HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-08-02, Page 1ZURIC Vol. XX • YOU HARNESS NEEDS 4 4.1 1 1 Rugs, Blankets, Bells I. • Full line of. Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH 4.-0-0-4,-4 4. 4 4. . 4. 0-4-4 4.-4 .1.-4 4. 4.--4. 4. Wirt be promptly attended to her®. See;us about DOEJiLR REPAAIRING OFSALL KINDSHARNESS, All our sewing done by hand .v BALD ZURICH FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1919: 1 1 1 1 1 I Hay council meets for its regu lar monthly '.session on Saturday Aug, 2nd at 1 p. mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter attende • the fulneral of the late John Ehler held at Da.shwood last Friday The seats lin the Lutheran chur are being re -painted. Mr. H. Little of Hensel" has the contras H. t. 4 •••••••••••••••••®••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••s• •••••••••••••••••••••o • • • • e • • r • • • • MidsummerSpecials for the month of June. • i • PijEETERS. 1 • • • •' WHITE VOILE WAISTS At $1.00 3 doz. white Voile waists embrodiers front, trimmer! with lace on collar and cuff, size 34-44 • SPLENDID VALUE • s • • • • • q LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS In Georgette and crepe du ,bene waists at $4.00 and $5.00 ' • • Made from good quality repp! • • and pique, two pockets, finished • with pearl buttons. • +• e• 1• • 40 ,• tqa "• 0 •• .• .• .• '0 •• 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • O • • • m • • • • e • • ,• M ,• '• aw +• • • •' • • Phone 59 • BETTER QUALITY VOILE WAISTS AT $3.00 Better quailty Voile waists in neat 'Swiss embrodered fronts,izeat ly trimmed collars and cuffs, siz- es 34 to 42, EXTRA SPECIAL' Value $3,00. WHITE SILK WAISTS In all sizes, at $2. and $3. each. ,LADIES' ROSE Cotton and lisle hose in white, brown and black ,sizes 8;1 to 10. SILK 'ANKLE HOSE IN BLACK' And white colors, sizes 8;1 to 10. LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Colors in Brown taupe, dark grey, champagne and black, size 9;1 CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE :HSE Mercerized finish, colors in white black and brown, sizes 4i1 to 81-2, ap•sseeisseseett ioe6o•••••s•• MENS' PANAMA HATS WOMENS' & CHILDS MIDDIES A. splendid assortment of wom- ens' and children middies in plain white and striped collars long and shore sleeves, all sizes. CHILDREN4S ROMPERS (Children's Rompers made from good quality print in neat srtipel pattern, size 2 to 7 years. LITTLE GIRLS' GINGH AMS Litho girl's Gingham •Tresses in brown. grey and navy plaid eff- ect sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW APROONS A mike assortment of mens' paan I3ungalo aprons made from ex- ams h.a4;s in the new styles at a tra quality print in striped pat - low priceterns, both light and dark colors. J. PREETER Produce Wanted 41.'4'1• mobd06:d1iA.'+�I.'i1I.11,'mPd+', • • • No 4 ,Mr E Holtzman visited hiz fa - their, Mr. G. Holtzman, last week, The Judges Act, recently passed lin parliament, increases the s• 1 .rs' of County Court Judges from $3,000 to $4,000. 141`r, and Mrs. Sthiele and da ga ter,,,, Hilda., of Stratford, spent the week -end at. the home of Mr. and *s. Jlno. Kuntz, 14th con. Mr Herbert Axt and sister, 1'Iiss Alina Axt, of Detroit, are visil- iing at the home of their parents, Mr, and Mrs. E. Axt at present. •, w • •. • • • •. •; • • Mr. and Mrs. W. Liehtie and 1Vlc,,a'nd Mrs. 'Sch.wa_tze:,truker and daughter of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Riiaelhardt and B. Hertel! of ';,olndon, were visitors over Sun- day att he home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Sehwartzentraber, Bronson Li. -.e •• 04. • 4 • ..• • • • • • • •' • • • • ENTRANCE EXAMS. Result of West Huron H. S. Entrance Exams, 1919. The following are the results of the 1019 entrance examination in We.st 'Huron. Total number of marks obtainable, 750; History be- ing added in 1919, Marks neces- ary to pass, 450, with. 10 per cent. in each subject and 60 per cent. of the total. First-class honors .re- qu:re 562 marks nad are marked A Second-class honor.3 need.525 mar- ks and are marked 13. The highest mark obtained in each subject is as follows; Read- iing, Clarence Tpwle, 47; spelling, Madeline Gaunt and Alex. MsLen- nen, 50; Writing, Ide.la Brenner a and Florence Welsh, 41; Itterature, Madeleine Rogers, 94; composition, Lilian Brooks, George St.icckland 81; geography, Ford Steadman, 93; history, Isabella Fraser, 94; arith- metic, Dorothy Armstrong, R. W. Rush, Hugh McDonald, 100; gram- mar; Annie Panzer, 90; total, An- nie, Panzer 639,. The marks of those that failed arca being mailed to them, The certificates of the successful rand- idates will be sent to the teacher or to the secretary of the school ab out August 2:rd. Number ,of en- trance candidates was 219. The following were successful; ,ZURICH P. S• -Whitney Broken • shires (B); Dorothy Fritz, Euloine Geiger, Hilda Neuswanger, Bert Siebert; Gordon Walper (A), Ree-' Me Weber (Ay, Inez Yunghiut. EXETER PUB. SCHOOL