HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-27, Page 4Sunshine FURNACE easy to manage; a furnace that is economical of fuel; a > .mace that will heat 'your hone comfortably. IThis is the proposition we offer in the Sunshine. McClary's heating experts will plan a heating sys- tem for you without charge ---a heating system that they guarantee will heat your ,,home comfortably: If you want' to be sure of COMFORT; if you want a durable, honestly built furnace, well installed, put the problem , up to us. 9 Asksabout'the LITTLE DRAFT MAN that turns on the drafts .and:regulates them automatically. '§'Kiri. 4u• THE HERALD Issued Thursday afternoons from the IHE HERALD PRINTING CO. Warms of subsciiptior( ;',1.25 per year hi advance; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. U, S. ilubscrinti- ons $1.75 strictly ir+ advance. No paper discontinued santil all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN'.1 RATES Effective after Jan let, 1919. 1 Display Advertising -Made known [on application. Stray Animals—One insei'tion.50c three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 6Oc. each insertion foe one month ;of four insertions, 25c. for each (subsequent insertion. Miscella-2('01.19 articles of not more than five Hies, For Sale., To Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 23a. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e., Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a' !lin e. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-1 tidn $1.50 for two insertions V moderate s' -e. Professiona Cards not exceeding, x inch, $6 per year. Address all communications to I HERALD PRINTING CO. 15:1'SLru°11M'^i ✓ ..4 t•h-h'kc..�6, FOR SALE BY MELICK & BRAUN ZURICH D TIFMAN DASHWOOD sna 44.4 M. DA.31r$ W OOD DASHWOOD HALF-HOLIDAl We. the undersigned businessil Men of Dashwood agree to close our respective places of business every Thursday afternoon from .12 o'clock woon till the following morning, commencing June 36th, and ending August 28th except when a holiday comes the preceed- ng day then the Business places will be open ion Thursday Phillip Fassold Mrs. Wolfe Alex. (Zimmer Jno. Kraft Edward Nadiger P. McIeaac E. F, Kraft Thos. Klumpp Louis Adams Ed. Weltiin Miss L. Hartleib • Caxi. Bank of Com. F S.Kent,mgr. Reid, Edighoffer & Son Hartman Elsie Daviel Tiernan;. Mrs. J. Kellerman is vistiing fri- ends in Whitby this week. Mr. Wilber Ehlers of Detroit' spent a few days with his parents M:;ss !til erne Neeb has returned from a v:;sit in Pontiac. (Messrs. Herb and Solomon Miller have returned to Toronto after visiting with their miotheir, Mrs. Earl Neeb and Miss Della Neeb !left for Pontiac on Monday on Monda3; 1 Mr, and Mrs. Ed. -G. Kraft spent' Sunday in London. Mr. Raymond Ca':llas is in Lon- ZURICH, ONTARIO, i don this weer,: having an operation 'ONa°-ans,k.. ,:e. ,^^-�- performed. The idea which some business! ! Miss Ida Wambold of London is men have hi regard to advertising visiting in town. is vcry nicely i.lustratei by Josiah The continued spell of dry Green's declaration in regard to weather is telling on our gardens taking medicine. Josiah was rap- as well as on the (surrounding] Idly losing his health and vigor farms which ars ala more or less and was told by a f;'iend that sandy. Flank's non piles would build hint Rev. and Mrs• Yager visited fr-i up again. He replied, •'Ves that's ends in Stratford last week. dust what my wife told me, and I Mr. and ilirs. J. Allan, 11Irs. Eng - took one of them p:1 s, but it didn't lish and Mr. H. Howard spent Sat- ido m< any good," urday last in town visiting Mr. and TO CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Howard. During June, July and August ' The Strawberry festival held nn the Herald will go to press Wed- Tuesday evening of last week was meads: afternnon, • _ ll news a successful affair, socially and copy must ben by Tuesday night. Lnancially. The program reed- __ _— -- ered by London, Crediton and home talent was exceptionally go od and mer.ted the encores given. The proceeds amounted to $165. The bean contest was a spirited side issue, two prizes were offered for the nearest and second ee.irest guesses, an auto horn for first and a cushion top for second. Mr. G. S. Howard had the nearest guess Wog two beans out and Mr. R. Allan of Blake second being seven HAVE ROSY CHEEKS AND FEEL fRESH AS A DAISY --'TRY THIS! Says glass of hot wafer -with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons., beans out. To see the tinge of health bloom' An exciting game of basebale in your face, to see your skin get was plyaed on the local diamond clearer and clearer, to wake up with-' on Monday evening when 'Exeter out a headache, backache; coatedfen,1c, over. to play the returned tongue or a nasty breath, in fact to one• The s^are stool 18 to 10 Teel your best, day in and clay out, just g try inside -bathing every morning. for in favor of Exeter. one week. i Our picnic to Grind Bend on Before breakfast each -day - drink a Friday was a decided success,The :glass of real hot water with a teaspoon. section turned out well, The Sul of limestone