the score beiing 6-4.. 'The game was given as a benefit for Jimmy Hart, who was so seriously injur- ed at the ball grounds the previ- ous week, and was witnessed by a large number of enthusiastic fans. We hope to have another oppor- tunity of seeing the Zurich boys in action, when we can assure them, an even larger turn out than on Thursday last.—Huron Expositor•. WLINTON 6, ZURICH 7 It took ten innings to decide. the winners of the baseball game pl- ayed here last Thursday between Clinton and Zurich teams. The score at the end of the ninth in- ning stood 6 all. In the visitor's hal of the .0 h no runs were_ macre and in the last half Zurici1 scored the necessary run with one man out. The game was well. play- ed, and up to the ninth inning the visitors piled up six runs to the ectio'n. home team's three. A safe hit to And I hereby call upon all voters right field by Clarence Hofimae to take immediate proceedings to with the bases full brought :n have alny errors or omissions cor three runs tieing the snore 3n the rested according to law. ninth The Clinton team -was ane Dated this 30th day of July, 1919. of the best which has played here this season. Ali were glad. to see "Dick" Tasker back in the game and he covered first base for ,he 'ri,sitors without an error. S^ori: by innings. Minton 010108001n-6 Zur',ch 00010'01131-7 Battery for Zurich, Ed: Wurm and Clarence Hoffman. M:A.RRIED 18, S1NKES 18 The married men of town played the single fellows last Friday night and at the end• of the game it wasl found that both .sides had 18 runs. So another game will have to be played to decide the championship. Mary of the 'Old-timers" were in the game and they showed the boys some of the finer points i'3 baseball. Naturally some of the players could not have caught the ball with a basket, but. they tried to and when it did hit .the mitt t they dropped it because it seemed hot. The attenclanee was large and everybody is lookinig forward to .the deciding game. On Monday night the Bayfield team came o`•e• and ,seffere'l rle- feat al the halnds of the home lea n by the score of 16 to 7. The game was marked by heavy hitting. Battery for ,Zurich, Ca'lfas and Th',rl T nerhf a,"s�1�•''a-I ounl is a delightful toilet requisite. `o nd:1d (em-" I P• j T E&WEIDO. PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4' + 4. + +++++++++++++44+++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. HOINE„ 63 eh St Brauu Zurich's Bu iy S'tor'e Announcement We have the agency for the well known Lois Phonographs Three styles to choose from; ranging in price from $125 to 8225. Beautiful tone, universal reproducer plays all records, no unnecessary noise. You will be convinced on hearing it at our store at your convenience. Installment terms arranged on any of these instruments. Binder( Twine, Harvest Tools Paint, Rope, Car of Fresh Canada Cement, WoVen Fence, Stoves, etc. ADMINI+STRATOR'1S SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock, Implem- eaits. etc, Estate of Robert John Richardson, Deceased; by PUB- LIC AUCTION will be held at Lot No. 10, B. R. N. Cotnc.ession, Stanley Township. on Saturday, Aug. 2"rd, 1919, at one o'clock, p. m. For Particulars see Posters or apply to • Thomas BroWnett, Ad- ministrator; W. Brydone,, Solicitor; T. Gundry. Auctioneer. 4.--. CLERK'S NOTICE —OF— Voters' List, 1919, -Municipality of the Township of Hay, County of ,Fiuronk NOTICE is hereby given that I havL transmitted or de.ive:ed to the" persons mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act,! the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or de.iveced of the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by' the last revised Assessment roll of the said Municipality to be entit- led to vote in the said municipality at elect oes for mcrn::er3 o� the Leg 'e a:i�'e A s'mf.lt and at Municiral Elections; and that the said list was first posted up in my office at Zurich on the 30th day of July, 1919, and remains there for insp- 6 ONLY F1MOCS No. 21 Fleury Piows in Stork at .�� 21 while they last Following at last year's prices 11 ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCU`E'FLE11, B EST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATO R. BISSELL DISC IRA.RROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 4% h. p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE WILL I3E SOLI) AT CUT PRICES, AS WE IgE J1 TILE MON- EY. We handle pumps, piping, etc, L pf " I ZURICH A. F. HESS, Clerk of Hay Township. ReommamM UII1Esi li1OI( roues, DAREN GRAY HIIR Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Overalls and Smocks +ef Whe n you need working clothes you should call at our store for your needs. A full line of over- alls, smocks, etc. See our line of Bull Dog Overalls and Smocks None Better Zurich Denonl Bros. Phone 78 T. L. WURM Pnone 78 JUST ARRIVED A. nice line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 'eading styles and shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaists at 75o and $1.00. LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear - makes orur marsris the your charm. en it fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances its appearance a hundred -fold. Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound," which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready -to -use prepara- tion, because it darkens the hair beau- tifully, besides, no one can possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. You moisten a sponge or Soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, taking one Small strand at a time. By morning, the gray hair disappears; after another application or two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lus- trous, and you appear years younger. r- yeth's Same and Sulphur Coni - It 7t Is not intended for the cure, Miti,, gatiot or p:•. venti,n of disease, at 5 ;y, 1111. SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete crepe de theme, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PULL -OVER SWEATER COOATS All 'wool at $7.50 Get and $15. SPECIAL IN OUR WHITEW ARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, t 142 $1.50 $2,00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves. RAIN COATS One. Keep dry. Windproof Rainproof. Regular $20 for Regular $25 for $16. MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING. Men's made -to- ' order clothing, Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give us a tria,lkk. HATS AND CAPS Mens' hats and caps in all colors. Buy your spring hat here anal save money, UNDERWEAR A big stock of men's and young, men's combination suits, white nael, tan. Y FREE* FREE: FREE! With -every pound of Minto tear' we give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. Th.1,8 is the week to buy pineappleer as the prilce is going up. Phone or mail orders promptly attended, to: Seed Corn, ,Sorghum, rlangel Seed Garden Seeds, Etc. T, L. WLJRI Phone 78