HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-20, Page 1V o w la I X ZURICH ERALD ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1919, No 50 4. i Rugs, Blankets, Bells IFull line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited : FRED THIEL ZURICH 4--4, 4. 4. + 4, sir•—+ ' 4 + 4, 4, .f, YOUR HARNESS NEEDS win be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOt7ILE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand +-4. 3:. A number from here took in the moonlight excursion out of rod e:rilch on the steamer, "Greyhound" on Monday night. Mr. John Laporte was a member of the delegation which waited on Sir Adam Beek on Thursday of last week re hydro radials for Hurolr• ICounity, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • 0 • 0 0000006•'••0••0.0.000000.0•00N•00000000.00.00000•0610 ••0••06•••01••0•••000®•0 PflEETER'S Midsummer Specials for the month of June. WHITE VOILE WAISTS :At $1.00 3 doz. white Voile waists rembrodiers front, trimme.l with lace on collar .and cuff, size 34-44 SPLENDID VALUE •• 0 • • 0 0 0 • • • LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS • • • Made from good quality repp, In Georgette and crepe du ehene waists at $4.00 and $5.00 I• • •. 0 ,• • 0 0 0 • 0 te 0 0 10 r0 0 '• '0 .0 I• 0 0 0 ,• .0 n • 0 • • !• BETTER QUALITY VOILE ' WAISTS AT $3.00 Better quailty Voile waists in neat Swiss embrodered froxts,neat ly trineth ed collars and 'mfrs,` siz- es 34 to 42, EXTRA SPECIAL' Value $3.00 1 ' WHITE SILK WAISTS 11n all sizes, at $2. and $3. each. and ;pique, two pockets, finished` fie• �. with ,pearl buttons. • • • Phone 59 •• • LADIES' HOSE Cottoln and lisle hose in white, brown and black sizes 8% to 10. SILK. ANKLE HOSE IN BLACK!' And white colors, sizes 8% to -10. LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE Colors in Brown taupe, dark grey, champagne and black, size 9% CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE lIOSE Mercerized finish, colors in white black hind broiwn, sizes 4% to 81-2, MENS' PANAMA HATS A niece assortment of mens' Paan am -a harts in the new styles at a low price WOMENS1 & CHILDS MIDDIES IA .splendid assortment of wom- ens' and children middies in pain white and stripes collars long and short sleeves, all sizes. CHILDREN'tS ROMPERS 'Children's Rompers made from good quality print in neat srtipe3 pattern, size 2 to 7 years. LITTLE C+IRLS' GINGHAMS Little girl's Gingham .tresses in brown, grey and navy plaid eff- - act sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW APROONS Iitengalo aprons made from ex- tra quality print in striped pat- terns; both. light and dark colors. J. PREETE Produce Wanted a.. xvw .. i-r!....r.; smesesamerearasemesele • • • 0 0 • 0 • • • • • O 0 • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 0 0 • * • • • 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 •i We have in stock for qui;.*k de- livery Dein (lay Loaders.— Louis Prang, Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Bisset, of Gederileh visited relatives here en ;Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, E. Bossenberry sp- ent 'Sunday with friends near Dashwood, Mr, and Mrs. Simon Suerus o2 near Hensall, visited relatives here oc'er Sunday. A number from Lown atten rel the Liberal convention held at Ileasall on Monday. Pte. Carl Schnell, son of Mr. David Schnell, of Aberdeen, Sask., visited relatives here last week. All who enjoy good spor's sho- pia attend the field sports at the Fair Grounds next Friday even- ing: Brussels and Zurich played the returt, game of baseball on the laurel diamond on Thursday of this week. Mr. D. Gottschalk and daught:..r Vera, of. Bad Axe, ' Mich.,, visited relatives here for a few days last week. No services will be held in the Lutheran church next Sunday, as th' pastor, Rev, H. Rembe is at- te. filing the annual conference. . Sir•. and Mrs, Charles Keller and soil, Adolph, and Mr. and Mrs. CO rad Kehler v;,sited relatives and fri+nds in Kitchener over Sunday. ov are F. an mong those who returned from rseas to this section recently( Lieut, H. J. Siemon, Ptes. D. ' irke, Carl Schnell, John Dabus Elmore Deters, U. F. Club 14th con., well e picnic at Grand Bend on J etet It` is expel ted,. ili.ni a prominent speaker will be at the picnic and give an address. Mr. W. H. Pule and sister, Miss ® Pearl, Mrs. A. A. Weber and son, a and IMIrs Roland Geiger and sail,. • visited relatives in Lslowel, El- 0 mire and other points for a few + ea days last week. • Ota Lieut. H. J. Siemon returned to • his home here from overseas ani •Monday evening, He has ben overseas since the spring of 1910 ® and rose from the ranks to the e position of Lieutenant, • • -Mr. John J. Smith attended tiie • funeral of his father, Mr. Joseph 0 Smith, at Crosswell, Mich. The 0 late Mr, Smith was a former res- ident of this section and well kno- I- wn to many of the residents. Zurich and Bayfield baseh:1 teams niet