HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-02, Page 4.1
Kaisse sell this furnace it is
guaranteed heating sys-
tem. •When installation is
planned by our engineers, we
deliver exactly what you want—
Comfort in your home.
If you are going to install a furnace;
let IVIcClary's engineers show you how
A* about the LITTLE DRAFT -
MAN that turas on the drafts and
regulates them laUtomaticsity.
it should be done. They have seventy
years of experience to guide them,
and their services cost you nothing.
Adopt their plan and you are suesured•
of a comfortably heated home, and a
durable economical hmting
Let us tell you more about this
proposition. 11
D. Tiernan, Dashwood
'mimed Thursday afternoons 1 4,—+ I Attempting to ewern the siver.at
I • sister, of Grand Bend on Sunday in drseetip
Dr Broughton, and
t back to the Boy Scouts',am
from the Whitby, spent the week -end with ge e p
' I Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman. before the return of his comrades,
LE on Cananan, aged 15,. son
1THE HERALD PRINTING CO. ' Miss Nettie Brokenshire of St- Aof Mr
and Mr. Fred Cananan, of Park-
ratford is visiting in town.
teems of subscription ;`51.25 per year Mrs. R. J. Armto 'hdeath. The body was rec-
strong and hcil- hill became exhausted and sank
In advance; $2.00 may be charged dr:in of London are visiting with teg.t.ee
if not so paid. U. S. subscript-. Mrs McIsaac. a feW hours afterwardand
ps $1.75 strictly in rel van ce. No ' taken to Parkhill.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Ireland and son, The. boy had been left in eamp
paper discontinued until all are - -
inland° of Stratford, spent Sun- ethsle the rest of the boys were
day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. (ouS with the scoutmaster. Be
Ms' Heti Rowe of Exeter spent went down to the shore and there,
the' week -end with Mies Mina, met a main who was going aceoss
in his boat. Young Canarian went
• rears are paid unless at the option
of the publishers The date to
• which every subscription is paid
is denoted on the label.
i ...1 .
ADVERTISINte RATES Miss Roselle. Koch spent Mon- with him and then attempted so
Effective after Jan lst, 1919. day in Exeten. swim back, but the distance -was
' Display Advertising-elade known Mei Tillie Miler of Toronto and i too great for hirne
gYn application. Ms s Mildred Shore of Woodbridge
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c are spending their holidays with '
t Farm or Real Estate for sale 1 Mr. Alex. Marta, formerly of
761c, each iDsertion for one month Mina, are visiting in Kitchener this place, and son of Rev.. and
1 Mrs. Wm. Ehlers and daughter
es -4 .25c. for each i -.... . . I Mis. Marten, London, has been ap-
i pointedmanager of the Conselid-
Ae four insertion 5c. misses Maida Routledge and V.
. Miscellaneous artieles ef not e' i ,t { , , 7 1 atsd Rubber Co's plant. at Kitch-
Subsequent insert i. Sibert of Zuriele and itesth Gren-
tvenainct spent the week- , ,
Ifdore than flee lines, Pot Sate, l'o.epa'°'1 °I "et-
eind at the home of H. Kraft.
three insertions $1,00. M. Miller..
Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., 1 EdWard Taylor, of town, rescued
each insertion 25a. 1 1ST sees Rose le and Myrtle 'Koch a young (lady from drownitig at
. Local Reading notices, etc„ 10c. of Grand Bend spent Sunday at Grand Bend the other day, when
per line per insertion. No notice their home here. she got beyond her depth.
less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.1 Mist Elia Zimmer returned to E. Armstrong, buttermaker for
' Legal edvertising 10c. and 5c, a Detroit _Monday. • the Exeter 'creamery, was badly
line. I Mr. and Mrs. George Koch and burned about the fac:e and eeerm,
Auction Sal -s, $1 for one inser- daughter, Rcsella and Mr. and Mrs, when he threw gasoline on tinesifite
Van and $1.50 for two insertions Elmore Thiel and- family motored under the boiler, thinking itwas`
If moderate size. to Auburn recently. . Ikerosene.
