Zurich Herald, 1919-05-02, Page 5150
Call and have them
Special Prices for a limited time
High' grade gold filled frames,
best ground lenses, Reg, $0.00 for
Nigh grade Silver Alurninico, fr-
araes best ground lenses, Reg.
$5,00 for $4,00.
Best quality finger, piece mounts
gold filled. Reg, $6.00 for $5.00.
Satisfaction always guaranteed,
E. AH Pw L
Jeweller and Optometrist
Zurich Book Room
Book Room in
Lutheran ..Parson `' .e
Zurich Meet
Fresh and Salt Meats
Boicgrra Sauce es, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wool
Building, solid frame, lCx2ci, suit-
able for hen stable, garage, etc„
Apply to C. Ilartleib, Zurich,
Mr, 1+a Oeselx was ill London Mon- .�.... .•
day, On business, EGGS FOR HATCHING
Mims Antia (less is spendiclg a white Leghorn eggs for hatch -
few days with friends at London.1 iuug. 00 cents per setting of 13, -
Miss Ada Siebert of Toronto is1• A. G. Ehnes, Zurich.
.visiting at the borne• of her par-
ents, Mr. and Idrs. W. L.. Siebert, FARl•VI PGR .SALE
at present. 100 acres, fax good state of cul-
' 'busy lin cheer t titir.� ns at plan g ti c t =an and well drained, two
gardens, The amount of sett good barns, one n&w; pig pen
anions putout will nit b;,> so targe and chicken house,
as in former years. , Good brick house, Good location j �"�t"
A ,number from Zurich. at:ended
an interesting meeting of the
I'arinc•r'e Club at the 14th con: on
Thursday evening.
The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel-
ical church will meet at the home
of Mrs, Westlake on Tuesday eve
ening. May 6th at 7.30 o'cloei;.
,17r, W H. Love has pureha ei
the joint Sherrill farms i.- het lath
tend '2Gth •coal., Stephen, and gels
possession on May 1st.
The me=nbers.._of the cho:r of the
Evangelical church met at the
'home of Mr. W. L. Siebert on Wee1-
Inesday evening and presented her
with a cut glass dish,
Gramm, ggs9 •
Bulla ann& Poultry
Itighe5 , Case
wise Pala
a, O'BnIE 't
Phone 94 anrich
The coal famine is over for the
present Town and country can
now he supplied. We have on
hand a good supply of hard and
soft coal.
Delaware & Hudson C o.. s
. CL
HENQ At.. .. ONT.
Phone House or Office—No. 10.
Mgt less meat if you. feel Backachy or
have bladder trouble—Take
glass of Salts.
The proceeds of the Recital giv-
en by Miss Rennie and pupils last
year has been disposed of as fol-
lows :
' During :the -winter boxes titter:
sent to our Boys overseas, and
those who have. re,urned will b:
given a free membership to the
Public Library.
CLEAN UP ; Now is the time
to clealn up around the yard. Get
rid of all rubbish. amd unsightly
stuff. You will improve the looks
of your property, besides help to
prevent fires and also make the
appearaince of our village more
triviting. Clean up.
Isl'o man or woman who eats meat rep -
gayly can make a mistake by flushing the
kidneys occasionally, says a well-known
! uthority. Meal forms urio acid which
+excites the kidneys, they become over-
worked from the strain, get sluggish and
fail to filter the waste and poisons from
%he blood, then we get sick. Nearly all
trheumatism, headaches, liver trouble,
nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and
'urinary disorders come from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull aehe in the
kidneys or your back hurts or if the
;urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi-
ment, irregular of passage or attended by
$i, sensation of scalding, stop eating meat
and .get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any pharmacy; take a
tablespoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast end in a few days your kidneys
Will met fine. This famous salts is made
from the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with litbia, and has been used,
for generations to flush and stimulate
the kidneys, also to neutralize the acids
in urine so it no longer causes irritation,
Clue ending bladder weakness.
*lad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
injure; makes a delightful effervescent
Lithia -water drink which everyoaa
should take now and then to keep the
.kidneys clean and active and the blood
'Imre, thereby, avoiding serionte kidney
PRWing two and a halt miles south a y CASray H
of H+e+nsall and two and a half
• miles from Exeter, and half a mile!
from London Hoad. Reasonable
terms. For particulars apply to'
,Herald Office.
Report of room III. for the
month o. April.
Jr IV ;—M. 111ittelholtz, 2)7;
ht. Pceeter 2eS, V. 2rang 380, M.
Howald 277.
Sr. IHI;— F. Mittelholtz 322;
M. Meidinger 317; E. Ducharme
315, L. Becher 305; E. Deitrich 298;
M. Hey 265, M. Prang 261, E. Bed-
ard 259, 0. Melick 255, N. Geiger
240, G. Bedard 214.
