HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-20, Page 2rd
Insect Bites.
As regards their relation to man,
insects may be divided into two
classes, according as they are para-
sitic or not. Those of the first class
are, of course, the most troublesome,
for it is necessary not only to treat
their bites but also to get rid of them.
Unfortunately, the bites of the para-
sitic insects are not l sinful, but
merely annoying, and sometimes
dangerous to health; if they cease as
much pain as those of the predatory
Keeping Ants From the Home. Birds are very susceptible to any -
Nearly every one is familiar with thing that shuts off their supply of
ants and knows something of their Pure air.
habits, structure, mode of living, etc. Tanglefoot—plenty of it. Hang
They vary in size from the tiny red rite kind that comes in rolls from the
ant that is so frequently found in gas jet and if sister runs agonist it
the kitchen and pantry, about one- slid carries the ball off attached to
sixteenth of an inch in length, to the her backhair, never mind. You are
large, black carpenter -ant that lives waging a great war, and who can
insects, like wasps, they could soon
t in decayed ~tamps or old timbers. stop to think of trifles. The kitten
cease to be parasitic, for the dirtiest Tlhe - occur in all maywrapherself in it, to her terror,
of leen dread pain and take trouble y parts of the world
to avoid it, although they would often from the dry and arid deserts to the and father may sit on the sheet you
rather itch than wash. All insects clamp tropical forests, and from the have laid, for just a moment, in his
that bite or sting are poisonous, al- torrid zone to the arctic circle. favorite chair, but it catches files as
though the nature of the poison and The housewife goes to the pantry, well, and that is the real issue.
its effects vary greatly, some summer's clay, to get some calve Formaldehyde—that is perhaps
and finds that the frostingi best of all. In an old saucer put a
Of the parasitic insects the flea, is Covered' mixture composed of ten parts of
the bedbug and the pests that sol- with tiny red ants. Further investiga- formaldehyde, eighty-eight parts of
diers call "cooties" merely cause tion reveals them in the butter, sugar water and two parts sugar in the
more or less irritation and itching by ;and running all over everything aP centre of the dish put a small sponge
their bites, The most common of the 1 Patently, Sometimes it is the larger i and set where it will not be disturb-
nonparasitie ' poisonous insects are black species which carried its love ed. The hies drink the mixture and
apiders, wasps and hornets, bees, i for sweet things to the sugar bowl. l die almost immediately. With this
ants, mosquitoes and some biting i How am I to get rid of them? It is, I as with all other poisons 'be very
flies; in the Southern and Southwes- of course, useless to try and kill themcareful to keep well out of the reach
tern states and the tropics we find one at a time, like "swatting the fly." of domestic animals, children and
also the formidable scorpions, taran- The first step is to take everything oar
eless people. It's the fly you are
ttrlus and centipedes. Most of those out of the infested place, clean every- after,
thing, burning papers, and throw
away or clean out any infested foods. MERCHANTS BANK CLOSES
Any foods that are likely to attract. BEST YEAR IN HiSTORY
this insect like calve, bread, sugar, ----
Gains in Net Profits, Current Loans
and Assets.
insects, except the mosquitoes and
certain biting flies, attack man only
in self-defence, when they think they
themselves have been attacked.
Among the other less common in- meat and similar substances, should
sects that sometimes cause consider- be placed in ant -proof metal contain-
able annoyance are the so-called kiss- ers or %et over a dish of water in
ing bug (Reduvius personatus), the which the ants will drown in trying
bite of which is very painful; the to get at the food. The source of the
cone -nose (Conorhinus sanguisugus), colony should be located. If it be
which is an exaggerated bedbug with under the floor or in the wall the
a ferocious bite; and the pirate bug, liberal use of carbon bisulphide will
or corsair, the bite of which is severe soon kill the queen and attendant
and often causes inflammation and ants. An old wood -box may be the
The poison of most stinging in-
sects, whether parasitic or not, is an
acid, and the itching and pain that
it causes niay usually be promptly
relieved by applying an alkali, such
as bicarbonate of soda, ammonia or
weak lye. For the milder forms, rub-
bing with a moistened bit of kitchen
soap and leaving the soapy film on
the ;kin will suffice. In the case of
the bites of certain insects, such as
scorpion, centipedes and tarantulas,
there are often general symptoms, in
ddition to the local irritation, which
must be combated with ipecac and
the internal administration of am-
monia and other stimulants.
