HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-18, Page 5YOUR EYES Cali and have them TESTED FREE Special Prices for a limited time only High grade gold filled frai<.les, !cart ground lexises, Reg, $6.06,' for $5.00 ,Sigh grade Silver Alunsimeq'fr- ames best ground lenses. Reg, 15,00 for $4.00. $Qat quality finger pies' mounts gold filled. Reg. $6,00 for $5.00. Satisfaction always guaranteed. . E. APPEL Jeweller and Optometrist , • w..Q.,n•m•r•s•w••r• •t••aK"p'►'•4•'p.'t'K+,ry.•krrw••r Zurich Book Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, BOOICS, FANCY AND PLAIN WRITING PAPER NORDHEIMER PIANOS, PHONO LA GRAMOPHONES. RECORDS NS. FOUNTAIN PENS, FANCY PAPER TABLE NAPKINS. LARGE AND SECULAR MUSIC SACRED Etc.. Book Room in Lutheran Parsonage *44++,e++++++4+++++++++++++ ••1••i-++,e•F•+ }✓r+d- ✓r•4• •+-4•✓o$•✓r•4••4••II+ Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES; ruiig'biut &,1 Deiohert LOCAL. NEWS Just received a carload of cem- ent. Stade* & \Veido, Zurich. WHYCANADA MUST , FINANCE HERSELF'. Canada must finance herself,. if for no other reason than that the great majority of countries thas. formerly invested annually mil- lions, of dollars abroad, have for- bidden the use of money for such purposes, until their domestic de- mands for capital havebeen sat - sifted. In the: British House of Com- mons recentiyj the Chancellor of the Exchequer said that as ' long as domestsc demands for new capital, both for trade and indus- try and for national purposes were so pressing, he did not thinL it would be safe to remove zestric- tions upon investments outside the United Kingdom. By providing a means whereby people may save the smallest sums; War,Savings Stamps help Cana- da to finance herself, for they ga- ther up and place at the service of the netion the savings of the peo- ple. Money thus inves:ecl is ab- solutely safe and it pays welt. COUNTY 'NEWS.. 177A171/1:7) A17TED Cream, Eggs, Butter anti. Poultry Ili.ghest Cash Paid, POULTRY TAKEN AVERY SAT - URD AY VY.o'3aIE1 Phone Zurich The coal famine is over for the present, Town and country can now be supplied. We have on hand a good .supply of, hard and soft coat. D 1 DEALER IN Delaware & 1 -Judson Co.'s .AC H EN SALL c AL ONT. The municipal councils of Exeter and Usborne have decided on a fountain as the form for a mem- orial to the fallen. heroes from. the town and township. Arrangements are being made to. hold a re -union celebriaotn of the members of the 161st. Battalion at Clinton on May 24th: Hugh Innes Strang, ,B. A. L.L. D., one of the outstanding educat- ionists of the province and for over a half a century one of the most influential members of the teaching profession of Ontario, died at his home in Goderich, at the age of 78. Dr. Strang retired from active work last year and dur ing the winter had been in failing health. Dr. Strang first taught public school near Galt and later in the Grammar School at Owen Sound.' In 1871 he began his long residence in Goderich, when he was made' head master of the Goder- ich Grammar School, The :school became a Collegiate and he was principal for 25 years, sand later classical master for nearly 25 ye- ars more. ' The shcool board on his retirement voted him an honor- arium of $500. The degree of L. L. D. was confierred on him in 1906. The nine-year. ell daughter of J. B. McLean of Kippen was at.acked Monday afternoon by a tramp, while; the child was on her way home from school. According to the child's story, the man attemp- pted to choke her, but was pre: en - ted when her screams attracted a reisrlent of that section, who was driving along the road, The tramp then ran in a nearby field and escaped from view. The high constable is investigating, THE FOUR GREAT QUESTIONS • CARE AND REPAIR OF FARM MACHINERY A. big leak, usually unrealized, occurs through the meagre`atten- tioe given farm implements. The care of farm machinery is a ph- ase of farm management that does not usually receive, the at- tention its importance warrants, In the rush to get the crop into the ground at .he proper time and in Phone or Office—No. 10. the bes possible condition for satisfac.ory returns or to gather PAY IN ADVANCE in the harvest promptly, the care, due the implements which have Pay in advance is almost sure made eases operation possible is i~o become thel aw. Recent ad- lacl;nng or performed in a more vices from Ottawa seem to indic- or less haphazard manner. As a ate more surely that the Canadian .consequence, part of the toil -ear Government will follow the lead ned revenue of the farm is swal- of the United States authorities in lowed up in the purchase of new requiring newspapers and maga- I machinery or in expensive repairs gime subscriptions to be paid in which might have been avoided had praiser precaution been taken lin untie, Throughout the Expel•imental Fames system, attention is given, so far as circumstances permit, to this fact: s in farm management', All implements are cleaned and pleat's; under cover when not in use, all polished surfaces receiving aln application of an anti-rsut pr- epertion, — Axle grease or othe. 42 lubricant will answer this purpose 38 As shelter, many types of struct- ure are su'table and an expeditor. 