HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-09, Page 8For Your Inspection FOR MEN For Ladies's Wear Nero silk poplins in fashionable shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- tes and crepe .du chenes. Also serges; poplins and garbardines for suits ov dresses. See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, new ties, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. Housefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, lrno}euros, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs. Groceries A WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0 F GROCERIES ALWAYS ON ELAND. ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW G ARDENSEEDS. T'S BABY CHICK J. Gascho Son +4,.4.4.4..g"÷.g..l•.i..i•.g.•€• ••i••1••i:•o° ••g•4- 3,.g..'s•or•i.++.1••: ++:• •o'^++ ::';'+•f.o*.+•I••P .HA General Hardware, Stoves, 3�a i, in Paper, Tinware, etc. �c- Hydro Supplies and Fixtures® AUTO SUPPLIES STA PREETER BLOCK .l. E & WEIDO se MOO T b3ER 'THAN V 1..`•,! T" rT I_II IK the cone connoisseurs don't know A Silverwoed'S? Ask them. That rich, sr.2ooth,,creamy taste is something they go .= extra block to get. And that's just why Silverwood's is good for them. It is w1tolesorte; pure—a real food. Always to be had from SILVERWOOD'S LIMITED, LONDON, ONT. Yin FLAVORS .t 14E4 Look for the Sit oerwood's Sign - PASTURE FOR RENT will take cattle in pasture at reasonable terms. Apply to Con- rad Hiuser, Babylon Line, Hya:: WHAT A PUBLIC LIBRARY DOES F 1.—Completes the young petar pie's educational equipment, care rying on and giving permanent value to the work of the schools. 2.—Gives the children of all 18 WOININKINI NOTICE TO HYDRO USERS:,: The penalty for breaking the seal oh a service box, by any per- son other than an authorized per- son, is a serious offence and a severe penalty may be imposed if the' offender is convicted. But much more ,serious consequences may happen if people tamper with elle fuses in the service box. By classes a chance to note k and, overloading a circuit the meter also a possibility of causing afire through o eerheated wires if the fuses used are too heavy, If eh- ing of vicious literature in thecoml an es are partiesandry trnotif willbe munity, thus promoting mental and proper moral health. looked after. Do not break the -seal and try and remedy it your- self. our- self. (ZURICH HYDRO SYSTEM love the best in literature. With- may be burned out and there is out the public library such a chance is limited to the very few. 3.—Minimizes the sale and read- 4.—Effects a saving in money to every reader in the community. The library is the application of common .sense to the problem of supply and demand. Through it every reader in the town can see, the Police Trustees of bicycle rid- ur every 00 at a given cost material from r00 to_ ing on the sidewalks, also coast - 1000 times the material for read- ng on the walks in the business section. A number of narrow es- capes of serious accidents caused P AINT! With Spring house eleanin g, cones the need of paint and varnishes. We handle the Martini'" Senous Brand, a pure Linceed Oil Paint, guaranteed as good as the best. Also the Chi-Namel varnish and varnish -stains, which when once used, will always speak for themselves. PAINT! GARDEN TOOLS We have a complete line of garden tools, forks, shovels, spades, etc. We handle wall paper cleaner: O'Cedar polish, Dustless mops Carpet Sweepers, carpet Beat- ers, carpet tacks, Curtain Stretchers, in fact every thing needed in Spring house-cleaning. WE MAKE LIBERAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL CASH SALES Mai& Vr r l im Successors to Hartleib & Faust Phone 63 Produce taken at I highest prices 111 Massey= Harris. Implements Announcement NOTICE Many complaints have reached ing or study that he could secure by actual individually" 5.—Adds to the ma d tenial value + of property. Real estate agents tough this habit have been re - never favi to advertise the pres- ported. The Trustees do not wish 4. epee of a library„ if there be one to be unreasonable but the pract- of riding bicycles ®n the side - .'`i. as giving added value to the lots walks must be stopped and the or forsale. - ZURICH $ houses they have sacoasting must be confined to back —Appealilug to all classes(, streets. Fair warning, boys. gr++ H•+•1•++++•3•++d•+3•+++•r•1• •+ ; h4 •1-1-1-H44-:.