HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-06-06, Page 13 ER q01 XIX -4 • 1 43. ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING. JU•NE 6, 1919. LD No 48 \TOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOU)LE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whi.ps, Sweat .Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH1 4.--4-4—+ + + + +—+++---+++4.+++ 61110•S•1113•10110.•••• Miss Orpatt, of Guelph is visit- ing with Miss IViargaret Stelek, this week, Messrs, Ward Fritz and Lennie Callfas, of Kitchener, visitedat their homes here over Sunday: Reeve John Laporte is attend Euree county council ineees at Goderich this week. W P, Braun spent Sunday at his hones lin 'Creditor). Mr Earl Rau, of Detroit, has returned to his home here. MIS s RoXie Eilber, of Monckton, spelnt Tuesday at her home here. Mrs, W. G. Fee, of Seaforth, vis- ited friends here for a few days last week. Mrs. McFall of Brandon, Man., is vieiting at. the home of her bro- ther, Mr. Wm. O'Brien. The street sprenkler has been put to work and is keeping the dust Zerieh, is to have the benefit of a Visit of a group, of artists. from the London Conservatory of Music on Thursday evening June 19th at 8,15 p. m., n a wonderful form. ot entertainment. The eon cert is the most unique presentation e'er offered the public and consists. of soing, storieh and violin numbers accompanied by the most gorgeous dissolving view picture scenery. Everywhere this company goes a veritable sensation is created. The pietures are marvellously beauti- ful alnd are projected on the screen by costly apparatus. Miss Geo- rgia N. Newbury will be the Read- er, she is inimitable in her way of Mg the ,Tune meeting, of the eo- clown in a slight degreegiving her stories and readings so week. ' linty council at Goderich this Mr Herbert Klopp, dentist, Vis- her a.udience. Miss Florence Delve- . ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wim, aeryjois well known throughout Ont. - Her. -wonderful execution and beau -i .1MINE010116.1•11110111110 ,a 00oeseeseseeese00••••••••••••••••••••••00•••••0aeose sterse•00••••••••••••••06. • • • • Is • a • • • .0 a ...,-,...,,- VI • • 40 dr- • ,s, - • a • • • eo • • e --• o lio • Aii, le . GP7AT JAL& '-WISTS vricru -.* ;i''• • • ' '0 ': ''' 0 • AB 0 `‘• 11 I it Pr, • - 0 0 • 0 4t 41 * e -.6 • Is e z • • is • II • es • lit A large range of ladies' white voile waists inIplain and fancy striped, 0 0 50 0 all sizes. Prices from $1 to $3. A -special line at 50e and .75e each. • to • Silk -Waists , . • Silk Poplins a 0 to • oi e • A Inice assortment of ladies' silk We ha ye the largest stock of 0 a waists in all colors, plain and fan- eilk poplins in all colors. at $1.35 yd ee lip cy striped. Prices from $4 to $5 • 3 • • • White top skirts 4 Women's all wool to e filo 0 Lig Made of fine repp and pique in 0 et 0 at all sizes and prices. knitted Sweaters 0 o • • • Ladies' auto caps The newest styles in Women's e 0 te 0 a all wool sweaters. Colors in 0 leo 0 1 A. big display of ladies auto caps. pink and yellow, All sizes. et • ,0 • • Men's • • • • • • ro Felt Hats Men's felt hats. A big display All sizes and colors in blue, black green and grey. Prices to suit every person. Department e Men's Ties • In plain and fancy striped. A large stock to choose from. Men's and Boys Fancy Shirts a e • * • • 0 • • • to 1111 • • 0 * • ill • • 0 See our new suits We have the men's silk ties. to $1.00 finest range in Prices, from 25c. :.-:. ''..."''.-;-\ 0 ' • Aik* it,ff;F r 0 to NIS" - ' • • o.-,Ais . it 4''''''' • • 0 • a v'tig..!--- • • • •,-4,. • • • • ts \ „. • so v.; - o e *',.. 0 ........m...MS*MM 0 0 ) 0 ,46 ‘: • 111 qb • • 0 IP • 4-.1.. .,.....,,.f ......,,,,....:, -. • 18$ IL '41756. t& • • ,.•e•-cP-4, ,,,2„4/. re ...... ,a - '''' ...;"'AIW 4,.., tOm../. • 0 IF,4;.'. '''. 0 • • * 0 -• • o -0 aseaseaesearsiessminsestal 0 ele se O 0 O 0 .1. 0 0 *AO 41/0 0 '''' 1 PREETER . . e • • d• e t• • 0 • ,.• O Phone 59 Produce Wanted • o -0 0 0 ..• e .0 • t 4 • 4244••04-- • ...:1:44,41,..;,,..r04:.