HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-23, Page 69i AL. A's Tea Is Pure Tea,, Fragrant
and of Delicious Flavor, stimulating
arAi refreshing. 'Watch for the Name"
on ever- genuine sealed packet.
27 Years in Public Service.
R)ow Six
PART j• those four wall:. Ile knew that the
The young man walked slowly girl who was e.°tting opposite him
along the shady side of a street. An was different from other girls and
August sun was making the city .sez- alae, women,
zle and bake, Even the breeze from "It's very comfortable here," said Rear -Admiral Sims' sparkling ad -
the river carne in waves of heat. the young man. "If one were all dress is the report of an expert who
The British Grand Fleet, i3 ys Rear -
Admiral Sims of United States Navy,
"Whenever you feel particularly
grateful that you didn't lose the war,
don't forget the British Grand Fleet."
This remark by Rear -.Admiral Sims
of the United States Navy at the
luncheon of the Chicago Association
of Commerce recently, brettght a
whirlwind of applause. At other
stages of his splendid address the Ad-
miral paid equally empratic tribute to
the paramount and indispensible prow-
ess of his Majesty's ships. He made
the fact unmistakably evident that to
British sea -power alone the world
owes the defeat, of the Ilun.
A touch of chestiness in view of
what their arms have accomplished
is surely pardonable on the part of
the Britons. We have waited for our
American nrillitary and naval chiefs
to pay the well. -deserved compliment
to the triumphant instrument of vic-
tory for civilization. Once in a while
they come along, as Admiral Sims did,
and, in the midst of their glowing
Praises of the fighting and conquering
Yanks they say a significant word for
the real winners of the war. •
In the centre of the Week he paus- alone, the view from the Window
ed and looking through the gaping would compensate, I think, and be
aperture cause by the removal of a comforting. Somewhere off there,"
building that had grown too old for he waved his hand comprehensively,
even human habitation allowed his "erre would know there were forests
was close to the zone of battle, and
who was privileged to scrutinize the
inner workings of the colossal me-
chanism that throttled the Prussian.
Sims is a cool-headed, matter-of-fact,
eves to rest on the rear window and fields and running brooks. There keenly observant veteran. whose long
where bloomed a row of vivid scarlet are braes when I am somewhere else
geraniums. They were the one bright that I think of it, and—" he paused
note cf a dismal neighborhood. He; a moment and added, "and you."
had seen these plants when they were "Really,' a tinge of irony was in
so small that their first sprouting her voice. "You come here, I sup -
green leaves were barely visible . Bose, when you are tired of ether
above the edges of the unpainted box I places and other people. Perhaps be- strain a touch of. enthusiasm. While
which had become their home; with a' cause you think Sister and I are Britain's critics were thousands of
rather paternal solicitude, he had lonely, It's a change," she laughed miles off, Sims was on the spot watch -
watched them grow and bud and I softly. "Big houses, country clubs ing her "carrying on" and helping her
sprout. Nothing in the vast con -I and automobiles must get tiresome in a very substantial way. What he
servatories on the grounds of his; after a while. But," her voice took saw opened his eyes to the supreme
father's estate had ever interested ' on a more sober and serious note, truth of the world struggle. As -he
him half so much as this humble: "do you think she would like it if said in bis address: "It (the fleet)
window garden roped to its shelf of she knew?" was the great silent force upon which
stone and blossoming riotously in a "She? Who? He straightened in the cause of the allies rested."
handful of earth. I his chair. Admiral Sims, back from the real
When he passed on, his step was Raising the curtain of the book- "front " and knowing the inwards of
brisker, more confident. The desert, case, she drew out a carefully folded the great game of Raiser -crushing,
traveller had stepped at the oasis and; newspaper. A paragraph had been grins amusedly as he hears the dough -
drunk of his fill. He swung around, marked with pencil, She held it to- boy or his superior officer emitting
a corner, then another and finally! wards him. , brags about America winning the war.
paused for a moment in front of and "And you never told nae—us," she There should be no ill -feeling in the
apartment building where a sign in said reproachfully. "You never gave matter, he thinks; but neither should
huge blzesk letters announced that; us a chance to congratulate you." there be any misunderstanding of it
suites of from two to five rooms were! He had taken the paper from her among friends and allies. Above all,
for rent. ' and read aloud the notice of the en- there should be generous appreciation
He made his way through the open i gagement of marriage of Miss Elate of Britain's part in the victory.
