HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-13, Page 4r' ; ' ""lived THE HERALD Issued Thursday afternoons from the THE HERALD PAINTING CO. germs of subset iption;C1.25 per•year In advance; ;2.00 niay be charged if not so paid, 1.7, S. eubscriuti- ons $1.75 strictly in edvauee-No paper discontinued lentil all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher, '."he date to which every subscription is ;Laid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIti'"l RATES Effective after Jan 1st, 1919, Display Advertising -Made known •;aI'n. application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50e -three insertions x;1,00. Farm or Real Estate for sale e0c, each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c. for, each asubsecluent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not! snore tha , five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or. Wanted .1..ost, Found, etc., each insertion S. 1, Local Reading notices, etc., 10e.1 per line per insertion, No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.; .Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, a' lh"n e, Auction Sales. $1 for one inser- I tion an -1 $1.111 for two insertional if mod a ate size. Profea.sion& Wards not exceeding 1 inch, $e p ' year. Address all communications to HEI- ALD PRINTING CO. ZURICTT, ONTARIO. CREDITON. Pte.. A Shol lice has returned ihomc' from 01. erseas, Wm Finkbeioer, of Pittsburg, Pa., is visiting here. Rev. Whiting and wife ga+•e an intone tag le ter.. heath il•us.ta'e' 'views recently. Rev. C. W. Baker at ended the Conf . rencc at C=oderich last ,reek. dot a Bite of Breakfast .tJ III You ©rink Water • Says et glass of hot wafer and phosphate prevents illness and keeps us fit. Just as coal, when it burns, leaves behind a certain amount of incom bustibie metered in the form of ashes so the food and drink taken slay at'tei day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain anemia of indigestible ma- terial, ceilidh if not ceniplial3 elimina- ted from the system each ,lay, be- comes fool for the millions of bacteria whieh infest the Bowels. Froin this mass of ]eft -over waste, toxins and ptomain -like poisons are formed and suolced into the blood. Men and woair.n who can't get feel- ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime- stone phosphate in it to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previous day's accumulation of poisons and toxins and to keep the entire alimen- tary canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick head- ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, others -who wake up with bad taste, 'foul breath, baclkaehe, rheumatic stiff- uess, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to got a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store, and begin practicing internal sanitation. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make anyone an enthusiast m the subject. Remember inside bathing is more important than outside bathing, be» Cause the skin pores do not absorb ithpurities into the blood, causing poor ealth, . while the bowel pores do. ust as soap and hot water cleanses, e weetetts and freshens the skin, se ellote water and limestone phosphate _sa,et oil t hresetomach, liver, kidneys and ioWels. Vele eelse t C ST YES A GREAT comfort in the heat of summer! No hot range to bother with -no shaking down -no ashes to carry out, No wicks to clean. And remember, no fuel is cheaper than kerosene. McClary's Florence Automatic with a McClary's Success oven is the finest baking outfit you could use. Haire a cool kitchen this summer, Call and see the McClary's Florence Automatic in actual operation. 3 FOR SALE BY •1MMELICK. qtr BRAUN ZURICII D TII.1b1AN1 DASHWOOD DASHWOOD June 20th will be cibsereea w`Clu' 5 BLAKE -- as -- 1%.ish.wood's ci'vie holiday and'public: school rdenic, I�ah Dupernell conducted the seevlees in the Lutheran chureh an Saralay last, Mrs. J. Moir is visiting her par-. cent, after spending the past year :n England, i Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ncee and Miss' 'Dena Neeb of Pontiac aea visiting; with relatives. 