HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-06, Page 4"FLORENCE ,AUTOMATIC" OIL COOK STOVES T_TAVE a cool kitchen this summer—save yourself the labor of attending to a coal or wood fire—use the cheapest of fuels—kerosene. And don't bother with wicks or slow heating burners. Let us show you this fine cook stove in actual operation. FOR SALE BY a it1BLIC1 & BRAUN ZURICH I) TIEl1A"c' DASHWOOD "�.i:»A'.+*x ':Y."•. fix+ `ni�w�:.l THE HERALD Issued Thursday afternoons from the r}IE HERALD PRINTING CO. Terms of subscription Ne/5 per year In advance; $2.00 maybe charged if not so paid. U. S. subscripti- ons $1.75 strictly in rdvance. No paper discontinued %ntil all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. ''he date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISING RATES DASHWOOD A keenly contested genie of base ball was played on the local diam- ond on Saturday evening when Crediton Evangelical played our team. The cheering for both teams was at its climax. The score resulted in 8-7 in favor of Dashwood, After the ball game a ,publite reception was held on the lawn of Mr. J. K. Goetz, whose son Gor- don, arrived from overseas dur- ing that !evening. Addresses were given and, patriotic songs Effective alter Jan 1st, 1919. suing. Display Advertising -Made known, Mr. Saen ,Hey and daughter of ion application. Blake visited at Mr. P. Fassold on Stray Animals—One insertion 50c SSunday last. Miss Ada Fassold accompaniedthem home, J COUNTY NEWS reSparks' circus wi.1 'Visit Clinton on. Juno 12th, • On May 2-st, Miss. Katharine :S, McDiarxnid, of iSeaforth, formerly of Stiilnley was united ill marriage. to, Jas. Achison, a prosperuos far - neer near Sea#orth. The ceremony was performed at the home of T. '. 13, Baird, 13Stanley. Uoderi+eh. has recused another large manufacturing concern. The Me -Go ,convertible tractor attach- ment will be manufactured in the county town in the near fugue*. Bayfield will. hold a celebration o'n Dominion Day, July 1st. TO CORRESPONDENTS During' June, July and Vel August the Herald will go to a news needay afternoon. copy must be in by Tuesday night. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Dir, and Mrs. :i',\'rleon _l.riu th ong, spent the past few days Vis- iting their daughters in Loneton. I1r. and Mrs. u::). Lilley and Mr, C'alvix, Dowsoo of Seaforth spent Sunday at the house of Mr. Geo. DoWson. eo lesp- A great many of our p p ent; the 24th at Clinton. A Farmer's Club was farmers organized last week among f the Bronson and Bauble Lines. T. Wilson and Mr. Ralph $ Rev. x, nee insertions 1,00. 1 1 Stephenson of Varna attended the farm or Real Estate for sale A number of friends and relati- sherd at Blyth b0c. each insertion fog' one month' District meeting res from here motored to Hensall last Wednesday and'ThursdaS*• :of four insertions, 25e. for each on Monday evening to join in the 111is s Annie Stephenson of Gosh - Of insertion, i reception given Corp. Norman ell and Miss Ruth Reed of Varna Miscellaneous articles 6f not Johnston, who returned from are attending the \\ . M. S. Con- -Johnston, than five lines, For Sale, To overseas, h entioxl at Stratford this weak. Rant, or \\'ante, Lost. Found, etc., I Miss Sarah Laird of Toronto is----ae—•--"— each insertion 2 a z. , spending her vacation at her home CREDI T ON. LocalReading „ notices, etc ]Uc here. Mrs. R Hill and iVIiss weenie No STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall .Crediton, on Monday, the `26th of May, 1919. All the members ;were present. The minutes of the precious lneeteng- were read and adopted. A large deputation from Central- ia and vicinity- waited on the Co- uncil ads) presented a petition si- `iiiged by 231 ratepayers, electros and residents of the Municipality, asking that a Community Hall be built in the vilaleg of Centraiiia Mr. W R Elliott introduced the deputation and the following sp oke in behalf of the