Jr. III;— R. Bremner 274, E.
!Calif as 27ft, L. Rader 268; 26S,
L. Albrecht 206, E. Hess 253; A.
Zettel 250, M. Schwalni 241, L
Y ttngblut 2301, L. Leibold 235, A.
Schwalm 220, G. Schwalm 204, F.
Dc•ichert 198, G. Ducharme 193, E,
Gesell(' 176,
F, Kalbfle schj, Teacher.
$150.00 PRIZES
The Zurich Agricultural Society
have entered the Standing Fields
Crop Competition this year with
two crops; Spring Wheat and
Oats. The fields for both crops
must contain not less than .five
acres each. and competitors may
canter both crops for which the
following prizes will be paid; First
$20.00; Second, $15.00; Third, $12 00;
Fourth, $10.00; YUIda $8.00; Sixth,
$6.00 ; S:.aventh, $4.00.
The Ontario Department of Agr-
iculture will furnish expert judg-{
All entries must be in the hands
of -the Secretary not later than
May. 20th. For entries forms and
further particulars apply to the
Secretary ;
Andrew F. Ileas;Zurich.
OSi"' AFS. IsL0PI'
Liceuso+.i Auctioneer for the Co-
unty of Ilnron, Sales conducted in
anw pert of the county. Charges
moderate and satisfaction guar-
anteed A.ddress Zurich, R. R. No.
2, or phone Zurich.
.Chevrolet automobile, 1917 model
has rum about 4500 miles and in
good order. For particulars ap-
ply at Herald Office,
From +Fatuous Shepherd A:nconas
265 egg strain.. Price $1. peri
setting. If sent by mail $1.50, Ap-
ply to F. 13, Meyer$ ,Zurich.
A.t a bargaiin, .second hand top
buggy. Apply to C.. Frits, Zur-
from pure bred. S. C. White Leg
horns $11.00 per setting of 15.
G. 7- oltgrnon, Zurich.
is . 9
White Leghorn eggs for hatch-
ing, 00 cents per setting. Also
Peerless Barred Rocks at, $1.00 per
Julius Thiel, Zurich,
111:13=0:0040000 .,40.:OrK2M0MV000007C=0M4000=00=0
.,;: 0,...,..,10.4•, 000%
l'ROUl)FC'O•i', ';,.1LL'1R4N, & COOKIE.
Sat rietots, Soliextore, Notaries.
Pui lir• e,e. e i1,e>, on t lie Square, '1nd
door 'Fax j1r.t! i'qt} ,'t. t U.lf,l,a,il,
Private fun: :.
1..::.l lone t rates
.'��. [',::uvoreor, K.G. ,t. L .,
L. Sgieteiad'
H, f. i) (7 UI a .
'dr, COOP e l 1111, in 1 l ran ihiAl.y
f, .71,,:411x,
ANDREW F. IIFSS, Notary i'u?..1?c
Coln nli55ioner, Conveyancing,
Fire and Lie Insurance, Agent
(:rxr7,o,ation and reveal Trust
Co Herald Uffi te, Zuri^h.
Help the"Y" Construct h e Manhood
that will Re -construct Canada
LL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the
Y.M.C.A. was the ` Sign of 1 riendship " to thousands
of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours'
boys in the last four and a half years Wherever the Can-
adian Soldiers went, the ," Good old `Y" went too. And
now it is coming back home with them!
For the support whichlias made possible the war work
of the Y.M.C.A. we thank' you. Your money has been well
expended. We have rendered full account.
We ask now your continued sympathy and support for
Red Triangle Service for -oar Soldiers during demobilization,
and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re-
construction period. The Annual Red Triangle campaign
will be Held throughout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. inc..
objective is $1,100,000„.
For Our } en ecu °rlin
l or the soldiers and their dependents, returning
from Overseas, we have provided as follows :--
1. A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves
Great Britain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones
and records, magic lantern, literature and writing materials.
Where possible, also a piano or an organ. Lectures, concerts,
sing songs, inst• tetion re Government repatriation plans, and
Sunday Services,
2. Red Triangle comforts and facilities for the mu on ar-
rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Montreal, including cof-
fee stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc.
3. Red 'Triangle xnen on every
troop train to provide regularly
free drinks, eatables and cigarettes,
organize games and sing song,, and
furnish information.
4. Red Triangle free canteen
service, information bureau, etc.,
at each of the 22 Dispersal centres
in Canada,
5. Red 'Mangle Clubs in the
principal cities of Canada in the
shape of large Y.M.C.A. hostels to
furnish bee and board at low rates
and to be a rendezvous for soldiers.