phosphate in it assports were good and were keenly harmless means of washing from thee s p stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the contested. Great praise is due to previous day's indigestible waste; the ladies for the full baskets of sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing,' eats .me tables fairly groaned sweetening, and purifying . the entire under the bt ran alimentary canal before putting more fir, H England en .sexed his barn food into the stomach. The -action of li.ot .water and limestone' phosphate on. or: Monday evening, when earn-+ inn empty stomach is wonderfully in- pleted it will be one of the finest vigorating. It cleans out all tie sour buildings in town. fermentations, gases and acidity and hl , S B. Struthers, Agricultural fast, gives one a splendid appetite for break-, Mr of Ifuren, visited A quarter' pound of limestone (;hos town on Monday evening to arr- iihato will cost very little at the drug tinge the prize Jist for the fall store but is sufficient to demonstrate fail`. Some, seventy entrees were that just as soap and hot water listed, .and liberal prizes, are to h� cleanses, sweetens and freshens the Skin, so hot water and limestone phos- givcfl. He alga inspe-ted one ,hate act on the blood and internal or- School p;aseden and pronounced ii. ggais, ,Those who are subiect to con- the best 'in T-Itiroe County, where letipation, bilious attacks, acid stonyach, do,'na of then( are on exhibition.- heumatie twinges, also those whose : Thio teachers ti :ls and sectio.( ldn is sallow arnd compiexron pallid, ! , p p reassured that o week. of inside; at large are justly proud'of tilts n,� jbathing will leave them both looking � beauty spot, end feeling better in everrWay. r: SeVeral of our tovti laddieS are ;.r 044t, Prk cariprng at ian en w and no doubt are having a 'time" Mr. Ed. Kraft has begun the foundation work of his new learn which he is putting up. Mrs, T. Johnston of Drysdale sp- .e.nt a few days of this week vis- iting her ailing sister Mrs. G. Kel- lerman. Several of our carpenters are helping to complete the monster hall at Grand Band. •Something should be done • to, lay the dust on Main Street. Sp- rinkling would be good, oiling better, and .slow driving by autisis best. Some go through town at terrific speed eves( in spite of the. notices. BLAKE The regular meeting of the Blake Wlomens' Institute was held at the home of Mrs. R. Johnston on June 10th. There was a good at- tendance, after- the usual business was transacted and roll call, Miss Jessie Tough gave a very inter- estiing paper on "Chats with the Girls. After which a short pr- ogram was given and much en- joyed by those present. The Summer meeting of the Blake branch will be held at the home of Mrs. A. J, McDonald Jon June 30th being at 2.30 in the af- ternoon. Miss B. Gilho'anlof Bright will address the meeting. All ladies are cordially invited to.j a. tclnd. 11ir. and Mrs. Wm, Lehman of M'ch. spirit a few days at the home 01 lvlt . an 7nnfa Quite a number from this vic- inity attended the entertainment en Zurich. Friday last. Corp, Norman Johnston who sp- cant a few weeks with his parents, and friends, after returning from overseas, left last Thursday for his home in the Peace River clis- trict ; CREDTTON Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Baker and family of Toronto are, visiting fri- ends and relath es here. Our streets will be of:ed again this summer. John H. Ganser has lean for Lar- der Lake on a mining expeiition. Jas. Watt and Wm. Flynn, of Flora, recently visited the farm of Oestrei,cher Bros., . tol ook over their thorobred stock. Senator and Mrs. Ratz of New Hamburg and Mrs, (Rev.) Mc-( Donald of Kintore recently visit- ed at the home of Mrs. C. Zwicker. URGE !FA D1EN3 1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP; CAMiERON—TALBOT NUPTIALS •A very pretty lawn wedding was, solemnized on Wednesday June 18 at Fairview Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs, W., H. Talbot, .SaubI' Line, Stanley., when their eldest cla ughter, Verde Alver•.etta was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Willean M. .Cameron of Seaforth, Precisely at twelve o'clock to the, strains- of the wedding march played by Miss Mabel Cameron, sister of the groom, the bride lean- ing on the arni of her father, loin - ed the groom under an arch of evergreens and orange blossoms, and they were united in marriage by Rev Anderson of Bayfield. The bride was daintily gowned in Ivory Satin trimmed -with Geo- rgette crepe and seed pearls with. Bridal Veil embroidered with silk and crowned with Orange blossoms and carried a' shower bouquet of roses and fern! After congratulations the guests which numbered about forty par- took of a dainty wedding dinner after which the happy couple left amid showers of good wishes and confetti for Toronto, Niagara Falls, and other points, the bride travel- ling in a suit of Alice Blue Tafetta and white hat. The bride was the recipient of many beautiful and costly gifts; The groom's gift to the bride was a halndsoine bar pin set with pearls The Methodist people of Varna