petitioners; Rev. Baker and Finley, and Messrs. Essery, Hicks., Neil, McIntyre, An- derson. Parsons and Willis. Mr.. Andrew Hicks on behalf of the deputation undertaking that if a Community Hall .is built in Cen- tralia. they would guarantee to present the Council with two ac- res of Atlhletiie Grounds, provide a caretaker and furnish light and heat for the building. Mrs rZ\W}cker, Mrs. Nicholson and Mrs. J. P. •Haugh also waiter on the Council asking that a ,Common to Hall be built in Cred- iton. Neeb—'_"eyes; That the Clerk procure a copy of the regulations approved of by the Government for the s=ection of Community s Halls, an 1 if possible, secure cop- ies of plan and specifications which would be suitable for the prop- osed buildings. Gravel 'contracts to the amount of $93,00 were let by auction. The following orders were pas - ed 1 — .C. Lochner acct. for repairing $7.75 H. Eliber & San, conveyanc- ing and reg. fees 5.10; J. Guinan, equalizing assessment of Exeter School, 5.00; J. Hays• use of Parish Hall S.B. 2.00; Dan Oestreicher, rep culvert and haul tile, 2.00; T., Webb labor in Mollard pit 4.00;W Lafond and others grading E. S. R. hind coni 14 26.50; Byron Hicks, gr- adiing S B. `22.00 ; B. Hicks drain as per agreement S; B. 10-.00; Fred Page damage to buggy 2.00; Jos Lawson pt. payment of bridgecon tracts 500.00; J. Lawson sheep kil- led by dogs 35.00 The Connell adjourned 10 meet agaiin in the Town Hall, Crediton ori July 7th next at 1 p.. m.; and ''n the meantime the Reeve is to call a special meeting if he con- siders it advisable to discuss the erection of Community Halls. Henry Eilber, CLERK. er line per insertion. r onotice Dr. Staebler of Cleveland,. Ohio Hodgins attended the W. M. S. ss than dv Card of Thanks . a conducted the 'services in the Ev- ' �• c and 5c. a � _ convention hell at Stratford last lIn'�• 1 Mr dna Mts. M. "Whiting Auction Sales, '>;1 for one insertser-ions: Mr. E. G. Kraft is erecting a tion a^ 1 w.1,�0 for two insertionsen missionaries from Japan, gave if moderate s'.ze. + new stable on his premises in the instructive ane entertaining Professiona' ":aids not exceeding south end of the village. anogram to the Evangelicial church 1 fele i.. r.- per year. Mrs. Magwood has returned to last Friday evening• Address all communications to Sarnia after visiting with. relati- Rev Dr. Staebler, of Cleveland res in tolWn: O„ gave an inspiring address to Mr. and Mrs. Herman EidL and the, Evangelical S. S. last ' San - family of Forest spent Sunday with lav, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade.----..---- ,11Ir. H. \\'inert is having a new H.ENSALL v er i�ndah added to his dwellina4 lir, W. J' Fre' is able tc, be aro- - - -- and with the use of ceu`,ches. _ ; Mrs. Wm, Luker, who some mon- X 'i'l.id 1 tths ago fell and broke her leg, had 1e Legal oda ertls.r,� 10 , aingelleal church on Sunday lnorn week. line. �• return HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. KIPPEN FARMER MAKING MONEY Sweet clover, says Conservation, is just beginning to tome into its —_— — aown in the farming busines,s and Hun, W. M. Martin, premier °f the misfortune to fall new the the growing of it for seed is ev-iSasketchewan, accompanied by his other day and 1r'.ak her arm•, idently profitable. It is repari-, Our str:e:s have le.eited .coat ed ill the press that a farmer at,. mother, of London, were guests° f of oil and the dust has been e£fect- Kippc•1, haevested lie bushels of %Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gladman ovre, . hely laic. clean seed off le acres, which he the 24.11- Premier Martin spent . Five year old Tommie �,m:a.l}e sola at 15 a bushel, That rep- his boyhood days in this town. !Svcs run over by a dile t12e itis nt:; a total of $2,19J, or at the Mr. A E. Kuhn, manager of the other day on the s.r.et a,a:l sisa- rate of $141 an acre. Bank of Commerce, has received :nedotlie two braked rime, --- three months