door, veering to avoid the inevitable Gray to James Justin Westwood. Because, without Britain, says -Id-
baby carriage of the poor. He tramp- "I saw that," he grinned cheerful- miral Sims, there would have been no
ed up the stairs, his footsteps echo -I ly. and I wondered why they didn't victory ---except for the Hun!
ing on the iron as he climbed, until; print her picture with it and show
he had reached the fifth floor. This! the engagement ring on the proper. MARVELS OF SALVAGE.
was not a feat to be performed light- finger. They always do. But she _
ly by a gentleman of advanced years hasn't the ring yet for it wasn't fin- Describing New Ideas in Wrestling
or a man who measures more about ished until last night." He thrust
the waist than he does about the' thumb and forefinger into his waist- Millions From Davy Jones.
chest but when a fellow is only twee-, coat pocket and pulled out a small From far back as October, 1916,
ty-four and well nourished, even a box of purple velvet. He pressed, the om oma.ass Salvage Department of the British
dozen flights of stairs are as nothing the spring and the cover flew open., Admiralty has been busy raising and
when at the other end there is—al "Isn't it beautiful," she gasped- 1 refloating sunken ships. Tho outcome
box of geraniums. "It's like a drop of pure water ready of its efforts has been that well over
He paused on the landing and rap -1 to fall back into the brook it came five hundred ships have heen restored
ped at the door with his knuckles. ;from." frons sunken wrecks to good, thorough
Two girls lived on the other side of ; "So it is," he assented. "I never going vessels.
that barrier; two girls from the `thought of Iooking at it that way. The methods of salvage pursued by
country, fresh -faced and rosy. I They call it steel -white. There's al- the Admiralty have been numerous.
They were living like two campers -ways ways a fascination about an engage- We have, for instance. that method
cut, cooking their meals, taking care: ment ring, isn't there?" where lifting vessels and wire ropes
of their rooms as only country girls (To be concluded.) are employed. and we have another
can and going to their work in offices------�.— — method where huge iron cylinders are
every day except Sunday, and this The Way of Peace. used. But perhaps the newest and at
the same time the most novel method
of them all, is that where inflated gas-
bags are utilized.
The apparatus employed is of the
simplest nature imaginable, consist-
ing chiefly of a gas -bag and an afr-
purrp. It can be used at any depth
of water where divers can work.
For the sake of convenience, the
gas -bag is fitted up with three air con-
nections, and it is made free from all
danger arising out of overcharge or
over -pressure due to rising from great
depths. The largest gas -bag at pre-
sent constrlt ed is said to possess
sufficient power to displace over a
hundred tons.
Lay Thy Sacred their Although not bulky, the apparatus
sightless eyes possesses all the advantages peculiar
That they may see, nor falter from the to the ponderous steel apparatus men -
way; tioned above, and, iu addition, has a
experience has developed a slight
strain of cynicism that would prevent
the growth of fanaticism on any sub-
ject. But on the subject of British
sea mastery, which he came to know
so thoroughly, the Admiral cannot re -
was Sunday. , Saviour•, h pity come to earth once
They had taken these rooms be-, more,
cause, when one looked out of the Man cannot find true peace without
windows, one could see Lake Ontario, Thine aid;
gleaming in the sun. This was some- Thou art its Prince, take Thou Thine
thing to see in a city where almost honored place,
everything is stone, iron and steel And teach the rulers how Thy peace
and where even the people grow to be is made.
as hard and callous and unfeeling,
somet'.mes, as the metal and stone of The cleansing drops still ooze from
which their city is built. out Tlsy side,
Because there was not an immedi- Oh let them fall upon of
ate answer this impatient young -fel- those
low knocked again, this time peremp- Who represent the
torily, after the manner of folk who heal
have been born and bred to believe Their leprosy,
that their bodies have been molded waes•
of finer day than the rest of man-
At the second knock the door open-
ed widely, a cheery voice said, "Hello!
Come in."
He obeyed smilingly.
"You've caught me alone," said the
girl, after she had closed the door.
"Come, sit by my garden." She led
the way to the window, "Six, all in
a row," she laughed, "and at home
there are miles and miles of them --
too many, I guess, to be appreciated.
