HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-20, Page 5LOCAL MARKETS `Corrected every Thursday,) Butter .40 Eggs...-.... . 40 Dried .Apples .. . • 06 Potatoes per bag ....., ...... 1.25 Wheat .. .2.06-2.11 Buckwheat ... ... ...... ... 1.00 Flour ... 4.56 -C.1a Bran ... ... ...... ... ...... ... 38,00 horts ................. 44.00 Live .Hogs fob Hensall ._. 21.00 ' Zurich Book Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, •BOOKS, 'FANCY AND PLAIN WRITING PAPER NORDIIBIMER PIANOS, 'PRONO LA GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS NEEDLES. VElU3JTAIN !PENS, FANCY TAPER TABLE NAPKINS. )LARGE -SU'PPLY OF SACRED AND -SECULAR 'MUSIC, 'Etc. Book Room in Lutheran Parson a g e Ai•.1.,F.+s4++ 4e*€ *-44.4 -: *F-'•'r4.+t444,:-+.,•++ Zurich =Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats 'Bologna 'Sauna -gel:, etc 12ighest ceash Pelee for Wool CASE IFOR •SRli0S,&. H1DES Turlsiblut &,t De.chert SJR WANTED Create,, Eggs, Butter and Poultry Ii lest Cash Price Paid. POUI.TItY TAKEN EVERY SAT- URDAY 17. O'BRIL Phone 94 Zurich Delaware& Hudson Co.'s LACK -Atl COOL Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery, HENSALL Phone House or tel n ONT, Office—No. 10, COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cou liter Check Books run too low. We sell Appleford's check books, first-class in every respect. Let us have your order. Herald Press, Zurich, Ont EAT LESS AND TAKE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or Bladder bothers you. The'American men and women must guard constantly against Kidney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with nrio acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; Sour back hurts or the urine- is cloudy, full of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times tearing the night; if you suffer with sink Headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stemma, or you have rheumatism when the weather is bad, get from your phar- macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of *water before breakfast for a few days eeed your kidneys will then act fine. liala famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juiee, combined with tilt . eee and has becn'used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys; to neutralize the alids in the urine so it no longer i» a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. *Jed Salts hi inexpeneive; cannot in. jure, makes a delightful effervescent Iithia-water bovere{ e, and belongs in every home, becaeti a nobody can make h mistake by having) g mrd they, flush- 4ng auy time, 1 LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. I. Hudson and fam- ily of Seafoxtli spent a day in our Village last week. For a rare Musical treat- attend the concert at the Town Hall this. Friday ,evening, Mr Philip Bea't'er, of Exeter "is- i'tecl at the home of his son, Mr. Ed. Beaver, last week. Dont forgot' the concert in the PLANT POTATOES NOW Increased Yield Secured by Nli- ing Them. Good Combs Beekeeper's Asset Beet Are Always Produced )During Heavy Honey Flow—Best of Care Should Be Taken of New Combs: Town Hall, Zurich, on i'riday ev- eCowtribu•ted by centerto Department of ening June 20th. Reserved seats Ag-rie•O1teee. Toronto.) 40e, adults 30e. Paan of Hall at X'TENSSfVE experimental wort', lander ordinary conditions, has shown that it is a good pian to use good-sized seed potatoes, and to cut them Into pieces of from one to two ounces T. U, will meet in the Evaegelical. m weight, and having two, three or church next Wednesday evening four eyes in each piece, it is an ex- June 25th, at 8 o'clock. ll:s. B- cellent plan to throw the freshly -cut F. W. Beavers of Exeter will give pieces in finely ground land plaster a suitable address; A. Lcrdial in- vitation n- or gypsum and to plant the sets lin- t() attend,. vitatei . .extended to all ladies mediately after cutting. The best re- turns have been obtained by piantiug Iiensall on Monday, John Useeene the sets in rows about 28 inches of Usborme Township was ole _eerie apart and leaving the sets singly president of the Provincial Assosi- from 12 to 15 inches apart in the ation and Harry Smith, of Hay, rows. in the average of seven years' president of the Federal Associati experimeiits it was found in planting the potatoes one, three, five and on, .Other officers were a, ap seven inches deep that the highest pointed. Delegates were select- average results were obtained from eel for the Provincial and Doniio- planting three inches, and the second Herald Office. firs J„ Ort, of Crediton, speet the+ past week at the home ot her daughter, Mrs. A. Me1.ek of town. The local branch of the W. C. ion conxentions. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS The Canadian Banker's Aasoeiat on have .again annou.iced a com- petition for boys and girls under 17 years to be held in connection with the Zurich Ball Fair. Lib - era, ,Cash ps:4.es are ()flexed b boys and girls who ,exhibit Digs or calf els at the .Zurich Fair.. Those who wish to enter must comply with the ruffles of of the eampedition., coni:s of which a't'.i entry forms can be ob'.a.inei from the. manager of the local branch of the Molsens Bank or frim the Secretary of the Fair, Mr. A. V. Bess. Rtile .6 sta'..es that calves or pigs entered mus: have been born on -err after March 15th, 1619. highest from planting five inches in depth. Under average conditions it is usually wise to plant about four inches but the depth of planting would, of course, depend consider- ably upon the quality and the con- dition of the soil. If the soil is a sandy loam, the denth of planting niay be deeper than in the case of a heavy damp soil. In experiments extending over a period of ten years it has been found that about four bushels per acre in- crease has been obtained from billing the potatoes in comparison with level cultivation.—Dr. C. A. Zavitz, 0. A. College, Guelph. Good Combs the Beekeeper's Asset. An asset to the extracted honey producer is combs, good combs and plenty of combs. It is sometimes a problem to obtain and maintain a Ruda '9.states that exhibi:or, must sufficient stock, especially if the feed rad care for the anim.ils they apiary is being enlarged. Moreover, there are several important problems exhileit at least 6 weeks before the associated. Fundimentally, good Fair, Now children, get b: sy. combs are obtainable only when built on full sheets of wire foundation. Such combs will endure; naturally a built combs will not stand the wear Sale of the Blake Hotel and tear of repeated honey extrac- tion. Beside being weak and likely to break out of the frames, natural_ T'i:cilia' on the Beach. ly drawn combs usually contain 'Special attention -is being paid PlIIperty Under the Powers contained in Certa:itn Indenture of MortgGgee which will be produced at time of Sale, there will be offered for sale by PUBLIC .AUCTION PUBLIC Ai'OLOleY Dashwood, Ont, Julie 9, 1910, To Whozn it May Cunte.r.i; Washing machine and wringer, I hereby make public apology, to good as mew. Will be sold right. Andrew blusher, Charles .Beaver, Apply at Herald Office. and William Rotheerniel for the charget 1 ha.%e made and eir.eule ated against them. I Marl no in- tention whate,'ee al causing harm. to them goo 1 name and character 1917 model Chevrolet tour;ng tax and hereby retract anything thta I ngood running condition and I may have said which may be let- good repair. Apply to 'Herald r:'m.ntai to them. Office for particulars. I s'neer:ay regret my actio.:s. E. G. l raft- • FOR SALE FOR SALE NOTICE TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders w.11 be ieceivecl by the council of the Township of Hay up to 6 oe1ock, Saturiay, June 21st, 1319, for the following work, in the Township. No4. ;Culvert 8 foot span, 16 foot roadway,a wings 6ft. both ,ends, also rail guards, opposite Wm. Consitt, Parr Line, No. 2. :Culvert 8 ft. span, 16 foot roadway, wings 6 ft. bothends also rail guards, Goshen Lind south. No. 3 Culvert 14 ft, span, 14 ft. roadway, wings 8ft. both ends, also rail guards, opposite L. . Kalbileisch, con. 16. No. 4 Culvert 10 ft. span, 14 ft. roadway, wings eft. both ends, also rail guards, opposite lot 23 cot. 4. No. 5 Repairing retaining wail, 2) feet new wall and repairing old wall. on Souble Line, opposite Norman Turnbull. Tenders to be at so much per cubic yard for abutments and win- gs, and at so much per square foot, faee measure, for flooring. Re - enforcement and reline' ma'eriel to be supplied by the Council. All other necessary equipment, and al- so cement, io be supplied by the contractor. All tenders must be in the 'lands of the Clerk of the Township b1- 6 o'clock, p.m.. Friday, June20th. 