HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-06, Page 8OODS I For Your Inspection FOR MEN For Ladies's Wear New silk poplins in fashionable shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- tes and crepe du chenes. Also serges, poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses, See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts • with collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Housefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, linoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs, 11 I Ilii �.l 1II11111111frr ,i Groceries "SMOOTHER THAN VELVET" The finishing touch to a good meal--Silverwood's Ice Cream. Its creamy taste and pure fruit flavors are a real delight. Many fine dishes can be served with ice cream, making dainty desserts for special occasions. Silverwood's is pure pasteurized cream—homogenized. SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Bricks in all Flavors Look for the Silverwood'. Sign 17 Third of Jtrni= Celebration a Big Success Fine Weather, Large Crowd and Good Races. A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW G- ARDEN SEEDS. J. Gascho & Son a••.3 a -a+ A+r + +++++F++ ++P+++ +Y+++b+€+++i++++ +++ + + +y°++ : dr+i + •: ++4 +3+ 4. 4 SII+ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. -r ti 'Y+ Easy to operate. Absolutely safe. * Small fuel expense. Ready at all times. No odor. Keeps the house cool. Perfect baker. Let us show you these stoves. yL Cook with Coal Oil NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL STOVES AND OVENS. iZurich drew a large crowd onthe 3rci of June. The weather was all that could be desired and the baseball game and horse races were well contested. Everything was pulled off in good style and the Zurich Turf Club deserve cr- edit for the splendid day of sports put on This is going to he Zur-iich's annual Big Day - and a big- ger list; of attractions is promisedfor next year. The track was in excellent condition and the horses made fast time. In the forenoon Exeter .and 'Zurich baseball teams played a good game, The visiting team had afew a.eroplalnilc periods allowing the local boys to pile up a goodlead, which they failed to overco me. This was the first home game and the local team showed well. They should give a good account of themselves this year. Mr. Ferd Eowald gave good sat isfactron as umpire. The following is the line-up forZurich;-- 1 1, t E. Warm, c.; Clarence Hoffman, p; W. F. Braun, lst.b; T. L. `Nunn 2b.: Clayton Hoffman 3b.; Lee Hoffman, s.s; Bert Siebert, r. f; C. Eillber c. f; Nicholson 1.1. Score; • .9-1 in favor of Zuri h;. In the afternoon the horse racestook place and all horses entered showed splendid form. A dead heat in the .free-for-all caused anuch excitement. Messrs. S. Hodgins, of Lucan, W. Elliott and R. Welsh of Exeter, acted as start- ers and junges and kept the races clean. The wait between heats was .etnli'red on the judges stands tby" the witty and timely storiesof Mr. Hodgins who is an adept at telling them. The Crediton Bandfurnished good music for the oc- casion Following &WEIDO 1 4. PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. *4.+i;++++++ i�+++� }+++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 6 ONLY FAMOUS No. 21 Fleury Plows in stock at 21 while they last Following at last year's prices ONE DAIN HAY LOAD ER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCUFFLER, B EST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATO R. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ‘ONE 4;I h. p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. .ABOVE WILL BE SOLD AT CUTPRICES, AS WE NE1a0 THE MON- 1 EY. We handle pumps, piping, etc # ZURICH is the result of theraces;— a.50 TROT OR PACE Name of Owiner Hatter, Exeter Sims, Crediton Hartleib, Dashwood McDougall, Porter's Hill Jeffry, Zurich OPEN Geo. Troyer, Hillsgreen McDougall, Porters' Hill FREE-FOR-ALL Miller, Exeter Geo. Troyer, Hillsgreen Hodgins, Clandeboye 1 2 1 1 1.2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 , TROT 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 TROT OOR PACE 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 PA1Tj 4 100 rhp c0 PU'E MTI1p �" F;. SE UR AT A PRICE TO SUIT EVERYONE, WHO THINKS OP PAINTING THEIR HOUSE THIS SPRING $3)7 5 per gallon Buys any color, except White in gallon cans only, as% we are overstocked in this size lean. Pick out your color early, as there are only a limited mtamber of cans to each color in stock, This sale will last only 3 weeks. We also can supply you with a complete line of paint in smaller cans at a slight advance over that in gallon tins - 'Also varnish and varnish stain in any color. DON'T DELAY OR YOU MAY BI9 DISSAPOINTED. Cash or trade will be taken as payment, at this price, only, at date of purchase. L aamatalesaskaa Weekly Half Holiday We, the :undersigned business men of the Village of Zurich here by agree to close our respective places -of business every Thurs- day afternoon in each week dur- ing the months of June, July and August, said business places to be closed at the hour of 12 O'Cloek, and remain closed until the next morning, except when the half holiday precedes a holi- day when the stores will be open. Chas. Fritz. E. Oesch R. E. Appel Denomy Bros. T. L. Wur n Louis Prang Melia & Braun J. J. Barry W. H. Hoffman Fred Thiel J, Gashco & Son Peter Bender Ferd Hess Jacob Deichert John Kipper Yungblut & Deichert W. G. Hess Ruby & Johnston Williams Bros. John Preeter Casper Walper Stade & Weido Herald Printing Co. ZurichTowfl,.`a91 Thursday, June 19th of 8.15 A WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT, CONSISTING OF SONGS, READINGS AND VIOLIN NUMBERS WITH GORGEOUS PICTURE SCENERY. THIS CONCERT IS UNDER 'TIM EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE LONDON CONSERVATORS: OF MUSIC AND IS CREATING A SENSATION EVERYWHERE IT APPEARS. Georgia M. Newbury Eliaheth Rennie Florence Dewey F. L. Willgoose Reader Soprano Violinist 4ccompani t Phone 63 k St Braun Produce taken at highest prices New Straw Hats Panarnas Sailors. All Styles All Sizes Denomy 4os. Phone 78 T m L9 WURM Phone 78 JUST ARRIVED A nice line of ladies' silL waists in to -day's 1 eading styles and shades TO CLEAR Ladies' white voile Waaists at 75e and $1.00. IRWIN LADIES' HOSE Silk and cotton hose in the follow- ing shades; White, black, grey, taupe, sand, champagne, nigger. • SILKS* SILKS! Our silk department is complete crepe de theme, poplins, taffeta, crepe Faille, etc. PULL -OVER SWEATER COOATS All wool at $7.50 SPECIAL IN OUR WHITEWARE DEPARTMENT Just arrived, lovely washable cam- isoles, $14.25 $1.50 $2.00 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' combination suits sleeve- less and short sleeves. RAIN COATS Get one. Keep dry. Windproof and Rainproof. Regular $20 for $15. Regular $25 for $.1G. MADE -TO ORDER CLOTHING Men's made -to- order clothing. Every suit guaranteed to fit. Give us a trialk, HATS AND CAPS Mena' hats and caps in all colors., Buy your spring hat here ani save molney' UNDERWEAR A big stock of men's and young, men's combination suits, white each tan. FREE* FREE! FREE! With every pound of . Minto tea, We give away FREE one silver tea spoon, Roger quality. PINEAPPLES Just arrived, fresh pineapples. This is the week to buy pineapples as the price is going up. Phone. or mail orders promptly attendech to. Seed. Corn, Sorghum, Clangel Seed, Garden Seeds, Etc. WURM 78 T. 1.