1,25 not exceeding $400.00 will usually provide a suitable building. Besides it is ,not always neces- sary to go to this expense s ince any weather-proof building al- ready available will answer the likimammterscrommar.01.0.• 4, Spray every year witix Bordeaux toning. loose bolts, malting sure NdJ f ® T' mixture for the prevention of Late g ( Blight and Rot, Such spraying is an insurance which it is not safe to neglect, 5. Rogue the growing crop once or tylice during the summer, or at • Yeast iliat portion of it from which the seed is to be saved. This operation consists in the removal and destruc- tion of any plants showing signs of such diseases as Leaf Roll, Mosaic, Black Leg, Rhizoctonia and Wilt. 6. Practice a rotation of crops and if passible plant potatoes after clover sod.—Prof. J. E. Howett, U. A. Cols lege, Guelph, that the lubricating devices are working properly, that the bear- ings .are not too tight or too lase incl that nutting parts 'are sharia.. HOW t0 C111eck Serious Diseases Ain assortment of bolts, rivets, in Ontario. spx,ngii, „.44•, Lor each nx.acniee is provided and allotted a definite. Leaf 8011 and Mosaic Are Firmly location in the tool room. This Established and Reduce Yield saves 'many trips anU probably valuable time and the plan, syst- ematically carried out results in the prevention of many breakages. Besides it has been proven that an l (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto,) One-third — How to Detect Dis- eases and Only Way to Control 'hew. implement in repair at all times 1 has a longer life and gives more satisfactory! service than one that: receives erratic attention. To carry out this work systeme atieally a properly fitted work potato diseases common in the Pro - shop is necessary, It provides a vinee are Black Leg, Rhizoctonia, ,comfortable place to work in dor- Blight, Wilt and Scab. Leaf Roll and ing bad weather and in which ;ho Mosaic cause a very narked reduc- se who so desire may develop their tion in the yield, and the fact that mechanical skill. It should be .these two diseases are so prevalent equuipped with the necessary tools in Southern Ontario accounts for the including; anvil, forge, work bench, poor crop of potatoes that .has been vise, tongs, hammers, hardier, pu- obtained in many parts of the Pro- nches, drills, square, chisels, saws, v]nee far the past tour years. wrenches, etc. i Leaf Roll,—The cause of this dis- I ease is unknown. Data gathered by ----1•---- the pathologists of the United States BORN•I and Canada shows that Leaf Roll may reduce the yield to about one- Thi,el—At :Zurich, on April 11th to third of the norma] crop. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thiel, a Sym ptoms,—Symptoms of Leaf Roll daughter, are very variable. Affected plants are always more or less dwarfed and ----'1'--- - in some varieties the leaves assume BUY a characteristic upright, almost star- ing habit, instead of drooping over in the normal way. Rolling of the low- er leaves is always associated with the disease. The rolled leaves on plants affected with this disease begin. to die early. The harsh, leathery texture of such leaves is a constant 'symptom. The tubers of affected en - borne plants are small and are gen- erally on very short tuber -branches (stolons) or even attached in a clus- ter to the stem. Tubers from affected plants invariably produce diseased plants. There is also evi- dence to show that the disease may spread from plant to plant in the field. Prevention.—The only sure way Fine residental property in Zur- of avoiding loss from Leaf Roll is to HE two most serious seed borne potato diseases in Ontario are Leaf Roll and Mosaic. Other seed -borne s xiI/INGS FOR SALE Building, solid frame, 1Gx26, suit- able for hen stable, garage, etc. Apply to C. Hartleib, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE secure fresh seed from districts free ich, has been placed in my hands from this disease. Fortunately, this for sale. On the premises is a is possible, as Northern Ontario and good 2 -story modern brickresi- certain sections of New Brunswick, Ed rd Is House advance, The purpose of this measure is the conservation of print paper. ----4.---- LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday,) Butter ...... ... Eggs ....., ... . Dried Apples .. ... ... ... Potatoes per bag ...... . Wheat... ... ... .-. ... ... 2.06-2.11 Oats ... 60-65 Barley ... 