on the Baylieid diem and last. Thursday and Zurich came victorious by the score of 7 to 5. The local team are putting up a high class game and look good foe the whole season. • • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 0 0 eu ta+ • a • 0 df 0 0 • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 O 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • • • c0 ea • • 0 • • • 0 • • 0 r to • FIELD SPORTS ZURICH FAIR GROUNDS Friday, June 27th L ommenrin at 6 o'clock, p. m. sharp. The program wilt 'consist of. Athletic Sports -Running, Jumping. Shot Putting, Girls Races, Wheel- barrow race, Boxing in barrels„ pie eating contest, etc. Also a matched 100 -yd. foot race between Sam. Hey of Blake and H. McDougall, of Godeireh( Township for a $10.00 side bet. See posters for full particulars'. C. FRITZ, Manager of Sports. Don't miss the concert in the Town Hall this evening. . Mr. Dan Geiger and son of Bres- Ilau, N•i,sited the former's brother, Mr. Ab, Geiger o'ver Sunday Miss Irene Lipphardt has retu- rned home after spending a week lwith relatives and friends in Sea- forth.," r Mrs. J. Mel:ck returned home af- I ter spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs, I. Hudson at Sea - forth,. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and son, Gordon., and Mr. and Mrs. R. ,Schwartzentruber motored to I New Hamburg and Baden on Sat- urday. visiting friends and relati- ves Mr_ and Mrs. Schwartzentr-- ubee will visit there for some time. AITKENS--FUSS A quiet wedding took l'Ilace at: the Lutheran church at high noon' on Wednesday, Juna•a.8th, when) Rev. H. Rembe performed the' ceremony which united in marriage Miss Violet, daughter of Mrs. C. Puss and Mr. Henry Aitkens, of Hay Towrship. The Herald joins in extending best wishes. Incorperated 1855 The - MOLSO S BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Om 100 Brandies in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCUL.ARLETTEROF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch W. D. COLLES, Manager W. G. Hess Jeweller and Optician Just Received a supply ot NOBBY, TRACTION AND WHITS DIAMOND TIRES AND TUBES. BISTCLE AND AUTO SUPPLIES Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade Fountain Pens and Bicycle Accessories. Complete Line Of WATCHES, JEWELLERY AND CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN PENS PL- ASFILIGHTS AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, BICYCLE REPAIRING AND VULCANIZING, ETC. Phone No. 74. Mr Oscar Ducharme has pure chased from .Mrs, A. Johnston and Mr. Wm. S. Johnston the farm on the Sauble Line soeth, .and gets immediate possession, but the sellers reserve this year's '.rope Mr. Ducharme has been living on the farm for some years. The Womens' Institutes are having their summer series of me- etings again+. ;Zurich is having,, theia':s on June 28th, the speaker will ba Miss Gilholm, of Bright, who will give a talk on "Our Pri'; - i'leges , and Responsibilities as Can- adian !Womien.' ' We expect a t cry iintereeting and instructit e a'.l dress., and are extending a hearty :invitation to all Ladies of, Zurich The nieetiing will be held at the. n. home of Mr. Wm. Siebert at 3 ke p. m. aha Saturday June 28th, Mr Riichard Denison, who t etur-T ned from overseas a few days ago was a pleasant caller on the Ad- vocate on Thursday last, Mr. Jeinn:ion was aanong the early re Bruits' going overseas and relates many interesting incidents of the war, he having spent the greater part of his time in France. Be- fore leaving 'for overseas Mr, Jen - niton was a, resident of Parkhill, but is a2.mw visiting among- friends ear 1 t $or f v 'F + P 4Ifl• $s' f 1 if 341041*.. oest000f fewtmlot ` . We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and summer wear. See our line of X O !PPS LEG - SH ES For Men For Ladies All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind 1',UTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 4 feenetafY Yfl9LL.wbtl Nlti:{4401000114-441100414-4 II!":!IillCliiIIII!!Ilf lil!il,','!Ilflli!III+!111!1!111!IR!11911111!IIIIII 111111111111 !Fl! 111!11!11111Ii!11111ililliilllil!ii!L"! iiiCal ii!f!iiJ;l!ilill118iii111;1!i!IC11111111e1111!li!11171!!3:11iEl{i;fiii! ;a IlIi111B at..,Graind Bend, prior to leaving shortly for the West, where his fam, 41y of two sons and two daught- o.rs 106w reside. Mr. Jnnn'tson wag We have opened our N EW SPRING GOODS ri in Y PPCTR We are offering some bargains in Wail Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines., FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS PI -ZONE 11 on 97 BLAKE born near St, Joseph' - .xets'r Ad r• t _ .,I,II;I ii:Ml .rl, Igo, 'ei�•t i I I 1 '. I 'll r I It !11 I ' 11 IPlit.., .� . r I a�.11pn.l n,n••IR' 1 •'•I' •III•n• • iql •. ., f t1!(.+allicillwft,ss1911{Ld,:.n.+Kd,,:Jlw,!�!RpIUJllillill!�!!r�ltli.lrl9lli..J1J1k.J�ral1) iI1.U,w+IIL:. ...:..0 ... ,L+illolb. ! Itll.�a�k:. vJlh{1;d1111t...1@lll!i:...w