HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-23, Page 44.T "NIL is a cheap fuel forsooking --No IL/ ashes to clean up. No fires to build. What could be less trouble? A Florence Automatic with a VI cClary's Success oven will give you the best bakings you ever produced. No odor. No wicks to bother with. Save fuel, have a cool kitchen. Call and see the Florence in actual operation. 144, 11, "Cita. t. 71.11 .4, a,,..OFFi • „„lair;!144 "FLORENCE AUTOMATIC" OIL COOK STOVES FOR SALE BY MELICK & BRAUN ZURICH D TIEMAN DASHWOOD ' II .4.1 I.I.bkae.:rf41e;:l'AieatiC44.;, nazis •1 4 „„oltAtirrwn: 4taainaeiarmsmmemm.=..aaosasaoaaamaox-nnra.a.zeu.uvwueru—areaasrtoaxcanait..a. ermaamscoMaasimsumamastraumalevaamagammasmaelaw.comasavisanameassas vatassoosaaaseornarnaalneg itaa.useCau.aSicinalaaalistastalMagaa THE HERALD DASHWOOD DitZYSDALE. HILLSGREEN. Captain and Mrs. J. L. Hagan of .Chietago, spent the last week vise tting tt Captain Hagan's mother, Mrs. James Hagan, Parr Lille, Cap tint Hagan enlisted with teh Am- erican Medical Corps some twenty two • months ago. but atter arriv- ing in :England was transfered to a British hospital and for ,eight - en months was acting surgeon in Fort Pith. surgical hospital, Chat- ham, England. Captain and Mrs. Hagan were on their way to Chic- ago where Captain Hagan had a good practice before going to England. . . --- --- Issued Thursday afternoons •The Lutheran chueeh Sunday, The wet end disagreeable wee - from the School pieni2 will be held on the thee is hindering the farmers very THE HERALD PRINTING CO. church grounds on June 2,ta. The much in their work on the land. Terms of subscription ;e1.25 per year 'committee are busy arranging for 1 Ms, A. Mousseau is very ill at In advance; $2.00 maybe charged a good iro.r_Lm for both afereoun peesene. if not so paid. U. S. subscrinti- and evening. Par-ticulars la,er. 1 Mr. A. Sreenan is all smiles.Its ons $135 strictly ir, r,tivance. No 1 Rev. F. B. Meyer, of Zurich occ- , a boy. ' ' Mrs R Douglas of the west is paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. aeee date to which every subscription is paid LE1 denoted on the label. ADVERTISINa RATES Effective after Jan 1st, 1919. fin application. ghter of near tZurich, spent Sunday Display Advertising -Made known Stray Animal—One insertion 50c v ith Mr an Mrs E. G. Kraft. three insertions $1.00. i Previous to the depareire of Pte Farm or Real Estate for sale . Fischer, who was called West un - 50c. each insertion for one month! expectedly a farewell was tender - of four insertions, 25c. for eachl ed him on Friday last, during the subsequent insertion. Inoon hour. Short addresses were Miscellaneous articles of not made and. he was presented with :more than five lines, For Sale, To a ring and a war medal both of Rent, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc., which were suitable engraved. Our baseball team played Exet- each insertion 2 .1. er on Monday evening and se k. John Etue last Sunday. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice ed defeat but not too badly for a ____—_-.0.,.....-- upied the pulpe: in the ‘ane church on Sunday evening while: visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Rev. Yager was at Crediton. P. DuenacP. While playing tall in the school I Miss B. Mousseau and Mrs:Smith yard one eNening last week, Eve 1 motored to Hensall one day last elyn Howard was acc_dently hit onl week .on business. The new Nat - the mouth with the ball, dislocatl ional tires on Miss Mousseau's car ing several tee.h. arc giving splendid satisfaction. Mr.and Mrs. Jno. Weido and dauI Rev, A. A. Rondot assisted at: Zurich. with the forty hours tlev- votional. service, last week. • Mr. Jos. Bedard is busily eng- aged building his fine new brick brick re.sidence, which when com- pleted will be a credit to the -Sae. ble Line. • Mr. Frank Corriveau re-shinge led his barn last week. Mr. and Mrs. Marcia Corriveau were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. BENSALL. Miss Ethel