Professional Cards not exceeding Don't forget the Blackbush Far- ' Geo. Armstrong of Usborne dee
livered 19 hogs at Exeter station
Iller'S Club meeting in Zimmer's
Ili -11, Thursday evening July Dist. on,, day last week and received a
Pte Wm. G-ossman and Sgt. G. checque for $1009.00.
o. Gassman have returned from 1
Ms. A. J. Brunner 'of Chicago is M:ss Elsa Kieinzle, who is study -
FALL FAIRS at pr sent visiting her pale:its Mr. ing for a nurse at Hamilton, is
an Mrs. G. Oe.streicher. spending her holidays at her liome
M.s Ezra Bender and children of here.
Entrance Exams
DA,3HWOOD P. S.—Evelyn How
arLi (13), Czar eteenhagen, Mervyn
e.iensan (.4 •
HENSALL P. S.—R. W. i3risch,
Ieieu Filder, Vera Johnston, Laird,
joynt, Hugh McDonald (A), Helen
Srnitin Grace. Stone (A), Floreece
CENTRA.LIA. P.. S,--Aurella An-
derside (A), Lillian Brooks, Irene
'Essery (B), Kathleen Hicks (B),
Marie Hodgins, Truman Mills (13).
S. S. No. 2—Percy Campbell, Ma-
urice Ford (Al, Harry Grab SA),
Isabella Murray.
Sr S. No. 4—Beastrarte Klopp4
Creptie4Qt�jti (B14
N. S. No 13—Idella Bender (A.),
Laura Rader (By.
S. S. No, 1—Lottie Laporte.
S. S No. 3—,Clifford Clark.
a. No. 4, north—Frieda Tal-
bot (Ay,
S, S No. 6—Carl Johnston (13).
tS. S. No. 9—Eleanor Meyers.
S. S. No. 10—Isabella Fraser (A),
Madeleine Rogers (A), Frank Walsh.
(A), Austin. Wheeler.
8. S. No. 13—Ruby Erratt.
IS. S No, 1—Janie Hogarth, Sap-
hrdna White.
IS. S No 2—Elsie Brendan.
IS. S No, 3—Celia Christie, Gerd()
Francis; (B), Laura Knight (B), ..Ed-
ith Schroeder.
8. S. No. 6—Cyril Doyle (A), Ger-
aldine McKeever. _
S, S. No. 7—Mary Houlahain.
IS. S. No. 8—Verda Page, Geral-
dine Ravelle.
IS S. No. 10—Byron Brown, Lil-
lian Hayter, Jean Hodgins.
19. S No. 1—Clarence Down.
S No. 3—Elgin Copeland.
S. S. Ne. 4—Morris Coates (B(
Whitney Coates.
IS. S. oN 5—Dorothy mstrong
(A), Anna Jeffrey, George Moir.
, S. S No. 6-sHoracce Delbridge.
8 S, No 7-nelarence Towle.
8, S No 10—Hattie Etherington,
Mary Horner.
inch, $6 per year.
?Address all communications to
Ailsa Craig ... ... Sept.
Goderich ...Sept
Zirk ton Oct
London ....
Mitchell ... ... ...Sept
Parkhill ... _
.$t„ Marys ... ....Sept -.8-
8eafoeth. Sept 18
'Thedford ...Sept 24 -
'Toronto ... Aug 23 -Sep
reVest McGillivray ... ... ...Oct
it,Viingham ... Oct.
Aat less meat if you. feel Backachy or
have Bladder trouble—Salts
fine for Kidneys.
A .
Kitchener are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Miss Esther Hauch, of Chicago,
Mark Bender. is visiting her parents, Rev. and
Mr and Mrs. Elmore Thiel and Mrs. S. M. Hauch.
family. of Blake spent Sunday at Mrs. Christopher
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George *way on July 20th
Koch Her husband, two
two sons suinive.
