HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-23, Page 3OUT OF INFORM LAST LEF ER OF INTO YUFT MAR YRED NURSE ENGLISH EX -OFFICER TELLS OF QUEER EXPERIENCE. Unwelcome Sensation When Irrevcc- ably Cut Off From "Khaki -Clad Brotherhood." One of the queerest experiences of the war has been my return to mufti, says a British officer. A day or two ago, from the darkest regions of o a 'toreit" trunk, I resusci- tate:1 a pre-war mufti suit, and the an- Purtenaaces thereto, donning same with all my old skillebut with a sheep- ish feeling of masquerade. It was not until evening I summed up courage enough to venture forth. as an ordinary civilian. Even then I could not get rid of an uneasy sus- picion that at any moment I might feel the liana of a EM. or A.P.M. heavy upon my shoulder. It gave me a nasty sense of furtiveness that was most disconcerting. Near one of the great termini a Canadian Tommy stopped me tmcere- monionsly: .-Sey, 'which is the way to Piccadilly?" For a moment my blood seethed. Where was the deferential manner to which I had been. accus- tomed? Why was not a respectful hand raised to the cap -peak? I was about to utter a curt and cutting re- primand when a reflection in the glass of a shop opposite fixed my attention. There I saw a man in a grey suit, grey Homburg, and socks with gay clocks. Who was it? A Lonely Feeling. The Man in the glass was myself! it was a terrible shock. I was no longer entitled to extreme deference. Discipline did not demand that hands should be raised at my approach. It was a small thing, but it brought home mere forcibly than many a bigger thing could have clone my sudden change of "state," and status. Farther on, I passed a group of all aers. They were chatting and laugh- ing, I knew one of them intimately but I passed by absolutely unnoticed A sudden spasm of loneliness gripped me. Not till that moment had I real ized I was irrevocably cut off front the elehaleaclad brotherhood," whose free- masonry had warmly cherished me for so long. Not only sd, but there is my loss of prestige with shop -people, especially women, bus -conductresses, and lady lift -attendants. In the days of tug form I was sure to be niet more than half -way with a smile, and the evident desire to do my behest with as little delay as possible. A mufti rig, without wound -stripes or discharge badge—those honorable advertisements I have not yet been able to bring myself to don—int mediately breeds suspicion in the feminine breast. I had hoped my limp _would have disarmed criticism until such time as the war was over, and we would all be civilians together once more, I must plead guilty to accentua- ting this leg trouble of mine in the sheer hope of placating the feminine brandies of His Majesty's War Ser. vices, but up to the present it has had no effect Whatever. Snubbed as a Slacker. The .girl behind the counter glances up front the parcel she is tying up for the last customer. She sees in front of her a healthy -looking male in a gay grey suit, with damaged leg invisible, Invariably her gaze shifts automatical- ly. "Yes, sir? What can I do ter you? She is speaking over my right shoul- der, ignoring me entirely, There is eo need to turn. I have already caught sight of a bit of drab whipcord. Ig- nominiously I "fall back," and get served when "Madame" wills—if I have patience left to wait. No, returning to mufti has nut been ins' pleasantest experience of the war. The only compensation I can find in it at all is a small one. I can keep my coat unbuttoned in the hot weather at last! DICKENS' OFFICE BOY ••••••••••••••• Recalls Time When Duties Included Placing Posters of Boss's Work. Frederick Edrupt, a former office boy employed by Charles Dickens, has recently retired after forty years' sere vice at the Temple in London. He worked for Dickens when the novelist yas conducting All the Year Round, back in the sixties. Edrupt tells of seeing his employer one day in front of a little book shop talking with "a gentleman with long curly hair, dressed in a deerstalker hat, checked trousers and a velvet coat with pearl buttons as big as five- 1atilling pieces," He later aNcovored the stranger to be Benjamin Disraeli, prime minister Of England. One of Otdrupt's chief duties was to go about the city pasting Up posters advertising the latest beaks end writings Of Dickens!, EDITH CAVELL'S FAREWELL TO HER BRUSSELS PUPILS. Urges Devotion to Duty, Warns Again- st Uncharitable Speech and Reviews Past Work. The body of Edith Cavell, the Mar- tyred English. Nurse, was recently con- veyed from Belgium to its last