HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-20, Page 41' R� IIS .,,,, I •`,11 • rte, I r� x OkiIL is a cheap fuel for cooking—No ashes to clean up. No fires to build. What could be less trouble? A Florence Automatic with a McClary's Success ovon will give you the best bakings you ever produced. No odor. No wicks to bother with. Save fuel, have a cool kitchen. Call and see the Florence in actual operation. "FLORENCE AUTOMATIC" THE HERALD leaned Thursday afternoons from the I"HE HERALD PRINTING. CO. Warms of subscription ;11,25 per year In advance; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. U. S. subscriuti- ' one $1.75 strictly it edvance. No paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN':+ RATES • Effective after Jan let, 1919. Display Advertising -Made known len application. Stray Animal—One insertion 50c three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 160c. each insertion for one month lot four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not 'More than 'ive lines, For Sale, To "Itetnt, or Wanted. Lost, Found, etc., each. insertion 23 1 Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice .cess than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-• ltio'n and $1.50 for two insertions 1f moder •te size. Professional Cards not exceeding inch; $u year. &address all communications to HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. OIL COOK STOVES FOR SALE BY MELICK & BRAUN ZURICH D TIFMAN DASHWOOD C1ar1 4 • DASHWOOD EXETER. DASH WOOD HALF-HOLIDA\ i We. the undersigned business' An interesting court case was tr-. Men of Dashwood agree to close ied in Goderich last week. R. G. our respective places of business S=';d•or bought a large quantity of every Thursday afternoon from wheat from W. T. Colwell of Cen- 12 o'clock noon till the following le..1.a about a year and a half O Radials Wanted in Huron County \. committee of the Huron Co- unty .Council waited on Sir Adana. Beek, last Thursday at Toronto„ regarding better hydro -radial rail- way facilities fort he county, The delegates were the warden, J. N. Campbell, reeve of East Wawan-. ash ; Chairman John Laporte, re- eve of Hay, and Messrs Dr. W. F. Clark, deputy reeve of Goderich; (J'. P. Dalton, reeve of Ashfield; Gordon Young, reeve of Colborne; W. D. Sanders, reeve of Stephen; R. M Elliott, reeve of. Stanley; A. E, Erwin, reeve of Bayfield, and .County Clerk G. W. Holman. The deputation was received by Sir Adam Beck and Chief Engin- eer Gab ilii the board room of the hydro power comm'.ssion building. The proceedings were quite infor- mal, and conducted in a. conversat ional question and answer style, with the exception of the opening remarks made by the chairman. The deputation was told by Sir Adam that during the war the commission had refrained from ex- tensive operations, but that the whole question of hydro -radial do - morning, commencing rune 16th, ago. Before delivery Mr, Soldon velopmeint wouldhave to be gone Mill - and ending August 28th except said the wheat to the Lucan b'lill into in the near future, and that when a holiday comes the preceed- Ting Co.. the company to team the when that time came Huron's ne, iing dap then the Business places wheat to Lunen. Seldon paid Col- eds would by fully considered and will be open ion Thursday , will his price. The Lucan comp receive attention. Much work of Philip Fassold any on weighing in the wheat 10- a data collecting nature and of Mrs. Wolfe Vend it to be of certain weight, I surveys had been done already in Alex, Zimmer not as much by about $200 as Me.' the ,county which would serve as. Ono. Kraft Seldom expeete:1. The result was guides for the actions of the tom- Edward Nadiger ! he brought suit against the tom- 'mission in carrying out future de - P. M'clsaac ! pally for the difference, The de- velopments work. Sir Adam E. F. Kraft fen:iant Avon both at Goderech and dwelt on the great work and the at Toronto. Mr. Se1don brought' sl1-ndid financial results aceomp- I suit against Mr. Colwilt for the lished through the electrifying of i amount of claim and the costs of the Pont Stanley road and pred- the former case and was awarded toted simi ar results from work Can. Bank of Com. F S.Kent,ingr. $280. ! ; ' done along the same line in Huron I Reid, Edighoffer & Son . During a recent thunderstormle The bus less of the delegation Hartman Elsie barn on the 50 -acre farm of R.' was opsaie_: and briefly outlined by David Tieman, Sellery, was struck by lightning ,Chairman Ljaporte, who told Sir ' Mr. Gordon Gates is visiting with and burned. I Adam that the committee had been relatives in Chicago at present. A number of gypsies travelling named by the Huron County Coun- A nunzba: of ladies :tram totva by auto passed through townthe til at its last meeting to present are carepitng at Grand Bend. other day. !the needs of a portion of the co- llir Aaron Oestrecher has exch- Preliminary court proceedings ' u,nty in rcgardt o transportation. anged his Ford for a Chevrolet. were held before Magistrate W. D, «It