JOHN EHLERS PASSES Mrs Adam Geiser passed away
The death of John F. M. Ehlers on July 17th aged 91 years. Three
occulted suddenly on Wednesday, sons andt hree daughters sur -p
July 23r.i. Deceased had bean vive,
in good health until a week pre-
vious when he complained oi not HENSALL.
ll, but was sooe much
Eilber passed a -
aged 86 years.
daughters ,• and
feeleng we
Favorite Picture of
The People's Prince
better and by Sunday seemed to Ise Lieut. C. Hall, who trained the
much. improv..d. Ear.y Monday Hensel! platoon of the 161st bat -
morning he was stricken with a tahon.. and who has recently ret-
paradytec stroke, and lingered un- tuned to Clinton from overseas,
til Wednesday evening when death was a visitor here one day last
relieved him. week.
The deceased. who had reached Mr. Chas. Schaffer has returned
the age of 67 years 23 days, was at to his home in Marlette, Mich. He
gen:rat favonte of a most kindly is one of the pioneers of this see-
d .sposition and highly r:spected by tion having hauled the first load
all who knew him. He is sarviv- of lumber used in the first building
ed by three daughters, Mrs. Rich -n in Herisall.
ard Baker, Mrs. Clarence Keller- • Mrs. W. Perkins of London Iris—
man and Mrs. Thos. Klurnpp with ited friends in town last week.
Meat fond; tuic atia Which excite§ whom he was making his horned Miss Melinda Ortwein of Kitch-
mad overworks the kidneys in their efforts Henryhree brothers, Fred of Kitchener eller recently visited her parents
ve -
to filter it from the system. Regular eat. reand William of Dashveooll here, i
ers of meat must flush the kidneys WA& end two sisters, Mrs. Jno. Schro- Messrs. D. A. Cantelon and J.
&tonally. Youmustrelievethemlikeyou eder and Mrs, Henry England, al- Passmore are spending a few we-
a-elieve your bowels; removing all the e eks in New Ontario on a fishing
seies wade and poison. else you fool a o both of Dashwooclt
dull 'misery in the kidney region, sharp The funeral took plate from his expedition,
pains in the bank or sick headache, die- late res'dence Friday afSernoon to
niness. your stomach soma, tongue is the Goshen Line cemetery, Rev. F. THE HONEY CROP OF 1919.
4coo.ted and when the weather is bad you B. Meyer of Zurtchand Rev. S. M. Clover and basswood honey was
,3eire rheumatic! twinges. The urine isHauch of Cedito.n officiating. a failure. in this section, and also
oudy, full of sediment; e channels .
eften get irritated s obliging thou to get Among thaws. who attended the in most parts of Ontario. It is
up two or three times duringythe nightfuneral of the late John Ehlers on the poorest crop in 30 years. There
To neutralize these irritating acids Friday were ; Mr. and Mrs. Dan was a fair honey flow during fr-
and flush off the bodes urinous waste tiernar and family of Hanover, uit and dandelion bloom, ofwhich
get about four ounces of Jad. Salts Mr, Pohn of Cliffor 1, Mr, and Mrs, there is a limited surplus. So
Inta atlY Pharmaq; take a table- Jno Biemen and Mr. and Mrs, we are TIONV able to supply our cus
'last for a few days and your kidneys will
F . r -c
el 13iernain of Ayton, Mr. and touters with dandelion and bass -
spoonful in a glees of water before bres.k.
Alien act fine and bladder disorders clis- Mrs- R Wili"t• of Ansa CraigeMie wood honeY. This is a goo ci.
Inmates.. This famous salts is made from ancl Mrs. Louis Preeter of Detroit honey of a golden color, but,
the Acid of grapes and lemon juice, cows mr. H, Geee nee tersely of errte.. naturally, in flavor not up to the,
lined with Mils, and has been used for port, Mich., are visiting Mrand flavor of pure elover honey. In
Ig"neratioes to clean and stimulate slugs medical Value perhaps ahead of any
sgssli kidney* and ,top bladder irtitation. ' '
Mrs H. Rader. Piles,. 25 cents per pound.