'For spec'fications, ets., apply to the. undersigned,. Andrew F. Hess, Clerk of Hay Township, GRAND BEND SUMMER RESORT Bring your picnic parties to the drone cells to some extent, if not in excess. The presence of drone cells in combs, used either in the brood chamber or in extracting supers, is a source of continued disadvantage. Drone cells in combs are always costly. They may cost swarms; they may dampen the honey storing in - Or, Saturday the 5th clay ni July stincts (bees are adverse to the stor- ing of honey in drone cells, until 1919, at 1 o'clock; Standar:l time; there is no other space available) 2 o',clock, Daylight Saving limo•; if the drone cells are in the super, at Dominion Hotel in the Village, their presence induces the queen to of 7urrch, the fallowing p1'krlrQrty leave the chamber. ilis to have onlycombs maxim all namely;,, wort' . ' cells reinforced with wire; to Thai' certain parcel of land and tees end, full sheets of foundation premises, situate, in the Townshire are essential and economical. of Hay, in the County of Iiti,on The best combs are always pro. and described as Parts of Twenty- duced during a honey flow, yes, when Fou.` 124) in the North Boundary Concession of the said Township of Hay, and containing Twenty - there is a surplus coining in; good combs may be produced in the earlier part of the season, just prior to the cropping season; yet, regardless of Nin: and One -Fifth perches more season, the best of combs are obtain - o, loss, anti 'nor.: particularly des- able only on strong colonies. versely, weak colonies, without cath 1 in a deed to one William the stimulation of alaue honey flow, Baker, which deed is duly regis- fail to draw out the foundation even•• teres as No. 2836, Liber X, for the ly and fully: holes may' -even' bo said Township of Hay, and; gnawed in the foundations, which That certain parcel of land and holes, when built in, will probably prelnisess, situate in the said Town be filled with drone cells. With care, ship oil Hay, containin ),w•�nty- frames of full foundation, to b- ! , g drawn out, may be supplied alter- Foue perches si:ss 66 square feet) nately with combs of brood or honey. more- or less, and being composed Moreover, the tendency is for bees of Part of Lot Number Twenty -1 to bulge the old combs, and to corre- spond,Four aforesaid, described as; Com- only partially draw out the foundation of the new comb, perhaps nvenicing at a point Two Huntlreci leaving the corners open. The best and Ten links South from. the results are usual when several North .East angle of said farm lot Number Twenty -Four aforesaid) thelnce running in a Westerly dir- frames with foundation are grouped in one side of •the hive, or a full super given. In order to induce the action a distance of One Hundred attaching of the comb to the bottom and Thirty -Two feet,thence Sou_ bar, new combs may be drawn out a 3 l in the super, over a powerful colony therly Forty -Nene feet, thence .and during a honey flow. Easterly One Hundred and Thirty -1 Having acquired new combs, good Two feet, thence Northerly ,elo.ng care should be taken of them. If (they are intended for extracted honey West side of Concession Road Fur-, ty-Nefeet to the pile^ of beg- production, they should be kept apart from the brood nest, not allow - lining A I lines running para 1-'ing brood to bo reared in thele. lel with s'ai'l farm number Twenty-1Combsdarkened with brood rearing dFour afore.sai•cl. , are not considered as wholesome for TER14iS;- ;—Ten per cent. of ]nary honey production as are virgin (new) combs. Furthermore it is considered chase Money to be paid at time of on good evidence that dark combs Sale; Balance in Thiety Days. This property includes what, was formerly icnow'n as The Blake Hotel, a frame 1% SStorey Build- ing now used as a Dweeling,: largo frame barn with stone toun- dation and cement floor, framer stable, hog pen and othee otitbei- elclings: good •Sprin"g well, Cisiel ern, etc., garden of rich Clay loam. For further part cit!et" s and Gond- all bee supplies are increasingly Cost - Scions sof Sale apply to; ty, hence good combs are to -day a DENTIS1 Jarvis R Vining, Vendor's SSoI- greater asset than ever.