The Y11.C. -1. wit/ recd, its
chains of Service tr;d;,oleen
till the end.
ForCanada's Manhood
The Reconstruction program of the Y. 11:1. C. A.
includes the following vitally important develop -
merits :-
1. An increase.. service to 300,0010 t 1 a' e boys i a the
Dori,inion—the development of Canadian St sndard Is1ficithxey
training; Bible Study groups; .,1:u.nl:r camps; commences;
service for High School boys, for working boys, is the towns
and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who
have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, altysical cr social
2. Inauguration of Y.:' I.
7 e'
�;.Siii ask h`4'":a t e�, jn,�.c�.+ya9ylo,•
751,10.C.2-.051,4) '.Eton �,� t
[, T `9z ..7
0. Seventy-five ' Secretaries to superiatend Red Triangle
service in Military Ilospitals, Camps and Barracke throughout
7. Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.3.I.C.A. privileges for
six months at any local Y'.JM.C.A. furnished.
In additan to our work for the returning soldiens we have
to maintain the Red Triangle service! to the fell for Lila ..1:airs
in Siberia, as Weil as the work of special secreta1iCi i.i Ni,. tl:erhl
Russia, P::icstine and Poland.
For the wives and children
Overseas, delendent upon Can-
adiansoldiersrend for Y.W.C.A,
work in Canala generally, o muni
of $175,000 from the Red Tri-
angle Fluid vine set aside for
the ,Dontiniux Council of the
which is caring for
the soldiers' women folk, and
their little oils on the long jour-
ney, from. Liverpool to Canada,
and is also attending its work
for Caaadiangirls.
Icor their sake also be gen-
erous when yon =Hake your
C.A. work i:1 the country, and the
smaller towns and villages lacking
Association buildings and eciuip-
xnent, on a plan of county organ-
izations. 'This will include the
establishment of Red Triar.glc
centres f ;r sc.cial, recreation,:l and
educational work among boys and
Jaen, in co-operation with the
3. Til: prmrotior of Y:\f.C.A
woe!: en: ,1.; Canada's ere v of
workers in Indus; rill '.halts, both
i:; Y.:\ I.C.A. 1+uiidiixgs and in the
f .tol buildings, orea nisi', t1:
social s + it atnnt the industrial w s caf our cities by
in -tin:., elite .....ancxit ,..zx ..ettd ..i <1..,.
4. Th. -s :i•i:Alun: `l ai the Rc'l Tringle le. iiai,it Ci's-
tri 15 when h:•• :an:teen, limners and otaer workers held the
front treuel:: ; ..1 i•1,:11;•try.
c .ihsi:os thee. r1:in fields el actieity f 1910,
have t,, I 'r.,. i,„efor c h ge'U \rt r C iln 1-411w:;-•.•
.-tu : , u:1•1 f.:r cant
aIl.l Fi' e u.. :1,.- . 1” elcr 0111' work lei :0c:ti1.7 fund-
amental foundation of manly Clad ti:Ixiliy.
INR s QR the , solco of ow= victorious soldier and
their dependents, and the happh n" s of
their ho'.nc-coming; for t1'. .c`t of our future
citizens, oar teen-age boys; the e
mac. t. c•1 C L':��, �, fail 1. Oils,... of
rural life ill Co' nada; for i=ii,". i 1 : of Vile Luciaal
betterment of the toilers in ft.'.:for``J'and. ifork
shop; for the sake of lonely :_ 1> ;, " .boy: 1.1
our 31211","_5and. forests; for tl?i_'. !ict17,e of Ci-rrst'?l.l
Society and Canadian inanieood--•-vve ap .ei;l
to you. Give us your contribution, little or
big. Be as generous a:3 you can.
Hanel your contribution to the canvasser when he
cavils, or if yott.live where it is difficult for him to call,
send it by check, money order or registered letter to
the National Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120
Bay Street, Toronto.
01 .,,
e e
We are not. asking for
n ill:.y to carry on our
v fork °venous, with the
Army in Great Britain,
i'r :? ee or Belgium. That
weir: will et:.ttiime at its
maximum for some months,
finattellily provided for by
the liquidation of our
assets Overseas, and will
not terminate till the last
man has sailed for home.
National Council, Young . Men's Christian Associations of Canada
The Red Triangle Campaign is being conducted under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency,
the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O.,
Campaign Chairman: Campaign Treasurer:
G. nitizsWEet WOOD, Toronto TtreMAs BRAnsn;tw, Toronto
Hon. CampaignChattmant
jowl W. Ross Montreal
Campaign Director:
Csus. W. 13xsuor, Toronto