HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-02, Page 5LOCAL MARKETS {Corrected every TIMMlay.) Sutter... ..—.. .... .. .. , 40 Egge ... • 44 Dried .A,pples ... .- _, .., 06 Potatoes per bag -------------1.2 Wheat -------------------2.06-2.11 Buckwheat 1,QQ 5,50-0,10 38,00 44.00 21.00 Flour... „,, Bram--------------- Shorts Live Hoge fob Hensel' ... 4111.111•16.110.=. al•lesecla.M.11.111i1101 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS Si. Ti 1 DES 71.1.nghlat &,. Beichert WAN= Cream, Eggs, Butter awl Poultry ilighest Cash Price Paid POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT- URDAY W. 0MEN' Phone 04 Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK NA CO Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery D. s HENSALL ONT. Phone House or Office -No. 10. GRAND BEND SUMMER RESORT Bring your picnic parties to the Pavilion on the Beach. Special attention is being paid to picnic parties. Free tables and free hot water supply Enjoy the breezes right water. Drop us a card; E.C.ECCLESTON. off the M•10111.11.2.101•XN1.101••••••••••,11.0.1.•.• Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver,' and bowel poisons before, breakfast. LOCAL NEWSif allowed to drop and accuruu- paEvENT POTATO ROT,lte 1.1Plen dust, cotton waste, and timber ere liable to develop an in- ternal It that will cause sponten- ecous combustion. Mineral oil does Miss Ruth Grenzebaele o WeIl- ' and, its visiting friends here this Spraying With Bordeaux Mixture notoxidize, neither does animal, But mineral oils have what is termed e, Proven Very Effective. low fias week. lung point; that is, they fire Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Gellman els- or ignite at a low temperature, some ` at 212.degrees Fah., or under. ited relatives at Pe:rolia over the Machinery Must Be Kept Well Oiled Animal oils develop fatty acids, and week-einct 0 0 Is to Work Efficiently— these corrode and pit the surface of Atss.,)s M. Routleclge and V. Sie- An Expert Discusses the Question itnhberiniaettea,_l whichthf. eyEayrae n si s e0d. A. bert spent the week -end in Dash- From Every Angle. College, Guelvh. W00& (contributed by ontarto Department eit Agriculture, Toronto.) Mr. C. 'Fritz and family visited at the home of Mr. Wesley Kibler f ATE Blight. and Rot of Potee GREAT PEACH SHORTAGE Lietowel, over Su,nday. toes can he prevented by' Messrs. S. E. Faust, L. W. Hoff- spraying with Bordeaux mix - Disease Has Ravished Orchards in Niagara District. man and R. F. Stade., inotor,e.d to, titre. Commence spraying Kitchener on Tuesdays 1 when the plants are from five to Mrs. Sharer and two little girls eight inches high and keep the. fol' lege covered with Bordeaux through - of Gore, are visiting at thehome or the formers sister, M. F. B. i out the season. Take special care to Meyer. see that the spraying is very thor- oughly done if the weather is at all Kee L. Roes3 returned to her damp about the 15th of July, as home in MilVerten, after spending Blight often begins about this time, a few weeks at the home of C. L. Add a poison when necessary for po- Smith! I tato beetles—arsenate of lead paste 3 lh lbs: to each 40 gal's. of the 11 - Mr. Adler and Mrs. Trait, of quid spray, or Paris green 2 lbs. to Elmira, are. spending a Tesv weeks 40 gals., or a mixture of 2 lbs. arsen- at thee home of Mr. and Mrs. A. ate of lead paste and 1 ib. of Paris A. Weber, Bronson Line. green to 40 gals. From three to ! seven applications should be made, Mrs. J. B. Dennis and sons,Fred, depending upon the season --the wet - and Ivan, of Gait, spent the A.vcek— ter the weather the larger the 11mi:t ea -id at the home of the foi'mer)3 bele Do not put off spraying because fath.er, Mr. G. Holtzman. it looks like rain. If the spray is on the plants half an hour before the Mr. Wm Klopp and sons, Ose.ar rain collies it will be dry and suffie Ld. and Lambert, motoiel to flent of it will stick to prevent in - Cheap and Effective Home-made Remedies to Combat the Fly Nuisance—Especial Care Reqvir- ed In Case of Dairy Cattle— . Caie Must Be Taken to Prevent Sun -Scald of Pigs During the Hot Weather—Prevention and Treat- ment Explained by Expert. (Contributed by Ontario Department 01 Agrieuitu re. Toronto.) 