are re-pa.periing and otherwise fixing up their church. To raise the necessary funds for this, they held a Lawn Social la.st Wednes- day evening which proved to be, a great success. The weather was ideal, and the entertainment given by the Kiltie Band of Clinton and the supper served by the ladies, was sill that could be deserved, The proceeds ammounted to $200. Mrs. M rgaret Brratt who has: spent the past two years in Deac- oness week at Vancouver B. C. returned home last weak and will spend some. time here before ret- urning to her work. Goshen ,Sunday School held its annual pi. sic to Bayfield last Th- ursday aft>ilnoon•. The day wask Lune and an enjoyable time was .spent by all., Mr. L. H. Wilkin of Clinton has joined. the staff of the Molsons Bank. The Exeter continuation school has been convetred into a High School by the county council. E. M. Gardiner has moved . into the W. Schroeder house which he has purchased. Two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Luxton of Exeter were married on Weduesday. of last week, The eldest daughter, Miss Margaret A„ became the bride of Mr. Charles Oscar Menalas of Luc - en, the marriage taking place in London The youngest daughter Miss Ednaa P., became the bride of Mr. James McCutcheon Irving of Grenfell, Sask., the ceremony, taking place at Winnipeg. COUNTY NEWS Bayfield has organized a base- ball club, Dr, Rogers, Brueef.eld, has bou- ght the practice of a Forest doctor and has left to take up his new practice. • Ed, Weston has purchased the Commercial Hotel, Bayfield, from H. Darrow and gets immediate; possession. He will conduct a :summer hotel The fall sittings of the Supreme 1Court for this county are announ- : ced as follows; Jury, Sept. 16th, Don't Stay Gray! Here's Chief Justice Falconbridge; non - Old -time Recipe that Any- jury, Nov, 11t1i, Chief Justice biul- oClt, body can Apply. I Mss; Mary I. Tom' daughter of Inspector Torn, Goderieh, and a The use of Sage and Sulphur for re- student of Trinity College, Toron- storing faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back to grandmother's to, 'von the Governot-General's sil time. She used it to keep her hair ver modal for the best degree;and beautifully dark, glossy and attrac- tive. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, medal fog the leadership of S.i this simple mixture was applied with Hilda's College. wonderful effect. But brewing at home is mussy and t.A. quiet but pretty wedding took out-of-date, Nowadays, by asking at place at the home of Mrs. Joseph any drug store for a bottle of "Wyeth's L, Foster of the 1st, Concession of Sage and Sulphur Compound,' you will get this famous old preparation, Stanley township, near Bayfield, an Wednesday of last week, when his daughter, Mabel Isabelle, was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Earl F. M. Switzer of Goderich township, a p`rlosperous young lamer. The county levy this year is3 1 -10th mills for general purposes and 1% mills for good roads, or a. total 4 6-10 mills, Last yearde levy was 3 3-10 mills for general purposes and a 111111 for good ro- ads a(nc1,a milt for the Provincial war tax, or a total of 5 3-10 mills This year's rate is thus.. 7-10 of a mill leas than aeti year, improved by the addition of other in- gredients, which can be depended up- on to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time, By morning the gray hair disappears, and after am other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy, Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Northern E ower and.L �, ,11,16t Fully automatic. Not even a button to Reasons press why you should have an electric, light system' THERE IS NO SMELL. 1. • l THERE IS NO SMOKE THERE = IS • NO DIRT THERE IS NO OII. THERE IS NO CLEANING The most complete ALL SIZES Agent THERE IS THERE IS THERE IS THERE I•S THERE IS THERE IS NO OIL FILLING', NO MATCHES NO 1JPSET'T ING NO FIRE NO EXPLOSION NO WORRY line of plant s oin the market to -day: ALL TYPES' H. a Hess Zurich, Don't neglect your barn, which is the most impor-. tant building on the piace, Of course you use paint on your house and out -buildings, and for the same reason you should use paint on your barn. Paint is not only meant to make buildings look better but its most important use is on account of the protection it affords against the attacks of the weather, A well painted barn will keep in good repair for a century while an unpainted, neglected building will go to pieces in a quarter of that time. Come and see us today about special barn. paints, STARE & WE1D aril._A H. Spe Greatest Program, in is estern Ontario Aeroplane Rights Horse Races Demonstration by 22,25 TROT War 2,10 „ Veterans, OR PACE, PURSE Concerts $350.' $300e 5103,. BY BAND OF THE 33rd REGT,. aseball=Zurich Highland Dancing WINNERS OF CLINTON TOURN- AMENT, vs, Goderich WINNER'S OF BLYTH COMPETIT ION. CONCLUDIN ( WITH A GRAND F EVEN Something Doi COME AND HAVE THE TIME OP GOLDS MAYOR WIGLE, W. LAN Chairman, Treas. Baby Show Floral Parade,. etc. IRE W ORKS ING nc all DISPLAY IN THE. daylong. YOUR LIFE AT "Ht?ORNf i N GATE E, T. PRITCHA..1 , ( Seroy