resting place in her native land. In this con- nection it is interestng to read the re- markable letter written by the doom- ed nurse on the eve of leer execution, October 12, 1915, to her nurses at the Ecole Beige dlifirmieres DtplOnldea in Brussels, Belgium. In it Miss Cavell mentions the eight years in which she was directress of the school, and, in words surcharged with pathos, she ut- ters her farewell as an eloquent testi- mony to the nobility of some of the heroic women who fell a victim to Ger- man ruthlessness. It will take rank in history as one of the most remark- able documents left by the great war. The letter, which was originally written in French, is translated as follows, dated October 11, 1915: "Prison of St. Giles, Brussels. "My dear Nurses: I ani writing to you in this sad hour to bid you fare- well. You will remember that Sep- tember 17 brought to an end the eight years of my ,direction of the school. I was so happy to be called to help in the organization of the work that our committee had just founded, on October 1, 1007. There were but a few pupils. Now you are already quite numerous—fifty or sixty, I think. Eight Years of Service. the life even of someone. My nurses should cultivaa among themselYee loyalty and esprit de corps. "If anyone of you lute a grievance against me I pray you to forgive me, 1 may .sometimes have been too Se- vere but 1 was never willingly unjust, and I have loved you all far more than you realize. "Mee good wishes for the happiness ot all my young girls, both those who have graduated and those who are still in the school, and I thank you,for the courteous consideration you nave always shown me. "Your devoted directress, "Edith Cavell." "I have told you on different oc- casions the story of those early days, and the difficulties that we encounter- ed, even to the choice of words for your 'hours on duty' and. 'off duty.' In Belgium all was new in the profession. Little by little one service after an- other was established, graduate nurses for private nursing, pupil nurses, the hospital of St. Giles. We supplied the institute of Dr. Depage, the sanatorium of Buysinghen, the clinic of Dr. Mayer, and how many are called upon, as you may he, perhaps, later, to nurse the brave wounded of the war. 1f this past year our work has decreased,, it is due to the sad days through which we are passing. In happier days otir work will renew its growth and its power for good. "I speak to you of the past because it. is wise occasionally te stop and Took behind over the road that we have travelled, and to note our errors and our progress. In your beautiful building you will have more patients, and all that is needed for their com- fort and for yours. To my regret I was not always able to speak to you individually. You know I had much to occupy my time, but I hope you will not forget our evening talks. I told you that devotion to duty would bring you true happiness, and that the thought that you had done your duty, earnestly and cheerfully, before, God and your own conscience, wouldbe your greatest support in the trying moments of life and in the face of death, Be Charitable and Loyal. "Two or three of you will remember the little talks we had. Do not forget them. Having already travelled so far through life I could perhaps see more clearly than you and show yon the straight path. "One word more. Beware of un- charitable speech. In these eight years I have seen so much unhappi- ness which could have been •avoided or lessened if a fey words had not been whispered here and there, per - )taps without evil intention, but which ruined the reputation, the happiness, Had ship's anchor fall on my knee and leg, and knee swelled up and fol six days I could not move it or get help, 1 then started to use MINARD'S LINIMENT and two bottles cured me PROSPER FERGUSON. City Pets. Tom, the country six-year-old, pre- senting himself one day in even more than his usual state of dust and dis- order, was asked by his mother if he would not like to be a little city boy, and always be nice and, clean, in white suits and shoes and stockings. "They're not children; they're pets," he answered scornfully. tisk for Minard's and take no other. Mother. When home from school us children Caine scamp'ring down the street, We'd never mind the apple tree That begged us stop and eat. We'd never mind the ball bat That lay beside the gate, Nor stop to see why Jimmy Was a whistling us to wait. We never thought we's home, then 'Till we'd seen mother's smile Of welcome at the window. It seemed the longest mile Until we reached