holidays owing tc.Hensel} will have a dollar thy 1 on June 18th A farmer friend was lamenting REDUCTION IN R>;7.'1✓S G. F 18th. ut, of Waterloo, vis - BECOMING TOO CIVILIZED his ill health. . toer Packet the other day that The Public Utilities Commission ited his daughter, Mrs. J. W. l3on- raoderl, "conveniences" were de- of tows. have received from the throb, last week.;stn°y:no the social rift• of eountr: Miss Ethel Murdoch has return- .. Commission ii'ilet�' rat.' ed from a v:sit to points in Miele - life, :Neighbors no longer meet schedule By it the citizens ui and ex: hangs greetings and ;os- E1ete2 resell a reduction in cost rgan, alp at the e, postoffice and the tor• \\'m. Sangster has opene.I up a will mean a saving of from tailor shop in A. 1lurdoeli s old and store, The mail is delivered that to $1,000 annually. 'i'he re- { i end taken up daily at the farmers.stand, duction is not all that had been A. new cement. culvert has been own gate If neighbors have bus hoped for, in view of the assetts of ideas to transact they use the tel -mission Three ve_ put in on the London Road, s•auth epho•ne, instead of driving beer, : Exeter decided to link e- and so five minutes suffices for what would formerly have taken an hour. More and more, the tendency is for the young people to hit them off to town by auto -1 mobile in the evenings, instead of holding socials and concerts of their own. And so it is coming, to pass that families can live +')n adjoining farms, nal the adults scarcely ever meet, unless t lieyf happen to go to the same ehurchl. e, yr belong to the Farmer's Club dor Womens' Institute. Much as the telephone, rural mail deivlery the local tom of the corner, ars ago x er irn r. with the Hydro Electric. Deb- ETER nt e s to the amount of $20,000 AE TEAE1EUTIFIIES went, issued to int ll the system One hundred and fifty iicjrse pow- er were eointracted for and -the ,. to''r, was given five years to work up thio amount. The latest cus- tomer to be linked up with the system is W. G. Medd, of the 0,x- Don't Stay Gray? It Darkens eter Creamery, who is installing So Naturally that No - 20 h. p This will make 150 h. p. body can Tell. that the town is using. Of the ` • $20,000 for extens'.on purposes there i'ou can turn gray, faded hair beau - is at present on hand about $1,700, tifully dark and lustrous almost over and the auto are doing to relieve The annual fixed charges and in- night if you'll get a bottle of "Wyeth's the isolation of country life and terest. have been paid to date and Sage and Sulphur Compound" at any £ drug store. inions of bottles of this +noir. they is not at all pail t r= from Hensall, Zurich and Dash-are gist here bause it darkens the ANO DARKENS HAIR ELEC ight Po er "W'at-ir TY 32 Volts, Sem;.-Automatic I' ELECTRICITY APPEALS TO YOU TO -DAY BECAUSE IT IS USEFUL, ECONOMICAL, SAFE, CONVENIENT AND RELIABLE, ELECTRICITY WHICH HAS RIEVOL1YrPONIiZE D 'WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE CITIES HAS NOW THE. SAME INFLUENCE IN THE COUNTRY ON THE FARM. A Northern Electric Power and Light • Plant on your farm Will light your house, stable and dairy. Will run a separator or churn. Will wash the clothes and do the Will run the sewing machine. Will operate a toaster Will operate a vaeum cleaner Will pump water for your house Will charge automobile batteries. It will make wife's work easy and reduce to save time for the farmers. the there is a surplus from reveaa:. ri old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved are bringing about ' about $5,000 in the bank, The po :c by the addition of other ingredients, annually, says a well-known 1' • I wood is stepped down from the ' hair so naturally and evenly that no +a• Exeter sub -station and the form -one can te er two plaees have secured subst- 11 it has been applied. A teleph.one invention is rising Those whose hair is turning gray or tried out in Toronto which :prom- antral