Isn't it always the way with every-
thing? Etta's gone out for dinner,"
she ran on. "She's found a place
where you can buy things that are
ready cooked and so we're going to
give the gas stove a rest and have
a jubilee,"
Ile had been there many timers be -
We, levi our 11',11 t;hR - hl9 b •
1,'at el;, Resorcin beneath a white and
f ea inr e1::11 ti..rs nothing rtloio than The Trade Comm,ission is taking
is r'ec ar :r l franking box; that the up a policy which may be stated as
in flowered chirps, follows: First, to encourage cotieunp-
i:•14 r r i' 1-1{1 c :tined tomatoes, boil in Canada of Canadian ereaAteo
1;nnw OA the money he dribbled f'.nd products to a much greater ex-
ve.sesY ,i month would mole than tent; second, to increase the exports,
e,,. -:grated everything within particularly of manufactured articles,
the hearts
nations; Saviour,
true source
of all our
hands upon
The sparrows fall—and Thou hast
counted those—
The nations fall, more dear to Thee
than they.
Oh, loving Saviour, grant Thy people
Pour righteous truth into the minds of
Teach them to know, and fear, and fol-
low Thee,
Bless Thou the world and give it
peace again.
Eight leads of manure put on the
soil with a spreader are worth as
much as twelve nut on by hand,
Jit I
3 an i
8iaj e
portability and cheapness entirely its
The gas -bag, or flexible camel, as
it is called, can be packed into a space
of approximately one ton shipping
space. Its portability enables it to be
Passed through small spaces, such as
porta and hatches, into the hold of the
sunken vessel.
It is then inflated, and lits itself into
every corner. The water is displaced
by means of the air in the gas -bag,
and thus the desired buoyancy is pro-
duced. The ship is thereby enabled
to float to the surface, and is towed to
the nearest dockyard for immediate
It has been •said that the introduc-
tion of this new system will revolu-
tionize the whale science of salvage.
Certainly the cheapness of the appara-
tus, if nothing else, should prove a
valuable asset in its favor; whiffle the
fact that it will raise ninety-nine out
of a hundred wrecks ought to make its
introduction an unqualified success.
Women have been permitted to
practice law in Denmark since 1906.
Imports into Canada from the Un-
ited States, for which payment must
be made some time or other, continue
to be on almost a wartime scale, the
Canadian Trade Commission points
All grades. Write for prices.
aro a
Do Not When Price
Sell Is Low
Guaranteed to keep them fresh for
nine months and longer.
Easy to use. Just rub it on. A child
can apply it,
No cold storage, no pickle, no stone
crocks, no special care, and always
ready to use.
60c Box Will Do 30 doz. Eggs.
Get it from your dealer or from •
166 Craig St. W. - Montreal
Wait® ccsedaer Cos' mrar bid
showing our full lines of Bicycles for 91ett
dad\yomen, Boys and Girls.
Tires, Coaster 13rakes.whecls, Inner Tubes,
I,amps, Bells, 'Cycloureters, Saddles, Equip.
=ant and Parts of nicycies. You can buy
your supplies from us at wholesale prices.
R7 Notre Daae Street Wast, Montreal.
In Memoriam,
Only a slender maple tree
i planted for his sake;
iThere every day before my shrine
1 bciv a prayer to make.
His every deed my rosary,
I count them as I kneel;
My heart is sore, niy eyes are dim,
Litleau;,o•his pairs I feel.
Sometimes at eve the murmuring
Of leaves so soft and green
Makes voices in my heart of days
And times that might have been.
Only a slender maple tre%
I planted for his sabre;
There every day before my shrine
I bow a prayer to make.
Better a little riek of frost after
planting corn than a lot of risk as
tire- crop approaches maturity.
Beautifies and preserves woodwork
that is subject to exposure
For Sale by all Dealers.
i:NYtx..�. r'a"'"-'',"i•'�"'^;S::szi` �SZ°* &;v''t�'..ri- ' '4
PARKER'S know all the fine points about cleaning and
We can clean or dye anything from a filmy georgette
blouse to heavy draperies or rugs. Every article is given
careful and expert attention and satisfaction is guaranteed.
Send your faded or spotted clothing or household goods to
We will make them like new again.
