HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-09, Page 5..-..-......_.. LOCAL MARKETS fl Al, (Corrected every Thursday.) B t 46 uGtr ... ... .. ... ..... Eggs- 46 Dried Apples ... ... ... 05 Potatoes per bag ..............1.25 Wheat ... , .-. .. ... 2.08-2,11 Oats ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... G0-05 Barley . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 80 Buckwheat ... ... ...... ... 1.00 Flour ... ... ... ... S.56—a,10 Brain ... ... ... ... ... 38.00 Shorts ..... 44.00 Live Ilogs fob Hensel' 2400 Zurich Book Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, BOOKS, FANCY AND PLAIN 'WRITING PAPER NORDHEIMER PIANOS, PIIONO LA GRAMOPHONES. RECORDS NEEDLES. FOUNTAIN PENS, FANCY PAPER TABLE NAPKINS. LARGE SUPPLY OF SACRED ANDSECULAR MUSIC, Etc. _ Book Room in Lutheran Farsona Te bum Rise I A T � Fresh and Salt Meats Ikiegca Sau®ages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES angb ut CS ,, Deichert WANTED Cream, Eggs, Butter and. Poultry 2I .g est Cash rig 3 Pali& POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT- URDAY �o o' i IL T Phone 04 Zurich The coal ,famine is over for the present, Town and country can now be ,supplied. We have on hand a. good supply of hard and soft coal„ Om kui DEALER IN Delaware & HudsonCo.'s LACKWYAN COAL HENSALL ONT. Phone House of Office—No. 10. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supply of Cola nter Check Books run too low. We sell Appleford's check books, first-class in every respect. Let us have your order. Herald Press, Zurich, Ont GLASS OF SALTS If YOUR KIDNEYS HURT Sat leas meat if yon feel Backaohy or have Bladder trouble—Salts fine for Kidneys. Meat form's uric acid 'lvhieli a.ceited and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eat- ers of meat must hush the kidneys occa- sionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a mull misery in the kidney region, sharp Trains in the back or sick headaehe, diz- ziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you Slave rheumatica twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get irritated, obliging you to get sip two or three times during the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flash off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts Isom any pharmacy; take a table- spoonful in a glass of water before break- fast for a few days and your kidneys will 'then act flue and bladder disorders dia. appear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate slug- gish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. (Tad Salts is ine:spe>lsivei harmless and snakes a delightful efferveseent litltia- "water drink which millions of men and `avomen take now and than, thus avoiding 0°11o4 kidney and bladder di ea Miss lila Well of Toton:to, is visit-• in• t o wt 1teL 1, iraa here. Miss Fanny "'reeler of Strat:ord visittd tit the horns of J.Preoter.1 Mr. IL G. Iltes made a business trip to London on Tuesday. Miss Rassolei of Dashwood cal- led on friends in town over Sun - Dr .• B. liaadie LUN:l'.las111' At 'Z171ilt.li EViU 2 W1SDN1 S.UAY DASAWOOD EVERS. THURSDAY MAIN OFF1C1+'• - /LEW'.\dela aa)r,s lellit,Si :SrUPI CIL The Council oe ,Stephen eonven- day. •ed in the Town Hall, Ceedi:on, on idr. and Mrs. Jaynes Green 'vis- Moirday, May 5th at 1 p. nr„ All ited in and around Sea or:h, last members were present. The min week. utes of the previous meeting were Messrs. W, F, Braun and M. read .and adopted. Eidber visited their, homes at Cred- Webb -Hayes; That the asses- ito,n on Sunday sment roll and truant book for the Littre Miss Margery Stewart is year 1919 as filed with the clerk be visiting at the home of her grand- accepted and the assessor be paid parents, Mr. and Mrs. James lis salary. Green, Neeb-Penhale; That 13y -laws The members of the 17yomens' ,to appoint Municipal officers and Institute will meet at the home of power to borrow money to meet Mrs. C. Fritz next Wednesday at current expenditure until the 1.30 o'clock. : taxes of 1919 are.coilected, having Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter, Mr. and been read three times be passed Mrs. A.. Mende and Mr. G. Holtz- • and signed by the Reeve and Clerk main attended the funeral of the; Hayes-Penhale; That a grant late Mr. Sweltzer at Crediton on ' of $10 •be given to U.S.S. No. 16 (Sunday afternoons for promoting a Pubi e School Mr. Alex. Challet has purchased ; "Pair subject that the Township of the 61 -:acre farm on the Saubie !Hay gie es a uimilar grant. 