HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-23, Page 7BRITISIVNACIENE FIRST ST TO MAKE TRANS ATLANTIC Mgr Australian Aviator, Harry G. Hawker, in Sopwith Biplane, Left St, John's, Md., at 1.55 Sunday Afternoon and Made Trip in Twenty Hours. G. St,John's, Nfld., May 1.8. -Harry I being treated Hawker Was well on G. Hawker, Austx•a1,?an aviator and i his way. Sunccay sight -seers list - Commander MacKenzie Grieve, his' lessly watching whatat they supeDeed navigator, Eire winging their way was to be a trial flight. of the Sop - across the Atlantic to -night on the'' with, were amazed when they saw most periluus airplane flight in .his- the under -carriage drop like a plum tory. near the Martinsyde airdrome. They They took the air at 5.55 to -clay, knew it meant Hawker had deter - Greenwich time (1,55 p.m. New mined to tarry no longer for it left York Viers), and expect to reach the • him without landing equipment, but Irish ec i t in twenty houre hourunless' lightened his craft for its hazardous sense aceide it forces them to plunge ; voyage. Australian wins his into ti E' tea.. 1 If the daring When ,he Sopwith biplane ea sed' gamble with death it will bring him from view i•eyond the hills to the first honors in the non-stop trans- northea.se ?leaded for the oren sea, it atlantic race, undying fame and a left 1• ' i with sh .t•c:.ree hopes, rich prize. He decided to risk every - Hawk English rival, • Frederick. thing when 1,e heard of the arrival P. Ray•.hztn, •t•,ho had h ped to be! of the United S ttee navy's seaplane first aero in a Martinesele plane to NC -4 at Norte, and reiterated his win glory and the 850,000 prize of statement that he would "beat the The Landoll Daily Mail. Yankees across," although the ven- Rayrh.ara was teeing tip the en -1 ture of the navy aircraft has no bear - gine of his rnar hine when Hawker ing on the Daily Mail contest, non flashed over the En li hrnan's air-' did they attempt a non-stop flight. drome, dropping as he vent the un-! The intrepid youths who .. drove der -ca> ria ie of his •Soewith to: their planes out over the eastern lighten the lead he almost carry. Rayn-1 horizon to -day in an attempt to wain ham and hie navigator, Chas. W. 1. for Britain and for themselves the Morgan, realized then that theAI. s-, glory of the first transatlantic air tral, an was on his way. Instantly flight left the ground wi th theoubir vful they determined to follow him, fer all; chances of survival their prepreettione had been ry acre tune meet with mishap in mid -ocean. weeks ago, but miefert.tlie inter -i harry G. Ilawker and Lieutenant- vened. i Commander Mackenzie Grieve, his As the Martin-yde '`bided" along skipper, who were encased in full the uneven surface of the runway, i length, non -sinkable suits, had a de - preparatory to the take -off, a rear' gree of assurance in an ingeniously - axle broke under its heavy load, and: built boat, shaped so. as to form the the machine ploughed into elm! rear hood of their fusilage, and prov- ground. Pilot and navigator were ed by experiment to possess consid- jammed in the wreckage but appar-' erable. seaworthiness and outfitted ently neither w:u, seriously hurt. 1 with provisions and signalling de - While 11er-barn's injuries were vices. Iperia.l gallons, $2.35. to $2.40; sugar, lb., 2.7c. Provisions -Wholesale, Izreadstuffs• Smoked meats -Hams, medium, 39 Toronto, May 20. -Manitoba to 41c; do, heavy, 33 to 34c; cooked, Wheat --No. 1 Northern, $2.24%; ; No. 5.1 to 5Gc; rolls. 33 to 34c; breakfast 2 Northern, $2.21%; No. 3 Northern, bacon, 44 to 48c; backs, plain, 47 to $2.171 ;•No. 4 wheat, $2.11%, in stcre 48c; boneless, 52 to 55c. Fort William. Cured meats --Long clear bacon, 29 Manitoba oats -No. 2 OW, 74%e; to 30e; clear. bellies, 28 to, 29c. No. 8 CW, 71%e; extra No. 1 feed, 71%c; No. 1 'feed, 58%•c; 'No. 2 feed, 65?;:c. Manitoba barley -No. 3 CW, $1 15Se • No. 4 CW, $1.0818; rejected, 9Sine; feed, 03?{e. . American corn. -Nominal. Ontario cats -No. 0 v, „tea r to Montreal, May 30 --Oats extra No. 7Cc, according to freights, outside. nr,,The ,cruiser Columbia, at Herta, Ontario wheat• -No. 1 winter, per 1 feed, 84e, Flour.