• ....2:.!.41et,1$7.1:t 01:.tenecr as an 'accomplished violinise! Klopp, for a few days last week, Messrs. N. E. tDahms, W. L. 1tiful expression never fails to cap - Siebert and J. Preeter were in Mild ture her listeners. The soprana May for a few days last week on on this occasion will be Miss El "74 , expedition. wilmoommummosamosomiiiii Incorporated 1855I The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Oer IDO Brandin is Canada General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates W. Zusrich Branch W a• ',LOUIS, Manager :fishing a I izabeth Rennie, a member of the agelemengsgeggagneancommagsagmempm . Dr. Wesley Schellig of Detroit, Conservatory staff and well visited relatives here for a fees known to these parts. Amongst days last week. He was aecom- many old favorite songs she will panted by his father, Mr. Geo. sing "SSomewhere a voice is cal- Schellig, who will visit here for ling," The pictures accornp- a short time. I allying this song are superbly bea- The fee paid to municipal clerks utiful, and the effect is impossible. for making returns of births, mar- to describe, riage,s and deaths has been inere- The concert will1Se under the aus e Reed from 20e to 25c for eacni pices of thEvangelical church Cas.e They must now make choir their returns monthly instead of tsVarterly. Mr W, 0. Goodwin, formerly manager of the Jackson Mfg. eo., located here some years ago, cal -4 led on old friends in town on Fri- day last. Mr. Goodwin was in ac- tive service, overseas for nearly, 1 flue& years. aio Mrs. John Elder, of ,The Police Trustees of Zurich +Amalie announce the :engageme- have received official notice from • nt of their eldest daughter, Grace the Hydro -Electric Power Com - Victoria, to Robert McKinleyPeek mission of Ontario of a reduction youngest son. of Mr. and Mrs. N. in the power rate to the village. I Peck of Hensall. The marriage The rate inow charged is $69.00 per p. and will mean a saving to to take place early in June, The dates July 13 to 19 have, the local hydro system of about • ldine eel per annumi, W. G. Hess Jeweller and Optician just Received a supply ot NOBBY, TRA,CTILON AND WileTE, DIAMOND- TIRES AND TUBES. BISYCLE seND AUTO SUPPLIES Miss Salina Beaver of Hensall, visited at the home of Mr. B. Cameo Necklets Pfile, 14th con., over Sunday. I Waterman's High-grade A number of the Zurich young! people spent a social evening at Fountain Pens and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet; jacobe, Parr Line, last week. Bicycla Accessories. been settled upon Lor the 6 the Presbyterian summer 'ch- -o1 in Goderich under the auspi-.ee .,„ cass=:„., z,26204... 4404..44.4 towsvai estswitoemoosH Hatitsse4.400094846240044 4-4 Coraplete Line Of WATCHES, JEW RT. T .ERY ANA- CL.00KS, FOUNTAIN PENS FL- ASHLIGHTS AND ELLECTRICAL SUPPLIES. BICYCLE REPAIRING, AND VULCANIZING ETC Phone No. 14. of the SSynod of Hamilton and LoIndon. The executive commit- tee in hearge of preparation i s headed by Rev. R. C. MeDermid, with Mr. James F. RThornpson as secretary,. Get the community spirit awl-, Trove for your own satisfaetion that when you "aaid your fellow main, you help yourself. Almost anything possible can be accomp- lished where everybody is evil ing to "lifts Be 'an optimist and talk up your town and community in- stead of doing your best to runi - down. Leave the kicking to the mule and get intio the traces and, help pull. Put the spirit of heart -I.,. boss into every forward endeav- or. Might it not be a.good thine fos the Tosvinship of Hay to make a donation toward the memorial that is proposed being erected in Hensel, in memory of our fallen heroes and in this way helping to lost make the memorial a worthy one and something that will stand for ages. Bronze is probably the most expensive but it is the only metal that will withstand the rav- ages of time and not gather moss, We offer this suggestion because we wouldl ike the monument er- ected to be artstiic and of the ehar acter best calculated to impress, influence ancl inspire the chiehem of the present and future gener- ations', but it is almost impos- sible for towns the size of Reneall Or Zurich to commemorate in r.8 fitting a manner as they \mill like the memory of those who gave their lives in the great war. Be- cause the monument is erected i Reinsert twee not stand in the we as a suitable recore could be in- ,s!*r'bed. crediting the Towrship as bring it eo-dormer in the eree-H ion of the memorial. The eomm- ittees appointee to look af .er the memorial fund have several s't'e imam consideration, among thee being the G. T. R. Property \I'h eT1 they aio doubt would lease for 99 p, years. SShould this site be cho:en it would be in a manner neu'ril •:;.; nr o prrtr. 1 he s makii it 'nave efn natonet ar ri1h.e.• unian cv- OXFORDS We invite you to inspect our new shoes for spring and summer wear. See our line of For Men For Ladies HIGH SHOES All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind 13E11'En AND EGGS W ANTED 11 C. FRITZ The Shoeman tem...at 4trAiNalt 4/404040.1 1400040 4 4700:140 4•040404 4410144:1141041104144 illinl!!11!111111111111111111119111111PUNIIIHROORMIng NEW SPRING GOODS I in We have opened our PRINT8 HLA.T.i 1 . We are offering some bargains in , Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS PliONE 11 an 97 BLAKE 11 ..1. " MIN.:',:=43/31g1:4212.:.,e6 4 • 4 4 4