Our charges are reasonable and we pay ex-
press or postal charges, pee way. A post
card will bring our booklet of household
suggestions that save money. Write for it.
Cleaners and Dyers
701 Yonge St. - Toronto
While Reseuing a Dog Mr, Robinson,
The Noted Traveller, Has
Narrow Escape,
'While going to the rescue of a pet
dog in. a river in British Guiana Mr.
C. H. Robinson suddenly found herself
surrounded by alligators. He tells in
the Wide World how he managed to
escape from this unpleasant situation.
One afternoon I had returued from
the field, says Mr. Robinson, and was
about to indulge myself in a siesta in
my hammock when. Barclay, a strap-
ping negro boy, came running excited-
ly into my room to tell me that a flock
of ducks had alighted an the lagoon
about half a mile away. Hurriedly
snatching up my gun and cartridge
belt, I made fol• the spot, accompanied
by the boy, and had gone some dis-
tance when I became aware that a
small dog, named Daily, a pretty
Swedish terrier, was following ere.
Daily belonged to a fellow overseer,
by wb..orn he was much prized, and in-
deed he was a great pet with the
whole household. I did not wish him
to go with me on this occasion, how-
ever, for I feared that he would %care
the birds. I tried to drive him back
again, but he was not to be denied;
and so I allowed him to follow.
I reached the piece of water and. af-
ter a little stalking, managed to $hoot
two ducks, one of which was only
wounded and fluttered away some
twenty yards, where it floated and
At that moment Dally jumped into
the water and swam toward the dis-
abled duck. The brave little dog had
reached it and was returning with it
when Barclay suddenly out:
"Look, bans! A 'gator! Going for
Sure enough, about fifty feet away
was an alligator swimming rapidly to-
ward the dog.
"Quick, Barclay!" I said, "Jump in
and frighten the brute away!"
But Barclay objected. "No. bass,
I 'fraid!" he said resolutely.
There was no time to be lost in ar-
gument. The reptile was approaching
the game little dog, which, burdened
by the flapping duck, nearly as large
as himself, was making slow progress.
Dropping my gun, I jumped into the
water and, half wading, half swim-
ming, soon reached the dog, and then,
placing him, duck and all, under my
arm, I started to return to the shore.
The only point on the bank at which
I could laud for some distance round
the lagoon was immediately behind
the evil -looking brute; so I splashed
the water and shouted at him, but
without effect. There he continued to
keep watch end ward, and it dawned
upon ere that lie intended to make a
dash for the dog if I ventured to ap-
proach him.
Poor Dally by now perceived his
enemy, and was evidently terrified,
for he set up a piteous howl, I am
bound to admit that I was beginning
to feel somewhat apprehensive my-
self, for I liad never known an alliga-
tor to act with such boldness before,
and my uneasiness increased when the
boy on the bank shouted:
"',Cake care, master; whole lot
'gators dere behind!".
I glanced round and saw at least
four or five of the uncanny reptiles
swimming in my direction. doubtless
attracted by the howling of the dog.
For the first time I was thoroughly
scared, and am ashamed to say that
for a moment I entertained the
thought cif 'flinging Dally to the brutes
and securing my own safety,
I was at a loss to know how to act
circumstances. But Barclay, who had
heen gazing ripen -mouthed and inac-
tive at the scene, suddenly pulled him-
imself together arid, seizing my gun and
ramming in two cartridges, let drive
both barrels at the eye of the sentinel
alligator. The result was instantan-
eous, ,Vith a loud hiss and a great
swirl, the brute sank out of sight,
leaving a gradually widening stain of
blood on the surface of the water.
Making a slight detour so as not to
come in contact with the body, I dash-
ed for the bank and, to my enexpress-
ihle relief, scrambled out to safety.
Were You Born in May?
If so, you may be a writer. Many of
the great men whose birthdays are in
May were writers. May seems to be
short' on birthdays of great men and
women, Here is our list; how many
of the names do you recognize?
Ralph W, Emerson, poet, b. May 25,
Wa803lt Whittnan poet, b. May 31, 1819,
Robert Browning, poet. h, May 7, 1812,
Alexander Pope, poet, b. May 21, 1688',
Thongs Moore, poet, b. May 28, 1779,
Joseph Addison, b May 1, 1672.
Trounce Mann, educator, b. May 4,