__Teev standard royal, reported shortly after noon car lot, $2.1.1 to $2.20;. No. 2 clo., $2.11 grade snaring wheat, $11^ to $11.10. to -day that she had intercepted mes- 'to $2.19; No. 3 do, $'2.07 to $2,15, Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., .. .90 to $•1• sages passing to f.o.b. shipping points, according to Bran -843 to $44. Sheets --S45 to the effectpathat dile between destroyersng seaplane freights. $46. Hay -No. 2. per ton, car lots, g Ontario ;wheat ---No. 1 seeing, $2.09 $;;7 to $."-,R. Cheese, finest �iPsteri55 NC -8 hab17o and 18, alight be- te to $2,17; No. 2 do, $2.06 to :2.14; No. 28%e. Butter, , choice creamery, tween stations -e do. $2.02 to $e .10, f.o.b. shipping ' t•c rifle tai n s fresh. 52e• do, selected, from Iioxia, where the seaplane was ^ 1•,. �''aiM MAIN 13USINlSS 0.l; Ou2,Ci..uE 5 QUI -re E O "300ST 01,1(Q . TQW N AS .A TreAPE. CENTER{ In c 7 +� ree Tg ter. see s., (/1! II it \\\ \\ THE COMMERCIAL CLUES. Has our community a Commercial Club? IIow often does it meet? Once a year or is our club doing to ineroase its membership? Has it BURIED the last of the knockers? has it secured in the last ten years? The BEST towns have a Commercial Club meeting year. New members are added every day. The membership takes in farmers, as well as 1 is something DOING all the time. ' The greatest energy is expended on boosting the HOME works at this, and the result is the Cbminercial Club puts the town on the MAP as a LIVE all true of the BEST towns. Is OLTR town in this class? Are WE content to be anything Let's get into THAT class, and work. EACH day to STAY there. EVERY DAY? What How many factories EVERY day in the riisiness men. There market. Everybody community. This is leas than the BEST? ONE U.S. PLANE SUNK ANNUAL IMES Ga RAIL STRIAE SECOND MISSING 23 BILLION MARKS Mikirr: Oise of the Three Naval Sea- planes Attained First Objective in Trans -Atlantic Flight, Ponta Delgada, May 1S. -The Am- erican naval seaplane NC -4 under Lieutenant -Commander Albert C. Read, has attained its first objective in the trans -atlantic flight, having landed safely at 'Hotta; Island o"f 41n,.ifrealLarkets. Fayal, Azores, Saturday, .after wing - Montreal, May 20 -Choice select I ing her way from Trepassey Bay, hogs off ears $21 to $21.50 per cw t. i N1id., in 15 hours and 13 minutes. Choice steers, 514 to $1.5.50; inferior The steamer Ionia with the crew quality, 89. Choice but^her cattle, of the seaplane NC -1 aboard arrived 510 to $1`2; poorer gravies, $8.50 to at Herta Sunday. The NC -1 sank 120 el0, Mikk-fed calves, $0 to $10. miles off the Island of Fiorea. points, according to freights. Peas -No. 2, $2.05, nominal, ac- cording to freights 14 outside. to $1.15, Barley--alling, Manitoba flour--•Gueernmeet sten- : $11 Trronto 54c; do, No. stock, GOe. Potatoes last heard from at 9.10 o'clock, per bag, ear lots, l'2 to 82.1.0. Dressed Greenwich time, Saturday morning. hog's abattoir Milled, $"0.50 to $31, The Columbia reported that destroy - Lard, pure, wood pads, 20 lbs. net, 34c. ers were searching for the flagship norunai. of the seaplane fleet. out interruption. that1 prc•mntla at 11 o'clock a.rn. on Thurs- J, C, Sharpe, :.Ito has semi ellen.. I;ucl.wheat No. 2, nominal. The NC 4 reported t la, that the "Herr Durnburg alleges the, dnv • Driven alio quit ;work. I reran of the Cumbrae P..r li t;a sl ^ there was unfavorable fora annual burden laid on the sheukiers Th' Webb pressmen have man ;or the ,u.�� t �a.,t ri„1,. ..r e has ;t eath,.r , been unanimously earl, 'sten- French ^ flight to Pnota of Garman taxpayers from thin debt , to remain at w;•_:;, and this will Ontario our- - r ,• odea ers seers, will amount to i"" Freie ch Confidence in Enemy's Cit Ability to Pay Appears Unfounded. A despatch from London says: - The correspondent of the Daily Tele- graph an Paris wires his paper under date of Wednesday: "Those here whose apprehension of grave finan- a::el difficulties in France from the heavy war burdens bad been quieted by assurance too confidently made in some quarters, perhaps, that Germany might and can pay, have been pain- fully awakened to realities by the financial conditions of the peace treaty, and by the statement of the new German Finance Minister, Herr Durnburg, just