'L'.-nts north of. Drysdale, from the Neeb-•Hayes;— That the Court estate of, his late father, Augiust 1 of Revision of the Assessment Roll be held inn the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 26th inst at 1 p.m. for the purpose of hearing appeals against the assessment roll for 1919. Peinhale-Hayes; That the Re - the plays that never grows old eve sign the contract between the and should draw a full house. ' Township of •Stephen and James After May 15th the Sanitary In- R. Mallard for the purchase of as spectors of MHay Township will gravel pit. start out on their annual rounds A number of accounts were pas - of inspection. Be prepared. Clean used, up your back yards, alleys, isn, The Council adjourned to meet fact dean up everywhere and ev- erywhere again in the 'Town Hall, Crediton and everything. The auction sale of the hay and - pasture en the Fair grounds held Monday evening was largely at- tended, Ielr. J. Decher, Sr., was the highest bidder. This was; Mr. 0. Klapp's first public sale ,Challet, and gess immediate pos- session;, Palmer's famous Uncle Tornea Cabin will be the attraction -in the Towai Hall, (Zurich, Saturday ev- ening, May 12th. This is one of on May 26, at 1 p. m. when gravel ;Contracts will be let. ,Henry Eniber, CLERK. BLAKE. ei--dF The regular meeting of the Blake outline of what he had been thr- appeara:nce as a licensed auctionsWomen'sInstitute will be heid at oirgli lintel eating Canada over er and he handled the sale like aalsohome of Mrs. R. N. Douglass three years ago. He gave, some veteran. , Phivery nteres 1U information about 1VIav 13t1Z s being, thy, annual DLI D Baker—At T)aehwootl on May 4"1, Kathleen Marguerite infant datr- glrtez' of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, aged'' 2 weeks. MARRIED E'la*thane--Wiliest -In Dash wad, on May let, Miss Carrie j.ra rnb aeh to Mr. Llinor. \Valeri, Hulas-Bedard—At Drysdale, on, May 5th, by Rev. A. lionciat, Miss Sarah, Bedard to Iv1r. Hi_al or ,Chatham. Jei:frey—liedard—At Drysdale, on May ulh, by Rev. A.. !tondo;, :Mas Raeehel Bethnal to Mr. G. Jet.- fiey, both of Hay Township. L —I—����— e—�aA—y-.p._7�,y 1N rilE v,Ei'aZIAl Mt:B it1e-1n lot•itig memory of our (fear Sattler and nusoaed, 3...in- us1 SeeBr.ds, who p.iseed away one year ago to -stay, May 6_11, Lula. One, year has passes since that sad day, God tailed tilt one we loved a- way; Forget n.im, No, we never will, As years roll on we love ham .still. Friends may think that we :or - get him; When at tines they see us smile, But they little know thesorrow, Which that smile hides. all the while. —Loving wife, sons and da,uglt- t•ers. STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Last Friday evening a reception was held in the Goshen church to welcome home some of our Sol- dier boys, two of whom, Joe Skil- ton and Charlie Pratt arrived here from overseas last week, Each of these boys was prezen el with a signet ring and a pair of cuff links ands Frank Boyce, who arrived . home some time ago, was pres- :emted. with a signet ring. A'nice little• program was given the most interesting part of which was an address given by Joe Skilton in which he have an The Ontario Government has de- Meeting, it is ver y important that tided to take over ail stored lig- all members be present. The roll uors held by vendors in the pro- call will be responded to by paying vince within one month, their the fees. Ali ladies are welcome. licensee having run out April 1st' Mrs. Jas. Corrine spent Monday and No new ones will be issued. Allwith friends in the "villager �. these established have requested 1 Mr. and Mrs W. Kelly of. Lon - not to put in any more draught don spent the week -end with fri- whiskey, as the Government wish - cards on the Goshen line• es to take over as little of this as • Mrs. Chas. Meyers and children possible, as it intends that ail hal her daughter Mrs. Wm, uor sold shall be in sealed bottles.; Ilay, ,near Iiiippen., All bot.ling necessary, such as that Mr. Jacob Kipfer of Zurich has of grin and rye, will be done in Tor -I rented