HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-27, Page 7STRIKERS AND.MOUNTED PONCE
Action Followed Reading of Riot Act, When Strikers Persisted
in Parading in Defiance of Proclamation-City,'Now as if
Beleaguered -Armored Cars and Machine Gqns in Evidence
. Winnipeg, June 22.! -One man was
Allied end approximately fifty injured
in yeeterday's riots, Thirteen or the
injured were shot.
The tragic events of yesterday.after-
noon covered not more than half an
,hour. At half -past two, perhaps, 20,000
persons were maseed on Main Street
With their focus at the Cite- Hell. For
•the most part they appeered to be
etrikers, with among them several
thousand returned soldiers. and they
were congregated to witness or take
Dart in the "massed sileet parade,"
which, it was announced last night at
the meeting in Market Squire or re-
- turned soldiers, would be put on by
returned soldiers alone thie afternoon
. as a last ;tint final effort to break down
the barriers the mon claim havebeen
erected egeinst the propaganda of the
germ ni strike in Whiipog•
On the whole this groat mass was
-orderly. It contained ninny women,
evidently of the etTikerse families,
but rai children, hist before half -past
two, a small riot developed on Market
.Strect. juet enst or the City 11t11 Park,
atoune a, men who was drunk.
Trolley Pulled Off.
At live awl twenty past two a street
ear ssing on Main Street only made
its way through the erowd amidst con-
tinual booing and with great difficulty,
the trolley several thin; being pulled
off the line. Evidently regarding the
whole thing as a circlet, a great stream
of citizens in their automobiles passed
at .this critical moment up and down
Main Sti.eet, by no means adding to
the good feeling of what was fast de-
veloping into an angry iuob. Sharp at
half -pest two the word paesed along
the crowd gathered in the wide thor-
oughfare of Main Street on each side.
of the ear tracks -"fall in," At that
very moment Portage Avenue ear
No. 506 approa'clied from the north,
about hall -full of pausengers, mostly
women and children. .As it reached
Market Street it was greeted by a roll-
ing' roar of booing, its trolley was
pulled off the line, an(1 some stones
were thrown. Women and children
got out of the car and dispersed among
the crowd, so far as it is known, un-
hurt. The conductor and motorman
remaheed in their ear; the trolley cord
having been ent, it remained a fix-
ture at what inunedietely was to ne
vome a scene of battle.
Mounted Police Charge,
Almost simultaneously with this,
the ery went out from the crowd:
"Here coulee the bloody soldiers," and
around the corner of Main Street from
the south,. opposite the Union Bank, !
swept a single lino of red -coated Royal
North-West Mounted Police. They
covered the whole street from gutter
to gutter, dividing as they passed the
derelict car. Immediately an angry
ery was' heard from the mob and an
occasional missile was thrown at the
passing soldiers. A hundred yards
behind this first rank 'came a second
rank of khaki -clad horsemen, said by
the crewel to be members of the
Stratlicona Horse, and the Fort Garry,
Horse, but afterwards stated by Alder-
man Gray to be Royal North -\Vest
Mounted policemen retuned from the
front, to whom had not been issued the .
well-known scarlet tunic.' The mob
surged in on the flanks of the horse -
111011 and a free throwing of brieles,
bottles and any other available miss- I
iles began. many of the horses and
men being struck. They rode on. how-
ever, north several blocks and then af-
terea. short interval returned again ,
with drawn truncheons, ands dividing
up into columns of four on each sicle
of the street, sought to drive the mob 1
back onto the sidewalks.
From alleyways nearby bricks had!
been torn up and hurled at tho backs
of the horsemen. As they.
divided to pass the street car the in-
evitable happened. One of the horses
came down, and the soldier, on get- ,
ting his. feet, heeded for the east side, I e
where he dived into . J. Thompson's
undertaking-parlers, 559 Main Street,
with the crowd yelling et his heels,
The doors were slammed •to, but in a
few minute' the plate glass front was
smashed to atoms and apart of the
crowd surged east on Market Street
to cut him oft if he tried to get through
the back way, For a minute the front
'of the storewas comparatively empty
and the soldier (lashed out again and
crossed the three hundred feet width
of Main Street to seek- shelter at the
corner of William Avenue.