published in the Kolnische Zeitung. "The German public debt, accord- ing to Herr Durnburg, totalled 161,- 000,000,000 marks on January Op01, 185,000,- FROM OLD SCOTLAND FROM NOTE:, OF INTEREST FROM ill~ BANKS AND DRAM What is Going On in the Iilghlan4s end Lowlands os Auld Scotia Military Medals have been awarded to two Hawiclt soldiers, Corporal John �� Montgomery and Signaller W. h Smith. The Military Cross has been award- ed to Rev. Duncan Blair, minister of the Prestonkirk U.F. Church, for gal- lantry and devotion to duty. A shrine of teakwood taken from H.M.S. Britannia has been placed be, side the North Berwick Church In memory of soldiers and sailors ^who have fallen in the war. The throe German field guns, given. to Linlithgow as war tropties, have been placed in position in front ef'the Sheriff Court Building. The death took place recently at Dnndrennan, of David Maitland, : o- puty Lieutenant of Kirkcudbright• - shire since 1878. The Victoria Cross has been award. ed to Lieut. -Col. Clark -Kenney, Knookgrny, Carspli2,irn. The Military Cross has been award- ed to Alex. W. Davidson, son of Rev. A. P. Davidson, late of Stirling U.F. Church. Miss Ramsay Snaith, daughter of J. Ramsay Smith, Kingsmuir Mali. Peebles. has been awarded the Croix de Guerre. Borderers who are residents of Lawrence, Mass., have sent a •220 "Victory" gift and ninety pairs of socks to the Galashields Soldiers' Comfort Fund. The Galashiels Town Council have decided$to extend the Municipal Build• inns, as a memorial to Galashiels men wlio have fallen in the war. The Meritorious Service Medal has been awarded to Lance -Corporal J. H. Henderson, Coldstream Guards, Berwick. The D.S.O. has been awarded to Lieut. -Col, Stuart McAllem and Lieut. - W, I3. Forsyth, both of Berwick.. I', , !omerset y Without Bread -All Efforts • lair. and Mrs. John Jeitcn, at Settlement Have Failed. A despatch from Winnipeg, Man., says: Wiimipeg is in the throes of a general industrial upheaval. In spite of the energetic efforts made by Premier T. C. Norris and iilayor Charles F. Gray, in spite of numer- ous meetings at which workers and employers attempted to come to a basis of understanding', the threat of labor has beer. carried into effect. As a last resort Ottawa was appealed to by the Mayor. Senato.- Robertson, l prisoners, realized :t v0. Minister of Labor, can do nothing. 1 lane trustees of the c^rnegte Nero Ile ;wired in raply' to the message - Pan: have awarded a silver watch and sent last night by Mayor Gray stat- tot pounds to Margaret Ci'. ,i°ilii:rmeen ing that when conciliation and arbi-' ter swing a man from drowning at tration were declined, `"and the wort Deme. rton. ers refused to respect the governing i \laj r James Ponder has '.teen elect- powers! l :c•t- powers of their organizations," the ed eh''.i•nitn of Dunoon and 'newel Government could do nothing,. Ile • Combination Hospital leo ard. 1918 and had increased to 85, added that it was regrettable that' The death is announced at ::re.n- the metal trade employers would not more Oben, cf Jelin ; -t ss, n t : 'n• segueQ marks on April 30 last, con- meet their employes' chosen repte- g'in ler, ,a native of the :loss c f 1;:1i. Sequent upon further issues of Tress -I sentatives for the pc:rpase of ctisei:s- 1 rare :I.ec.inant of t :ch11; ury bills in the beginning of the 1 cion. nine feet long, and with a r:.�ay years. The floating debt and issue IS in iipeg is now breaciless, Bakers white ekin, has conte 'a Bore at Ma.•h- of •bank notes continues to grow with-� ;n most of. the bake shops left work rihareele Argyllshire. House, Chirnside, recently celebrate) their golden wedding. The death is announced at Kinross, of ex -Provost Georgy Stirling, in his seventy-sixth year, Tho Military Medal has been award- ed to Sergeant W. Macrae, sou of !Ir. Macrae, Oldplace, Kilsyth. Adam Scott, of ,Selkirk, has received. the O.B.E. in recognition of work done for the Y.M.C.A. in France. A concert organized by Mrs. Had- ley. of Kelso, on behalf of repatriat.c'I Live ,tock Markets. Toronto. relay 20. -Good heavy that - .o -c v n , d O fi Gtegs, invent st< d $14 i0 to .1 butchers' t Del 'edtation of the 11 17,500,000,C00 marls Mont eal, in jute hags, Toronto and steers, $ , Delgada. Ilii this does not represent the total mean at all the local newspapers' .Major Jame, McLr.rr.:u, •c,i ..i dard,Montreal, prompt shipment. $14 to $11.2s1; butchers cattle; choice, •willcontinue publication. McLennan, 1)rcizar31.. i;:es. 