HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-06, Page 51
;Corrected every There.day,)
Butter .., ....., .,.
Dried Apples ... "...•.
48(Via^ Mtuc 1VIatiH:on and Mi', 13. J. Word was receives here of the
06 Kulbfleiseh of Alvinston, spent the death of Mr, .Robert Lorimer which
1 25 ! iioliciay� i'n towel. took place at anis liozne In Ilensall
p t toes per bag
00-65 e�;�iln, Alta., who has jus. returned Deceased was well known to all
801 from France, is visiting his uncle, in this• community having run the
Buckwheat 1,00' W, L. Siebert, stage route bet ween Lurch and
Flour x,50—a u) The regular monthly meeting of! Henault for over twenty years.
.. ..,1
Bract 38,00 the (Zurich 4Wome,ns' Institute will' A few years ago he resigned and
44 00 be held at ithe home of Mrs. J. moved to 'Hensel' where he has
o'a .." ' ...
Wheat et a., .2,06-211 Mr Herbert Chander of Watesk-r on Suniday' after a short illness,
LivetHogs fob Hensel' ... 21.00 Douglas next Wednesday after- resided since. The funeral. was
. held at iHensall on Tuesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Wilt Rook's and LATE JOHN GASTRO
Zurich Book Room so'n, Carl, also Mr. Jacob Wellbe:s i Another of the well known pi.;
)3001CS er and daughter Maggie, of Kit-' °!teers of this section passed away
FANCY AND PLAIN WRiTING clt.€Iner, were, visito.s at the home last Wednesday in the !person of
of Mr, and Mrs. John Hartman, John Gascho in his 81st, year.
NORDFIEIMER PIANOS, PHONO Goshen Line South, ove , Sunday: Deceased had been in pool. health
LA GRAMOPHONES. RECORDS Rev. R H. Whiteside, of C arbere for some months and the end,
NEEDLES. ry, Man., is visiting at the home of came peacefully.
.FOUNTAIN PENS, FANCY PAPER relatives in town this week, 'He He passed away at the home of
TABLE NAPKINS. visited his mother at Metcalfe and his daughter, Mrs. David Gesell,
LARGE SUPPLY OF SACRED attended the conference eat Mout- netr Blake, where he had beeni
AND SECULAR MUSIC,Etc. real and. is on his way home. making his home with his wife:
Book Room in POWER RATE REDUCED !He was of a quiet unassuming nate
FOR BOYS AND GIRL;; { ure and by his honest and upright
Lutheran BaCsOdl e The .Canadian Banker's Associat life had made many warm friexzds,
44.444.4.++44++++44'l'4'4' on have again announced a coin- He came to Canada when still a
( petition for boys and girls under Young elan and lived in this se. e7
ArasimmeamMarasiMa.C••**rmerva:aaso.....pwr 16.. 1T years to be held in connection tion nearly all the time...He was
with the .Zurich Fail Fair, Lib t tweet• married His ills. wife was
the following
era, Cash prices are ofierc l to I enn,. Steckle, andg
boys and girls who exhibit wigs children survive from this anion;
- or cad\ els at the Zurich Fair', ;Joseph G:!echo, Zurich; Mrs. P.
-..�..u= I Rupp, Imly City,Mich; Mrs. Jorl
Fresh and Salt Meats Those who wish to enter must Dcaclalez•, 'Osborne; Mrs.� P. Stein- ,
Bologna Sausages, etc comply with .the rules o_ of the,TO ADVERTISERS
g �' competition, cot i7s of which ,r t.z'men, Tavistock; Mrs, Menne Whit-
Highest Cash Price for Wool entry forms can be obtained from' man, and. John Gascho, Jacob Gas- During June, July and August
the manageof the local branch cho and Mrs. Chris Bechler, Pig- the Herald will go to press Wed -
CASH FOR SKINS &HIDES. of the Molsons Bank or from the, eon, Mich; David Gascho, Detroit; nnsday afternoon. All copies for
M I' and Clues Gascho Bronson Line. change of actvert'sements must be
Rule G states that calves H15 second the follow- ri ane insertion.
