HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-27, Page 3THE GARDEN OF EDEN TODAY THE FIRST IRRIGATED AREA 'IN THE WORLD. gritiph Government is Establishinj a Wonderful Irrigation Plant Similar to the Egyptian Enterprise. "And the Lord God planted a garden to the eastward of Eden. Anil a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and it was parted into four heads."--- 0enesis, Sir William 1Villc:acks, who, in be- half of the British Government, had had charge of the wonderful irrigation works in Egypt, was assigned not long ago to the duty of planning a similar large-scale enterprise for the restora- tion of ancient Babylonia to its for- mer agricultural productiveness. Thus it happened that he located, to the reasonable satisfaction of arch- eologists, the veritable site of the Gar- den of Eden. For reasons wholly practical, he thought that the best way to begin. Starting from the spot where Jewish tradition placed the Gates of Paradise —the word paradise meaning "gar- den"—he followed the trades of the four streams mentioned in Genesis, which as herein named, were the Pison, the Bihon,, the Hiddekel and the Euphrates. The Euphrates (known by that name to -day) flowed through the great city of Babylon. The Gihon is now called the I-iinciia. The I-ilddekel is the mod- ern Sakhlawia, which flows into the Tigris at Bagdad. The Pison has gone dry, but is represented by many -arm- ed ehsnnels "encompassing the whole land of liavilah" (see Genesis), which' lay between Egypt and Assyria. Restor!?s Former Paradise. The Euphrates enters its delta a few miles below Hit, there leaving the desert and debouching into -a vast al- luvial plain. In this departure it has a considerable fall, with a number of cataracts, and along a narrow valley giant water -wheels lift water to irri- gate the Tend on both sides of the stream. The entrance to this valley (accord- ing to Jewish tradition) was the gate of the Paradise in which Adam and Eve dwelt, and from which they were expelled for disobeying a divine com- mand. There the traveler first meets the date .palm, which is a "tree. of life" (see Genesis) to the whole Arab world. Along the valley garden succeeds garden. It is to -day a veritable para- dise, orchards and date groves check- ered with fields of cotton. The cli- mate is everlasting summer, so that three or four crops a year may be grown, Anciently the cataracts were much higher, and water -wheels were un- neeessary, the water being led off by ditches. The Garden of Eden, indeed, gains interest from the fact that it seems to have been the first irrigated area in the world. FINE OLD PLATE IN BRITAIN. Antiquaries Dig Up Fourth Century Collection at Whittinghame. A search which Society of Antiquar- ies of Scotland have been conducting for some time on Traprain Ale, an iso- lated hill, which forms a part of Arthur J. I3alfour's Whittinghame es- tate, resulted in one of the must re- markable archaeological discoveries ever made in Britain. The excavators came upon a pit two feet deep and two feet wide filled to the brim with fragments of metal ves- sels. An examination has shown that these relics, although in a broken con- dition, form a rich collection of fourth century silverplate, Two tiny coins give the date. Orie was struck by Valens, who was Emperor of the East from 364 to 378, and the other by one of his successors; probably Gratian or iloonorius. The vessels found have decorations of striking beauty. On the surface of ono embossed cup is a representation of the Fail of Man, and figures of Adam and Eve being shown standing by a fruit -laden tree with a huge ser pent twined around the trunit. The same oup bears a representation of the Magi, and on• another is depicted the miraculous draught of fishes. More than one example of the Chi Rho monogralu al'e among the inscrip- tions. "What was the result of the flood?" asked the Sunday school teacher. "Mud," replied the bright youngster. Old pieces of velveteen nlaliwe sklendi 1 polishingjtrtllso fern,- lure, silvdi' or plat articles. Chinese keep eggs fresh for ship- ping long distances by coating them. with a paste made of sea salt, vege- table ashes and water. RrlaSY CHEEKS AND GOOD HEALTH Come Through Keeping the Blood in a. Rich, Red and Pure Condition. When a girl—or a woman --finds her color fading, when her cheeks and lips grow pale, and she gets short of breath easily and her heart palpitates after the slightest exertion, or under the leiist excitement, it means that she is suffering from anaemia ---thin, watery blood. Headache and back- ache frequently accompany this condi- tion, and nervousness is often present. The remedy for this condition is to build up the blood, and for this pur- pose there is no medicine