HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-06, Page 2PALL AND WEAK
Owe Their Condition to Weak,
Watery Blood ---Bow to Regain
Every woman's health is peculiarly
dependent upon the condition of her
blood. Far too many women suffer
with headaches, pains in the back,
poor appetite, weak digestion, palpi-
tation of the heart, a constant feeling
of weariness, shortness of breath, pal-
lor and nervousness, Of course all
these symptoms IUay not be present
in any particular case. They are
merely a warning that the blood is
out of .order, and that it is thin and
watery, and if you note any of these
symptoms in your own case, you
should lose no bine in taking the pro-
per steps to enrich and purify the
blood. Anaemia — poverty of the
blood—is a most insidious disease and
if allowed to run will end in a com-
plete breakdown of the system. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are, beyond doubt,
the greatest blood -making tonic offer-
ed the public to -day. For more than
a quarter of a century they have been
the stand-by oe hundreds of thousands
of people in all parts of the world. No
other medicine has ever achieved such
world-wide popularity, and the reason
is that this medicine does what is
claimed for it, enriches and purifies
the blood, thus bringing new strength
to every organ and every nerve in the
body. In this way Dr. Williams' Pink in food and in dress, with thrift and understanding and loving kind-: outwards and turn the stream of
Pills bring new health to weak, des -1 stamps and bonds to the limit of our ness on the part of the parents ori money inwards" by cutting down im-
pondent people. Among the many who +ability as a means of gaining the vie- guardians. _ i ports and expanding exhorts, says
speak highly of this medicine is Mrs. tory, it gave us a splendid Commission.
and work outdoors every day. `.� i
3. At least two hours of quiet hap-
piness with older people daily; di -
Pills too highly. ale: ysuff ago I was of extravagance and selfishness? redly after the noon meal, with little 1
very thin and pale; I suffered many Shall we not rather, with our newly periods of quiet happiness with older
next clay, and never wind it twice
at the same time; well, just so much
more can any child's fife be made
discordant and out of rhythm with
the world and with his own nature by
irregularity in sleeping and eating,
and by inordinate or unbalances! diet,
S tan t the Baby Right.
From the instant a mot.Ier hears
that first significant cry which pro-
claims to the world the birth of a
We have recently passed through one is likely to have. Garbage .pails, new life, ahe is coni'rontecl by a prob-
a trying time, which brought new pig -pens, rotting vegetables end the leo which increases in complexity
experiences and which taught us i uncovered outhouses should receive .with the passing of the years.
many things in the way of economY i attention in order to forestall the Upon the early habits of the baby
and thrift. Now that the war has; flies' activity about your house.. ,,,yi11 'depend her 'ability. to fulfill her
been won many people seem to think; Without going' into details abd r mans- duties. She can train the baby
there is no longer any necessity for! the various diseases they are said to , to be entirely dependent upon her'
self-denial and ora speedily falling carry it is known that dies leave during his waking hours, and thus
back into old habits of extravagance. I germs by the wholesale wherever let him become the spoiled child who
In such cases the lesson has surely' they walk. Admirably adapted for later develops into a family nuisance,
been in vain so far e.s the individual
is concerned.
Quckly, indeed, do we forget. Never
again will a similar opportunity pre-
sent itself for getting a start in the carries germs. When crawling over.rlvould not be guilty of pulling up the
right direction. At least it is hoped' filth of any kind this little cup-; sproutirtg plant to see if it was grow -
and expected that the terrible ex -1 shaped• pad never fails to ga.ther a ing; why carry her baby about in her
periences in battle -torn Europe will; large number of microbes, which aro arms or hold him in her. lap when he
never be repeated. The hope of the, deposited later on other surfaces.? can kick and crow so much more
nations lies in the direction of peace Flies love filth, and it seems almost' freely in his own bed?
for all future years to come. So prone' nothing lis to exterminate
xt r Aute an hend toif + The baby who is bathed, fed, given
are we to follow along the beaten
path of habit that it requires some- I their breeding places.
thing very much out of the ordinary
to arouse us to make an effort in a Essentials to the Child.
carrying microbes on account of cel'-: or she can begin even when he is in
tain hairs and spines on the outer his tiny cnib to sow the seed of self -
parts of his anatomy, the little pad reliance, which will make him the
which holds him to the ceiling also responsible and desirable citizen. She
different direction.