Ho was intercepted and carried
back a little way out of sight, up
Williara Ave. Then followed the
ehooting. Almost immediately a
party of Royal North West Mounted
Police dashed to the rescue, the
men with their revolvers drawn,
and in columns of four. As seen
from the other side of Main Street
they debouched into City Hall Park,
immediately in front of its steps.
Shots were heard. "They are firin
into the air," said one of the crowd
"They have only blank cartridges,'
said another. The effect was elee
trical. The dense throng in front o
the City Hall ran frantically acros
Main Street, and buried thernselve
in lanes and alley -ways, forcing theb,
way into the small hotels that aboun
Men who no doubt had war exper
ience threw themselves fiat into th
gutter. The shooting took place ex
act]y fifteen minutes after the firs
appearance of the mounted Men, a
a quarter to three by the City Hal
clock. And two or three minutes het
er City Hall square, and the wide ex
panse of Main Street was deserted
Across this waste of asphalt were
brought the bodies of the casualties
by men who had been with them when
they fell. These were placed in
Thomeen's Undertaking Parlor. By
three o'clock in the afternoon severe
hundred policemen with drawl
truncheons were marching over the
now empty scene of the battle where
yet the street car burned.
At half past three commissioned
officers attached to Military District
No. 10 addressed the crowd at the
corner of Portage Avenue and Mali
Street, advising that the Riot Act
had been read and that the „city....is
now under martial law, and therefore
every one should go home.
Nevertheless Main Street was still
badly congested and the fire brigade
was turning on their hose to deal
the crowds from the tops of the sur-
rounding buildings.
Armored cars with machine guns
and troops at the "stand -to" were
being held in reserve at the princi-
pal strategic points of the city.
Thirty-six hours ago the returned
soldiers favoring the strikers' cause
held a mass meeting just back of the
City Hall. Some four or five thous-
and persons were present, of whom
a good proportion had the right to
wear the returned soldiers' button
Then it, -'was that the idea of the
"Massed, silent parade," was sug-
gested. It was stated by Comrade
Martin, that such a demonstration
had been very successful in North
ritain. The proposal was favorab-
y received.
A despatch from Rome says: -The
Italian Government resigned on
Thursday following an adverse vote
against it in the Chamber of »De-
Premier Orin ado, in announcing
his resignation and that of the Cab-
inet, said Ring Victor Emmanuel had
reserved decision as to acceptance.
The Chamber of Deputies had, by
a vote of 59 to 78, rejected Premier
Orlando's motion in fever of Ais-
pussing the question of confidence,
vhich related to the foreign policy
of the Government, in secret session,
Weimar Assembly Decides by Vote of 237 to 138 to Sign Treaty
With Certain Reservations Which Include a Declination
to Give Up Ex -Kaiser for Trial.
Berlin, Tui e 22. -The German Na-
tional Assembly, by a vote of 237 to
188, has decided to sign the Peace
The Assembly to -day gave a vote
of confidence in the new Government
of Herr Bauer, 236 to 89.
This means that the treaty will be
Sixty-eight members of the Assem-
bly refrained from voting.
Peril„ June 22. -Communications
from the Germans to the ,Council of
Four, relatinglo the vote of the As-
sembly at Weimar, reached- here at
7.45 o'clock this evening, and are now
being considered by the Council.
One of the communications is un-
derstood to announce that the Assem-
bly voted in favor cf signing the 1‘.
treaty with certain reeervatiens.
• Cr....01.,
.50 LONG
TO i3A
The only thing to do' with the "Town Knocker" is to kick him opt. Tolerate hen for a minute, and he
spreads like an epidemic all over the community. He is the original "Calamity Howler" and "Dird-of-III.Omen."
He is never so happy as when he can persuade other people to think the same wry as he does. , If allowed to
"get the floor," he will knock the pins from .under the best proposition on earth. He is against every ferneof im-
provement and if he converts enough people to HIS way of thinking, the town will come to a dead stop. - After
having KILLED everything, he glories in the fact that nothing can be done for the town. it is doomed. The
only thing to do with the "Town Knocker" is to head him for the cemetery. His habit of knooking is so infectious
that it has been known to spread among some of the BEST PEOPLE. KICK THE KNOCKER OUT. • .