From my promises on Lot 10,
eon. 6 ;Hay Township, a red heifer
calf with some white spots about 8
months old, has also a pig ring in
top of: right ear, Finder please
notify, Garnet Jacobd, Zurich, or
phone, 11r88,
.Two women for general house -
week State salary expected. Ap-
ply, stating age, to 11I, A. 13rieson
St. Peter's Seminary, London, Ont
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court of Revision of the A.,3.?3am-
eet Loll of the Township of :flay
will hold its first sitting in the
Town. Hall, Znr:�ch., on Saturday,
they 7th day of June, A. 1)., 1919,
at 10 o'clock, a. m.
A. F. Riess, Township CIerk
Zurich, May, 19th, 1919.
1917 model Chevrolet touring car
I ngood running condition and
good repair. Apply to Herald
Offico for particulars.
Secretary of the Fair, r. . , ',
Hess. u e s , d wife was Annie Bechler in our office by Monday noon to
De1Ohnt' or pigs entered mus_ have been who survives him, alsoi :e i n.
born en or after March 15th, 1919, ing children, Dan Geseho, Zurich;
Rule 9 states that exhibitors must Moses Gascho, out Wes`; Mrs.
feed nad care for the animals they John Jantzi, Baden, Mrs. ,Taco)
exhibit at least 6 weeks before the Iiipfer, Blake; Mrs. Samuel Ging-
Starting Eu'1 Celery.
Fair, Now children, get bits., ez r_•h and Mrs. David Oesch,•;5tan- The starting of early celery should
ley, The grand children of the be done immediately as the seed is
Cream,, Egg
Butter a>':`if ?ou1try
nighe r't C az
Pace Pala.
m i2E m
Phone 94 Z riell
Delaware & Hudson Co.'s
Also soft coal.
Our terms are cash on
Phone House or
i k. i o
Office—No. 10.
Do not let your supply of Coe.
inter Check Books run too low.
We sell Appleford's check books,
first-class in every respect. Let
us have your order.
{Herald Press,
Zurich, Ont
Take a glass of Salta to flash Kidneys
if Bladder bothers yon—Drink
lots of water.
Eating meat regularly eventually pro-
duces kidney trouble in some form or
other, says a well-known authority, be-
cause the uric acid in meat excites tato
kidneys, they become overworked; get
sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of
distress, particularly backache and mis-
ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin-
ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con-
stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness,
bladder and urinary irritation.
The moment your back hurts or kid-
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
'Jed Salts from any good pharmaoy;
take a tablespoonful in a glues of water
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then net fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with Lithia,
and has been used for generations to
flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them
to normal activity; also to neutralize the
acids in the urine so it no longer irri-
tates, thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;
'seeker; "a delightful efferveeeent lithia-
water drink which millions of men and
wrote take now and then to keep the
kidney and urinary organs clean, glue
avoiding eerious kidney disease.
S. S. CONVENIvTION deceased number 82, Rev. Jonas
The S. S. Convention of the.
Crediton district of the Eva.ugee_ Snyder of Waterloo and Mr. C.
teal district of the Evangelical ch- Sehrag conducted the funeral ser-
• vices The remains were laid to
arch was held at the lith con., test in the Mennonite cemetery' on
Ilay, Evan. church on Monday, and
was largely attended. Re :. Dr.Saturday,----•r,----
Stabler, of Cleveland, 0„ was the'
principal speaker and gave some
very foreifu1 and helpful addres-
ses. All the old officers were re-
elected foe another year. The
convention next year will be held
in Cabernet, i or longer or lying in a place ex-' c"•
1 trogeneous nature. Good fertilizer is
A NEW ,CALENDER ; nosed to the sum are unfit for seecessary at this stage so that the
A new calender made up of thir= human, food. Any person trying, plants will not receive any check.
teen months of 28 days each—the to dispose of these eggs :should, The plants should be thoroughly
new month to be interposed in they be caught by the Inspector a-: sprayer with Bordeaux Mixture when
November's present place and to ppoi+nted by the Government are they first break into third or true
table to a heavy Hineleaf, so that they will be kept free
slow in germination; requiring aboat
four weeks•before ready for the first
transplanting. The seed should he
sown in flats in a soil very sandy in
nature. This soil is pressed down
about ee an inch in the box and then
the celery is sown broadcast over it.