'overs. lots delivered, .Toil- 8o, m do m4; 112, good,12.50 to $13.50; FINALLY DROPPED INTO SEA charges that the public debt will re -j I rye autcancr•le rides for pedes -I has heel awarded the ').S.�.). Millf eed-Car tread freights, bags included. gran. $1C125ed,- . 0 75 bulls, Jchoice, $1175 85 MILES OFF THE SHORE 842 per ton; shorts $4 per ton; _• " .) r•' b of several, � "I T' I tx11i ie • ; to X12.50; 'do, medium, $10.50 to $111 quire from the taxpayers of the Em- trians is nein the order in the city The Victoria Oras has ;1, ea :ward• Aire. There must be added interest' nterest �txeets. The question of the city's ed to the lata ser nt Louis?,i, uf• on the special debts the s grantir.y the jitneys permits to op- fie, �.'m of rs. E. c" ',Cigttuwzi, Federal states and townships which erate is being considered. 1 The Hon. Hew Dalrymple rias i�e�tr needs annually another sum of 6,000: i A later despatch says: 1i'innipeg 1 appointed Nr and r os be rt 000,000 narks to cover it. Therefore.' entered the second day of the general,' AI;;.;well rice conven4'r ;ar the uu::ty the grand total that the Empire will strike, called in eympathy - with the' of 1; t�,town. have to pay in interest each year'building trades and metal tvorkers,1 The Rothesay Town ;"c u il leave stands at over 23,000,000,000 marks." without disorder of any kind being; agreed to divide the �Tarrgn r ute s reported, and with the addition to the' wedding dowry between ,:tsar `1.1 v0- xattks of the etrktters of the telephone men of the town. U.S. Navy Dirigible Disappears operators and telephone electrical Throe of the four captured ;, rinan And is Believed to be Last workers. guns allocated to Alcoa fir cslulutien At a greeting held on Friday the purposes have arrived and been tda.re3 A despatch from Trepassey, bjflck , stereotypers and Webb pressmen de- in lieadow Place. says: -The navy dirigible C-5, whichtided to join the general strike, and The Distiegnishod ,ervice .saes}al was swept to sea yesterday, is now as a result all three Winnipeg daily has been awarded to sergeant Ilia - believed to have been lost. The des - newspapers will undoubtedly be gins, Damside, Hawick. troyer Edwards, which went in pur- oblkged to suspend publication. The suit, reported by wireless that she strike committee is considering the Germany Must Make Good had been unable after a search to advisability of permitting the Labor 10,000,000 Tons in Ships find her and was returning. Amer-, News a weekly labor organ, to pub- -- chant steamer which reported that lish a daily edition. A despatch from London says: -- she was standing by the big balloon �1• The Ministry of Shipping announces subsequently sent a message that she the number and tonnage f allied feed flour, $`2.60530 to r4 n3 ea3 " y$30 per ton; - do, rough. $8 to $8.50; butchers' cows, nixed $20 to 1,$24 per ton, track To-, $12 to $13; do, good, $10.50 to $11.50; r $ iontdo, medium, $9.25 to $10; do, con., Strr. aw-Car lots, $10 to $11 per $8 to $850• stackers, $5.75 to �; ton. -- Country Produce -Wholesale. Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, 38 $100. light awes, $13 to $15; yearl- feeders, $12 to $13.50; canners and cutters, 85 to $6.75; milkers, good to choice, 890 to $1.50; do, cone and med. $65 to $75; springers, $90 to to 40c; prints, 40 to 42e. Creamery, ingq 812 to $14; choice lambs, $18.50 fresh made solids, 50 to 1510; prints, 51 to 52e. Eggs -New laid, 45 to 46c. Dressed poultry- bkc 30 , to 03 to $4c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 40 to 3$c; ducklings, 82e; turkeys, squabs, doz., $6. Live poultry --Roosters, 25c; fowl, 28 to 93c; ducklings, Ib., 35c; Lurk- , eys, 85e; chickens, 27 to 30c. Wholesalers are selling to then re- tail trade at the following pr Cheese ---New, large, 30 to 30%e; twins, 30% to 31c; triplets 31 to 811%; Stilton, 31 to 3114c. Butter --Fresh dairy, choice, 48 to 50c; creamery, solids, 54 to 550; prints, 55 to 