the corner, That turned into our lane But soon's we saw her smiling We'd feel we's home again. Our mother at the window Fust smiling at us there, Was 'bout the sweetest picture You'd find most anywhere. And if as seldom happened She wasn't there, well, then, We'd have to hunt and find her 'Fore we'd feel we's home again. Oft'times I get a thinking Of boyhood days of yore, Of scenes and home -town faces, And yearn for them once more. The village streets so shady, The kindly people, too, Who always took an interest, In the things I used to do. So I travel to the village I loved when I's a kid, And I look the old town over But it don't seem like it did 'Till at last I turn the•corner, And get started up the lane, See mother at the window, Then I feel I'm home again. "We learn our grandest lessons from the unlikeliest masters.—Agnes Laut. Canada must increase exports of manufactured goods to help to pay the war debt, the Can. Trade Com. thinks. Exports of agricultural pro- ducts cannot well be increased. The inspection of millions of dol- lars' worth of Roumanian goods bought under Canadian credits is be- ing feverishly carried on under the C. T. C. The first shipment goes May 20th. TRAVEL BY FLOWERY WAYS, 141..4.44 There are many who believe that all big corporations .and industrial con - came only look to the Material side of things and work machine -like for the production of wealth, regardless of the wiuter'e snow and unheeding of the summer's bloom. This is often an erroneous idea, for it is generally realized that man does not altogether VMS FROM IllEitE &MR An Irish Proposal Paddy slipped his arm around Bul- live by offices and pens and papers dy's waist and asked, "Am I pro and engines and other accoutrements ;res.sin,7,, of labor—be requires trees and shrubs ',sure,. replied Biddy, "you're hould- and. flowers and the loveliness 01 in' your own," nature. The Canadian Pacific Railway has always paid, considerable attention to the development of garden plots along its lines. It is just thirty years ago since a C.P.R. employee raised a few varieties of flower seeds in leis own garden, and distributed them amongst his friends in the service of the com- pany, with the object of promoting flower gardening at the various sta- tion plots of the railway. A vast ad- vance has been made since then; and tl o sesses a Floral L sa ,isfyinq that. the change is Inds that isaqrees tur easy when ne 'tea or coffee I. std is a ricb,tasty bevera46,9 absolutely free from daf, feine N oiling; No Mste Requi Less Szigtr. "272e.ie:s; Reason& now le company p s Department with headquarters at Windsor Street Station, Montreal, and a Floral Committee which embraces members from the Eastern and West- ern lines. It is under the guidance of this department that the various sta- tion plots and other properties of the company are cleared up and beauti- fied. Thousands of packages of flower seeds, bulbs, trees, and shrubs, and large quantities of grass seeds and fertilizers have been distributed dur- ing the last few years to station agents, section foremen, caretaker e of round houses, and all employees liv- ing on the property of the company. Travellers on the line observe the happy remelts achieved. The cultiva- tion work is done in all cases by the employees themselves, who in most cases acquired the art of amateur gar- dening by taking their lessons from leaflets issued by the Floral Depart- ment. The best material is always provided. Amongst the varieties of trees supplied are: Maple, birch, beech, poplar and catalpa. Some of the shrubs are: welgelia, berberries, laurel leaf willow and sumac. Peren- nials distributed are: Oriental pop- pies, iris, phlox, veronica, gaillardia, larkspur, columbMe, sweet william, and pinks. Bedding plants used in- clude: geraniums, coleus, cannas, pan- sies, asters, verbenas, petunias, and castor oil plants, Standard seed pack- ets sent out contain: Nasturtiums, alyssum, mignonette, sweet peas, phlox and kochia. Ferns and house plants are given to the larger sta- tions. The establishment and main- tenance of the gardens and selection of the seeds, bulbs, and plants are supervised by Mr. B. M. Winnegar, forester of the company. The encouraging influence of flower growing on the C.P.R. during the last thirty years has in a large measure assisted in the inauguration of floral societies all over the country. There are hundreds of C.P.R. officials con- nected with these societies, and most of them received their first lesson in flower culture at the C.P.R. bower beds. Flowers have improved the railway stations, and