Mr. Schenck's house and onto by provincial officials. ma vied into it the end of ' last Al arge crown assembled at tit Aveel:, W e welcome Mr. and Mrs. Exeter station to welcome Pte. j 1 Kipfer to our village . Garnet Ford who returned from Mrs. \i m. Hay of Kippeut is vis - ter on Tuesday morning, a£- iting uncles the parental roof. ter seraiug in Prance since to Mr. and Mrs. D. Gashco of Zurich year ago last March. He spent spent Sunday with friends in this all his time in France with the spent horses on the Mess wagon, taking food to the trenchesand at times on the ammunition wagon. He had the good -luck to drive the same team the full time in France. He had some close calls, the tenni ahead of him was killed in one advance killed the driver also. He went overseas with the 161st IIur- o+ns in the fall of 1916, In England he tended Officer's Mounts. Ile has not had a day's sickness or a scratch since he left Canada, and' reports a 'very rough trip at the east end of the ocean trip. REGISTRATION OF 'BIRT.EIS In compliance with a request from the Dominion Governmen.!, Holn W. D. McPherson, Provincial Secretary, introduced in the Leg- ielature a new Registration Act, affecting births, mfarriages and deaths. According to the pro- visions of the new Ac's, it is in- cumbent upon every nurse, doctor, clergyman, -undertaker :or any other -person to supply the .Regis- trar -General with such knowledge relating to births, marriages or, deaths as• may be desired by him. Division Registrar's, in future;must send is their reports monthly, ra-; ther than quarterly as heretofore. and in case Registrars. have no returns, they must report the fact If the Division Registrar is not properly advised of a birth, mar- riage or death, he must notify the person responsible for the neglect, and if the neglect continues for over seven days, the Registrar - General must be notified of the Pact. All registrations must he made by the parent or guardian. Births at sea, where the mother on her way to Canada, of births across the border in hospital may, henceforth, be registered in Ont- ario and in case of a stillbirth` the birth must be properly reg-- istered before the burial permit is issued. 1 BEAVER MEADOW. SCHOOL REPORT Report for S. S. No. 12, Hay, for the month of April. The names are in order of merit. Sr, 1V ;—Nelson Jeffrey. :Jr, III;—Gei'trucle Schilbe, Lil- lian Rosa, Theresa Meidinger. Sr, II;—Greta Schilbe, Beatrice Klopp, Ervin Saliilbe, Myrtle Masse Jr. II ; I—Margaret Schilbe, Har old Klopp, Agnes Meidinger, Hazel. Masse, Gordan Miller, Elizabeth Badour Sr Pt. II;—Norman Fleisehau- er, Melvin Schoch, Edgar Masse. Jr. Pt. Ti;—Howard Klopp, Leo- nard Merrier. Sr. Pr ;—Mabel Haugh, Eleanor Fleischauer. Jr. Pr. a ;—Elmer Mases, Leonard B eck er. Jr. Pr.—Edith Klopp, Leonard Steinbach, Harold Horner, Ora. Schoch. FOR SALE Two second hand seed drills and one cultivator. All in first-class condition. L. Prang, FOR SALE Building, solid frame, 10;,26, suit- able for hen stable, garage, etc. Apply to C. Hartleib, Zurich. ►, FARM FOR $ALE 100 acres, in good state of cul tivalion and Well drafted, two good barna, one new; pig pen and chicken house, Good brick house, Good location being two and a half miles south of Hensall and two and a half miles from Exeter, and half a mile from London Road. Reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE THRESHING LJ OTFIT A 20-22 li. p Stratford traciton en gine and Stratford separator com- plete with feeder, cutter, blower and elevator. All in first class condition and used only six sea- sor;s. or particulars apply to Ed, Reichert, Zurich, Phone 10 on 04. ZURICH ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Fvening 2 to 5 and 7 t•.d t, clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. Cernent Work Am prepared to do anything i n the way of building cement silos, foundations, floors, bridges; walks and all kinds of cement work. .v. BUSINESS CARDS 1'ROl'l)FOOT, KILI.ORAN, & COOKE. l arriesore, Solicitors, Notaries Public enc. (Vico, on i he Square, 2210door froiii llniniltoe St. tloderiob. Pri,•a t o fends to loan at lowest rates W. Faoven err, K O. .1. L. KirakItArr, 11..1. 