560. Margarine --34 to 37e. Eggs -New laid, 49 to 50c; now laic., in cartons, 51 to 52c. Droned Poultry -Chickens, 40 to 450; spring chickens, 75 to 80c; roos- ters, 28 to 30c; fowl, 37 to 38c; turk- eys, 45 to 50e; ducklings, lb., 35 to 38e; squabs, doz., $7;, geese, 28 to 30c. Live poultry -Spring chickens, 60 to 65c. Potatoes -Ontario, f.o.b. track To- ronto, ear lots, $1.70; on track out- side, $1.55 to 51.60. Means ---Can. hand-picked, bushel, to $20; spring lambs, $12 to $15; calves, good to choice, $1.4 to $16; hogs, fed and watered, 521.25; do, weighed off cars, $21.50; do, f.o,b., $20.25, AUSTRALIA LED DOMINIONS IN EXPENDITURE ON WAR A despatch from London says: - In the House of Commons, replying to Sir 3, Norton Griffiths, Col. Am- ery, Under-Secretary for the Colonial Office, stated that approximate war expenditures in the Colonies were: Canada $1,125,000,000 Australia New Zealand 1,455,000,000 377,850,000 South Africa - 115,000,000 Newfoundland 10,000,000 •: Denikine Frustrates Plan To Bisect His Russian Army A despatch from London says: - General Denikine, commander of the anti -Bolshevik forces, has frustrated by a counter -offensive the Bolshevik plan to bisect his army by capturing $4.25 to $4.50; primes, �$:3 to $3..,5 r t the Doir ^t the heath of Imported hind -picked, .Surma of n- dian $3,25; Limas, 12c', lira -1e prodacte--Sy'rttn, ret imper- tel gallon, 52.45 to $'2.00; per 5 im- the A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., says: -Tho TJnited States navy diri- gible C-5, which escaped from its moorings here on Thursday, dropped into the sea about 85 miles off shore, according to a radio message receiv- ed by the cruiser Chicago from an unidentified British steamship. The steamship said it was standing by the dirigible. The destroyer Edwards, which went out in pursuit of the Blimp after it was blown to sea, was notified by wireless of its position and started at once to salvage the airship. AMERICAN CASUALTIES TOTALLED OVER 286,000 A despatch from Washington says: -•Revised figures made public on Thursday by the War Department showed that the total casualties of the American Expeditionary Forces during the war was 286,044. Battle deaths numbered 48,909, and the to- tal of wounded was placed at 287,185, with the explanation that this repre- sented a duplication of about 7,000 by reason of the fact that many men were wounded more than once. German War Losses 6,873,410 2,666,382 Dead or Missing Paris, May 18. --German war losses up to April 30 last were 2,050,- >os av-on- 400 dead; 4,207,028 wounded and 615, - Sea of Azov. The Bolshevik have K2 missing, a total of 0,87^,410, ac it was necessary to elft into the Second figures been compelled to move their posi- ro :inn to ores published in Bei -pie 1 could have another piece!" tions to the northward, len. was unable to stand by longer and proceeded on her way, according to information from the Edwards. • The Reward of Politeness, They were entertaining the minister at dinner, and after dessert little Johnny said: "Won't you take another piece of pie?" The minister laughed. "Well, John- ny," he -said, "since you are so polite, I. will ha,vc another." "Good." said Johnny. "Now, nna, remember your promise. You said if A Pat Reply, merchantmen lost through .nervy An Englishman, for the first time tion, as follows: visiting Ireland, was out driving one Britain, ,1197;r tonnage, 7,638,000. clay with Pat, when he remarked to F+ergo, .. , nnagei. 07,000. 2lim: aly, x,00; tentage, 742,000. M "I Ray,. Pat, what a lot of hills you apan, 20; tonnage, 120,000. ^ have in Ireland." United States, 80; tonnage, ,41,- "Shure wo have, sir," said Pat, "We 000. had so much lane here in Ireland that In addition to the foregoing., twene we had to put it in heaps." ty British vessels, tonnage ,000, were lost on Admiralty service. •>~-`-"_' One of the provisions of the Poco The greater longevity of the typi- Treaty calls for a "ton for ton" re - cal Briton as compared with almost pincement of Entente merchantmen rother race is due to the fact that stint: by submarines, This means any sports, --Prof. E II Starl_ that Germany will have to supply the in laves .p , eines with 0,538,000 tons. ing.