that can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They build up and renew the blood, bring brightness to the eyes, color to the cheeks, and a general feeling of re- newed health and energy. The only other treatment needed is plenty of sunlight, moderate exercise and good, plain food. The girl or woman who gives this treatment a fair trial will soon finch herself enjoying perfect health. Mrs. Hiram Shook, R.R. No. 1, Lyndhurst, says :--"I cannot speak too Highly of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, for I believed they saved my daugh- ter's life. She was in a terribly run down condition, pale, wan, and des- pondent, and people who saw her con- sidered her in a decline. The doctor who treated her did not help her any, and then I decided to give her Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. This decision proved a wise one, for before six boxes were used she was much better. I got six more boxes, and before they were gone she was in the best of health. When she began the use of the pills she weighed only 90 pounds, and under their use her weight increased to 127 pounds. I strongly urge all mothers of weak girls to give them Dr. Wil- liam's Pink Pills. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail post paid at 50c. a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Bits About Bees. The price of honey has made many of us think more of bees. And, as hardly anything is more interesting than the "busy bee," here is a little news about him -rand her. In a hive there are three kinds of bees—drones, workers, and the queen boo, Drones, alas" are the male bees. They are stingless—thanks for that! —and unlike other bees, have no pol- len baskets—the fringe of stiff leg bristles on which pollen is conveyed to the hive. The eeueen bee is the only fully -de- veloped female bee in the have. Only she, with her series of productive or- gans, Can perpetuate the bee race, IKi11 all the queens, and there will be do bees and no honey. The queen bee will lay from two to three thousand eggs daily in the sea- son. She is the mother of all the other inmates in the hive, and can lay eggs to produce either drones or workers—as the fancy takes her. The queen bee heads the bees when they issue to swarm. ,This takes place when the queen cell is capped; but should the weather be unsuitable the bees tear down the queen cells, and wait. There's more in bees than their sting! • Luxuries of Modern Johnny handed the following note from his mother to the teacher one morning: Dere Teacher. You keep tellin' my boy to brethe with his diafram. May- be rich children has got diaframs, but how about when there father only makes one dollar and fifty cents a day and has got five children to keep? First, it's one t11i Ig, then it's another, and now it's diaframs. That's the worst yet. The a reel? i j1' Fashion3 8656—Isn't this just one of the simplest and most effective child's. models you have seen? And the fullness may be smocked instead of tacked, by using McCall Transfer Pattern 690, blue or yellow, price 10 cents. The dress is cut from McCall Pattern 8656-5 sizes -6 months to 6 years, price 15 cents. The bit of embroidery is taken from McCall Transfer Pattern 884, blue or yellow, price 15 cents. 8649—This house dress may be de- veloped from plain and figured per- cale; the pockets are roomy enough for one's bunch of. keys. Medium size requires 41.3 yards of 36 -inch material and 1 yard of contrasting material. McCall Pattern 8649-8 sizes -34 to 44 inch bust measure, price 25c. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St;, Toronto, Dept. W. Compliment to Canadians. A Belgian Salvation army worker whose letter appeared in the New York Herald Magazine for May 4th, in describing the withdrawal of the German army from Belgium, refers to the Canadians as well-equipped, well mounted soldiers, who were kind, quiet and gentlemanly men." A Motto. Over the choir loft of an old church in Nova Scotia hangs a yellowed mot- to which reads: "See that what thou singest with thy lips thou clost believe in thine heart, and that what thou believest in thine heart thou dost show forth in thy works" --Tenth Decree of the Fourth Council of Carthage, A.D. 398. Chi1i.iren Can Dri .k as many cupfuls 'of s they like. There's no h,o,rm- in os to . ndrugs to hurt them pint no after-" sJ� there's a 1C)eason KEEP CHILDREN HEALTHY To keep children healthy the bowels must be kept regular and the stomach sweet, Nine -tenths of the ailments which afflict l„ttle ones are caused by derangements ' of the bowels and stomach. No other medicine can. equal Baby's, Own Tablets in guarding either the baby or growing child from the Ills that follow a disordered condition of the bowels or stomach, . They