HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-27, Page 1i ZURICH Vol. XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNt aG$ JUNE 27, 1919. • . #—+--+—+—+—+—�3+—+—+-4 --+ —+—+——+—+f--+-�+—f—*—+ + 4' 16 Wil1 be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells 'Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc 4 A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH YOUR HARNESS NEEDS • + Neat Tuesday, July 1st, is Dom- inion Day and a public holiday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of neat- Croswell, Mich.,, visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. aind Mrs. John Weida, and other relatives last week. _•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• es•••••••••••••••••••••• • • i• PflEETER' 1.. 4• 1 !-. Midsummer* Specials • 1• • 3 for the month of June. • E4• • • Q� ,• ,WHITE VOILE WAISTS '• 3 At $1.00 3 doz. white Voile waists .• .embrodiers front, trimmed with 41) lace on .collar and cuff, size 34-44 r•, 4 • ,• • waists at $4,00 and $5.00 SPLENDID VALUE In Georgette and crepe du chene 10 • 0 LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS e Made from good quality rep), and pique, two pockets, finished with pearl buttons. a• • 3 • • (4 • •444• • 011 2 • er�• 6+�f • • fi (4 =d11 • r • lhe 0• ,t: uaj .4 316 BETTER QUALITY VOILE , WAISTS AT .3.00 Better quality Voile waists in neat SWias, ethbrodered frants,neat ly trimmed collars and cuffs, siz- es 34 to 42, EXTRA SPECIAL - Value $3.00 � ' WHITE SILK WAISTS lin all sizes, at $2. and $3. each. 1L.ADIES' HOSE Cotton and lisle hose in white, brown and black sizes 8% to 10. SILK ANKLE HOSE IN BLACK' And white colors, sizes 8V to 10. LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Colors in Brown taupe, dark grey, champagne and black, size 0;4 .CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE HOSE Mercerized finish, colors in white black and brown, :sizes 4y, to 81-2. 000000040011000-004004000000 MENS' PANAMA HATS A nice assortment of mens' Paan ams hats in the new styles at a low price. WOMENS' & CHILDS MIDDIES A splendid assortment, of worn - ens' and children middies in plain white aind striped collars long and short sleeves, all sizes. CHILDREN'1S ROMPERS Children's Rompers made from The Zurich baseball- team plays .+dila' Gederich on July lst. fir. W. L. Siebert;'postmaster, i t'.' proud owner of three plieas 0 ant c ieks. M J: Preeter has exchangedf his Gray -Dort for a :Baby +;.+rand Cl1.e''<rolef touring car, imp many friends of Mr. Ed. J. Talbot will be pleased to hear that he is improving in health. Mr- Casper Walper has compl- eted the building of a fine stable on., i s: property in town. Mr.' Alfred Meliek is greatly im- prowling the appearance of his residence with "a coat oi paint. Mr, and Mrs, George Wilhelm of Milverton visited at the homes of their—daughters, Mrs. C. L. Smith, of this village, and Mrs. Henry Schads of .near Dashwood, over Sunday. 1141x.. and Mrs. L. J. Kraft and Mr. aild 'Mrs. Ferd Hess visited atthe home of Mr. sad Mrs. Ernest Rad-' er, Goshen Line south, on Sun- day. Next week is our annual week off and no Herald wilt be issued. Tho office will be open as usual. The week following an extra sheet will be issued with the regular is- ,. sue. • The special council meeting whileh was to be held last Saturday evening, was postponed to the re- gular m=eeting on July 5th, owing to tie illness of the wife of the reet,l, Mr. John Laporte. The streets in our village, esp- • eciail'y round the square, should be ® oile.: `` Other places have found • this 11 best .means of :laying the • d:i st t'$ct acts as a road preservat- 4,' • i c l the sarrfe. time. The cost • aF uulm 'shou'zd. b. borne by * -tlat -biysiitiess men on the square and • the mahey collected by subscript- • i•oln+ • • • • • • • • O • • • • • • • r • • • • • • O 0 • • • • • • • • • A. tin Ur wooden eat, duly paint ed, suspended by a cord and left daingling' in a tree, is said to be. an effecti=ve method of frightening 'birds from cherry trees. Chick- en men use the same device on the ground when they feed their flo,, eks, and sparrows though they like the grain, lkie the imitation cat very much less, tMr. Alvin Surerus, son of Mrs. Gertrude Surerus, Proinson Line., retur.tned home from overseas last Thursday et•ening. He enlisted at Toronto and had been on active service in France for some years. He was in the wireless service and No.51 FIELD SPORTS ZURICH FAIR GROUNDS Friday, June 27th ICommelneink at 6 o'clock, p. m. sharp. The p rogram will consist off, Athletic Sports—Running, Jumping Shot Putting, Girls Races,. Wheel- barrow race, Boxing in barrels, pie eating contest, etc. Also a matched 100 -yd. foot race between Sam. Hey of Blake and M. McDougall, of Godeireh( Township for a $10.00 side bet. See posters for full particulars. C. FRITZ, Manager of Sports. Millinery (HALF PRICE SALE All trimmed hats. Shapes and trimmings reduced to half the original. price. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY M. E Routledge,, Zurich. On Tuesday evening the young ladies of the Sun Beam Cottage meet at the home of Mrs. C. Fritz and presented her daughter, Miss. Pearl Wurtz, with a navy blue silk umbrella. The members of the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church, held their annual election of officers on Mon- day evening June 23rd. resulting as follows. President, Chester L. Smith; Vice Pres., Nelson E. Dahms; Rec. Sec. Olive O'Brien; Librarians, R. Pre- eter, K. Routledge; Cor -Secy., Margaret Lamont, Missionary Sec: Flossie =Hartleih; treas. Vera Sei- bert; Organist, Elva Heyroek; Ass- istant Organist, Ida Routledge, Junior Sup„ Miss L. Faust. Miss Lydia Faust was elected as delegate to the Y. P. A Conventon to be held at St. Jacobs in July. issaawmasmammomisaIncorporated 185w5 -� The MOLSONS . BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Branches is Canada A General Banking Business Transacle& CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Sayings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch W. B. �.OLLES, Manager 14404011111411411110,11111111111111110111111110111111111110111 The World's Watch Over Time Dealer ' im Watches, Clocks, Musical instruments, etc. Repairing Promptly Done Hess the Jeweller Phone 67 tact 1o±us0eeill4I600064f 4 4i f+ 4.4110s60tf We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and wear. See our line of For Men he states that the success of the ( For Ladies Allied armies in the last stage of the war is due to a great extent to the work of the listening pons. • Mr. Surerus went through it all •- without receiving a scratch and • is enjoying the hest of health. • • Or account of the accident to 13LTTcrt AND EGGS WANTED • 0 •Mi: D. Robinson, Ailsa Craig co- • uld not come to play baseball here Cii • Z last Monday evening. Mr. Robin= FR1 1 • on is one of the ball players and • •shis condition was so serious that The Shoeman the boys decided not to come. He was motoring to Forest on the we t 04 fil**14014 •.00114111.+11014114+ fo. foinsalyttommt•tesssios • to Grand Bend to spend Sunday a • and the ear he was driving and. a.IIIIliIIII11111111111u11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111iiMlllllllnlll 111111i1NIII1111111111111111111,11111111111111111111111M;.IN6•I'IICdlei;;.IIIIIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111UNIIhIIHll111111 gl4I illi1111191111Ntllil • train met on a crossing. Hewes thrown nearly 40 feet and was Fi We have opened our • picked up unconscious. He was = v GOODS * taken to Ailsa Craig and regained n N F,V SP RI N G — • consciousness about midnigh.t,. • The car was totally destroyed by E. fire when the gasoline tank ex- • ploded in the collision. HIGH SHOES 1 summer •a+ All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind good quality print in neat srtiped • pattern, size 2 to 7 years. LITTLE GIRLS' GINGHAMS Little girl's Gingham dresses in brown, grey and navy plaid eff- ect sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW APROONS Busagalo aprons made from ex- tra quality print in striped nat- torns, both light and dark colors. 1 r • 0 0 • .• • • • • • 0 • • • • ,•, 0 .• 41 0 1 •• • • •,,,, • w 0 • �•Phone,59 Produce Wanted • • • • • IS 0 0 114C.:::6::: C W1y // .R Vp // pp C ny 3 NO B.ERALD NEXT WEEK Mr. Chas. Hartleib was :n Wat- erloo last week and while there purchased a fine residential prop- erty. He will get possession 11 September when he will roee to =: that town With his family. LITNTZ—FOSTER The marriage took place at St. c= lBoniface church, 'Zurich, on Juno 24th, of Mr. Andrew C, Luntz of •NVelles'ey township and Anionette =_ Fester,. of Hay Township. Father A. M. Stroeder performed the cee ernony. ENTRANCE EXAMS The dates for the entrance ex- amilnatoins which have been Lina 1,r decided upon, are latter than las` year's dates. They are to be held on the three days of July 2, 3 ant', 4th, Whereas last y+rar they were ° 40r'hN -lay :J!42440 t0tir in ATA' +G .Nl;a;ll JTZ, We are offering some bargains in Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. L • . DOUGLAS PHONE I1 on 97 BLAKE y if11111!TI1111111 i1111111112ili1NIIIIINI1111111111UII11111111111(1II11111HP111111111)1)1/111 J1111111i111111111111111111!il"MIlil=IllliiIIIII 111111!IUlllllllllllIMI i N1181511111Dt 001111I6111i111F 1111 '