80 Buckwheat 1.00 ;Flour .. ... ... ....... a.50-0.10 Bran , 38.00 !Shorts ...... ........... 44.00 machine alter the days operation 1F it :HOSx+`,0,13,eneall 20,00. nzal:ing ,roper adjustments, tigh- purposes, It is advisable to go over each t de:nce and also a large brick st- Nova Scotia and Prince wa - able, all in good repair. of good drinking water. particulars apply to A F. Zurich. Plenty land are comparatively free from this For Hess, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, in good state of cul- tivation and well drained, tw,,e good barns, one new; pig pen and chicken house. Goocl brick house, Good location being two and a half miles south of Hensall and two and a hall miles from Exeter, and hall a mile from London Road. Reasonable terms. For particulars apply to Herald Office, SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 0. A. C. No, 72 Oats grown from registered seed Won 1st in field crop Competition 1917 and 1913. Also two firsts at Ottawa Winter Pair in competition open to the world. Also a small amount of 0, A, C. No. 21 Barley, winner or prizes` at Ottawa, Guelph, Chatham and Hensall Seed Show. Phone 18-93. Oscar Klopp, Zurich, Ont. ,anis IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Flush the Kidneys at once when hurts or Bladder bothers—Meat forms uric acid. k No matt or woman who eatd meat regti• laxly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well- known authority. Meat forms uric acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of ture, parliament Buildings, Toronto, the waste and poisons from the blood, trouble. In experiments carried on in Old Ontario by the Agricultural Representatives with seed potatoes from South Ontario, New Brunswick and Northern Ontario, it was found that the average amount of Leaf Roll in the plants from the seed from the three different sources was as fse!•l•o ws`:.— `Oxitari 45.5% New Brunswick 5.1 Northern Ontario 1.4 These figures strongly emphasize the desirability of obtaining north- ern -grown potato seed. Mosaic.—The cause of this disease is also unknown. It has been ob- served fn many fields in Ontario. When severe there is a very notice- able reduction in the crop. Data gathered by the pathologists of the United States and Canada shows that this disease may reduce the yield by one-half. Symptoms.—The foliage of plants affected with Mosaic is somewhat wrinkled or corrugated and mottled with faint, light green or yellowish spots. The stalks of the diseased plants are often more bare near the ground than those of healthy ones, partly because the affect- ed foliage does not spread out and drop down normally, and partly because the lower leaves sometimes fall off in the last stages of severe attacks. The tubers of af- fected plants are normal-looking and sound and their keeping or eating qualities are not Impaired. Prevention,—if Mosaic is abun- dant in a field the surest and quick- est way of eliminating it is by ob- taining fresh seed from a non-infect- ed' district. Such seed can be ob- tained at the present time from Northern Ontario. General Suggestions For the Preven- tion of Seed -borne Potato Diseases In order to avoid loss from Leaf Roll and Mosaic, the source •of seed is of the utmost importance. Seed potatoes free from these diseases can be obtained from Northern Ontario, Only certified seed, however, can be relied upon. For information con - earning certified northern -grown po- tato seed write Mr. Justus Miller, Assistant Commissioner of Agricul Moors Brought "Musical" Instrument to Europe. It is said the drum was introduced by the Moors into Europe from the East after the Crusades, but under various forms it was certainly know): to the Greeks and Romans for the tympunum is frequently alluded to in the classics which probably includ- ed the tambourine and kettle drum. In the modern orchestra three prin- cipal forms of the drum are to be found. The common or side drum, the base or Turkish drum, and the kettle drum. The first is usually composed of a cylinder of wood or metal. Each end is covered with vellum or parchment, the tension being regulated by strings. P. is worn at the side of the performer who beats the upper end called the "batter head" with sticks, the under or "snare head," contains a set of cat gut strings called "snares" which add to the sharp crisp tone of the instrument. The bass drum is a large instru- ment of the same kind, the cylinder is of oak, while it is beaten on both ends with drum sticks that are furn- ished with leather pads. It is con - then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma- tism, headaches, liver trouble, nerlvous- hose, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders oeme from sluggish kid- neys, The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi- ment, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, con- eined