HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-13, Page 1Vol!. XIX IC ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1919, No 49 YOUR HARNESS NEEDS -4• 1 'Wirt be promptly attended to here. gee:us about !DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED TF4IEL ZURICH + + + + + + + + +-+ + +-+ + + + + + + --e 41. asa---LL alusmonapaapposomp. Perch fishing is being enjoyed by many at the lake and somo good catches are reported. Tho date of the concert to be given in the Town Hall has been changed from June 19th to June 20th See particulars oh page 8, The sale of reserved seats is now open, plan at the Herald Offiee. • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 • cosee•eaoatrooestaesessoeszeoacesecoaaea•coeseeseesaceace meosoose*easeascoacoaacce0s• • a • • 0• 9 • 0 0 • • • • • • • • - • -• 0 a 9 • 1.4 '49 e TE er 9 S ecials r,for the month of June. WHITE VOILE WAISTS At $1.00 3 doz. white Voile Naists embrodiers front, trimrae.i. -with lace on cola lar ,nd cuff, eize 34-14 SPLENDID VALUE In Georgette and erepe du chene waists at $4.00 and $5.00 LADIES' WHITE WASH SKIRTS 0 * Made from good quality repre and pique, two pockets, finished, • do -33 .40 • • 0 0 0 0 .0 48 so • • ;* • 3 a • with pearl buttons. Cde • 0 0 0 0 4 '40 oak • Phone S9 BETTER QUALITY VOILE • ' WAISTS AT $3,00 Better quality Voile waists in ereke neat SWIS embroaekaci :roets,neett ly trimmed eollars and cuffs, size_„ es 34 to 42, EXTRA SPECIAL Value $3.00 1 WHITE SILK WAISTS In all sizes, at $2. and l. each. iL-A.DIES' HOSE !Cotton and lisle hose in white, -brown and black sizes 8% to 10. SILK ANKLE HOSE IN BLACel And White eolors, sizes 8% to 10. LADIES' PURE SILK HOSE ,Colors in Brown taupe, dark grey, champagne and black, size 9% CHILDS' RIBBED LISLE HOSE Mercerized finish, colors in white black and broon, sizes 4 to 81-2. 0000000000000 000 0000060Z 00 111ENS' PANAMA HATS A nice assortment of mons' paan area hats in the new styles at a low price. WOMENS' & CHILDS 'MIDDIES A. A :splendid assortment of wom- ens' and children middies in pain white and striped eollars long and short sleeves, all sizes. CHILDREN,S ROMPERS IChildren),s Rompers made hoed; good quality print in neat srtiped pattenn, size 2 to 7 years. LITTLE GIRLS' GINGHAMS Little girl's Gingham dresses in brown, grey and navy plaid eff- ect sizes 2 to 14 years. BIG BUNGALOW APROONS Bungalo aprons made from ex- tra quality print in. striped pat- terns, both light and dark colors. • . I geo!'"*.v,"0..z • J. PREE ViC.7 • :13 :CnsireT e--:<;;A:e44‘VCIr aw...Abtitalgans.0012=1 Produce Wanted • a 8a a • • 0 • 00 00 0 co • a a es. 00 0 9 • • a a 10 a a 0 0 9 • 0 0 a 0 • 0 4• • Mr. and Mrs. A, Moritz and chil- dren, of Guelph. and Mrs, Wing of. Kitchener, visited relatives here over Sunda* Mr and Mrs. E. Appel, of this left oi Thursday of this week fer et extended visit wtth elati- Ves in Detroit. - //egg Mildred Eilber, of near ' Crediton. visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs. W. C. Callfas, for a few days this week, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hess, and 'sen, John, of London, spent Tu- esday at the home of the form- ers mother, Mrs. F, Hess, Sr. Mr. R. E. Appel, wh.o has condu- cted a jeweller shop for s months, has discontinued busiNie sq and' has teft for Hamilton to as- sume a position.. Tee, Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church have again arranged to give meals at the Dorninole Hotel, Zurich, on the lea.; Fair day of the 'Zurich. Fall Fair. -13,ev. Roy M. Geiger has been st- ationed at Woodatoek as pastor of they Method,st church in that cits- bythe istationing committee of the conference recently held at Hthhilton, Brussels baseball team will pay t1 return game on the local dia- meend next Thursday afternooin They are bringing along an all star team atnd it is expected that the locals will have to play their be.gt to win. Come and help them 4 Ta between 8 and 14 years of age, unless the child is exempted bylaw, is liable to a fine of The Ontario Legislature may ap- pArt a Provincial School Attend- ant- Officer to see that the vegu- leAAtes in regard. to children's re- -gtier-attettidanice at schobl is ear- ried out. Mr, and Mrs. E. Wurm and dau- ghter, Kathleen, and Miss Annie Wurro were visitors to London on 'Saturday, Mr. Wurm and Mr. Sid. Hodgins, of near Lucan, ow- ner of "Charlie Patchen," journe eyed On to Tilsonburg to see Mr. Wurm's horse, "Silver Hall,'' in training by Mr. Walsh. The horse is showing remarkable speed and promises to develop into a money winner. ZURICH 8 BRUSSELS 4 Zurich Baseball Team went to Brussels last Thursday and play- ed the team of that town a fri- endly game. Although Brussels put up a good game, the local team was too muth for them and gradually run up a score that could tot be overcome. The