HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-27, Page 8N SPRING GOOPS For Your Inspection FOR MEN For Ladies's Wear i;s!1:k1 New silk poplins in fashionable shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget•, tes and crepe du chenes. Also' serges: poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses. , ,1 + + ,, , See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with. collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Housefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, li+noleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and, tapestry rugs, 1 f biles, "se.;;;;ILlL!!�.r Groceries A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 P GROCERIES ALWAYS ON +HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN SEEDS. J. Gascho & Son 4. 444 -16++++++++++++++++++4 -1-1-11++++++++++++++++++++++4-1-14 444-11'.:.11'.p1'++ gy"1'.g";"'g 1t' 14 -1'•I-'11++ g";'.g'.g'.p.'g g" '1 1"y*,"1:. ; °1 i g1•+4-1-1 4• .i' 4. 4. Gold Med4. al Twine 4. 4. a, `� PN'Our supply of Gold Medal Twine .1, se 'r ▪ r 1',� �p dh , srr i has arrived. Our prices and 4, i• ' terms are as follows; 4. 4- �' ! fig. . ' ?il'E PM1 27e. per lb. for June payment. 4.o +4. I•ir �i 27 per lb. July and Ag uust - + + �.��?, , .� Ali, {. �'tl ", 28c. for September payment. 4 +4. rl��I 'il1 Also Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- .�• j: �� + ▪ r ', eaf at lower prices. 4 .;. Pure Manilla Rope 4. Everyone in need .if large hay fork rope should get our 4. 4 4 fig• prices 'before buying. All sizes small ropes in stock. •t' 11 STA D E &WEIDO� 1 PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. •++•1•++++++++++++++++++++ i•++ ++4+++++++++++•+•+++++++4,+ 6 ONLY FJ4MOUS No. 21 Fleury Plows in stock at 821 while they last Following at last year's prices ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCI FFLER, BEST;. ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATOR'. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND HOLLER ONE 4 h, p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLID %' 'LV USED. ABOVE WILL .13E SOLD AT CUT PRICES, AS WE NE'vU TILEMON- I EY. We handle pumps, piping, etc L PRANG. . /1932:1b0) Arise. =earn "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" THINK the cone connoisseurs don't know Silverwood's? Ask them. That rich, smooth, creamy taste is something they go an extra block to get. And that's just why Silverwood's is good for them. It is wholesome, pure -a real food. Always to be had from SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, O. 13 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr and Mrs. Henry Steckle, St- anley. mourn the death of their 7 -year old son, Owen, which took place last Friday. Deceased had been an invalid since birth. The concert held in the To wri Hal' last Friday evening was not sd well attended, owing no doubt, to the extreme heat, The pros. Mrs Roy Colisitt of Hillsgreen, spent a few days with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith of Detroit are visiting at the home of Mrs. Oesch Sr. and other friends. Liquor Vote in October is Expected grab, was excellent and the <.rt-. ists were well received, The ill- Enumeration for the coming ustrated songs and readings were erendum on prohibition is to well worth the admission, the; commenced within the next pictures shown being very vivid weeks in the larger cities of and appropriates. province. Hon. .I B. Lucas The Police Trustees of Zurich called a conference for tomorrow have received notice from the of city members of the Legislature Hydro -Electric Power Commis- {in order to discuss arrangements Asian of Ontario of the surplus on , for making an immediate start, and be two two the has hand from operations of the local hydro system with the Commission during the period September 1917 to October 31st 1u18. The sum of $118.03 has been placed to the credit of the local system as an "Accounts Receivable" and as a credit to the Surplus account. The account is as follows; Cost of power at Niagara Falls $461.49 Interest on proportinate share of capital invested 1681.53 Proportionate share of main- tenance and operation 511.88 Proportilnate share of renew- als and contingencies 985,16, Interest on yearly operating balances 21,42 Amount received power bills Surplus as per it is hoped that it willbe possible to have the chief enumerators for each of the Toronto ridings appoin ted early next week. The early start upon the task of recording names of those en- titled to have a voice in determ- ining the future temperance law of