is; 'said Mr. Laporte; ;C be_ P. M. Humble and children Sanders on Monday of last week, cause we bel::eve that the hydro - of Sarnia visited wiht the formers when several young men . from radial is the true remedy for our parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Finkbeiner :Stcphe.n were charged by Consta trouble that we come to you to a.ew days last week. ble White:sides with taking some day. Stearn railways are fulfill - Mr. and Mrs. David Grigg of Th- cider from a neighbor's cellaz'. !;,ng their purpose but these, as you ediorl renewed old acquaintances Zhe case was the outcome o ;'a know. have left many rural nom - n the village on Monday. court trial held some •time ago reemiiies, such as ours, isolated to Mr, and lora. Burns, of London, when a young man was charged such a degree that production is spent hte week -end with Mre., with being intoxicated. It is j hampered and stippled and these Brown Mr. and M:s. F. Jennings said that the young man had im- sections are not contribuintg what and family and lair. and Mrs. Roy bibed too freely while at a dance they should to the national life, Thos. Klumpp Louis Adams Ed. Weltiln Miss L. Hartleib Elliott of Theadford, a:so spent There was not enough evidence I BORNIla Huron County thcr= ate large Sunday with 11Irs. Browa. produced at the time to convict natoinal arras, especially along Gran er have th_ -pun man of being intoxic- Lake Huron made uate1 • served returned home after a two weeks ated and the case on Monday was by any modern means of 'ranspor- 'eido—In Hay Totvns;up, an June 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. El- more Weido, a son. flet'—In Hay township, on Mair: 29th, to Mr. and Mts. Flerbert• Hey, a daughter. TO CORRESPONDENTS During June, July and August the Herald will go to press Wed - nestle.), afternoon. All news copy musi be in by Tuesday night. Rev. and Mrs. P. pMyoung , q y visit wish relatives and ;rieads in the outcome of evidence produce tatior., areas which are not sur- th.e States eel at th.e last trial. Owing to the passed in fertility of soil or in Dashwood Civil Holiday '.rn Fri defendant off ono of the cases fa- character of citizenship anywhere day June 20th, School Picric to fling to appear both cases weer in Canada, and which are as •den - Grana Bend. I adjourned unt'1 next week. I.sely populated as s:milar rural Mr. Ed, G. Kraft has sold a Gray- : Dor:: Ace to Mr. Wilfred Lawson HENSALL i'ng need of the time in Huron Co - of Cred-ton. She's a dandy. Iunty, however, is transportation). Several of our residents are. be- Corp Ede Munn and Creo. Harl "1 • have, been informed that a 1 autfying their homes a coat of burr. returne.l from overseas last preliminary survey of the County. l paint. week. 1 of Huron, for radial railway, was The boys are coming home ane M'ss Bessie Urquhart, direetoroi made before the war. In . the I by one. Last week Pte. Norma.a the Hostess House at 'Poet Ogle- ' southern part of the county the Brown returned from Siberia and thorp, Georgia, is visiting her par- villages of Bayfield, Zurich; Hen - Iwas tendered a reception on Mr. ents here .1 salt, Exeter and. Crediton, thus ser- f, K. Goetz's lawn. The Jackson Mfg. Co. are busy ring all the villages of the south Makeo®oMr. J E. Tom inspecie_l our Sch- fitting out Llaeii factory in Petty'sand intersecting the rural parts ool Garden on Friday las: and pro- - block. ' most needing it. We are not here andFeel nnue;l it the leading one or the He+nsall is holding a dollar day to say that the roads should take ��x �s ! iziinspectnrate. An Inside Bath sections of the country. The cry- • Northern Eleetrit Power and Light Fully automatic. Not even a button to press.,, Reasons why you should have an electric light systeflL .. THERE IS NO SMELL THERE IS NOSMOKE THERE IS NO DIRT THERE IS NO OII. THERE IS NO CLEANING THERE IS NO OIL FILMING TH,RRE IS NO MATCHEri THERE IS NO TJPSETTIJG THERE IS NO FIRE THERE IS NO EXPLOSION THERE. IS NO WORRY complete line of plant s oln the market to -day. The most ALL SIZES - Agent Says a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away. This excellent, common-sense health measure being adopted by millions. Physicians the world over reoom mend the inside bath, claiming this is 'of vastly more importance than out. vide cleanliness, because the skin Mores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing i11 health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and women are urged to drink each morning, before breakfast a Mass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; ;thus cleansing, sweetening and puri- fying the entire alimentary canal be - gore putting more food into the stem. each. Just as soap and hot water cleanse end freshen the skin, so hot water and aimestone phosphate act on the elim- dnative organs. ., Those who wake up with bad breath; icoeted tongue, nasty taste or have a toil, aching head, sallow complexion; cid stomach; others who are subject to bilicus attacks or constipation, hould obtain a quarter pound of lime. stone phosphate at the drug store. his will cost very little but Is sett,lent to demonstrate `. the value of in• ids bathing. Whose who 'continue It ' itch morningare 'assured t of pro. Mounted results, both in eegar4. td ealth.alb OPP.earaueftif ....a .. on Wednesday any particular line, that we are ' Pte. Milton and Corp. Norman ' John Stewart of the Lowden satisfied to leave it to the judg- Julisteia of Ellice, cal el on fr_e_a Road narih,, passed away an 'Tune miens of your engineers. We have as 'aa this neighborhood on nines- 7th. - every •confidence in the ability of . caay and Friday. A pic.aic of rel -1 ------,.