So with the self-denial made nec-
iessary by the war, with everything
possible done to encourage economy
his nap regularly, allowed freedom an
which to grow and not hampered by
too much attention will develop into
a healthy, happy, helpful child and be
The absolute necessities for the a joy to his parents and a pleasure
child, if he or she is to be healthy to their friends.
and strong, are these:
1. Happy spirits, born of sympathy "We must check the flow of money
Louis D. Larsh, Windsor, Ont., who the right road. Shall" we allow our-
says:—"It would be impossible for selves to profit nothing by the les -
me to recommenSome d D3. Williams' Pink son and drift back into our old habits
of the symptoms of anaemia, and al- I acquired mental equipment for .sere- persons the first thing in the morn -
,ways felt tired, depressed and weak. ice, determine from now on to devote ing to key them for the da.y, and
I had tried several medicines, but they less thought to self and more to they
did not seem to help me. Then acting g the last thing in the evening to key
on the advice of a friend, I began tak-1 great Brotherhood of Man? Shall, their minds so that sleep can do I •
ing Dr. Williams' _.. Before , we not be broader -minded, more for them its proper work of regen-I
,had used half a dozen boxes I was sympathetic and charitable, less
'actually feeling like a new person and
had gained nine pounds in weight.
1 tinued taking the pills until I
had taken a dozen boxes, and from
that time I have always enjoyed the
best of health. I freely write you
this letter in the hope that some wo-
man in need, as I was, will see it and
be benefited as I have been."
Most of the troubles that affect
mankind are due to impoverished
blood, and will promptly disappear if
the blood is built up and renewed. If
you are ailing, give this greatest of
t.;.;a;e medicines a fair trial and it will
not disappoint you. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills can be procured through
any dealer in medicines, or will be
sent by mail at 50c a box or six boxes
for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
There are too many tangled trails
That gtart with promise true,
But never lead us to the scenes
Oar longing eyes would view.
Alone, undimmed by tears between,
Tho' far our steps may roam,
Runs back the path of memory
To mother and to hone!
ready to criticise and find fault, more
generous with time and means toward
the unfortunate of all lands, and less
inclined to limit our efforts to those
with whom we are more intimately
"Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,
Lest we forget—lest we forget!"
Swat the Fly.
"- The blow -fly becomes active at the
first signs of settled weather, and its
progeny soon numbers thousands. It
visits every place that smells favor-
able for depositing its eggs and de-
veloping the larvae, for the fly is
impartial and will follow an odor no
matter whether it comes from a pal-
ace or a hovel. Piles of decaying
manure, decaying animal and vege-
table matter, etc., are all ideal places
for fly breeding, and it is in such
places that eggs are laid.
The fly can follow an odor as ably
as any four -footed animal,• and it
likes foul smells best of all. Its
sense of smell is a very reliable.
guide to food and breeding places.
It is plain, then, that cleanliness
about the house, barn and the whole
The First Line of ]w= of once
A plentiful supply of ammunition is the first line of defence
against the enemy. When waging war against the Potato
Bug army, make sure that your first line of defence is
impregnable by using Munro's Pure Paris Green—the only
ammunition you'll need. When the first Potato Bug ap-
pears, spray the plants with a liquid solution of this old
reliable Killer, and the enemy will be destroyed and your
potato crop saved.
is a fine fluffy, rich green powder made to Government standard. It has
been killing potato bugs for years, and this year will kill more than ever,
because more people will use this old standby to make sure of getting a
good crop of potatoes. Be sure you get Munro's from your Hardware,
Drug, Grocery and General Store.
Manufactured by
VaniiiaegAgr rS, p <"i cera and importers, Crown
Diamond Paints, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs and
Tanners Supplies.
4. .A scientific diet in which fresh
vegetables and fruits (not too much
fruit on account of the acid) form at
least 50-50 part of the entire intake
of food, with a corresponding de-
crease in proteids, carbohydrates and
sugar, dessert, etc.
5. Long and regular hours of sleep
with the windows wide open.
6. A cold shower and rub -off the
first thing every morning.
You know what happens to a wath
if you wind it three or four times ti
day one clay, and let it run down ,
a p ARE P
In an
im demant Shed
Ask your
Plans and Prices.
Invest Your Mone'
I Pf
..,Tine Great West Permanent
Loan Company.
Toronto Office 20 King St. West.
The removal of import restrictions
on foodstuffs in the Scandinavian
,countries is a considc'able relief to
Canadian exporters, Much time was
lost and worry occasioned by the
interchange of cables on shipments
from the Dominion, and in many
cases those being made via American
ports were long delayed at the Am-
erican border. The Canadian Trade
Commission had frequently to hold
export permits in abeyance, and not-
withstanding the extensive corres-
pondence which the Commission has
carried on, it is believed that there
are still some cases where exporters
are awaiting information. Any case
of doubt will be promptly cleared if
referred to the Canadian Trade Com-
The Best Tires"
Made by Canada's greatest rubber
company and Canada's leading tire maker.
perfected by the same experts, in
the same factories, that have brought
"Dominion Auto Tires" a nation -wide' -u
You can be sure of the strength,
durability and easy riding comfort of
"Dominion Tires" for Bicycles and
Bedtime Hours,
If I were asked to prescribe bed-
time hours, a doctor writes in the
London Evening News, I would laI
down the following rules:
A child of 4 shoesd go to bed to
7 pan, and sleep 12 or 18 hours.