inspired by the beauty of the stations, residents of the towns have planted !lowers and improved the appearances of their homes. In every division of the C.P.R. prizes are given every year for the best displays, and many of these ama- teur railway gardeners have tried their products with success against all comers at the big Canadian and American flower exhibitions. Mean Teanard's Liniment in the house. Water Lane. When the world turns over and things come right again, I mean to go a -walking, all along the Water Lane— If I pass the gate and whistle, just like I used to do. Will anybody come to me --and oh! will it be you? Up Water Lane I'm going pack upon my back, And if I sing or whistle, old Fritz is ori my track— But it leads to Dead Man's Corner and not to Severn Side, And I couldn't stop to talk to you, however much I tried. It leads to Dead Man's Corner—and when l'm there, I know, There'll come a sudden call to me, and over I shall go To pay old Fritz's little bill—and then come home, to you. Maybe you won't be scornful if I wear .. a bit of bine. Wheu we've turned the old world over and. put things right again ril collie a -walking slowlyeeall down the Water Lane - 1 may not have to whistle, just like I need to do, For some one will be waiting—and surely be you. It has been discovered that in the later Stages of the war the enemy was reduced to the use of thistle - are, which is only approximately half the strength of linen, for his aeroplane coverings, now—my warvszo 410••••••••••IIII. • Cal 1713SCRE"PION ACIENTS TO WOR'E direct for publishers, highest eons - mission, Apply Circulation Manager, Canadian Home journal, Toronte. .••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• X$XVZ POiWAIITZD, 50e PAIR OF inasoxs AND UP. Any fanoy Poultry to sign Write for Prices. 1. Weinrauch & Son. 11-18 St, Jean 13aptiste Marini. real, Que. 1-4-7DMS13. DARN $15 TO $25 A IiirEEK. 7.Aarn without leaving- home. Sena for f rep booklet. 'Royal College of Science, Dept. 40. Toronto. Canada. ron'sawa. and°tile illness of a third. I'm sore afraid he's going to die." Two Irishmen ;ere dismissing the V V and job printing plant in Eastern "Poor Flannigan," said one. "Faith, wileon Publishing co.. end.. Toronto. "Why should 110 die?" inquired the he's got so thin. You're thin, How Thin He Was, s Vir DLL EQUIPPED NEWSPA.PER Ontario, Insurance carried $1,500. Wet en ear $1,200 on (milk sale. Box 42. thin, goodness knows, but share he's thinner put together." She Knew. Lord Reading talked at a dinner party about the cockney accent. "A cockney cook," lie said, "came over and settled in Canada. Her mistress, who was a widow, told her one day how she came to lose her husband. 'I lost my husband on the western prairies,' the woman said. 'He was killed by a bison, I suppose you know what a bison is?"Lawks, yes,' said the cockney cook, 'I'd like to 'ave a quid for every one I've made a puddin' pore Flannigan, than both of us Too Smart! "How many pears have I on my plate, father?" asked a smart boy. "Two, my boy," answered his father, "No, sir; I have four, and I can prove it." "How do you make that out?" "Well, sir, haven't I two pears, and don't two pairs make four?" grinned the urchin. "All right, my son. You have two too many," said his father, getting up and reaching over. "IIere, mother, you take one and take one, and John may have the two that are left." Army Lite. A soldier just released from the ser- vice was the guest of friends at a dinner in celebration of his return home. The maid had. placed an elaborate array of knives and forks and spoons beside the guest's plate. The soldier looked at the showy ar- ray, carefully selected one knife, one fork, and one spoon. Shoving the rest of the silver from him, to the surprise of his host, he re - .marked: "Too much equipment to keep clean." Would Get a Good One. The teacher had been explaining fractions to bar class. When she had discussed the subject at length, wish- ing to see how much light had been shed, she inquired: "Now, Bobbie, which would you rather have, one apple or two halves?" The little chap promptly replied: "Two halves." "Oh, Bobbie," exclaimed the young woman, a little disappointedly, "why would you prefer two halves?" "Because then I could see if it was wormy." Liniment Lunbernian's Friend, The Dog Came Back. A bird dog belonging to a man in alulvane disappeared, and the owner suspected it had been stolen. So he put this ad leglie paper and insisted that it be printed exactly as he had written it: "Lost or run away.