are a mild but thorough laxative and never fail to give results, Concerning them Mrs. W. 13. Coolledge, Sarnia, Ont., says: "1 have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for over three years and have found there the best medicine I have ever used for my children. I never have any trouble giving them to my little ones and they have saved inc many a doctor's bill. hly advice to all mothers of little ones is to keep a box of the Tablets in the house," The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams'' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. RECORD OF FRENCH FAMILY. Thirteen Sons killed in War and 'Others Suffered Injuries. Thirteen sons killed on the field of battle, three discharged with grave injuries, one wounded four different times, the father and one daughter summarily shot by the Germans for going to Lille to celebrate the centen- nial anniversary of a relative, and an- other daughter killed by a German shell at Dunkirk, is the record of the faintly of M. Vanhee, a French farmer of Reminghe, near Ypres. M. Vanhee had thirty-six childlren, twenty-two sons and fourteen daugh- ters, all of whom were living when the war broke out. One of his sons was valet to Pope Pius X„ he re- turned to France to fight and was wounded in each of four different en- gagemonts. One of the sons lost both legs, another returned from the front blind and deaf, and another underwent the trepanning operation. QIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKiN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness: Your grocer has the lemons and any drub„ store or toilet counter will supply yon with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juke of two fresh lemons into a bottle, th ti. put in the orchard white and "PiaTi .��;*, well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and complexion beautifier known. Massage this fragrant creamy lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise you. The Higher Learning. The schoolmaster was calling on an indignant mother. "For niy part," babbled the good woman, "I can't deceive what on earth edclification is comin' to! When I was young, if a gal only understood the eltmens of distraction, provision, re- plenishing, an' the common dominator, an' knew all about the rivers an' their obituaries, the currents, an' the dormi- tories, the provinces an' empires, they had eddication enough!" MONEY ORDERS, Send a Dominion Express ''Money Order. They are payable everywhere. Editions and Additions. Private Pigley's people were good to him, but after receiving a pocket service book, a pocket Bible, a pocket album, a pocket French dictionary and a pocket edition of the poets he thought it time to say something. So ho sent his mother a postcard. It read: "Please send no more pocket edi- tions until I get some pocket addi- tions." IlSinard's Liniment used by Physicians, Disappearing Lake. In Georgia, near lladosta, there is a lake which disappears every three or four years and then comes back again, no matter what the weather is like. The lake Is three miles long and three -quarter's of a mile wide, with an average depth of 12 feet of water. There are natural subterranean pas- sages beneath it, through which the water passes off. It takes two or three weeks to dis- appear, when a mammoth basin is left in its place, which furnishes a beautiful sandy beach. After a month or so the Water begins to return, and then in a couple of weeks. it is the same magnificent stretch of water as it was bofore. Equal parts of ammonia and spir- its of turpentine will remove stale paint on a fabric. One man can grow a. large flock of sheep; and grow enough food for winter them in good condition. 1 ,T law seste'k37't !SY,KISICLY, IN BRUCE J dl County.S#rle}l�diii op09rnen ltY. Write Box' T, Wilson rh llehing 00,. Limited.. 73 Adelaide St. '474., Toronto. WXl5J4 XQUJ P1"OO N.Is.WSPA.P.lh and job printing plant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance earrled 31,600. 'Will go for $I,?.00 on quick sale. 130tt 64, ,Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd., Taranto. Vt/SCELLA3$E01) 3. CIANCJSII, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETO.. ,..JJ internal and external, cured with- out pain by pur home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr, Hellman hfedicai Co.. Limited, Cnllingwood, Onb ' • .Excessive, Dorothy: "Auntie, I'rn studying now about the least common multiple." Aunt Miranda: "That's right, rely child. Always go in for whatever is least Common." I was cured of Bronchitis and Asth- ma by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. A. LIVINGSTONE. Lot 5, 1?, E.'I. I was cured of a severe attack of Rheumatism by MINARD'S LINI- MENT. INIMENT. Mahone