-awl. Salts is inexpensive; harmless' avid Mr. and Mrs. Jack M. Dale and - j. .,Ef.A.BERER & 'SONS.
riuskes a delightful effervescent lithise snit Melvin of Wilton Grove, and
wetter drink which million* of meat and Was Aima Ica& and Pte. Clarence
women take sow and then, thus avoiding a!tzr.:4, of London, spent the week-
ettriaaa kifitle/ Ril Watict alleNtile 'end with Hr. and Mt, Gob Koch,
Automobiles For Sale
Ford Toureng ears 1912 M odels, with License
Ford Tour:mg ears 1914 M odels. with License.
,Ford Touring cars 1918 M odels, slightly used with liCense.
Ford Touring car 1917 Model, with 'kens°.
GrayDort Touring ear, 1 idly equipped, in splendid cond.. .
Rion, with Lieense. '
The above ears have all been overhauled and are in good
condition, it iwil pay you to look our sitock of used oars before pur-
chasing. you will receive good 'value for your money, if you buiy '
used cars from us,
Cook Bros.
Studebaker, Ford and Gray Dort Dealers
„gag,. • , ,
yrieZeIVIZ...WIMW.6.07/4WleArlite•i**W.4.4""1" ./g,'":1'.14.1""74"/"..
There's no mystery in good paint making.
It's only "cheap" andinferior paint that sure
rounds itself with secrecy and mystery.
is not a "patent" or "chemical" paint.
There's no secret or mystery about it. It's
a pure lead, pure zinc, and pure linseed oil
paint. It's better than other paints made
from the same materials, because the
methods and manufacturing facilities of its
miters are better—not be-
cause they have any patent
or secret scheme.
S. W. P. always gives satis-
faction and saves money.
When it became definitely known
that H.R.H. the Prince of Wales would
open the Canadian National 'J3xbibi-
tion this year the management at
once got into touch with the' official
Photographers in London and request-
ed a profile photograph of him for re-
woduction on the Victory Year Medal
to be awarded to the winners in the
Agricultural and other sections of the
Big Fair. The photo shown above was
received after considerable delay, and
immediately a cable was rush,d back
to this effect:
"A mistake has been made. An
official picture is desired. One
you sett shows the Prinewithout
hat or coat and with khaki shirt
collar turned in, Charming
habilis, but hardly dignified
Then came the answur:
"Sorry you dislike it. It's the
Prince's favorite picture, taken
with the Canadians in France and
li every sense official."
And that L. the reason why teo Peo-
ple's Prince will appear on the Cana -
elan National Exhibition 1910 medals,
hatless, coatless and in the careless
attire of the Fighting Man in France.
He will open the Big Fair on Monday,
August 25th.
Any persons wanting Fertilizer
„should leave their order at once
as I am. ordering a shipment of
the celebrated Cain. Fertilizer Co's.
"best by test" . J. Hey, Jr. Phone
No, 11-84. Zurich.
Dr. Metcalfe, of Detroit, who sp-
einds the summer months in Bay-
field, is again before the courts for
practicing his profession in Canada
`Withont the necessary papers. His
ease is being tried in Goderich.
The Herald to subscribere in Fhlers—At Dashwood, on July Ord
Canada to Ian. 1st, 1920, Year 40 .John Ehler, aged. 67 years and
conts. 23 day.
An Old Fashioned Custom
The appointment of individuals as Executors is
an old-fashioned custard that is gradually dying out.
In naming friends as Executors of your estate you
unconsciously burden them with additional responsibiltits.
The appointment of this Company as your
Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to
Apply to the local agent for Zurich and district
he mill gladly explain the extensive service which this
Company/can render your Estate.
lifanaged in connection with,
The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation,
Applications For Guaranteed Investment Receipts received by
1....111""1". • $
o new subscribers
in eanada
The Herald
for /10 cents to
Jin. Ilst, 1920a