1llr. Neeb retur- ned on 'Monday accompanied by his sister alyr,le. Mr. Milton Farley of St. Thomas visited at the home of Me, H. Koffman over Sunday. bl,r. and Mrs. Wm. Brenner - of Stratford spent the week -end in tow en. Mr. and Mrs. D. Thcerburg of Clarkson are visiting Mr, and( Mrs. Jonas• Harter!) at presents -IIEiSISSILL H a.s 11 c tieees M n'ay va,e,1 en three- ay -laws, and eh three pas - sad, One to raise money 10 pay off the debt on the towe hall, car- ried by a 10 to 1 majority. The seeond to pr:)v:d22 a *onus o, $209 a year to the Jackson Clothing blanafactur:ng Co., of Clinton, car rand by a majority of 5 to 4. It man the employment of a- bout 30 to 40 parsons here at the new plant. The tlir.i was to fur- n:sh the same amount to the Im- perial Gas and Oil Heating 'o. of Toronto, carried by a majority of 3 to 1. They wili build stoves and furnaces. This will also -nean a new industry with many persons employed. Residents expressed themselves as meat pleased that the town had fa.vured assistance to the indns.ries. Chas, Moore is erecting a line new machine shop. Clarence Seipp broke a bone en his left arm in a fall at C'ook',s mill, Out of 300 available V O:es only S7 were poila3 at the tote on the by -latus _\, very pretty welting was sol- "mnizee at the iesidenee of Mr. •in:l Mrs. Jahn L'ld>r. Ifersalt, on Wednesday, June 4th at high noon. when their eldest daughter, Grace "Victoria, was united in matrimony :o Mr, Robert McKinley Peck, son of ItIr and Mrs. Nathan Peck, of Heesail The ceremony which took place un.3er a 1'ean;i"fu1 arch of tridal wrath and fern, was 1) ''01'me1 lay Rev,. Geo. MtKinlev, of London, an unf.l•' of the groom The bride svgs daintly gowned in ;:georgette crepe over ap r:cut sat - 'n land ca:ried a shower bouquet of ruse's and lily of the valley, The 1_r:ale's little sis`er, Miss Pearl aete l as ring hearer, while the hve id'ng march was l,layel by Mrs Ben Elder. Dmeng they signing; of the register, Mess Helen Elder sang "The Hour that Gave Me Yogi', After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding dinner was served by candle light. The table war, prettily decorated with Am- er;e0e Beauty roses but the 'Host unique and interesting decorati- ons wire the candle sticks and lin- en which were used at a like :'eremonv over one hundred years neer, the wedding dinner of the le:cl: s' el eat granc matlher. . HILILSOREEN. A Garden Party under the aus- pSees of the W. M. S. of the Presby to rian chureh, .Ilillsgrecn, will be held 1 on the church grounds on Tues day evening, June 1.77th. The I', khiill Orchestra has heels eng- aged for the occasion. Tett ser- ved from 0 to 8. Everybody en - lilted, • TO CORRESPONDENTS During June, July and August the Herald will go to press Wed- nc'sday- afternoon. All news copy muss: beim by Tuesday night. Three Blake brothers returneci iiutn overseas, sons of Mr. and leis, Thos. Johnston, a most high - l; respected tamely in this 'ieui- its'. !Corp. Norman Johns.on ar- r.V0c3 1101110 last Monday, he was mat at Hensall by a large numb- er 01 relates es and friends who ase re pleased to welcome him lhonhe aga.n o,i thee ;vay home they \t ere islet in the \ i.l.tge by the school c:h.,l.ir..li tall teacher, Mr. Iiofiman, they sang pa r:otic songs and gave three hear.y cheers . for Corp. Johns,o.i, and alissr singing the National Anthem, all left foe their homes. Corp. Johnston was wounda3 ser eral times and was offered the pr- evilage of returning home before, But hie high sence of duty ant). pat riotism prompted him to stay with it un' it this Battalion marched en Germain soil. c Ptt s Thomas and bl.l' on John - sun. returned some months sago. \\' OM) NS' INSTITUTE The Annual meeting of the Blake Woniens' Institute ti'as , held at the home of Mrs. R. Doug - I a'r• May 13th. the preside_ kere- siding The meeting opened by singing the Institute ode. The nt nutes of the last meeting -were read and adopted. The treasure e:rs report for the year was4also read There were ten meetings 11 1.1 in the year, the attenda°„ for the year being one hundred - and forty-two, an average of fourte- en at each meeting. There were taken in altogether $4.43.43 and there wall paid out for things, $405,38. leaving on hand a`,37.05. The old officers were. alt re-elected for 19:9. The roll call was taken by each one responding to their -nam- es be paying their fee. We have a membership of eighteen. The members wish to thank nail the Ladies who kindly helped us in the liaise of war. The following 's the lest of work done in the past year; 257 pairs socks, valued at J21.25; 41. shirts, valued at 82.00; 23 suits pyjamas valued at 3.4.50; 161 tow- els valued at $42; 4 •iuilis valued at $1.2, 27 wash clouts valued at $1.89; 30 pairs stockings valued at 31.20; 71 articles of clothing for the Belgians valued at $12.00; 19 scarfs valued at $19; 1 sweater valued at $1.25; 1 pair Yof mitts valued at 5c; 2 pillows valued at 's.'; 3 childre!n'is blouses valued at '1; t.ltal 0 0 incl s; to a -va'uY $'80,81 Our summer meeting is to 1:0 held at the hone of our president, :Sirs. A. 3. McDonald. on Jun:' :;0th, at 2.30 in the af.ernoon, when'we ex- pect to have with us Miss 13. Gil- holin. of Brighton, the Governm- ent delegate, A hearty invitation is given from the society for all Ladies to attend. Mrs. D. Tough, Secretary-Treas. STANLEY TOWNSHIP On Wed. June 4th at high noon, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John Elder, Iiensall, their eldest daugh- ter Grace Victoria, was tanned in maggiage to Robert M, Peck son of Mr, and bars, Nathan Peck. The ceremony was performed by Rev, Geo. II:;Knley of London, untie of the groom„ After congratulates ons a sumptuous wedding runner was served and the happy couple left in the afternoon by motor, for a trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Niagara Falls, Upon their re- turn they will settle cloven on the groom's fine farm on the Babylon Line Stanley and that they ma.v have a long and happy married life is the wish of their many fri- ends. Mr. and 14'ti's. W. Ti. Stogdill of Sutton and Mrs. Oscar Wright and family of i(cinnelworth are spend- ling a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dowson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnston, Mrs. S. Johnston and Miss Flossie, Stephenson • leave this week for Pilot Mound, Man. whereas they will visit their friends for the summer Wm Geiser of Stephen, while driving to town with to load of hogs, one day last week, had one of hie horstss di:' from the heat. Rev. J. W. Baird has been trans-, (erred to Ilamiltore Rev. \Vi1-, son of Hamilton conOS to :1fi` titer, A deputation waited on the Co- unty Counici1 last week to try and induce the vcouncil era build a hospital in Exeter. A movement i., on foot to ha,'e the Exeter continuaiotn school ch- anged to a High school. The by-law in facers of paving Main Street was carried by the vote of 202 for and 22 against. Rev. J. W. Baird, pastor of Janie esSt. Methodist church, was pre- cently presented with a purse con-, tailing $150.00 by members of his congregation, --.0----- BEAVER MEADOW Report for S. S. No. 12 Hay, for the mon `. h of bray. Based • on good attendance, good behaviour and pe1}eet work; Jr. 111;-G rirude 3 h:1be;Li1- lioe Rosa, Theresa Meidinger. Sr. II; Beatrice Klopp, Ervin Schiltie, CleeIa. Schilbie, Myrtle Me- ese. Jr, Il;-- Margaret S:hilhe, Har- old Klopp, Gordan Miller Agnes Meidinger, Hazel Masse Elizabeth Bad our, ,Sr, P1. II;- Nornian Fleisehau- er, Melvin Schoch, Edgar Masse, Jr. Pt. II; -Howard Klopp, L onard Merner. Sr Pr; -Mabel Haugh; Eleanor Flei,schauer, Jr, Pr. A. Elmer Masse, Leonard Becker Jr. Pr Edith Klopp, Harold( Horner, Leonard Steinbach, Ora Schoch, S. H. Beacon, eacher --.t.