0 fruit tree disease this year has been so conspicuous and so injurious as the Leaf Curl of Peaches. In early June more than half of the peach orchards eonar Shake.speare and Tay.stock on feetion, which takes place during or between Beamsville and St. Ceeh- Sunday and v.s.t3d eeialives. should prevent not only Late Blight Mr John Ehnes, Mr. and Mrs. and Rot but also Early Blight and Smith and family of North East- potato beetles. hopielted at the home of Mr. Thorough spraying only is effective. e v If thorough spraying is to be done and Mts, A. G. Ehnes on Sunday. sufficient Bordeaux mixture must be Perm. a:e t ro_ gh. eta:tine...ad used. From 60 to 150 gals per acre wheat and are now sarting to ;cat shoduldi be applied at each spraying, t spr.ng wheat. and oats. The long lessntwhasiieni,otolregaig oannstsp eel! ea eliaer gs he o nu lo dt dry weaeher has efieeted the sur be used. Thorough spraying means img sown crops but the yieel INA.. the covering of every portion of the be a lair one and much better potato plant with Bordeaux mixture in the form of a fine mist. This can only be done when the solution is applied with good pressure, so as to insure covering every portion of the plant. The best results from spray- ing are obtained when potato spray - S h than in some. other sectioas en On- tario, Mr. Grunded, of London, was in the eitlage oin Monday, looking over the prospects tor opening a ers are used which are fitted with a factory here. He was much pi - T -joint attachment so as to insure •eased with our neat little Tillage at hg both .surfaces of the leaves and prom$3d to coesider the mat- gespirtayhiansg. beenhefnoutnhde that near future. He stated that ii eachPastpo ragyomogv.—e r Pere:. Jre wE. twHiocawet;taittt, ter and give his deeisioe in the are lar the factors- woaisl be opened 'here 0. A. College, Guelph. work would be. given Lo to or 50 NVOM011 The Importance ot Keeping Mach - 0E Zt.TRI.:H ALL FAIR inery Properly . !, F ahe Ilendersou euVenee Pipe , The importance of keeping mach_ Band has been engeged. to furn.sa inery properly oiled may be better music and dancing t.1hZurich 1 realized when we try to compute, in I Fall air his year on the grounas. dollars and cents, the annual sacri- fice in machine efficiency through friction. Carelessness in lubrication may easily reduce the efficiency of a machine fully fifty per cent. At the ways received a. hearty reception same time the machine itself is wear - some towns having had them ing out faster, on account of the on vealneedless.,A,orkrcilcotnieon, than owing to the three and four different occasions. This will be something ent:reiy dif The microscope reveals the fact ferent than the mus.cal enteinnin- that the surface of the most highly ment furshed on the grounds in polished shaft ever made is as rough ! other years and by what is wriii.ed and untrue as a rough casting ap- pearsst. to the unaided eye. In prim- tt and said about the Henderson ju- sluetelalcels notthatPoisssibalilotoluitnealyke smooth, ammooetthal ve!nae Pipe Band they are well -woe rth heareng. The talent for the incompressible, or even a true circle, concert in the Town Hall on Fair , hence inequalities of pressure at the Night has also been engaged. The bearings, grinding and tearing of the program wilt be- given by .ttise metal fibres, causing friction, produc- ing factors, of inefficiency and wear Dunbar, comedienne, Mrs. Munro, and tear. Though these faults of C011- pialliStr?, Sam Munro. juvenile Har , struction cannot be avoided, we can, ry Lauder, Dorothy Munro, child in a great measure, overcome the entertainer, Kathleen England, effect in machinery, by judicious singer and elecutionist, Mare Bits_ , application of a lubricating agent. hop and Mergaret NicKe.lar, chem I The lubricant consists of minute balls or globules. These readily M- e p'on girl 1 ipi:es and expert wco:e.... sinuate themselves between the faces To feel your best day in and day otit, shoe dancers, and Constance Cowan in mutual contact forming a cushion, Ito feel clean inside; no sour bile to singer and dancer. The Pipe keeping the metals apart. Its use is coat your tongue and sicken youn Band will also assist. The concert not only to reduce friction, but also to carry away whatever excess of tion, bilious attacks, sick headache). promietes to be one of the best heatsis genrated All liquids havenot breatb. or dull your head; no constipal • colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom, ach, you must bathe on the inside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more important, because the skin pores' do not absorb impurities into the blood, • while the bowel pores do, saYika l; tendency of the metal to tear the pnowit‘physictan. Bay horse, foaled 1916, standard lubricating film apart, these globules ,,To keep these poisons' and -tame and regietered, Vol, XXII. Bred must have a good deal. of internal kidneys and bovrels, drink before break- • -• • • d • well. They must also cling well to 'Ins. band is composed ten and they put on'a fine program. They have played at many towns and al ever given in Zurich , • TRITWORTHY (Enrolled and Inspected) sufficient sustaining powers to be used as efficient lubricants, Some cannot be retained between the metals; others do not cling together persistently enough. To resist the well flushed from the stomach, liver,' by the late John L. Snyder, at strength, and must stick together Park Farm, bpringfiel , Ohio. Si - /est each day, a glass of hot water the metal, or they will be squeezed red by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year out of the bearing. old record 2,0754; "Dam, 'rrussocas The oile and the fatsheare the prin- 2,07 by, Moko. Dam of Trujolln. 