SBags, 90 lbs., $4.10 to $4.25. Bran
$42. Shorts, $44. Hay -No. 2, per
ton, car lots, $40 to $41. Cheese -
Finest easterns, 2914 c. Butter-
Choicest creathery, 52 to 53c. Eggs -
Toronto, June 24. -Man. Wheat- Selected, 52c; No. 1 stock, 48c; No.
No. 1 Northern, $2,241/4; No. 2 2 stock, 44 to 45c. Potatoes -Per bag,
Northern, $2.211/2; No. 3 Northern, car lots, $1.50. Dressed hogs-Abat-
$2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%, le store ton' killed, $30 to $30.50. Lard -Pure,
Fort William. wood pails, 20 lbs. net, 38c.
Manitoba oats -No. 2 CW, 79e;
No. 3 CW, 7714c; extra No. 1 feed, Live Stock Markets.
77,4.c, No. 1 feed, t61/ec; No. 2 feed,
71%c, in, store Fort William. Toronto, June 24. -Heavy steers,
Manitoba barley -No. 3 cw,---$13.75 to $14; choice butchens' steers,
$1.32%c; No. 4 CW, $1.30%c;
jected, $1.23 % c ; feed, $1.28'4c, in choice, $13 to $13.50; do, good., $12 to
store Fort William. $12.50; do, med., $11.25 to $11.50; do,
American corn -Nominal. dom., $9.50 to ' $10; bulls, choice, $11
to $11.50; do, med., $10.25 to $16.75;
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 77 to
do, rough, $8 to $3.25; butchers'
80c, according to freights outside.
choice, $11.25 to $11.75; do,
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Winter, per "wsl
good, $10.50 to $10.75; do, med., $9 to
car lot, $2.14 to $2.20. No. 2 do, $2.11
to $2.19; No. 3 do, $2.07 to $2.15 f.o. $9.50; do, com,, $7.50 to $8; stockers,
b. shipping points, according to $8,75 to $11.75; feeders, $12.50 to $13;
freights. canners and cutters, $4.50 to $6.25;
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Spring, $2.09 milkers, good to choice, $90 to $150;
do, coin. and med., $65 to $75; spring -
to $2.17; No. 2 do, $2.06 to $2.14; ers $90 to $160; light ewes, $10 to
No. 3 do, $2.02 to $2.10,. f.o.b. ship- $11%
, yearlings, $12.50 to $14. spring
ping points according to freights. lambs, per cwt., $18.50 to $23; spring
Peas -No. 2 nominal. lambs, each, $12 to 315; calves, good
Barley -Malting, 31.28 to $1.32, to choice, $17 to 319; hogs, fed and
nominal. watered, 323,50; do, weighed off cars,
Buckwheat -No. 2 '-ominal. $23.75; do, f.o.b., $22.50.
Rye -No. 2 nominal. • Montreal June 24. -Hogs, choice
Manitoba flour -Government sten- selected,321 per 100 lbs • culls 315•
dard, 311, Toronto. steers, $11 to 313.50; cows, $9 to
Ontario flour -Government sten- $11.50; butcher bulls, best, $10; in-
dard, $10.75, in jute bags, Toronto ferior quality, 37; lambs, 316; milf-
and Montreal, prompt shipment. fed calves $8 to 311; sheep, $3 to 312.
Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mon-
treal freights, bags included, Bran,
342 per ton; shorts, $44 per tor good
feed flour, 32.80 to $2.90 per bag.
Hay -No. 1, 332 to $35 per ton;
mixed, 322 to $24 per ton, track, To-
Straw -Car lots, 310 to $11 per
ton, track, Toronto.
Country Produce -Wholesale.
Eggs -new laid, cases returnable,
35 to 36e. Butter -Creamery, solids,
49 to 50c; do, prints, 491/2 to 501/2c.
Live Poultry -Buying price delivered,
Toronto: Hens, 4ee" lbs., live weight,
80c to OOc; dressed, 30e to OOc; hens,
4Me lbs. and over, live weight, 33 to
OOc; dressed 33 to 00c; spring chick-
ens, live weight 45 to OOc; dressed 50
to OOc; roosters, live weight 28 to OOc,
dressed 25 to OOc; ducklings, live
weight 35 to OOc, dressed 38 to 00c;
turkeys, live weight 30 to 00e; dress-
ed 85 to 00c. Honey -Bulk, clover,
25 to 26e per pound; do, buckwheat,
20 to 21c.