1 erase 1i r, Ooese will 1,0 ;u itin401 c,n Friday sea n'^le.i,diti cif each w kik. 1ii ANDRF, IFS; Notary Pal lin Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation aril Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneee for .the Co- unty of Hulse', Sass rondueted in any part of t1i county. Charges moderate• and satisfaction guar- anteed Address Zurich., R. R. No. 2, or phone ,Zurich, FOR SALE Chevrolet automobile, 1617 model has run about 4500 miles and in good order. For particulars ap- ply at Herald Office Ata buggy. FORS SALE bargain, second hand top Apply to C. Fritz, Zur- EGGS FOR HATCHING White Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing, 60 cents per setting. Also Peerless Barred Rocks at $1.00 per setting,. Julius Thiel, Zurich'. EGGS FOR H.A'T HATCHING From pure bred S. C. White Leg horns $1.00 per setting of 15. G. Holteguan, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING From Famous Shepherd Anconal 263 egg strain. Price $1. per setting. If sent by mail $1.30. Ap- ply to F. B. Meyers Zuriieh. Get my prices, I EGGS the, war., After the program nda i White ing. GO presentation lunch was served by the ladies and the evening was en- , joyed by all. Mr. J. E. LHar'nwell has been E:a.pOit Ztad township clerk to fill the 'vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Robt. Richardson. Mr. Hera- well will make a splendid eiesk i as he filled the position with sat- isiaction for a number of years i before going West. The official meeting of the Varrna Circuit was held in the Methodist church, Varnia, on i%lon- ; day ,evening. The finances were found .to be in good shape. The pastor's 'salary, $1.,100.00, l,e:'ng paid in full. Mr. Wm. Ra.thwell, who has held the office of Record ingSteward for a number of ye- ars, resigned, and Mr. Will Robin- son was appointed to fill the pos- itioln. .A. vote of thanks and ;ippreei- ---- ation was given Mr. Rathwell by the other members of the Board for his many years of faithful ser - Vice, to which he made a suitable reply, If your neighbor is prosperous„ let him prosper. Don'tg runt.. growl or grumble. Say a good word for him and let him go at that. .Don't be a knocker. Your turn will cone, No one is the whole show. If you see that the town 15 moving along nicely, feel good about it, Help things a- long„ shove a little. Try to get some of the benefit yourself. Don't stand around like a chilly old cadaver. Don't waste time feel- ing sore because some fellow has a little .more sand and sense than you have, Do a little hustling yourself, -Don't be a knocker, I, S. H. Beacom, Teacher SCHOOL REPORT Report for S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the month of April. Based on reg ular attendance and perfect work. Jr, IV ;—Discola Smith, Lylyan Martin, Oscar Grob. Se. III;—Charlotte Farwell, Dorsi,na Foster. Sr. II;—Anthony Rogier, Lu- ella Farwell, Leonard Dabus, Ed- ith Grob, Arthur Brisson, Cathar- ine Hiuser, Edgar Foste,r Bruse Rose. Jr,11;—Leila Witmer, Lauren- ce Regie(:, Pt. II;— Orville Witmer; Geo- rgina Foster. Pt. I;—Anna. Marie Farwell, A- bel Rinser, Alphonse Dabus, D. I. Fowlie, teacher. I OTICE. $150,00 IN PRIZES The Zurich Agricultural Society have entered the Standing Field Cron: Competition this year with twci crops; Spring Wheat and Oats. The fields foie both erops must contain not less than five acres each and competitors may enter both erops for which the following prizes will be paid; First $20.00; Second, $15.00; Third, $12 00; Fourth, $10.00; Fifth, $8.00; Sixth; $6.00; Seventh, $4.00. Tho Ontario Department of Agr- ioulture will fui'iiisii , expert judg- es. All entries must be in the hands of the Secretary not later than May 20th, For .ontries forms and further particulars apply to the Secretary; • Andrew F. HeaeiZui'leh. Alex. Foster Zurich. FOR HATCHING Leghorn eggs for hatch - cents per setting of 13. A, G. Ehnes, Zurich. E` v 1. al 'z j ALL K,NDS HIGHEST CASH PR/CEI PAD Co Kalbfieisb, 2 What i I You Do With Vie When you cash -in those Victory Bond coupons on May 1st exchange them for their par value in War Savings Stamps. Your Country needs this money in these days of readjustment and recon- struction. The purchase of War Sav- ings Stamps is an easy Way for you to save, as well as a patriotic duty. Wari a 701111r_. War Savings Stamps can be bet ht wher- ever this sign is displayed. Ps The Easiest ` •: ethod of Savin;, 10