HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-13, Page 8•F rN FOR MEN For Your inspection For Lad ies's Wear NOW silk poplins in :I i fashionable shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- !, tes and crepe du chenes, Also serges, poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses, See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Uonsefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, linoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs. roceries A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN SEEDS. J. Gascho & Son ++++++++++++++++++++++++4.++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 4.+ .s, + 4. + a .1- .., 4. 4. + 4. u �� ', ni1Ia Rope t ,t, .j, 4' Everyone in need off large hay fork rope should get our '�' .I. prices before buying. All size, small ropes in stock, 4. 4 ..4. -.�� i .t`. 111n: �sM ._. ® WEI iia_ ;',. F- - -". + 4. PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. 4. t+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++444++++++++++++++++ G Aal Twine Our supply of Gold Medal Twine has arrived. Our prices and terms are as follows; 27e. per lb. for June payment. 27}1 per lb. July and August , 28c. for September payment. Also Green Sheaf and Silver Sh- eaf at lower prices. 6 ONLY CS"*Os 21 Fiey !r F'. lows in stock r+ , rfi ile they last Following at last yrear®s prices ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCUP'FLER, B EST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATOR. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 4% h, p, UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE WILL BE SOLD AT CUT PRICES, AS WE NE.CD THE MON- ; I • EY, We handle pumps, piping, etc "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" Ice Cream like mother used to make ? No indeed! Ice crearn far superior to that, Nothing but pasteurized pure cream, cane sugar and pure flavor extracts go into Silverwood's Ice Cream. That creamy, velvety taste that mother never could have given to her hozne-made ice creat,_ is the result .cf homogenizing and seier..ific £ eeains*. V . pricks in all Flavors SILVERWOcID'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT Look for the S+loerwood's Sign 15 Mrs. C Heyrock was a visitor to London on 'Tuesday. Mr Geo Kibler of Kitchener, is visiting at the home of Mr. C. Fritz. • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman at- tended the funeral of the former+ aunt at Morriston this week. Dr B. Campbell and family at- tended the funeral of an uncle of the Doctor'ls at St. Thomas, on Wednesday:. ----•t•— TEACHERS SALARIES BANQUET FOR THE CO- UNTY WORKERS In connection with the Huron Co. Temperance Convention to be •held Tuesday afternoon and eve- ning, June 17th, in the Presbyter- ian, church, Clinton, a banquet wilt be given at six o'clock to be followed by after-dinner speeches In view of the coining refereed, um vote this convention is of ut- most importance. Delegates are expected from all the churches and temperance organizations of the FCountyi, GoderSch School Board recogni- GRAND BEND SUMMER zes the Claims of the Teachers. RESORT The Goder eh Public School bo Bring your picnic parties to the ard, realizing that teachers cannot .Pavilion on the Beach. lie on air and water any- more Special attention its being paid than other human beings, decided to picnic parae.s. Free tables and to offer their teachers witnout ex- free hot water supply . ception, a bonus of $50 each and Enjoy the breezes right off the also an advance of 10 per cent o,f water. this increased salary. ' Drop us a card; Thus, a teacher who formerly .E.C.ECCLESTON. received $900 per annum, will now ' receive $900 and $50 with 10% of THRIFT IN THE SCHOOLS this $950 totalling $1015. This is In the schools of Canada alone a step in the right direction and the War -Savings campaign is fr if more of these steps and longeraught with great possibilities and ones were taken, the teachersnni already the returns show that ght come within hailing distant 1".splendid progress is being :trade, of the point where their salaries ,What has been done in the schools should be. of the United States is a fair ind- The cost of Iiving has doubled kation of what may be done in the piece the war began, while teachers schools o°. Canada. salaries have advanced hut slight' In the schools of New York there ly. Salaries in all other walks in • is said to be a little over 730,000 life have increased greatly. Even I children During the period, Re- section men on the railroad now; cemiber 1917 -to Jan 31st, 1919, no receive $3.20 for an 8 hour day.! less than $5,410,000 worth of War Barbers are offered salaries, that,' Savings and Thrift Stamps were s to a teacher, (look like a prince's sold in these schools, which means allowance, and this in spite of the: slightly- more than $7 for each ch - fact that they can learn this trade'ild. 1n 3 or 4 months, while the teach -I The Thrift campaign in the er must put in many years in hard' schools of the Dominion will pro - study anti spend much treasure in) duce 100 'fold rues:ts. Every child fitting himself or herself for this: should be enrol:ed in the War Saar one of the noblest professions in ings army. Parents should see life—And One Of The Hardest) to this It willdiscipline.the child Also. in thrift Weekly Half Holiday We, the undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich here by agree to close our respective places of business every Thurs- day afternoon in each week dur- ing the months of June, July and August, said business places to be closed at the hour of 12 O'Clock, and remain closed until the next morning, except when the half holiday precedes a holi- day when the stores will be open. Chas, Fritz. E. Oesch R. E. Appel Denomy Bros. T. L. Wurm Louis Prang Melirek & Braun J. J. Barry W. H. Hoffman Fred Thiel J. Gashco & Son Peter Bender Pert] Hess Jacob Deichert John Kipper Y ungblut & Deichert W. G. Hess Ruby & Johnston Williams Bros. John Preeter Casper Walper Stade & Weido Herald Printing Co. un af th 11 A WONDERFUL ENTERTAT..NMENT, CONSISTING OF SONGS, READINGS AND VIOLIN NUMBERS WITH GORGEOUS PICTURE SCENERY, THIS CONCERT IS UNDER THE EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT OF THIS LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND IS CREATING A SENSATION EVERYWHERE IT APPEARS. Georgia M. Newbury Eliabeth Rennie Florence Dewey, F. L. Willgoose Reader Soprana Violinist Accompanist Admission 30c. Reserved Seats 40c. L'r't.'t.m—olicr?J Ch.i. x,. Choir c,t.1 L. �A Oir I AT A PRICE TO STJIT EVERYONE, WHO THINKS OF PAINTING THEIR HOUSE THIS SPRING 3. 7 er gallon Buys any color, except White in gallon cans only, as we are overstocked in this size ;can. Pick out your color early, as there are only `a limited ntambeu of cants to each color in stock, This sale will last only 3 weeks. We also can supply you with a complete line of paint in smaller cans at a slight advance over that in gallon tins ' FL'.y Also varnish and varnish stain in any color. DON'T DELAY OR YOU MAY BE DISSAPOINTED. Cash. or trade will be taken as payment, at this pricey only, at date of purchase. Melick St Brae,.. Phone 63 Produce taken at highest prices New Straw Hj.ts Panarnas Sailors All Styles All Sizes Denmy ros. r Phone 78 T. L. WOR JUST ARRIVED A nice line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and shades Phone 18 RAIN COATS Get one. Keep dry. Windproof and Rainproof. Regular $20 for $15. Regular $25 for $.t0. TO CLEAR MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Ladies' white voile Waaist,s at 75o Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give. us a triallc, and $1.00, LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. lab SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete erepe de chene, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PULL -OVER SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7.50 SPECIAL IN OUR WHITBWARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, $$1,25 $1.50 $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves,. HATS AND CAPS Mens' hats and caps in all colors Buy your spring hat here andt .save money► UNDERWEAR A big ,stock of men's and young we'n's combination suits, wHkite nag tan, FREE* FREE! FREE; With every pound of Minto tea.. we give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, :fresh pineapples, This is the week to buy pineapples:k as the price is going up. Phone or maul orders promptly attendee. to. Seed Corn, Sorghum, rla.ngel• Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. merrenucksesksionik