reductions in rates. Tlh,± becoming tefaded because t/e a atter ronieeorwait- two ices to revolutionize the hello present officient system is due to applications the gray hair vanishes talks By means of a multipl-' a 'Very great extent to the local and your locks become luxuriantly eel telephone apparatus at leastclank and beautiful, manager, 1VIr, H. W. Doerr, who This is the age of youth. Corey- t,' , wirn►.fYtanl;4'i+lg rconverigtytions is a thoroughly efficient and cap- haired, unattractive folks aren't a'nc' several telegraph messages I able manager having the situation wanted around, so get busy with nay be transferred over a giggle well in hand, to -nigh Sagenand Sulphur heed with to -night and You'll b9 delighted With eoppe.• wire for practically tin'im-! Exeter now pays for domestic your dark, handsome hair and your iited distance, As a. trial fouruse; psi k.W li Pot cominer- youthful appearance within a few newspapers men carried on eon- I ,sial 10e per k.w,1h, For power, This preparation is a toilet requisite s rsations., and every word Cato® 3.90 per k.w,h. and 100w. lamps and is not intended for the cure, mite.leat'1y axil distth try, I $130 per year. gallon or prevention ot disease. ironing. and barn,. household expenses. The most complete plant on the market to -day. Not a single plant but a line of plants. A size for every prospect. Agent E. C-' Hess Zurich SLAKE The regular meeting of t !u° ,Blake Womans Institute will be held at the horn,° of Mis, Ross John ston on June 10th. All ladies are ilnvited to attend. Miss Fassold of Dashwood spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hey. Quite a ,number of friends and relatives from Mich Tavistock and New Hamburg attended the fun- eral ot the late Mr. John Gesell°, on Saturday last. Miss Isabel Manson, who is train iing for a nurse in Goderich hos- pital spent a couple of weeks at her home on the Goshen line. Quite a number from this vicin- ity attended the horse raees in ?ur !eh en June 3rd, Miss Show, who is teaching ,.n the Bronson line, spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs'. R. N. Douglas. , Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, Jr, o :Hensall, accompanied by Miss b". )Sherritt, called on friends in' the village on Saturday. •Mr. Wm. Johnston, of i annra„ accompanied by his sister of Tien- salt, visited at the home of Mr, 'end Mrs. John' Parke recently. WARNING Notice is hereby given that any person interfering with Mr.. Frank 13adour or selling him cider will be prosecuted. --Henry 13adour, DAINTING season is here. The house probably needs re -painting, both for protection against the weather and for the sake of its appearance. , There is nothing that will show better returns for the time and money spent at housecleaning time : than paint and varnish used inside the house. Come in and tell us what you wish to paint or varnish and we will show you a Brighten Up, ' Finish that will do it, and do it properly. sAffAwilim i$eSL are a line ot paints and varnish which do exactly what tliey are intended to do, giving a right treatment to each surface. It is impossible to obtain one paint or varnish that is suitable for a wide varietyy of uses, so it is very important to obtaizl. a product that is xactly suitable for the purpose you haus ki mind. ST DE & W E N DR. GRANT WILL SPEAK Dr. A. S. Grant, of Toronto has been made the Marshall Poch of Ontario in the battle between the Temperance and Liquor forties in the coming referendum vote. All the Temperance organizations have united behind one central commit. tee headed by Dr. Grant, a pro- mtnent Presbyterian minister, and ZURICH a very capab}e organizer, and he• will have charge of the carnPaigeee IAt the Huron County Temper - twee Convention to be held in the Presbyterian church, Clinton, on f Tuesday afternoon and evening, June 17th, Dr. Grant will speak at both sessions in additicln. to other local speakers,