---- COCJNTY NEWS The Ju.ie .session of the county Council r aenea 111 GoLterich on 'dues ay, , itne lothe ales. 4m. ewes nets sold tarot on time LO,ition ecoai neat' Elena.heist ;,u Amus Cour light of butte -i:. for $8,0e0 and her present Sop tor.$500. 1'1ie aeiuorth baseball Club was fiirganize:l at a ii ell attended nee- et.r,g Ilelzt recently;. Mr, ani Mrs. W. 3. Stinson of Bay iiel:t announce tae engagement of their daughter, Myrtle M. to eMr. George O. EReid, son of the late John Reid and Mrs. Reid of Bayfield. The marriage will take place in Winnipeg this mouth. Fire of unknown origin caused damages estimated at $8,000 to the Smith Bloch at Clinton late Sun- day evening, when Roy Bail's pho. tographic studio, where the fire started was partly gutted, and the three stores in the building were damaged by water. Mr. Noble Scott, of Stephen, was' unfortunately kicked by a horse and his jaw bone was broken and face badly bruised and cut. Scott was putting the team away at moon when the ack;ident hap- pened. He was knocked unconsci- ous and could not recall the cir- cumstances of the accident. \Vhen he did not come into dinner, Mrs, Scott went to the barn and found him. i One, of the oldest pioneers in this section passed away on Monday of last week tin the person of George 'Hawking aged 99 years and 5 months. The late Mr. Hawkins was born in County Wicklow, Ire- laind, in 1819, coming to this coun- try' when 28 years of age and set- tled on the farm now known as the Wra White farm, 'two miles acute). of !Hensall, from there he moved to the farm now occupied by Mr John Campbell on the sec- ond con. where he resided until the time of his death. Deceased was married to Mise Ann Case, who predeceased him some years ago, In politics he was a •staiunch Con- servetive, He was a practical farmer and took a Leen Interest in everything pertaining to the farrn, and every year 'worked, more or less, inn the field and took a great deal of pleasure in trim - min g the hedge in front of his home which is abbot 15 rods in iiength. He trimmed this hedge Iasi: year making a splendid job of it, considering his wonderful age of 08 years. Although full of years this mint was in no way impaired. He voted at the last munitipai ele't'1in and was bright and active until within a few days of his death. Deceased leaves four sons, Thomas. of Windsor Joseph of Eareter, Frank and Gec e rg'e on the fare, London "iIaad, lsonth, her ( o er 11111 dectric Fully automatic, Not even a button to press.. Reasons why you should have are electric light system. THERE 18 NO SMELL TIIER.E IS NO SMOKE THERE IS NO DIRT 1 THERE TS NO OII. THERE 1S -NO CLEANING THERE TS NO OIL FIr.LING THERE IS NO MATCH":, THERE IS NO UPSET'11 :v C4 THERE IS NO FIRE THERE TS NO EXPLOSION THERE IS NO WORRY The most complete line of plants on the market to -day. ALL SIZES Agent I.� Hess ALL TYPES Zurich, a: STA To well-built house is the neces- sary protect- ive coating of good paint. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA INT 6-41 is the, safest, best, and most eco- nomical good paint made. It's best because made from best mater- ials -pure lead, pure zinc, and 'pure linseed oil. It's safest, because these • materials are all carefully tested for purity before being used. It's most economical because it covers most surface to the gallon, and wears longest. Color Cards and Color Sug- gestions free, E COLOR CARDS AIT WEIDO ZURICH' Greatest Program in Western, Ontario � "�•` 1yn at, k` Aeroplane Rights Demonstration by Great W r Veterans. Baseball=Zurich WINNERS OF ,CLINTON TOfRN- AMENT, vs. Ooderich WINNERS OF BLYTH COMPETIT ION, Horse Races 2,10 TROT OR PACE, PURSE $350 2.25 " e $30a 2.50 I' 1' $1.oa Concerts BY BAND OF THE 33rd REGTe Highland Dancing Baby Show Floral Parade, etc. CONCLUDING WITH A GRAND P IBEWORKS DISPLAY IN THE', EVENING Something Doiig all day tonne COMLI AND HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE AT "HUORN'S MAYOR WIGLE, W. LANE, T. PRITCHAR.D, Chairman. Treas. . $eiey i ! 'r i . GOLDEN GATE