Smoked Meats -Rolls, 34 to 35c;
hams, med. 43 to 45c; heavy, 33 to
35c; cooked' hams, 60 to 63c; back's,
plain, 48 to 49c; backs, boneless,55
to 57c; breakfast bacon, 47 to 50c.
Cottage rolls, 36 to 37c.
13arrelled Meats -Pickled pork,
$48; tnees pork, 347,
Green Meats -Out of pickle, lc less
than smoked.
Dry 'Salted Meats -Long clean, in
tons, 281sic; in cases, 29c; clear bel-
lies; 28 to 281/2c; fat backs. 25c,
Lard -Tierces, 3434c to $5c; tubs,
35 to 353/2c; pails, 35't to •36/4..c;
mute, 36 to 310e., Con -mound lerd, nrnnstice, which did not permit of
re_ $13:25 to $13.50; butchers' cattle,
A despatch from St. Pierre eays:-
Recent Government expenditures in
this colony of France are regarded
here as virtually disposing of the
I suggestion that the islands be ceded
to Great Britain and added to the
Newfoundland Dominion. It is an -
Will Be Handed to Gerinany Af-
ter Signing of Peace, Six
Points Are Explained.
Paris, June 22.-A protocol tobe,:
added tothe peace treaty, ekplana-
tory of the six points raised by. the
German,- reads:
"Firstly -A commission will - •
named by the allied and associated ' I
Government to supervise the demoli-
tion of the fortifications of, Beige- • -
land in conformity with. the treaty. •
This commission will be empowered
to decide what part of the conetrues
tions protecting the culla •froM:eproe : •
sion should be preserved, and What
part demolished.
"Secondly -The SUItS
many will have to refund toits eitie
zena to indemnify them forinteeeete,.-Se
they may be found to haveein the
railroads and mines, referred.•'eo•-in ,
paragraph two, article 1.56'' shallbe
placed to the credit of Germany .on •••
account of the sums due for repara-
The p,rotocel refers to German pri-
vate intereste, in railroads and mines;.
in Shentung as distinet from German
ante interests.
"Thirdly --A lief of the persons
whom Germany must surrender to
the powers will be sent to the Ger-
Men Governments. during the month,
following the putting into force of
the treaty.
"Fourthly -The commission on rep-
arations, provided for by Article 240
and paragraphs two, three and four of
annex four, cannot exact divulgence
of secrets of .manufacture. or .confie
dential inormation.
"Fifthly -From the signature of
peace, and Iti the four months •fellewe
ing, Germany will have an opportun-
ity of presenting for the exarneinafon
of powers documents and propositions
with a view to hastening the work
relating to reparations, thus shorten-
ing the investigation and leisteuing
"Sixthly-Proseeutioas will be ex-
ercised against those committing
criminal acts in connection with the
liquidation of German property, and
the powers will receive any informa-
tion .and proofs that the German Gov-
ernment shall be in a position to
supply on this subject.
nouneed that several million francs
will be spent in the developriaent 'of4,417ANy VL TRANS
St. Pierre, the 'centre of France's! '
Ilantc. A contract had been placed TO BE FARMERS
fishing industry in the Western At-
I with a New York company for the
! construction of a Iarge refrigerating
i plant here, and Work has already he- • 12,59-I Get Qualification Certifi-
I gun: A powerful wireless station is
' also being installed by the Govern- cates For Land Settlement.
ment. 'A despatch from Ottawa says: -
Mr. W. J. Black, chairman of the Sol-
dier Settlement Board has returned
A despatch from Paris says: -Ger-
man figures on the number of French
prisoners held in Germany were found
to be incorrect, Leon Abrami, Under-
Secretary in the Ministry of War,
announced in the Chamber on Thurs-
day. More than 00,000 French. pris-
oners in excess of the German figures
were found in Germany.
Opened Seacocks and All Big Ships, the Battleships and Battle -
Cruisers, Excepting the Baden, Went to Bottom
Flying German Flag at Masthead.