2 cipal lubricants. T mineralolive, andoil s year old record 2.2034, raced in 2.07 are thin, and so are lard, I sperm oils. Castor oil, neatsfoot, tale at three years. Last season as a low and rape are thick. Nothing is two year old, Truworthy trotted I the farm half mile track in 2.27. light for high speed bearings and thtsitintdles or shafts than sperm Truworthy was broken .to harness I al, is .costly; for heavy bear - in May in his yearling form and.' ings castor oil is superior to this, but trotted a quarter in 38 seconds', it is also expensive. one-eighth in 18, with no intention But there is relatively little pure lubricant used in. machinery, for It of searehing him. He iS gaited to, is usually more economical to em - go very fast end he has the incline dal epployiaalcuomsepsouttnad oitl, compounded for aeon to stay on the trot and pureten 14111. brie the right thing at tell tittles, ale cants which, alter all, o is One of the first trop of foals by I ily adulterated — gum, soap lienaive, years, 2.07, alumina soda, and free acids have Ortolan Axworthy 3their own distinct purpose to serve and considered by many the best ei 3191.itehr the advantage,composition of cheap oils. The individual son of his sire, Axworh000mwever,dpertain- ing to the useofpertain- thy 3 years 2.15M. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced that the objectionabler Qualities, is the world's champion the Real one kind of lubricant can be neu- tralized eu- tealized by mixing it with a lubricant Lady 3 years, 2.03. Don't miss of another kind. For instance, vege- seeing Truworthy as I cannot say thatble is, they oils are drying oils, too much for him. TERMS -Will, oxidize rapidly, and stand at his own stable at ' HMS cause unutig or clogging .of the Green at $15 to inure a living 'Ina, Tleltettl sevitteti ehey 4yse a,pplied, . During Juno, July end August foal ..,.0140Rap E. TROOYER, Prdp 'with a teaspoonful of limestone phos- phate in it. This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary tract, tbefore putting more food into the litomach. Get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. 0 is inexpensive and almost tastelesS, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your sys- tem of .these vile poisons and toxinsr also to prevent their ,formation. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and ,rauscles became saturated with an ac - Cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment and above all, keep it up! As soap and hot water act on the skin, tleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and bot water be - /ore *meakfast, act on the-s_tomacb,.' liver, kidneys and bowels, 4S VO CORRESPONDENTS the Herald will go to press Wed - '10 ea day af tern on. All news copy mustbeitn by Tuesday bight. urines and many orcbards in other localities were so badly affected that ahnost every leaf was distorted, Swollen and turning a brownish color. Most of these trees will not enter winter nearly so healthy noi bear so large a crop next year is 11 they had not been attacked by the Leaf Curl. ti 0.01. This year's experience, though a hard one, will doubtless be of mech value to the fruit grower, for it hat shown as perhaps seldom before the great importance of early spraying oi peaches to prevent Leaf Curl. By early we meati before the leaf buds have begun to swell. Sometimes late spraying, that is spraying after the buds have begin to swell, will control the disease, but it will only do so where the wet weather does not come until after the spraying. A single day's rain would not of course be sufficient to start the disease. It takes several days of moist weather. There is good evi- ,deneee that even fall spraying after tlPleaves. have dropped will also control it. The best mixture to me is lime - sulphur about 1 -.anon to 7 gallons of water. Soluble sulphur 1 2 lie pounds to 40 gallons of water will also Control the disease, but is not so popular with the growers as the lime -sulphur. — L. Caesar, B.S.A., 0. A. College, Guelph. Ply Remedies. The fiy, like the poor, is always with us in summer -time. In spite of many campaigns having for their