-- One livver cul- ered burd dog called Jim. Will show signs of hyderfobby in about three days." The dog ceme home the following day. •••••••••••.••••••••••••••• Spanish paper money bears the portraits of great literary raen, painters, musicians, generals and other notables of the nation. ••••••••••••••M ,••••••••••• Every time a man stops work he throws thee much extra burden on others; he creates that much more poverty for the world, GIRLSI WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a few cents to remove tan, freckles, sallowness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Squeeze the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then put in the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin whitener and .complexion beautifier known. Dressage this fragrant, creatny lotion daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and Just see how freckles. tan, sallowness, redness and roughness dis- appear and. how smooth, ',tort and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harm- less, and the beautiful results will sur- prise you. MISOLILLIMEOUS. CANCER, TUMORS. LUMPS, ETC.. internal and external, cured with- out pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co,, Limited. Collingorond, Ont 7,7477,74* 5.V0 a 000 14I 00 41. RN 114. chain or two lovely vino tbsol.iteV tree 0( 0001, to you.dend your OWB and edam!: for 20 of our jewelry noyeittem 00 eel] at 100 each, our., !loll! sand uo the amount ue,end imatediata4 send yell pont Aid tho i.r,stun yon dialect. Write today Be -Premiums, Ltd., Amherst, N. S.' pi Wa it! "Phwat's thot noise, Mrs. Mullaly?" "Mary Ann's phracticin' tb' schales." "Begorrol she musht weigh a MONEY ORDERS. A Dominion Express Money Orde1 for live dollars costs three cents. The poet sings of God! and the sweet earth, With night's soft teardrops upon her face, Opens her sleep -cleared and wond'xing finds God in a sun -filled place. —Isabel Ecclestone Mackay. wet eyes Minaret's Lininient used by Physicians. The word meander is derived from Maianclros., a winding river in Asia Minor. Tin? Siamese strive to have in their houses an even number of windows, doors, rooms and cupboards; for they have a supe/rstition regarding odd numbers. Hurrah! How's This Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. e 0-0 0 0 0 0 Hospital records show that every time you cut a corn you invite lock, jaw or blood poison, which is needless, says a Cincinnati authority, who tells you that a quarter ounce of a drug called freezone can be obtained at lite tle cost from the drug store but is suf- ficient to rid one's feet of every hard or soft corn or callus. You simply apply a few drops of freezone on a tender, aching corn and soreness is instantly relieved, Shorts ly the entire corn can be lifted out, root and all, without pain. This drug is sticky but dries at once, and is claimed to just shrivel up any: corn without inflaming or even irrai, tatiug the surrounding tissue or skin. If your wife wears high heels she' will bo glad to know of this. a. wa,sw.,stsaes.s.ass.e,ftz,,,t•zss-eat! (9(4 Rheumatic Poing e% Are relieved in a Few days by taking 1O drops of illeihel• Syrup after meals and on retiring. It dissolves the lime and acid accumulation in the muscles and joints so these deposits can be expelled, thus relieving pain and soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also known as "Extract of Roots," co ntains no dope nor o ther s tt ong drugs to kill or mask the pain of rheumatism or lumbago, a ra- ms:yes the cause. 50e. a bottle ji at druggists. TT to o' 2; tet Miss Flora Boyko Tells H.ow Cuticura Healed Her Pinnies {.1.••••••••••••.... ''My face was very itchy at iirst, and after that it was covered with caraaase\ pimples that disfigured it badly. The pimples were hard and red and they were small, and they were scat- tered all over my face and were so itchy/ had to scratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearly a year before 1 used Cuticura Soap and Oint- mem and when 1 had used livecaltes of Cuticura Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Ointment 1 was healed." (Signed) Miss Flora M. i3oyko, Gardenton, Man., Dec. 26, 1918. Having obtained a clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by using the Soap for all toilet purposee, assisted by touches of Ointment as needed. Do not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cute. cum Talcum in your toilet prepare - dons. Splendid after bathing. For free somole each a Weave Soto Clot - mica And Toletuo_addroos post -mod; '.0aidous, Soo. a, Sops*, tr, 0, a," Sold ootrywhero. ISSUE ,21—'19.