A boy or girl of 10 at 8•30, an$
sleep 1.01 hours.
A young person of 17 at' 9.30, and
sleep 10 hours.
A young man or woman of 21 at
10.30, and sleep 9 hours.
Anyone over 28 at not later than
11, and sleep 8 hours or more.
But people vary in the amount of
sleep they require for complete res-
toration of nervous energy—the real
object of sleep—and these times
should be modified accordingly.
Constipation in Daisies.
Unfortunately constipation is a
condition frequently found in babies,
whether bottle of breast-fed. The
wisest first step to take is to consult
a physician, but it is well to know
some of the simpler causes, since in
treating constipation the cause of the
difficulty should be sought and re-
moved and laxative drugs only used
as a last resort.
The early cultivation of a habit
of regularity, as suggested last
week, helps to prevent constipation.
Sometimes in breast-fed infants in-
sufficient food is the cause; this con-
dition can also be ascertained by
failure to gain or by loss in weight.
Constipation is also due to ill-ad-
vised medication in the early weeks
of life. Castor oil and frequent col-
onic flushings are often used without
a physician's orders, and the bowel
becomes so used to this stimulation
that a chronic constipation results.
Following are a few simple sug-
Never give laxative drugs without
your physician's advice.
Cultivate regular habits in your
Orange juice given daily has a de-
cided laxative effect.
Milk of magnesia is the least
harmful laxative, but even this
should be used only upon advice of._
your physician, or the physician in
charge of the nearest child welfare
Pioneers Who Have Blazed a Trail
Through Aerial Regions.
1500—Jean-Baptiste Dante made
flights with a glider of non -
vibrant wings in Perugia, Italy.
1742—Marquis De Bacqueville used
imitation flapping wings from
house on Seine to garden of
the Tuileries.
1842—Henson patented monople to
be driven by steam engine.
Wing span 140 feet.
1871—M. A. Penaud built toy model
which flew 131 feet in garden
of the Tuileries.
1876—Penaud designed airplane with
two propellers.
1896—Prof. S. P. Langley's steam -
driven monoplane model flew
over Pontomac successfully
for 3000 feet at twenty to
twenty-five miles an hour.
1896—Lillienthal flew biplane glider
previous to fitting it with 21
horsepower engine; killed in
1900—Wilbur and Orville Wright ex-
perimer}ted. with gliders with
arched surfaces and adin-
stable rudder in front. Glided
600 feet.
1903—December 17.—Wright broth-
ers fitted a biplane glider with
a sixteen horsepower motor,
make first successful sustained
flight in world.
1906—September 13.—Santos Dumont
made first officially recorded
European airplane flight.
1907—October 26.—Henry Farman,
Englishman, flew Voisin 2500
feet in fifty-two and five -tenth
seconds in a straight line.
1908—August 8.—Orville Wright sur-
passed French records for
duration with one passenger.
1909—July 25.—Bleriot crossed the
utesEnglish Channel from Calais
to Dover in thirty-seven min-
1909—September 29.—Wilbur Wright
flew around the Statue of
1913—June•---Brindejon flew from,
Paris to Warsaw stopping at
Berlin, covering 333 miles in
eleven hours, including stops.
1914--.'uly—Successful trials of the
"America,"ordered by Roc-
a. man W'd'liamaker for trans -at-
lantic flight.
1914-1918—War period. .I
1919 --Harry G. Hawker and Com-
mender MacKenzie Grieve .
cross considerable portion of
Atlantic in Sopwith plane. '
"Artistic" is often a synonym for
useless and expensive.
Sold by the DOMMIO
Leading Dealers SY
b •{' si.V.Y`
12 V.Y.
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A. Paint, to be 100% efficient, must be
100% pure. Only an absolutely pure
paint can cover cornpletely, spread easily
and protect the surface of wood and
metas against the destructive action of wear and
weath'er for years.
(except inside White and
a few dark shades that
cannot be prepared from
lead and zinc), to be
made from pure white
lead, pure oxide of zinc,
with coloring matter in
proportionate quantities
necessary to make their
respectivo shades and
tints, with pure linseed
oil and turpentine dryer,
and to be entirely FREE
from water, benzine,
whiting and other adul•
terations, and SOLD
TheMVdartin-Senour Co.
costs less than any other on your house, because it
covers most, spreads easiest and lagtts longest.
It is true economy to keep your house well painted;
it saves repairs and deterioration.
It is the truest economy
to use "100% Pure"
Paint. S4C
Our books—"Town
arid Country Homes" and
"Harmony in Neu -Tone" mailed
free on request.
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