with Lithia and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu- tralize the aoide in urine se it no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder dig orders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and afters m not injuresakes a delightful effor vescent lithia-water drink which all reg• filar -meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding scrims kid- ney complications. sidered by the military band to be one of its most useful instruments,. though it is as usefully employed by Bern orchestra, while many re - Canada. Even certified northern -grown seed is not a panacea for all diseases. In order to avoid loss from such seed borne potato diseases as Black Leg, Rhizoctonia, Wilt, Blight and Scab, the 'Yellowing precautions should be taken: 1, Select for seed smooth, sound tubers, as free as possible from scab, black, hard lumps on the surface, and abnormal discolorations of the skin or flesh. 2. Disinfect all seed before cut- ting with formalin or corrosive sub- limate. The latter substance is the more reliable for the prevention of Rhizoctonia. I 3, When cutting potatoes have at hand two or three knives and a Jar containing a 20 per cent. solution of formalin. After cutting into a tuber which shows suns of rot drop the knife into the formalin, discard the diseased potato and take a fresh loalfe tram the formalin solution for this sleet cutting, . , _ the mo cent composers hay ' ; v led them- selves of it in their compositions. The most important form of drum is, however, the kettle drum in all orchestral as distinct from military music. This instrument is hemis- pherical in shape, its bason is made of brass or copper, the cover being of vellum attached to an iron ring, the whole is placed on an iron tripoli. It is tuned by screws, though its lim- its are, of course, narrow. Kettle drums are always used in pairs, one being tuned to the key note, the eve, a fz.art..h hel.ow -- • - 1 FOR SALE Heifer calf, Pony, harness and buggy, Apply to Alfa Meliclt, (Zurich.. FOR SALE Frame House ancl lot with eta- Me In 1Zurich, Apply to Geo. ,i; Thiel for pstridental's. MONEY TO L OAN $3,000.00 to loan on first mort- gage. I'or particulars >.a.pply to A. F. Pleas, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHIN,.a White Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing. 60 cents per setting of 13. A. G. Ehnes, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCIiIN,J White Leghorn eggs for hatcli- iing, 60 cents per setting. Also Peerless Barred Rocks at $1.00 per setting. Julius Thiel, Zurich. NOTICE. All accounts owing to Hartleib & Faust are now due. For the convenience of parties to make settlement we will be in the store formerly occupied by R. F. Stade, adjoining the hardware on Satur- day, April 5th, and the following Saturday. Hartleib & Faust, Zurich. BUSINESS CARDS YRODUFOOT, a1LLORAN, & COOKE. Bat riacers, SoliciLor•., Notaries Public &c. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamiiton St. Goderich. Private funds bo loan at lowest rates W. Pxout)rooT, K. C. J. L. Kirr.oxau. B. J. D. Cuoxi Mr. Cooke will be in l:ensall on Friday and ;Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Publ:c Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation arid Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. New Stere at J1II1yaIc Come to our stole FOR YOTJR NEW SHOES Ash ipment just received. Joon BRING YOUR. PRODUCE, edi rd. rysdale IN11111111111111111111111iN111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIl11111111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1151111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!11111111111111111111111Hi1111 1114 27741 rzri 0 .a Herald and Daily Globe $5,00 Herald and Weekly Globe ...... ... ... .......................... 2.60 Herald and Daily Mail and Empire .. ... ............... 5,00 Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire ... ... 2.60 Herald and Daily Star 4,50 Herald and Weekly Star_. .. ... ... ... ... 2,60 Herald and Daily News 9,50 Herald and Free Press, evening edition ... ... 5.00 Herald and Free Press morning edition ... ... 5,00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition.' .-- ......5.00 Herald and Advertiser, evening edition ... ... .........5.00 Herald and Farmers Advocate .. Herald and Farm and Dairy .. ... ... ....................•,2.00 Herald and Weekly Sun 2.25 Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35 0 Herald and Canadian Coun tryma.n ... Renew your papers with us and save money The HE 401111111141111111111111N1011111311141111 111118121111 rn Zuric.... 11111111IINp1111111114IIIIggV11111111 Ull lllg11 111111111111111111111111,111311111g ill lill lllllilliilfiilfEll(I'B IIIIHiIIiINiIIINKIIIIHN 1 4Ii11N 111 (Ilf i ' l 11fl1111111111111ll