HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-05-09, Page 1rooms get Alllip i Wool Serge for Suits O.41 0I • FOR LADIES COATS AND SUITS 0 '• These 'Serges are all wool and old dyes, and are very suit e t+ -able for odd coo is and tailored suits. We know our prices are 0 ,e0 ezy low as they were bought many• months ago. 0 • 1 Ladies' Silk Gloves ,. • 'SThe largest assortment of ladies glo ves ever shown. Colors • co it white, black, gray and beech in all sizes. O F sk,) •Ladies' Auto ops 3 r iz prices. 0 es Ladies' Silk Waists • e o• 41, We have just reseived a dice range of ladies silk crepe de 0 �,•� chene waists and striped silk waists in all colors and sizes. ® • A1so ladies white voile waists at old prices. ii,• oyal Purple Stock Food 4. s 10 m < A perfect tonic for all kinds of stock. Also pig meal, t alf e a -16 meal, chick Teed, etc. oe A • AO . A H7 ►E i Use Formaldehyde 'this year and grow more • crops. s +• U ICH A A Yo11r XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORN•INOt MAY 9, 19I9. • YOUR HARNESS NI3ED.S ete •wit be promptly attended to here. Seamus about DOIJISLE TEAM HARNESS,SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by liana Rugs, Blankets, Bells 1. Fall llae of. Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc 3. A Trial Solicited + FRED THIEL ZURICH 1 44 1 T Ptes.E'. Ceeeiveau and C. Pratt returned home last -w;.,'eek from overseas.. t, Ontario physicians have prescr- ibed 1,000,000 quarts of whiskey to suffering humanity since 1916. Mr, Eldon Schnell, of the U.. S. Army, visited his parents here last week. Mr. Schnell recently re- turned from overseas. igi 0000000000000060000000 00060600000064160006000000000000 60011006041000000000000000t �� New Stvles in ens �• . r•• Hats, C s, S i ts, les, e• 0 1osi `f - ry, iA . r. a ®` { •a F� a, isawmatmeassescressmeanammesemise as a miens high '-grade Furnishing ;Stove is so widely known that it seems hardly necessary to dwe 11 on this department, other th an'to state that we are more than living; up to our former records anto a very taming old prices. The reputation of this store g A • • d c great extent main a • • s ii mo. New- Spring Hats . • s •r 0 v. :, el 0 Newest in Shirts e 'SOFT OR STIFF CURES, NEGLIGE, OUTING OR SPO RT STYLE O In stripes, Pantry or plain colors at $1 to $2.75 ee • New• Designsin Wall Papers 0 a ® Brighten up the interior Of your home this'spring. Splendid designs for any room. Bring in the sizes ofyour and6 an estimate of what it -_will eostyou, .NEW WIDE RIM EFFECTS In -green,` navy, steel or black Pri tee from $3.75 to $4.60. `3 Mr and Mrs. Wellington John- ston have moved into the house Vacated -by. Mr. Jacob Kipfer whi h ] tr. Johnston has purchased.. Re•v, Mrs. H. Bombe and daught eke. of Hamilton, _visited at the home' of her son, Rev. A. Rembe, over ,Sunday. The' many friend) of Mr. John H.'Schnell are pleased to see flim arou'n'd again after his recent ser- ious ili•ness, The members of the choir of the church met at the Eva!n,ge-licax ,n church of. Mrs. W. L. S''_enerL ��ne "v - ening recently and presented Mrs. R. T. Dunlop, who has assisted in the- hcoir, with a cut glass dish prior to her departure from the village, r 1 A Special Mother's Day program, will be given by the Ladies' Aid in the Evangelical church on Sun- day evening. Everybody Wel- come.. Come. White and colored flowers, suitable for the occasion will `be sold at Mr, C, Fritz's shoe store," Mr, Wm. Declier has purchased a fine General purpose team of dark iron greys from Mr. Richard Baker of neat' Dashwood for a good team is exceptionally well mated and horsemen say it will make a prett le team than the one recently sold by -Mr.. Decher. NOW A. B. A. Sc. BANKING HOURS On May 12th the banks throu- ghout :Cascada Zvi11 go on new hours, and will open during the week at 10 and close at 3 o'clock the :hours on. Saturday being 9.30 ands;'',`i2 noon. Up to date, the lbankii': have opened at 9.30 in the, morning and dosed at 2.30 in the afterecieei. :..