Bru- ssels team expects to come to Zurich for the return game in the inear future and a real good game is promised. The Zurich team lined up as lot- 10E7s3w—uem, e.; Clarence Hoffman, p; W. F. Braun, let b; T. L. Wurm, end, '13; Clayton Hoffman lcd b; Lee Hoffman, s.s; A. Siebert, .r.f; C. Eilber c,f; Nicholson 1.f. The keeny.iet interest is beiwj taken in the eeedeet Which is to ice bee° on the 20th of this month, and whielh is actually out of the ordinary, both. feom, character o: tile entertainment and the excel- lenee of the artists giving it. A recital of pictures songs and sto- res is to be presented under the management of the London Con-, servatory of mea.c. This concert is having enormous success every- where it is gvien, The old fav- orite songs are to be given with an accompaniment of the most beautiful dissolvnig pictures imag- inable. The color effects ar.2 ex- quisitively lovely, gorgeous scen- es and mysterious picturial sett- ings being used to add to the beauty of the songs and reaciihtls At Ingersoll recently the large audience present were wildly en- thusiastic, song after song and reaching after reading were dem- anded again and, again in the en- tirely, and after the last number, a duett entitled "A Rose Rondefo it was difficult for the artiss to bring the contort to a close insistent were the listeners for mom of -the numbers. The concert on the 20th is to lie A number of the young ladies of the village are eamping at the Bend this week. Mr. and Mrs, P. Kropf and 'sere Floyd, Visited relatives in Kitch- ener over Sunday. Mr, Geo, 'Campbell, of Stanley, township, has sold his 60 acre farm in the L, R. E. eon., of Stanley to- weship, to Mr. Mr. Henry Steckle, who gets immediate possession. Mr. F. 0. Kalbfleisch will Operate his saw mill again next week and advises all parties having logs in his yardsto arrange to have them, sawed. Dont forgot the concert in the Town Hall; Zinech, on Friday ev- ening June 20th, Reserved seats 40c. adults 30e. Plan of Hall at Herald Office, 'FOUND • t Bunch of keys at 14th con. corn er, Owner call at Herald office. FOUND ,Sum of money,. :Owner can pro- cure same by proving property at., Meliek & Braun's hardware. ----+----- Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Report of Room III. for the month of May, basecl on Test Ex- aminations'. Jr IV;-Veola Prang 71% Mur- iel Howald 71; Mabel Preeter 65; Mary Mittelholtz 63; Lloyd Walper 43. " I Sr, Ill. -Eleanor Ducharme 77.9; Luella Decher 75.8; Madelena Meld- lnger 75.7; Milton Hey 75; Newell Geiger 70.6; Ethel Deitrich e8.4; Frances Mittelholtz 67.6; Marguer- ite Prang 67.5; Edmund. Bedar4 64.4; Gerald Bedard- 60.6; Ortha Meliek 53.1, Jr. III; -L. Leibold 438, A. Sch- walm 437, R. Brenner 421, Elia Cal- lfas. 119t jeKothems 104, L. Rader 399, M. Schwalm 395, E. Gascho 393, A. Zettel 386, G. Waiper 375, F. De- lehert 365, L. Albrecht 342, I. How- ald 335, G. Schwalm v33•3, G. Duch- arme 325, I. Yungblut 321, E. Hess 304, B. Fisher 304 F. Kalbfleiseh, teacher paimswomismaitammageormuecAmmum Incorporated 1855 'The MOLSONS ANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over 100 Brandies in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Dapartment Interest at: highest current rates Zurich Branch W. B. COLLES, Manage 2/001=ETS116=EXE 0112E01100000000123300 W. G. Hess Jeweller and Optician just Reeeived a supply et YOBBY, TRACTION AND WHITa DIAMOND TIRES AND TUBES. BISYCLE AND AUTO SUPPLIES .—+ Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade " Fountain Pens and Bicycl..3 Accessories. 4—+ Complete Line Of WATCHES, JEWELLER Y CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN PENS FL- ASHLIGHTS AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, BICYCLE REPAIRING$ AND VULCANIZING, ETC. Phone No. 74. al" aza.414Z 11041.10 Heetiteel"1. t 0000 f 1-010110c0f .3;4152254 141004.04 41.00000ollt 1 e 4. OXF HIGH 11.5, DS SH We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and summer wear. See our line of For Men For Ladies Q All Styles and Sizes IL -0J Wear well kind .0 UTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 0 .1a,4 te,,,:;.-s 14,,4,441,11-411i4.105-4 trfirCX4=2117/fO'1bga21.4 4C00:442r. 441110634114 fia1100.01.4 Hiai!!1:tli;111i11111111;1111111111111i111111111 11111111112M111111EIRIWIT1111111,111111:11:1!!!Trrinin11111tINTIER111311113111111111111136111,1111111121 7:1•1 11 We have opened our NW SPRING GOODS 111 PPTi\-178 .GELATEI1 l.X, c''' 1 7 el „ .,, ,1 !:.• We are offering some bargains in - , 1.i W a I i Papers, Mixed Paints tind other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND , Holiest Prieesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS in the, Town Hall, .Zurich. ThiA , BLAKE - • rompany is making it wondc..ful • iepu'tation ramd it will be mt:essai 1 . 1; PHONE 11 on 97