----- RR TINithese sections, both north and alit ss and inld at friends e.f hie 0 1,1 sAGE . 1 of Goderich, to prvoide traffic suf • boys was held at the home a( ' f:cient to warrant the netessare thele father on Saturday, when ex- penditure. d, We urge investigat- aboue fifty joined in spending a happy time together prior to the boys leaving for the Peace River' sure you will be impras+slatij District, B. C. ' Mr. John Bender had a hot time It's with his bus one day last week. The continued. dry spell and the terrific• rate of some of our auto-. lets causes Main Street to be a terror with dust, Could the speed not be slackened somewhat, through town. iZion Evan. Lutheran church will hol•:h its annual picnic next Tues- day Jute, title on the church gro- unds. Everybody welcome. HAIR TO DARV[IT eon by your department and with the knowledge thus obtained we A full programme of games and aln- ele ments for young and oats Supper will be served for 25c. In the evening at 8.30 the Young Peoples Son'ely will give an ente- ta'Inm•ent in ,Zimmer's Hall. Ad- m'sezon 10 children 15e, for adults 25c., reserved seats 35, The plan of the hall may be seen at M.(, Keaft`s shoe store. 11 Tr and Mrs, John Torrance, Cle niton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edyth, to Capt. A. Gladstone. Virtue, Lethbridge, Alberta. the marriage to take place quietly the last week in June. Grandmother's Recipe to with the meWL and the opportunity keep her Locks Dark, for hydro -radials in Huron County. Glossy, Beautiful. The old-time •mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grand- mother's recipe, and folks are again using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in an age when a youth- ful appearance is of the greatest ad- vantage. Nowadays, though, we don't have the troublesome task of gathering the sage and the mussy ,nixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready -to -use product, improved by the addition of other ingredients, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." It is very popular because nobody can discover ; it has been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it and ; COUNTY NEVIS. draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at atime; by morning There will be no excursions tshi. the gray hair disappears, but what de- Pa: to the 0. C. except a Eery lights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage1, motor. Dr. Creeland, howa and Sulphur Compound, is that, be- sidee,beautifully darkening the hair ever, looks forward to the resume after a few applications, it also pro- pt:p'r, of the yearly farmer's out - of that soft lustre and appearance of abundance which is so attractive, Dugs to the college. which were This ready -to -use preparation is a de- :ones very secceasful. As soon lightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance."^ It ae spPtial rates can be :secured is not intended for the cure, mitiga- frdn' the raiilways, he says, the tion ore prev*ntioa ai dteouse. ; Summer exuurs'ons Will start again. CREDITON. Crediton will observe Thursday afternoon dur'.ng July and August as a half holiday,. Jos. Heist has re -opened his brick and tile yards, A farmer's Club was organized here the other evening, Jacob Scha artz is recovering from a recent operation. Rea', C. W. Baker has been stat- ioned here as pastor of . the Meth- odist church for another year. ALL TYPES U. 0.7ess The Paint Brush sh oil' The Scrubbing Brush, ch? Th, dcy of tho dur.ty carpet, the dirty floor and scrubbing - brush i., waainr. A r,:. cin he shn'.:;.n in a nin ute—a painted floor can bo cle a { with w duator. THE �D lTRW' INSIDE FLOOR PAINT is especially prepared for Boors. 1t. Crlea quickly, et gives a hard, glos.,y finish. It represents the ditierenee between the light and the dark side of house -keeping. STADE & WEI D ZURIC Greatest Program in Western Ontario Tu sd aye 19 Aeroplane Flights corse Races g� 2.11 TROT OR PACE, PURSE $356 Demonstration by 2.25 " $306 Great War 2.50 a: SIM} Veterans. Concerts BY BAND OF THE 33rd. Baseball=Zurich Highland Dancing WINNERS OF CLINTON TOURN- AMENT. vs, Goderich WINNERS OF BLYTH COMP.ETIT Floral Parade, etc. ION, Baby Show IWG T',. CONCLUDING WITH A GRAND F IREWORKS DISPLAY IN THE EVENING , Something Doig g all daylong. COME AND HAVE THE TIME OF 'Y'OUR LIFE AT "H17ORN'6 GOLDEN GATE MAYOR WIGLE, W. LAN E, Chairman. Treat. T, PRITC.HA.RI) Secy, a ..