(Anniversary Rev, H Rembe, pastor of Peter's Lutheran Church will •ebrater the 3rd anniversary of ministry "the earning Sunday. this occasion he will conduct special service in the evening when t the G. E. Co. he will preach an appropriate Town Hall Zurich Just One Night Saturday May 10th I No44 r Incorporated 1855 The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 Over I00 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted The Palmer-Amuseiilent Company I CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT - 13ANiS, MONEY ORDER presents the Spectular production, Savings Bank Department of ;-- Uncle Tom's Cabin In Four Acts. Interest at highest current rates Zurich Branch t i T NLOP, Manager 45.19. We G. Hess Jeweller and Optician Just Received a supply of NOBBY, TRACTION AND WHITS DIAMOND TIRES AND TUBES BISYCLE AND AUTO SUPPLIES Children 25; Adults 35. Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade and War Tax. Fountain Pens and We congratulate Mr. J. Elgin ; Bicycle Accessories. Hess, of this village, on his success in passing his final examinations in the School of Practical . Science, :Complete Line ': f Toronto with honors. Mr. Hess S. is ;now a full-fledged electrical WATCHES, JEWELLERY AND ce.- engineer and has obtained the de- CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN PENS FL - his gree of Bachlor of Applied Science ASHLIGHTS AND ELECTRICAL. On , He leaves to -day, Friday, for Pet- I SUPPLIES, BICYCLE REPAIRING. a •erboro to assume his duties with AND 'VULCANIZING, ETC. •Phone No. 74. Mon to his confirmation classes of 1916-1919 who will attend in- body Rev. Rembe was born in Montr- eal, a thorough Canadian, and believes in having Canadian prea- chere for 'Canadian Churches. He claims a preacher should be a preacher first, last and always. He *, should attend to that business to -4- which whiich he was called and ordained, the Lord's business. The Church of to -day needs preachers, and 4. these preachers must be men not !— busybodies. The easiest way to cripple a Church is to become in- terested in all general movements outside until one has neither time! nor inclination to help along the' work iin the Church. Too many clergymen are altogether too much interested in secular move- ments and thereby neglect the one thing needful. One cannot serve two masters. There are many good men outside of the ministry who can take care of sec- ular affairs, let the minister of the low Word attend to his charge as he should and he will have all the work he wishes and very little time for things outside of his own sp- here. • We often hear the remark; "the Church is to blame for that." Is it any wonder when things go wrong? Any wonder when �t o hear Mr. Member of such " and such a church did this and that? Any wonder when the preacher gives so little time to man's soul welfare?' Any wonder when he fixes his members up with a two and. a half per cent surface pol•s:i? Men vki11• be better men and better ,Christiatns when we reach their heart, When the heart is trans 'Will .pre- Q formed will we have better human .bei'ng's. Laws, rules and regul actions are of little use, and yo ' will have a changed person and VI a better world. ;Duriing the three years of his m2nistry in our village he has t preached 300 sermons to the mom beets of St. Peter's Church, bap- tized; 41 infants, confirmed; C2 young persons and adults, offici- ated at 24 futnerals and 12 niarr: r ges and administered the Lord's SimpeFr to O03 members. Ore 1 ganized a Choir and a Lutheran 'War Sa.tiail s So. sty. A large ra alga of ladies autoeaps to choose from at very a 0. A vent smut in oats, etc, Pull directions on each bottle. le • ,o • „la at •• !REEFE'!41 4111 J O r Phone• 59 Produce Wanted 3 3 e 4ios ri4444444404+41r@de ' T,•. invite you to inspect our , new shoes for spring and summer. Sete our line of FO`s S :.. !.. "iI� E S For Men For Ladies All Styles and Sizes Wear well kind BU•rran AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeran •,f4 `" 4461060661,8546.16+,1 IINIIIIIIi!1111tt{litllllt1111!IIIIIIIIiIJilli!1111111IIIt111111111111Illlllll!flllililllt!!Illilillllllll!11!Illlllil!iNRIIIIIIIIIIIitIIIIINIII!11NIiil!NIIIIIIIIIIII!NII{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIININI!fN"!!Nll�Ilt!fl1f!!INIfIIIIINi EA P. tei We have opened our NEW SPRING GOODS �.Rro in , . MUL1118 We are offering some bargains in Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pi.•icesfor Farm Proiduce. Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS BLAKE PHONE 11 on 97 `���. �4�Qf�lir:�miyjiM4,. JC,,.� fjt. .�yy�a�••y �,-` 1111' 'f',' r r a n. n •• i i 11 r� rut Ip h, {, int" 1 u3i1NN!iHINII�...:...r-.-,e..e1wYN,�J41t1!�w111G1N:I{[.!!;:i,l.:,Ar-i: al,�lil t1��,: NF