Five Hundred Miles An Hour Probable
Speed in Near Future.
The most optimistic prophecies are
being shade on all hands he connection
with the development of aeronautics.
The tremendous :td ante made in air-
craft in the course of the war seems
likely to be exceeded under the de-
mands of peace. Already the super -
planes of 1918 are obsolete, and scarce-
ly a day passes witho,lt news of some
more or less notable improvement. It
is regarded as scarcely an effort of
imagination to anticipate that within
the next few years we may be able to
fly at the unbelievable speed of 500
seat of the trouble or its nest may be
in the ground near the back porch.! than was earned in the previous year.
In using the carbon bisulphide carel As a result of the larger earnings the
P; dividend was increased from 10 to
must be taken that no light or fire? 11 Not only were net earnings the
is near, as it is very inflammable. 1 largest in the history of the bank, but
If ants like the sweet things in the. every department of the bank's active
cupboards one o£ the best remedies I ties showed satisfactoryincreases;
is to mix one part of tartar emetic; gains being registered in currant
with twenty parts of extracted loans, deposits, liquid assets and in
)honey. Syrupma • be used in the i total assets. One of the most outstarul-
y mg achievements was the large, in -
absence of the honey. Put this in' crease in deposits. Interest bearing
small saucers and place where the I deposits now stand at $91,904,000, as
ants will have access to it, but where 1 compared with less than $?6,000,100
it is inaccessible to the children or; for the previous year. Non -i Bt
household pets. If the ants are! bearing deposits gained from ,
grease eaters use grease instead of 000 to $43,5"52,000, In other words to -
the honeyi tal deposits in Canada now amount
in the same proportions as, to over $135,000,000, as compared with
above. $110,000,000 in the previous year. It is
If ants are troublesome in lawns somewhat significant that despite the
or in the garden, where they are large increase in deposits the bank's
building their nests, they can be clients subscribed to over $45,000,000
killed even more rapidly than in theworth of victory Loans, of which only
house. Drench the nests with boilinga little over $4,000,000 were waver -
previous sloes from previous issues. Another
water or pour into them a small satisfactory feature is the growth in
commercial loans; these having in-
creased by nearly $20,000,000 and now
stand at $95,874,000. This large in-
crease indicates very clearly that the
Merchants Bank is doing its full
share in catering to the business
needs of the community.
Despite the fact that the bank is doing
a continually larger share of the coun-
try's business a further examination
of the report shows that careful, con-
servative banking methods character-
ized the policy of the management.
The bank has kept an unusually large
proportion of its assets in liquid or
quickly available fordo. Of its total
assets of over $166,725,000 no less
than $62,750,000 are in current coin,
Dominion notes, Dominion and Pro-
vincial Government Securities. These
liquid assets are over $5,000,000 great-
er than a year ago and bear a very
high proportion to the bank's total
liabilities to the public. Total assets
have increased over $25,000,000 dur-
ing the year.
In order to provide for future ex-
pansion the shareholders authorized
the directors to increase the capital
of the bank from $10,000,000 to $15,-
15;000,000, although it was stated by the
President, Sir H. Montagu Allan, that
there was no intention of issuing any
Shareholders of the Merchants Bank
of Canada who attended the fifty-sixth
annual meeting at the head office on
Wednesday, the 4th instant, Were
treated to the most satisfactory re-
port in the History of that well known
banking ' institution. The statement
presented showed net profits of $1,-
383,569. a new high record in the his-
tory of the bank and $146,000 more
quantity of kerosene or coal oil. An-
other method is to inject bisulphide
of carbon into the nests, the quantity
of the chemical depending upon the
size of the nests. After this fluid
has been poured in, the entrance to
the nest should be closed by a blank-
et or inverted pan placed over it in
order to retain the chemical. The
fumes of the bisulphide will pentrate
slowly through the underground
channels and kill the ants.
miles perhour, engines being driven Child Laborers.
probably by dynamite or some other Does the compulsory school at-
explesive instead of petrol. When tendance law protect children from
this experiment materializes Halifax heavy work and long hours in the
will really be nearer Landon than fields? There are interested and
G1c'sgow is to -day, because a machine vigorous school officers who do their
able to swallow distance in ethis way best to enforce the lav; but even at
should be able to cross the Atlantic in best the period of attendance requir-
a matter of six hours. The idea of ed is meagre. There is always a
utilizing high explosives as fuel seems loophole through which children may
startling. but it is so only in degree, be piped to work.
hc,.anse we must remember that the If Canada is to be a country of
ordinary petrol and gas engines are healthy and intelligent people, both
eimelly power producers driven by parents and children must realize
gleans of controlled explosions. Such that school is better than work for
an extraordinary speed, however,
necessarily involves many difficulties,
such as how will air pressure. tem-
perature, breathing and other condi-
tions, rendered extraordinary by the
speed of aircraft, be adequately dealt
11 itlr.