Joseph Bradt, Ruby Davis (B), May Elworthy (B), Leverne HarnI. - ess Florence Harvey, Bertha Res..' Isobe ewar- Mr. Lambert Klopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klopp, of this , il- 'age, arrived home from overseas last week. Mr. Kopp was a mem- ber. of the American army, sere - ling as an engineer, and while in France, visited many of the fam- qus battlefields. Amendments to•the motor ia•,vs are among those which took efi- ect • recently. Under the new laws 'the speed limit in cities, towns and villages is raised from 15 to 20 Miles an hour and the limit for country roads from 20 to 25 milds At corners and traffic intersecU- ens, however, limits of 10 and t2!.i ,miles are fixed. Mr Harry G. Hess recently in- stalled, a Northern Electric Lig and Power plant on the farm of Mr. John L. Gerber, .Bronson Lice The system has now been in ope_- atioin for .some time ail is giving the best of satisfaction. The Nor- thern Electric plants are up-to- date p -to - d�tte in every respect and the pow er can be used for all lighting end poa�,r requirements on a farm, !&epi•, for threshing. r`i� 'elkCCESSFUL''MUSIC' PUPILS The London Conservatory of Music announces the following re- sults of its midsummer examinat; ons recently held in Zurich. Pass 65 marks, honors 75 marks, first class honors 85 marks. Grade 2 Piano -Mabel Preeter 81i1, Eulotne Geiger 70. 1 Grade 1 -Piano -Newell 73'. Intermediate -Singing - Lydia Geiger 85. Junior-Singing-Euloine Geig- er 89, Elva tHeyrock 85;1, Newell Geiger 82, Ida Thur 82;1. 0 • • �• • • �• 4, • • • • • • • • w • • • • w • • • • • • • • 0 ® A PEACE .STAMP • The issuance of a special Can- • adialn postage stamp, commemor- • atitng the signing of the peace tr- •• eaty, is ,now under consideration of • the poo:al department at Ottawa. • This stamp will be of the thz ee- • Boat denomination, if it should be • decided upon, and probabi,ities are • that it will be printed in two col - * ors, or possiblym, in three. Al- '+ ready a number of the Ad eJ noun • tries have issued peace stamps the first to appear being the three - • cent purple of the 'United Stales, • show:mg the rags of the Allies. • • 1.919 VOTERS' LIST • The Voters' Lists .for Hay Town ' • ship for the year 1919 are now ie • the, hands of the Township C.erk. •• Part one contains 877 names, Parte • two 106 names and 50S names are • marked as eligible to ser e e as iur ors, Every property owner, f e :- • ant and' taxpayer should look ,ivner • the lust and see that his or her • nam,e is entered thereon. .:'tny s nam:a:+ omitted or incorrectly en- s t•'red will be rectified at the Court •• of Revision of the Voters' List of ® property •notice thereof is gist • the ,Clerk.. • • • • 40 400 THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated 1855' CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches The Molsons Bank is an important factor in Can- ada's business piosperity. It is supplying many in- dustries and many farmers with adequate banking fac- ilities, thus enabling the de- developnrent of their bus- ia;esS. W. B. COLLES Mana L er Zurich Branch Ge•gor Mrs. sell, Lyle Sat 1 St i dson (A), Reggie Taylor. BAYFIiELD P. S.; -James Dreh- mann, Lola iElli.ott. S.-oR-al Haist ,CREDITON P, y , Walter Hauch, Charles Hoffman, McIvi'r Sims (Bj, -0#11. Smith(i , ; " a7 Sereine Winer; (Concluded on page 4)' The World's Watch Over Tiffie Dealer in Watc es, Clocks, Musical Instruments, etc. Repairing Promptly Done the Jeweller Phone 67 teal G 44 44 44 44 41400084.4004.11.1400044 4.4 OXFORDS HIGH SHOES E We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and summer wear. See our line of For Men For Ladies All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind L'I'TTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 4 ONO • 0A0411 1.41x61141•410.41 -1.11134011141406041.10.0110,811.404001110001014 1 1 1 I ia8iilt iiiis II!'!II!IIIII'n!Illllllilllllll•Illllllllllllli!!IIIIIIIIIIi'11111111881111111!!I!lii!IH!!Ililii!illi!NIB!!!!111111111181if11`.;!III'ill! I18i;1111811IIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIillllllll18111i18:'ll!lll(!811{INid!{!",i!1lli, We have opened our NEW SF -'RING GOODS ENTRANCE APPEALS • ,Can didate .s who are ers.ic:033 u at the !High School entrance exam ilr,ations are officially notif'.ed ih i they should (o'nl.ilt t' e r tai err as to the advisabi:ity of ehteri i a appeals to the Entrance Boar': These appeals shoull be nal later than August 19th, and is cane an appeal is re,en0d. it f r ! tiler appeal • may be matte to the Deputy Minzs'e•; of Educa''iIii later than Angust 26th. Up in ,august 2Cth the cost of an appsel to t'he D'ep1'tf Min stee wi 1 he 2 If the app^al is made biter, b: ,c z Septembee the 9th, the cosi w`11 in LATLIg We are offering some bargains in Wall Capers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N, DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE nonS�.,,.�1li2'«'!,,.l li',.a{1».Gl'i�'1J!:; Id »:G!1;{1, .. ,. . ... lry A