—Dr, Burton At iteitors, London, Ont,; or to Ed: M. Cates, O. A. College, Guelph, ZURICl EVERY WEDNESDAY Bosseinberry, Auctioneer, Zurich, DASEWOOD EVERY THURSDAY Celt; , r , MAIN OPFTCA, — HENSALL will darken and hence deteriorate the light grades of honey. One gen- eration of brood in a comb may not injure it for light honey cropping: it is thought by some to toughen and strengthen the comb, yet the more particular producers are equipping with virgin combs for the supers. These choice extracting combs are a valuable asset, Preserved from year to year, they should endure. Although bee labor has not advanced in price, to picnic paries. Free tables and free hot water supply Enjoy the breezes right off the water. Drop us a card; E.C.ECCLESTON. STRAYED From my premises on Lot 10, con. 6,Hay Township, a rad heiferHIGHEST PAID calf with sonic while spots about 8 months old, has also a pig ring in'ra ' top of right ear. Finder please @ Kalbrlei `s 9 :uric notify, Garnet Jacobe, Zurich, or phone, 11'88. The ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. Cement Work Are prepared to do anything i n the way of building cement silos, foundations, floors, bridges, walks and all kinds of cement work, Get my prices. Alex. Foster BUSINESS CARDS .k'kt0UUL1'O0T, KILLOItAN, & COOICE. • Out rib Sulicitors, Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Godorioh. Private fuede bo loan at lowest rates W. Paoli -moor, K. 0. J. L. ltxz,7.oreens. If, 1.'1) Cooke. Mr. Cooke wi11 be in Hensall on it'ridey and oaturday of each week. ANDRE i"J' F. HESS, Notary Pul lic Com missioraer, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Hex•ald Office, Zurich. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huroe, Sales conductedin any part of the county. Charges moderate and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich, R. R. No. 2, or phone Zurich, BOAR FOR ' SERVICE Pure-bred Yorkshire boar for service, lot 16, con 19, Hay.— Hy. Krueger, owner. 6t45p, TO ADVERTISERS During June, July and August the Herald will go to press Wed- nesday afternoon. All copies for change of ad'vert'sements must be in our office by Monday noon to insure insertion. Massevrillanis Implements Anno t ! a. cern Int WE HAVE BE7,N' .APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ETC. ALSO REPAIRS FOR 11MAQHINERY, PLOW POINTS, as GIVE US A CALL r %Vab Zuric ry OF ALL KINDS WANTED Two women Thr general house- work State salary expected. Ap- ply. stating age, to M. A. 'Brisson St. Peter's Seminary, London, Ont TRU WORTH}.' (Enro;l.'d and Inspected) Bay horse, foaled 1e16, standard and reg:.stered, Vol. XXII. fired by the late John L. Snyder, at Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio. Si- red by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year old • record 2.07.1; Dam, Trussoca, 2.07 by Moko. Dani of Trujoll-. 2 year old record 2.204, raced in 2.07 at three years. Last season as a two year old, Truworthy trotted the farm half mile track in 2.27. Truworthy was broken to harness in May in bis yearling form and trotted a quarter im 3d seconds, one-eighth in 18, with no intention of searching hilar. He is gaited to go very fast and he has the inclin- ation to stay on the trot and do the right thing at all times. He is one of the first crop of foals by Ortolan Axworthy 3 years, 2.07%4, an4 considered by many the best individual son of his sire, Axwor thy 3 years .2..t51e. Remember the Axworthy Moko cross produced the world's champion the Real Lady 3 years, 2,03. Don't miss seeing Truworthy as I cannot say too much for him. TERMS—Will stand at his own stable at Bills Green at 05 to insure a living foil —GEORGE E. TROOYER, P. op Dr. E. S. Hardie In June Cost $4.05 War Savings Stamps rale be bought whet- ever this sign is displayed. e ni? Most of us fritter away at Ieast five per cent. of our weekly wages in trifles. If we stopped to reckon it up, we would find it hard to remember where the money went. If we could make that money earn more money without troubling to think out a plan or attend to details, we would consider that we had done a good stroke of business. The Government has made it possible for us to do that. Here is the plan: You say to your employer: "Every week I want you to Bold back five per cent. of my wages and invest them in War Savings Stamps. When you have bought a War Savings Stamp with my money, put it in my pay envelope. Go on doing that for a year." You will never miss that five per cent. which you had previously frittered away. But at the end of a year you will have a little pack. age of Stamps which, in 1924, will be worth $5.00 for every $4.00 odd you pay for them now. The guarantee of safety behind the War Savings Stamps is the whole Dominion of Canada. Make Your Savings Serve You and Serve Youx Country—Invest Themn in War Savings Stamps.