the province is due to a desire to get the lists prepared before hot midsummer weather drives thousands of city people to the country. To postpone, enumer- ation iuntil late in the summer wo- uld make it impossible to hold the .referendum until November. Under the plan to be put into effect the Government will be rea- dy to hold the referendum on Oc- tober. While the enumerators will $3661148 probably get to work in Toronto first, it is expected that early lists "Will also be prepared in Hamilton .Ottawa and London. Enumerators will be instructed to carry out the provisions of the STILL ON TOP 0 Election Act, which declares that Brussels baseball team played the name of a soldier, even if he the return game on the local 1' has not yet returned from overseas 3774.51 $118.03 s ia- shall be placed upon the lists, Wh- mond last Thursday evening anil, Zurich won by a handsome mar -, gin• On Monday evening Goderieh' and Zurich played a game here,. Although the score looks rather . one sided, still the game was in- teresting and the visti ng team, threatened at various times to. make the score more even. Heavy batting by the locals ac ,counted for many tallies. Score; Zurich 24, Goderich 8; Line up for Zurich; -E, Wurm W. F Clarence Hoffman, p; Braun, 1st. b; T. L. Wurrn, 2 h; Clayton Hoffman, 3 b; Lee Hoffman, s,s,; C. Eilber, r.f.; Albert Hess, e.f s Nich.ol.son, 1.f. The boys desire to thank the soldiers had returned, and a sea - of public for the good attendance at h House held before an :ere, by any mftichance, a soldier "s ,name isl eft off, provision will probably be maade to have the om mission remedied later. The lists to be prepared this summer will 'be used for the next proVinciall( general election. Talk of a general election about the time the referendum is submit ted has little, if any basis in fact. Although strictly speaking the extension bill does not prevent the Lietenant-Governor from dissoly- i.ng the Legislature and precipitat- ing a general election, the agree- ment between the Prime Minister and thel eader of the Opposition was quite definite that a reason- able. time should elapse after the the games, especially the ladies. The admission for the games ni the. future has been fixed as foll- ows foll- e s;--- Getnerel admission, 20c.. 7 rl 10 l 1 h l l '.[ h Sion the obs , appeal was made to the people;; Rut the year allowed by the E!ee- tio!n Act for the use of the list,~ r.rspare�i for the referendum w411 t. 1^9 C. SC Lon JC, esr n c lc' r7'tr:.' the pe:*.o'.1 to' the el- .1.iY, a.1!le l to rR PHONE. 63 click & Braun Zurich's Busy Store Here are a few Seasonable Goods Perfection Oil Stoves Garden Tools McClarys' Automatic Oil stove vassals, ,•: ., Oil Stove Ovens. . Screen Doors Ssreen Windows Waterinig cane I O}Cedar Mops Ice Cream Freezers Lawin Hose Poultry Netting Lewin Mowers Washing Machines Wringers Paris Green' i ! Snathes Scythes Grass Shears Hammocks Binder Twine Brantford, Gilt Edge, Gold Leaf, Silver Sheaf, at Lowest Market Priced: + ' { Spray your cattle and Horse.s with Dr. Williams Ply and Iinsect Destroyer. We sell genuine Polarine, medium and heavy. 'Also a sup- ply of Polariine Transmission Gil. Better than cup grease. Warm Weather Shirts Fine Silks, from Swiss, English and Amer:can makers; silk per tales, fine dimities, in all the fascinating colors of good taste, Denomy Bros. Zurich Phone 78 T. L. WORM Phone 78 JUST ARRIVED A nice line of ladies', silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaists at 75c and $1.00. LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. SILKS* SILKS! 1 Our silk department is complete , crepe de dhene, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PULL -OVER SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7.50 SPECIAL IN OUR WUITEW ARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, x$1.25 $1.50 $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves. RAIN COATS Get one. Keep dry. Windproof and Rainproof. Regular $20 far $15. Regular $25 for $16. MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Giver us a trialk,. HATS AND CAPS Mens' hats and caps in all colors. Buy your spring hat here and' save moinen UNDERWEAR A big stock of men's and young men's combination suits, white nad tan, FREE* FREE! 'FREE! With every pound of Minto teat we give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. This is the week to buy pineapples, as the price is going up. Phone or mail orders promptly attended. to. Seed Corn, Sorghum, nangel Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. T L, WURM Phone 78