His Father's Boy.
"Yon look like a fool," thundered
the disgusted man to his son just re-
turned from college. "More and more
1fl;e a ---conceited, hare -brained, help-
less fob) every year" Just then an
acclnaintauce of the old gentleman en-
tered the office and saw the youth.
"Hello, Charlie, back, eh?" exclaimed
the visitor. "You're looking more and
more like your father every year,"
"Yes," said Charlie, "that's what the
govereor's just been telling me."
in South America two dainties are
lizards and baked centipedes.
"I want the Canadian people to get
a vast vision of the trade opportuni-
ties in Europe. It is not trade be- Poison ----any and all kinds, but it
tween one firm and another, but should be kept high enough to be
trade between whole nations and a well out of the reach of children and
sister nation," That is the message domestic animals. If insect powder
of Mr, Lloyd Harris, head of the is used be careful not to sootier it
Canadian Mission in, London, on his about the room and then close the
return to Canada. doors, forgeable Divide the canary.
children until thy are sixteen. It is
quite true that "tile more you learn of this stock in the fate future.
The president alsoo spoke feelingly
the more you'll earn," of the death of RIr, Andrew A, Allan,
Most of us think of the farm as one of the bank's directors. His place
an ideal place, and 110 one can ques- has been filled by the appointment of
tion the wholesomeness of much, in Mr. Lorne 0, Webster.
farm life. But we have learned that An interesting evidence of the
it is not wise to take it for granted bank's progressiveness was shown by
that all countrylife in Canada makes tide statement that since tiro signing
of the armistice the bank has opened
a child happy and healthy. It must 88 branches and sub -branches which
be admitted that too much farm labor not only provided employment for the
interferes shockingly with the child's bank's officers retuning from over -
schooling, overtaxes his strength, and seas, but furnishes that muchmore ad -
impairs his future usefulness. ditional banking facilities to the pub-
lic. Mr. Macarow, the general mana-
ger, stated in the course of his ad-
dress that out of a staff of 1,300 at the
beginning of the war enlistments num-
bered 823, or nearly 100% of the
eligibles. Of the number going over-
seas, 73 men made the supreme sacri-
fice, while 87 were wounded,
The general manager in his analys-
is of present conditions spoke optimis-
tically regarding the bank's position
and its ability to share in the coming
expansion of the Country's business.
The old board was re-elected and
at a subsequent meeting of, directors
Sir H, Montagu Allan was re-elected
president and Mr. If. W. Dlacliwell,
Vice -President.
Again—The Fly,
With Germany disposed of, our
thoughts can again turn to the at-
home problem of disposing of that
ever-present menace—the fly.
The swatter—to be sure, no house
is home 'without a fly swatter and a
baby and where there's a baby there
ought to be two swatters, one for
father and the other for mother to
Thousands of mothers throughout
Canada --many of them your neigh -
bore --speak with thankfulness con-
cerning the use of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. Once they have used the Tab-
lets for their little ones they would
use nothing else. The Tablets are an
absolutely safe medicine for even the
youngest baby, being guaranteed by
a government analyst to contain
neither opiates nor narcotics or other
harmful drugs. Concerning them
heirs. David McRobb, Divide, Sask.,
says:—"I have used Baby's Own Tab-
lets and have found them so satis-
factory I would not be without them."
The Tablets are sold by .medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
A good paste is made with grated
potato and boiling water. Boil till
Love's Labor.
What have I done to -day, now let
me think,
I haven't read the book I should
have read;
I didn't make that call on Mrs. Brink.
Nor spend the youth -restoring hour
in bed.
Nor massage out the wrinkle in niy
I didn't bake the fruit -cake, but
I wrought as well—I sang my son
to sleep,
Close cuddled and content upon my
What have I done to-day?—I missed
the Guild
And quite forgot my shopping trip
to town;
My music rack with treasure amply
I left the cover of my organ down.