The box is then watered through bur -
Farmers and others having eggs lap and is left covered with burlap
to sell are remanded that the Can -or brown paper until the seed germi-
nates. When the plants are showing
ada Food Board has passed 'an two or three leaves they are trans -
Act prohibiting the sale of any planted into flats, 2 inches each way
eggs found unfertile, Eggs which in soil that is sandy in nature but
have been set on for a few days well-filled with good manure and
-Ectal fertilizer such of a ni-
rceive the name of Liberty, in 1
commemoration of the peace, whet --- '�----
i+ch ended the world's most ter- 'era s Attend®n
iible war, haas been adopted by _
business men of P,Iinneapo;is, who!
hope it will beconi unit'ersal. I Theannual meeting of the Lib-,
This new calender gets rid of theeera's of South Huron as constitut
365tln day by appointingit separ ed for Federal and Provincial pur-
utely and perenially New Y ear's i poses will he held at Hensell, on
Day. The sal'ent features of eMonday June 16th, at one o'clock,
the, proposed new syrtemp are as Speakers; Mr. 'FV. Kennedy, Is'i.
follows ;— New Year's Day, 1day' P., of Windsor; and Mr. W. Proud -
13 months of 28 days each, 364 foot, M.P.P.. leader of the Oppos-
clays. Total 365 days. getet, ition of the Local house.
Year's Day would have no name) Representative for Lii.elal me -
or elate, only New Year's Dai;. � king at Ottawa and Toronto will
The next day after New Years be -appointed.,
Day would always be Sunday,
January 1st. (Leap year corning
e'cery four years would have no
name only leap year day, 1?20,
1924, 1928. etc. Fixed holidyas wo-
uld always be on the same day and
date in each nad every year. San -
days and each day of the week ,
would also be on the same days'
and dates each year, thereby siin-
plif;c ing 'the whole system of time
The, Promotion Examine.' ions for
the Public Schools of Huron will
be held on June 25th, and 26th,
1919. Teachers will send to the
Publis School Inspector the num•'
bei' of papers required for II
Class, III Classes and IV lessee
at an early date,
Summer Courses in Agrieultnre
will be held at Guepib 0. A. C.,
and at Whitley College al which
teachers may qualify for an Elem-
entary eertificalc' in Agriculture.
Though the date set for admis-
sion of application is May ?6th, Ap-
plications will not be refused if
received -after that date pro c'ided
the number is not beyond the lim
its of the Colleges.
Teachers at ending these clas-
ses" will receive free tution. Their
expenses will be paid at the, close
of the following school year, They
will also receive a liberal grant
annually for teaching Agricultur-
al as prescribed by the regulati-
The spending of five or six
weeks on the beautiful Col:ege
ds at Guel h with several
green z p
Put War Borld interest into War lu dreds of enthusastic teachers
84'i'th98 Statnp5 wird keep Hying is an inspiration and a profitable
holiday which all teachers 8hptllrl
t6pe adv3nl':l a 'oil
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
In it before breakfast.
Headaohe of any kind, is caused by
.autlo.intoxication—which means self-
poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons
called toxins, sucked into the blood,
through the lymph ducts, excite the
heart which ,pumps the blood so fast
that it congests in the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producing via -
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
headache. You become nervous, de-
spondent, sick, feverish and miserable,
your meals sour and almost nauseate
you. Then you resort to acetanilide,
aspirin or the bromides which tempor-
arily relieve but do not rid the blare of
these irritating toxins.
A glass of hot water with a teaspoon-
ful of limestone phosphate in it, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys-
tem and cure you of headache but will
cleanse, purify and freshen the entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It is in-
expensive, harmless as. sugar, and al-
most tasteless, except for a sourish
twinge which is not unpleasatat.
If you aren't feeling your best, if
tongue is coated or you wake up with
bad taste; foul breath or have colds,
indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos-
phated hot water cure to rid your
systetu of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and It is claimed
that those who continue to flush out
the stomach, liver and bowels every
morning never have any headache or
);now a miserable moment.
from blight, and every week after
being set in the field.
Another method in use among
growers is that of sowing in hot beds.
The seed is planted in rows about 4
inches apart; in staking these rows
they take a piece of wood about an
inch wide and press it down on the
soil making a furrow about is of an
inch deep in which the seed i; sown.