I3ay. JOHN MADER. I was cured of a severely sprained leg by MINARD'S LINIMENT. JOSHUA A. WYNACHT. Bridgewater. The Lucky Strike. Dentist—You say this tooth has never been worked on before? That's queer for I find small flakes of gold on my instrument. Victim—You have struck collar button, I guess. A delicate graham bread is very nice for invalids. my back THERE IS ONLY ONE GENU1NE ASPIRIN ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them—They Are Not Aspirin At Al!, Your druggist gladly will give you the genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" because genuine Aspirin now is made nadians C'`:.nai- dlbya1lCaCompany. and owned by a There is not a cent's worth of Ger- man interest in Aspirin, all rights be- ieg purchased from the U.S. Govern- ment. During the war. acid imitations were sold as Aspirin in pill boxes and various other container.. But now you can get genuine Aspirin, plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross" —Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache, Earache, Rl:eu- matisnr, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis, and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets. also larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark, registered in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of i\lonoacctic-acidester of S:tlicylicacid. �• wan.eatwe,..�a.sw,r4,.++�+�s+�.,or.:•.., A Cnre for.Ph es "You don't need mercury,potasia or any other strong mineral to cure pimples caused by poor blood. Take Extract of Roots— ( } druggist calls it "Walter Seiglel's Curative S3rnp—and your skin ( will clear tip as fresh as a baby's. Itivillaw r.a+rh.d relate your byowuels, stomacGet thanen gegunome. 50c.and$I.O0Bottles. At drug stores. 5 PQVT.TIt,r ill? t4'r,'.F.p " ] iIA7: liAvli YOB. lr"qR isalaail zl,'1' fP v Live Poultry, :E'ancy liens Pigeons. nggge, etg,f write 1. WPeiaraucir Jr Son, 10-i8 St, Jean Baptiste ..Market, Mont. real. Que. y9COME 73,1,11XATOLIGIBI VETE FOR .OUR FREE ,BOOB O2' House Plans, and information tell- ing hew to save from Two to Pour IIur�. dred Dollars orr;your new Horne. Ad- dress Halliday Company, 23 Jaelcsorr W.. Hamilton. Ont, STLTJ>CT r. iZri4S. BELL'S LIMITED, GRIMSBY . NAVE some choice' fruit farms in the Nia- gara Peninsula; our policy is, first, to see that our ".client gets the right place. then we give him expert instruction on working the farm, •or if desired we work it tot him with our tractor outfits; our last. wec.lc's bargain. ten acres as adver- tised, .hays been sold. The specials for this Werk are: - 11 -0 T1"TY-TWO ACRE'S—HALF' FRUIT, fullbearing; brick house, bath, fur- nace, electric light; workman's cottage, good barn. drive house, implement shed, etc.; price twenty-four thousand. eight thousand cash. rn EN 1 C rt l: S—ALL PL.tNTED; .H. young trees, choice sand land; no buildings: price forty-three hundred. thirteen hundred cash. PriWi^NTY-EIn1iT ACRES --ON HIGH- WAY and trolley line, planted to 4 fruit in full bearing: good frame house and barn: price fifteen thousand, cash ai sty -live hundred, � 71t1TI. C)It PHONE, BELL'S LIMIT - 131>, Grimsby, When a raincoat is too badly worn to be used, but partially good, the back can be cut into an apron to wear under another apron when washing. Niinard's niniment 3,umbarman's E'riend. Put three tablespoonfuls turpen- tine in three quarts of water and sponge the carpets after sweeping, to prevent moths. THE POLICE FORCE OF THE BODY DAY and night—without ceasing—a struggle is going on in your body be- tween the germs of disease and -the white blood cor- puscles—the police force of the human body. If this police force weakens, disease germs gain a foot- hold—sickness follows. Constipation is the most common and dangerous way of corrupting the human police force. rood waste remains too long in the in- testines—decays—poisons the blood —and opens the way for attack by the germs that cause tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia and a mul- titude of other ills. The culpable habit of using salts, pills, mineral waters, castor oil, etc., to force the bowels to move, makes this condition even worse,. as constipation returns almost im- mediately. Nujol is entirely different from drugs as it docs not force or irritate the bowels. Nujol prevents stagnation by soft- ening oftening the food waste and encour- aging the intestinal muscles to act; naturally, thus removing the cause of constipation and :.elf -poisoning. It is absolutely harmless and pleasant. ' Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evacuation at reg- ular intervals --the healthiest habit in the world. Get bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and keep your police force on the job. C a�'1+1a'i2' :