slo- gab, "Swat the fly," lie is still with us, and likely to be until the end of time. Plies are a terrible nuisance in the home, in the dairy and in the stable. They torment the very life out of cows. It is strange that man with all his inventive genius, has not yet been able to overcome his agile enemy, the fly. UP to the present, no very satis- factory remedy for cow -flies has been worked out. The most we can do is to apply something which keeps them off the cows for a time. The number of fly remedies is legion. There are several very good patent remedies. A good home-made mixture con- sists of two quirts of fish -oil or any kind of cheap oil or grease, one-half pint. coal -oil, and four tablespoonfuls of crude carbolic acid, thoroughly mixed and applied to all parts ef the cow except udder and teats, by means of a eloth or brush. This quantity will coat twenty-five cows, and unless there be ram soon after applying, one coating will last a week. (Leave out the coal -oil for calves.) Lighter mixtures, containing creo- sol, zenoleum, etc., may be sprayed on daily. If done before milking, great care is needed, else the milk will become tainted. Prof. H. H. „Dean, 0. A. College, Guelph. Cultivation and Drainage Pays. Loosening up a soil by cultivation increases the pore space, and with learns, mucks and clays this increases their power to absorb and retain water while at the same time allow- ing more free air span. Drainage also makes a soil more porous, there- by producing the same results. Coarse sands retain less water when loose than when compact. He Knew. At an examination for entry to an officers' training ghool, one of the men was given a mental test, The first question was answered correctly, as waa the second; then the lieuten- ant in charge asked the man if he knew where the Suwanee river was. The candidate thought for a minute and then with a self-satisfied smile, answered: "Far, far away." NOTICE. on and after this date 1 Mr. E. D. Squires will not be held resp- onsible for debts incurred by my Wife, Mrs, E, D, Squires, E. 0, SQUIRES. Dated July 2nd, 1919. FOR SALE 1917 model Chevrolet touring car I ngood running condition and good repair. Apply to Herald Office for particulars. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS . Do not let your supply of Cou nter Cheek Books run too low. We sell Appleford's check books, first-class in every respect. Let as have your order. Herald Press, Zurich, Ont mams.•••••6 ,vioposaerramlamsomemeammatuaro NOTICE All empty Canada cement sacks should be returned at once as there is a great shortage at all mills. Mr -lick & Braun. The ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. BUSINESS CARDS illeOUDFOOT, KILLORAN, & COOKE, Burleson, Solicitors, Notaries Public &o, Office, on the &peva, 2nd door frem Herniiton St. (lpdorich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. Pi'.ouproov, K. C. J. L. KILTATiAli, H. J. 1). Cooxx. Mr, Cooke will be in lieusall on Friday and Saturday of each week, ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Pie lie Corn inissioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life -Insurance. Agent Corporation and Caned i Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone Zurich, TO ADVERTISERS During June, July and August the Herald will go to press Wed- neeclay afternoon. A.11 copies for change of advertisements must be in our olfiee by Monday noon to insure insertion. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICR - HEW,' %LI- asseyz Harris Anno nc •;i implements e ,t 1 7 11., WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTE D LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS , 1 . ' ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAOEINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, Casper Wal Zurich - er tt. A L. 40: OF ALL KINDS HIGHESTCASH PRICE PAD F. C. Kalbileish, Zurich War Savings Stamps can be bought whey - ear this sign is displayset. Perhaps you have never been strong or saving. You COULD save a little, but— If you knew you could get 41/2% on every $4.00 you saved, wouldn't thal tempt you? Well, then—that is what War Savings Stamps will enable you to do. If you find it hard to save $4.00 at a time because the quarters slip away un- awares, Thrift Stamps will help you. You can buy a Thrift Stamp for 25 cents, and when you have sixteen, you can exchange them for a War Savings Stamp, for which you will be paid back $5.00 in 1924. By doing this you will have become an investor! And you can go on building up that investment every time you save another $4.00. The odd cents pay the accrued interest. Invest that "wasted five per cent." in War Savings Stamps. You Will never regret it.