+440.44+++++++++++ sects and degirees of intelligence it is a strong unifying factor in the life of a town. 7.—The library is the one thing ONLY FAMOUS 21 kreaders than Fleury 11?10 in st0C blestboos towntoits library can easilythehuowu 9K� at ��,. while they last at last year's price Police Trustees. Just received a few new WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS . ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS. Cleveland and second hand bicy- iin which every town, however poor des which we offer for sale. W, or isolated, can have something as G. Hess, (Zurich. • good and inspiring as theg neatest . �. s�P ---� nor New York ean provide better (� jj'��'��city can offer, Neither Toronto0161WOK yll'llle • Following and supply. 8.—Slowly but ilnevitably rais- es the intellectual tone of apiece A TIMELY SUGGESTION In many of the towns official .a lists for historical purposes are Gray hair, however handsome, de - DI4RKEN GRAY HMA ETC. Use the Old-time Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. ONE DAIN HAY LOADER, NONE BETTER. PETER HAMILTON SCUFFLER, BEST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTIVATOR'. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 4�% h. p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE WILL BE SOLD AT CUTPRICES, AS WE NED) THE MON- ,.: EY. � . We handle pumps, piping, etc LPRANG- Tho stingiest man was scoring the hired man for his extravag- ance in wanting to carry a lantern in going' to see his best girl. "The idea,'" he scoffed. "When I was lan- tern; •.fa +court�m I never carried a tern; I went in the dark," The hired man proceeded to fill '1,,; lantern, `Yes" he said ra 11;', being made of those who have served the country as soldiers. If notes advancing age. We all know this is root done by municipalities the advantages of a youthfula ea� it will not be done at all and it is , ance. Your hair is your ch makes or mars the face. When it i something which should not be il tadea, ta urns gray and looks streaked, I neglected, Clinton has no official and Sulphur enhances its appearance ilist of the inen who went from a hundred -told. this mulnicipality. The town has Don't stay gray! Look young! not ever. a list of those who fell I Either prepare rho recipe at home er ; Sorreething should be done about , get from any drug store a bottle o! Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com - it and should be taken up without I pound," which is merely the old-time delay,The Clinton News -Record 'recipe improved by the addition of ( other ingredients. Thousands of folks GIVE US A CALL,. Waiper Cas er Zurich - - Ont. Special -rices We are giving Special Bargains for the next few weeks on all our Men's Suits Neckties, shirts, Etc. Do not miss these Bargains. Denomy Bros., Zurich made the suggestion some time. l recommend this ready -to -use prepara- u'tabl� tablet, belr'mg the na Eby, of Owen e+cl lin the town hall. We still evenly. You mcNten a sponge or soft determinatioed e out the ills a sho- �; tl rove of un eros o corning the ray ha r 1C loss y thick, have been fined $50 and costs for The town council will have to take' and it becomesg ou n or. a B e re appear Y e y the offence. btt to furstsw and you app Fory b the matter up as there does ,notw.yeth's Sago and Sulphur Com - without a license and out of sea- seem to be any other organization' pound is a (1414i'',tful toilet requisite. sen, many others have been 1> •�a- to do so amd we feel sire surlt a It is not intended for tho cure, mitl- gatit�sx or, prevention of riisease. et, zt :l 2:1.1 :.:G':1. • .,2L.:: �'.. '1i":: ti. � .'a•?L' •,a, .i 1;<ai.:.` ri'i" me tion, because it darkens the hair beau- n ossibly tell as it dark � hasd a la suitable of every man who served, b' pias- ` tifully, besides, no one ca p Game Warden ons so naturally and beau - Sound made effort to wzp legal uld t t t 1 the h i a. time. BY morning B' oting of muskrats in that district generations and is a recognition I disappears, after another application with the result that 15 persons due to the men who thus served ; or two, its natural color is restored and lus- think this shoalcl be Clone. It wo-' brush with it, drawing this through air taking one small strand at Specga1 Bargains the next 10 days Dress Goods, Flannellette Blankets, Clothing, Ladies' Underwear Hosiery Towelling Groceries and Redpath Sugar T. 1. WURM hone 78