It is then covered with burlap or
paper as stated before,
Celery to germinate properly
should be kept at a temperature of
70 degrees until the young plants
are growing in good shape, when it
is well to lower it to 55 or 60 degrees.
—A. H. MacLennan, Ontario Vege-
table Specialist.
A. 20-22 h. p, Stratford traciton en
gine and Stratford separator com-
plete with feeder, cutter, blower
and elevator. All in first class
condition and used only six sea-
:'ut' particulars apply to Ed.
Reichert, Zurich, Phone 10 on 01,
is Now Open. Hours:
Wednesday and Saturday
Afternoon and .Evening
2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock.
Library at Miss Lydia
Faust's home.
((Enrolled and Inspected)
Bay horse, foaled 1916, standar,'
and registered, Vol. XIII. Bred
by the late John L. Snyder, at
Park Farm, Springfield, Ohio. Si-
red by Ortolan Axworthy, 3 year
old record 207U; Dam, 'Pressen,.
2.07 by Moko. Dam of Trujoll•t 2
year old record 2.201j, raced in 2.07
at three years. Last season as :t
two year old, Truworthy trotted
the farm half utile track in 2.27,
Truworthy was broken to harness
in May in his yearling form and
trotted a quarter izt 38 seconds;,
oine-eighth in 18, with no intention
of searching hien, He is gaited to
go finery fast and he has the inclin-
ation -to stay on the trot and do
the right thing at all times. He
i,s opt+ of the first crop of foals by
Ortolat-t Axworthy 3 years, 2.07,i,
and considered by many the best
individual son of his sire, Axwor
thy 3 years 2.15/3. Remember the
Axworthy Moko cross produced
the world's champion the Real.
Lady 3 ;c ears, 2.03. Don't miss
seeing Truworthy as I cannot say
ton anuch for him. TERMS—Will
stand, at his own stable at Hills
(ireen at $1.5 to insure a living
foal -GEORGE E. TROOYER, P, op
1)r. Ea S. Hardie
Cement Work
Ane prepared to do anything i n
the way of building cement silos,
foundations, floors, bridges, walks
and all kinds of cement work,
Get my prices.
Alex. Foster
Barri:Isora, :Solicitors, Nobariees
Public &o, 011ice, on the Square, end
door from llraniiton St. (xoderich.
Private funds to loan at lowest rates
W, Pliol;nroor, K. 0. .1. L. KILrorten.
H..1. 1). Coope.
Ur, Cooke will i,r, in eenseli on Friday
and ,Vaeut..lay of (oxli weak,
ANDREW P. KESS, Notary Pul.l'e
Cons missioncr. Conveyancing,
I?ire and We Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co herald Office, Zurich.
Licensed Auctioneer for the Cu-
unty of Huron, Std.'s conduc' era in
any part of the cow ,ty, Charges
moderate and satisfaction guar- -
antr'ed Address .Zurich, R. R. No.
2, or phone -Zur ch,
By first week in June in a priv-
ate family, girl for general house
work. Must be good chin conk
No laundry work. Wages $30
a month. Apply Drawer 336. God
retch, Ont.
Pure-bred Yorkshire boar for
service, lot 16, con 14, Hay.— Hy.
Krueger, owner, G.t4Sp.
Illasseyirilarris Implements
Announce t
asper V a
Zui lc
n 9
RA 17
h �'•"
di� h C1,___:
C. Kaibfieish, Zurich
In May
W -ss.
Cosi $4.04
In June
Cost $4.05
War Savings Stamps
sect lee bought where
ever this sign is
Many wage-earners are asking them-
selves this question.
They do not want to put a quarter in
the bank at a time, and before they
know it, it is gone for trifles.
The Government has provided a simple
plan to enable you to save that quar-
ter in such a way that it will earn you
more money,
Twenty-five cents buys a Thrift Stamp.
Sixteen Thrift Stamps become a War
Savings Stamp, for which the Govern-
ment will pay you $5,0O in 1924..
If you lend the Government your save
ings in this way, you can make your
money earn over 41/2Y, compound in-
terest s.s often as von save $4.40 odd.
This h not only easy and profitable in.
vestment, but patriotic investment; be-
cause the Government neede money
for the heavy financing of the recon-
struction period.
Make Your Savings Serve You and
Serve Your Co ; dry--- nvest Them in
;;7a1' Savings Stunpa.