London, June 22. -The German of-
ficers and sailors forming the com-
plements of the German ships.
interned at Scapa. Flow sank most of
their fleet to -day. All the big ships,
the battleships and battle cruisers, ex-
cepting the Baden, and numerous
smaller craft were sunk, while others
went ashore in a half -sunken condi-
Eighteen destroyers were beached
by tugs, four still aro afloat, while
the remainder went under.
The wholesale sinking of the Ger-
man ships, which came to Scapa Flow
to surrender snider tl.e terms of the
armistice, was carefully arranged by'
the officers and crews, All explosives
had been removed, and therefore the t
only means of destroying tho fleet e
was by opening the seacocks, The
ships went slowly down, with the t
Gentian flag, which the crews had t
hoisted, showing, at the mastheads. o
The crews, composed entirely of b
Germans, under the terms of the
upon, a few casualtiee resulting.
This stroke apparently was an en-
tire surprise, -and the first news
reached London through a correspon-
dent who was informed by farmers
in the neighborhood that they had
seen the German ships sinking, with
their flags aloft.
Asimiral Cyprian Bridge re-
tired, fernier director of the Intelli-
gence Department, interviewed by
the Weekly Dispatch with regard to
the sinking, said:
"It is a breach of the armistice)
and therefore, almost tantamount •to
a new act of war, but at. this junc-
ture it appea-rs to mean that the
Germans intend +e sign the .peace
reaty. It lookoviith a n10.6 6tert-
el in Berlin."
Commander leenworthy, M,P.,
.old the Despatc1 he did not think
he sinkings Were carried, out :ley 8
rder of the German Government,
ut were engineered by few hot-
ieade sick of existence at Selene Flow- t
"The Adeniraitse!'er the Admiral in.
harge," he sairlietinnet' bo binnead,
• •
from a visit of inspection to the Wes-
tern Provinces, Speaking to the press,
he stated that he found intense in-
eterest being taken in land settlement
by returned soldiers:
Already throughout the Dominion
there 110e been 17,100 applications.
for qualification certificates, and of
these 12,504 have been passed as
qualified to participate in the bone -
fits of the Act.
"The heaviest rush of applicants
is in the Western Provineee," said
Mr. Black. "In one day alone,
1,035 returned men visited the Ed -
and the usual run at present there
is from 700 to 800 men a day. The
organization of the Board is being
heavily taxed to provide the required
service to meet this situation,"
The majority of those settled to
date, according to Mr. Black, are
farmers' sons, or men from the Old
Lard. who have worked on farms in
this country.
"I had the opportunity," said Mr.
Black, "of meeting a few of those,
who have already been settled. They
expressed the greatest satisfaction
with the treatnient reeeived,"
A despatch from Londtinsaytt.
sess-.e „ems,:
Itels.announeed that th: plant-. breed-.
neiction of the University of
Cambridge, which is closely associat-
d with the Board of Agriculture, has
uceeeded in producing two ,new vier-
eties of wheat, styled Forman and
Them were ;distributed to fareeere
nd it is reported that the result ha*
en to trebia the average yield, One
crop ii.".i.Othiteri. Leshels pen' ace,
Millin and baking trials have
hown that while the Yeoman 'variety
s not equal to the famous Red Fife
from the viewpoint of milling quell,.
les, yet it Is sufficiently strong "Ot
produce a good quality loaf Without'
the addition of imported wheat,
It is not known that the reserve,-
dons are beyond a declinatiee to a.1- !I-. 11,,PrIol!,4.
erees, 31% c; tubs, 821,.; c; :oils, I Pe: guaeds aboard, look to the L.
eetsegen to set- Rather, the Arminde° 'Commission
.i_,ec; erints, 33ckat:a when tho th - e 1s
tie.. While making for ,he shire the is lo 1,,; censured for not putting
hos ta were challenge! end e:1:: i 1717.':':' ill erzeit aboard. But we are
To- • • • . ' •-• - • ''') . ' - ''. •re u0:I ' to .aerrentlee, Ss re 7 ' . r'd rf .the. ships,' whloh were
.. • . i. R.1 :„.1: Juts ••- -, .
mil tbe gtfilt of Gerinany in star';iets
the war and to give up 'Cie
Emperor for trial,
I ) ' inered the cem. mons -V
When snaking a cornflour mould.
mix the cornflour With wator insteall
of intik, It will turn out; better ea
also look nicer,