Murdoch is taking a trip through Michigan, visiting Seginaw, Bay City and Port Hur- on. W. .Chapman, of Teeswater, has taketn a position with. Bonthron & Dry sdale. The G. T. R. Co. has been ask- ed for permission to erect the monument for the soldier's on their land at the corner of King and Wellington St. Banthron & Drysdale have pur- chased the large cement garage erected by Mr. M. R. Rennie, and will use it in connection withtheir business. Mr. Owen Geiger is preparing to build a fine dwelling for him- self 'near the flax mill Mr. W. O. Goodwin, recently re- turned from overseas, has been appointed manager of the lo -cal bratneei of the Ja.ckson Mfg. Co. COUNTY NEWS. --- Goderich is to get a $15,000,- 000 steel plant which will empploy 4,000 hands. A monster deputat- ion has gone to Ottawa to inter- view Horn Mr. Carvell to make the 'necessary harbor improvements. A. thousend acres of land south of Goderich have already been pur- chased fee the concern. The Anociated Municipalities of Northwes ern Ontario has been or- ganized, for the purpose of sec- uring 'ro. The territory cov- ered extends from Southampton to Wingham across to Mildmay. ELE0 Light Power Water less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.1 first game. Mr Sam Hey of Blake was a 24th of May being a Public holi- BLAKE. Legal advertising 10c. and oc. a visitor in town on Sunday. Auctian Sales, $1. for one inser- Mrs. Ravelle, of Grand Bend vis- ticen arel $1.50 for two insertions ited her sisters Mrs, Ehlers and Mrs if mod'rate size. Professional Cards notexceeding 1 inch, $9 p:r year. Address all communications to HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. aslamillaszasgaMacasegapeepti CREDITO Rev. S. M. Hauch was in Nap - Ills., ast week on bus- iness. •••••••IIII The tile yards have started. on 'the season's work. The S. 5 baseball league recen- tly formed. here now eons:sts of live teams. The wet weather is retarding the, seedling operations. ‘01...01101•11•0180!...mmaaaarasalammooMMaaaMaiaaccoaarn.....a New ads.—T. L. Wurm, Huron County Council, G, Jacobe,D. A. iCantelon, H. Well, Court of Re ,vision, Cook Wanted, 0. E Troyer Miller recently. It is reported that some of our farmers are resowing their grain owing to wet weather. The Evangelical parsonage is undergoing changes. A new sleeping porch. has been added. Corp Pfaff returned this week as far as London, where he Was taken to the Hospital Mr, H. England is erecting a now barn at the rear of his prop- erty. The Huron Temperance Assoc- iation will hold a convention at Goderitch on June 13th. •----4.---- DIED Makins—At Clinton, on May Wm. Makins, of Stanley, 55th year. BORN Sreenan—In Hay, on May 15th, to M.r and Mrs. A. L. Sreenan, son, day, our :store will be closed. R. N, Douglas, Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. •Scothmere of Bayfield called on friends in the 'village. on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Howard, and datightee Evelyn, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with friends in t his Mrs, Walter Madge spent ,Srue- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G Freckleton, . Miss Jennie Manson is at pres- ent visiting friends on the Goshen Line. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ConsItt, •of Hillsgreen spent Saturday at the home of Mr. H. C. Zapfe. .10 TY 32 Volts, Semi-A.utomatic r ELECTRICITY APPEALS TO YOU TO -DAY BECAUSE IT IS . USEFUL, ECONOMICAL, SAFE, CONVENIENT AND RELIABLE. ELECTRICITY WHICH HA.S RIEtVOLUTPONIIZE D 'WORKING AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN T HE CITIES HAS NOW THE. SAME INFLUENCE IN THE COUNTRY ON THE FARM. A Northern Electric Power and Light Plant on your farm 15th in his EXETER A. by-law will be voted on here on June 2nd for the purpose of granting power to the councii to is estimated that the cost will be have the maim sreet paved. ; It $e5,000. Miss Hilda Pr'SIC:ItOr, eldest da- ughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Presze- ator, 3r:I eon., Stephen, was