I didn't sew the new flower on my
But son and I played marbles on
the floor,
And there was virtue quite as much
in that
Perchance than though I had aa-
complished more.
What have I done to -day ?—now let
me see,
I've put the paltry things from out
my soul,
I've mothered Laddie and he's played
with me
And we've been happy; making
that my goal.
I've learned why God, creating hu-
man kind
Made 'Mothers to be guarded safe
from harms,
To train a baby's active, eager mind,
To hold a little lad in loving arms.
Old Gentleman (baldheaded but
warmhearted) : "Don't cry, Willie!
Grandpa will play Indians with you."
Tel an
Which is Supposed to insure Persons
Against Evil Spirits.
Once a year, during the first fifteen
days of the seventh Chinese month,
the curious ceremony of Yu -Nan Whei
is celebrated, being, 1n fact, the paying
of homage to the land and sea devils.
Seven priests carry out the ceremony
by offering up various forms of prayer
and making an unearthly noise by
beating large gongs.
Anyone wishing to show his respect
to the devils can do so by a payment
of 600 cash ---about twenty-two cents ---
to each of the priests, for wheeli
a111011nt they will coIltinue their per-
formance for twelve hours -ea truly
modest remuneration for men engaged
in the arduous occupation of propitia-
ting evil spirits. For an extra pay-
ment of 2,000 cash a number of small
reel paper boats, about six inches long,
with lights inside, will be sent float-
ing down the river with the current.
These lights are for the benefit of
the sea devils, in order that they may
be able to see their way about on
dark nights --a little attention which
it is hoped these maritime demons ap-
preciate. having finished this per-
formance, the person on whose behalf
it has been carried out goes away hap-
py in the conviction that he will not
lose any of his family throughout the
The Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office, 20 King St. West,
4% allowed on Savings.
Interest computed quarterly.
We% on Debentures,
Interest payable half yearly.
Paid up Capital $2,412,578.
Toronto Office 20 King St. West,
year, either by sickness or itrowning,
so that the whole ceremony may be
looked upon as an insurance policy.
The Beginning of Wisdom, Anyhow.
It was at tht Boy Scout week -end
camp. The boys had grown tired of
repairing the cabin. So the wise
scoutmaster suggested that they have
an impromptu concert. Ono boy sang;
another danced. Then there was a
"Conte, Billy," said the scoutmaster
to 0 member of the troop, "you know
`How cloth the little busy bee'?"
"I don't!" said I3il,ly, examining a
fiery patch on his hand. "I only know
he doth it."
Small )3oy: "B -but you won't dal
Y -you're scalped already!"
'"jiJ w ,e i ,.,Yk ,pr..••�i F p ,,, �ilt �`i rt.r`4z tie "t` k r } �..Y�' S7�?t3: t�
Do you own either Mining or Oil Stock? Are you =meeting to
buy any? Have you any to sell? Do you want expert informa-
tion or advice on any Mining or Oil Stock or Company? Then
write us. We are at your service.
WWW1fh34n:e.:.0,,e1's*igekt13 EEt:43Rd �.
Refinery No. 1 at Electra, Texas, now earning 450%
031 its cost. Two producing oil wells. Valuable lease
acreage only 300 yards from the property of the $40,000,-
000 Humble Company.
The Altex Company offers the small investor a very
unusual opportunity for profit. Literature may be had
upon request, without obligation.
Ask your
Plans and Prices.
are genuine
Tires, made in
the famous Do-
minion. Rubber
System Factory—
by the same experts
who perfected Domi-
nion AutomobileTires
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tires in Canada. It is
their superior quality
which shows in the
easy riding, the
sturdy wear, the
extra mileage of
Dominion Tires
the Best Tires It
Sold by the
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Don't Let Him _
Sneak 't. p o ; You
Oleg Potato Bug doesn't blow a
horn to let you know he is com-
ing. Just when your potato- plants
are shooting out tender green
leaves this deadly destroyer sneaks
in and begins to chew them up.
Have a hot reception all ready for
the pest by spraying plants with
It is the good old killer that always does the job right. Spray
early and as often as required, and your Potato plants will be impervious
to attack.
Munro's Pure Paris Green is made to conform to Government standard.
It is a fine fluffy, rich green powder, which mixes evenly in water.
Ask for it by name at all stores where garden supplies are sold.
Manufactured by
Manufacturers, Exporters and int orters, Crowf�
Diamond Paints, Chernicals, Dye Stuffs and
Tanners Supplies.