united in marriage at the James St. par sonage on May 17th to Mr, N. Tait, of London,. .Exeter's oldest resident in the person of Mrs. J"as. Bissett, died last Thursday, aged 9-1 years. C. L. Wilson has taken Corp. S. eV. Sims into partnership in his grocery buseiese. Clifton Davis had his nose bro- ken while playing ball the other day. Don't experiment when you paint your house. Alt experimenting has been done for you, and the result of years of experience in making Paint and of inn.u. Inerable practical and scientific tests is SWP, Sherwin - 'Williams Paint (Prepared). There is an exactness in the formula, and a thoroughness in the mixing and grinding of the pure ingredients that insures perfectpaintin resu1ts h gallon of SWP will cover more surface Ithan you ever thought possible and will wear so long and bold ,its color so well that its use is genuine economy. STA & . GRNO1\jkNEiFR LET 1101 HAIR GE GRAY She Kept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. When you darken your hair with 1 Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble- some. At little cost you can buy at any drug store the ready -to -use prep- , the additl�fl of r called 0 =IX? improved1g)t and Sulphur Compound." You just ?tanaVilida:r tnhl: '•tlIrlrgfgth. brushyour ic.15743,1 trh taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, 3e.n°:tel hgroirssybea cnodinieusxubrIganutifully dark- ened,- faded hair, though no' die- gtace, is a sign of old, age, and ELS we 1 all desire a youthful and attractive ' appearaflee, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger. This ready" to -use preparation is s. delightful toi- let requisite -and not a medicine. It it not intended for the cure, 'Mitiga- tion or prevention of disease. Will light your house, stable and dairy. Will ran a separator or churn. Will wash the clothes and do the Will run the sewing machine. Will operate a toaster Will operate a varum cleaner 'Will pump water for your house and Will charge automobile batteries. It will make -wife's work easy and reduce The most complete plant on the market to -day. Not a single plant but a line of plants. A size for every prospect. ironing. barne household expenses. Agont H. G. Eon eeee,:egga: -*e'er* ee' '''"3-141A .0. ler Zurich 11111,1,iate-S. tee rr 95 le (1eiet4', 1 713 „,tZ:V or Retail Merchants THE next few years will mark a tremendous change in the business of retailing. Motor Transportation, now reduced to a low-cost basis must revolutionize local trading just as Railroad Transportation revolu- tionized national trading. As men everywhere grasp this idea, as they seize the opportunity ',for business growth that now • presents itse'S, the retail bttsiness will be operated on a more • efficient plane. The public will be better served. Larger and more varied stocks will be offered for sale. Better and bigger stores will appear. The Ford One -Ton Truck makes available this opportunity. It is Motor Transportation at low A 'small outlay will motorize your deliveries and open to you the opportunity for business expansion. C .mplete Trucks— Two Standard Bedi4 Ordinary hauling and delivery work can be best adapted to two standard types—the Stake Body and Express Body. These two body: types are kept in, stock ready for immediate delivery. They insure tho maximum efficiency from the Ford Truck. They give the buyer of a Ford Truck the recognized benefits of Ford production. Both types have the Enclosed. Cab with the two-way windshield which gives the driver proper protection from the weather. See these complete trucks. Seize the cost—/oW first cost, low mavnten- opportunity to enlarge your field of business. Let us solve your delivery ance cost, low operating cost.. problem. Price (Chassis Only) $750 f. o.b. Ford, Ont. Standard Ford Bodies extra. Get our prices w.e.Cook Bros., Dealers Hensall effiffrommemam'areammaameamesramosseassmasameasaaameatasmaamalblamossasalmarramasar.,....,.......aaatorwasaa..amanama.amomemenarlownwomaanasamomilamppampaaama,