HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-18, Page 4THE ER.A i IJ
Issued Thursday afternoons
from the
Perms or subscription ee.1.20 per year.
In advance; $2.00 may, be charged
it not so paid, U. S. tlubserinti-
PM $1,75 steietly in advance. No
paper diecontinued eestil all ar-
rears are paid unless at the option
Of the publisher. ,The elate to
ivlsieh every subscription is paid
ta denoted on the label.
Effective after Jan 1st, 1919.
Display Advertising -Made known
do application.
Stray Animals --One
three insertions $1,00.
Farm or Real Estate far sale
50e. each insertion for one month
of four insertions, 25c. for each
srubsequent insertion.
Miscellaneous articles of not
more than five lines, For Sale, To
Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
each insertion 25c.
Local Reading notices, etc„ loc.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than 25c. Card. of Thanks 50c,.
Legal advertising 10c, and 5c. a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion and $1.50 for two insertions
if moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
1 inch, $6 per year.
Address all communications to
insertion 50c
The following are the four qu-
estions which Premier Hearst has
announced as the way the Temp-
erance vote will be taken. Each
Of them. must be voted on by the
elector; otherwise 'the ballot will
be spoiled.
1. Are you in favor of the re-
peal of Lae Ontario Temperance
2. Aro you in 2avor of the sale
of light beer containing not more
than 2.51-100 per cent. ulchol wei-
ght measure through Government
agencies, and amendments to the
Ontario Temperance Act to per-
mit such sale?
3. Ar you in favor of the sale
esf light beers containing not more
than 2,51-10e p:r cent, alchol wei-
ght measure in standard hotels in
iloeai municipalities that by maj-
bxity vote favor such sale, and
amendments to the Ontario Tem-
perance Act to permit such sale?
4, Are you in favor of the sale
tof epir•tuoue and mal'ta liquors thr-
ough . Government agencies, and
amendments to the Ontario Temp-
erance Act to permit such sale?
A new, High-grade, cabinet
Peerless Phonograph. Will sell at
PeerlessPa big reduction, as I am
;closing out this end of the busin-
ess. Call and hear it. R, E,
APPel. ,Zurich,
Get the Habit of
Drinking Hot Water
Before Breakfast
Says we can't look or feel right
with the system full
of poisons.
Millions of folks bathe internally
now instead of loading their system
e ith drugs. "What's an inside bath?"
)you say. Well, it is guaranteed to per -
Storm miracles if you could believe
these hot water enthusiasts.
There are vast numbers of men and
'women who, immediately upon arising
do the morning, drink a glass of real
(sot water with a teaspoonful of lime,
(stone phosphate in it, This is a very
)excellent health measure. It is in-
tended to flush the stomach, liver, kid.
mesa and the thirty feet of intestines
+ef the previous day's waste, sour bile
Hand indigestible material left over in
he body which if not eliminated every
ay, become food for the millions of
Sbacteria which infest the bowels, the
jrluick result is poisons and toxins
'which are then absorbed into the blood
;causing headache, bilious attacks, foul
!breath, bad taste, colds, stomach trou•
}ble, kidney misery, sleeplessness, en-
ure blood and all sorts of ailments,
People who feel good one day and
adly the next, but who simply can
of get feeling right are urged to
btain a quarter pound of limestone
hosphate at the drug store. This
ill cost very little but is sufficient
o make anyone a real crank on then
ubjeet of internal sanitation,
Just as soap and hot water act cm;
he skin, cleansing, sweetening and
reshening, so limestone phosphate and ,
)sot water act on the stomach, liver,
kidneys and bowels. It is vastly more
Important to bathe on the beide than
ern the outside, because the shin pores
do not absorb impurities intoe
Wood, while the bowel pores do.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Bdigho
ter of Zurich visited friends i
town on Sunday,
Mr, G. 8, Howard was over t
Crediton on Friday evening 11a,,
addressing the Boy's Organizati
On Sunday afternoon Sabbath
School .session, • in the Evangelic
church, 1i1r. Harry Guenther w
calledto the front and after add
resses 'being given by Messrs.
S. Howard, J. Kellerman and Re
Yager, was presented with a wriat
watch. by Mr. W. H. Kraft, in ree
ognition of his services for Kin
and Country. Mr, Guenther re
plied thankixig the sabbath scho
for the remiesnbrance gift.
Rev, Yager is attending Conte
•ence this week in Tavistock. Be
Stephenson, representaiing the
Lord's Day Alliance will occupy
the pulpit in the morning' nad Re
Carrier of arand Bend in the es
ening, Let there be a good turn
out at both services. The morn
Ting service will be at 10 a. m., an
the evening at 7.30, p. m.
Farmers are beginning to mak
a stir in preparation for seedin
Will those who have children t
begin school this year kindly sen
therm the First Morning after Eas
ter, so that all may be started to
Our children are greatly inter
ested in Agriculture, as taken u
in title school. They have ago
150 slips of house plants set •iut
and are into the rearing of chick
and planting of grain, flowers, et
for their Fair to be held in Sept
A. backet ball club is being or
ganized and we are endeavorin
to make the School ground area
lconimunity centre.
Confirmation .services were hel
in the Lutheran church on Sunda)
Mrs, H. Hoffman and daughters
Myrta and Alice spent Sunday i
Mrs, S. Adams of London is vis-
iting with relatives.
Mr. C. Stei'nhagen is spending
few weeks with his family.
Mr. Ferd Haberer of Zurich vis
ited with friends over the week
Mr. Earl Guenther has purchas-
ed the Livery Business and takes
immediate possession.
The regular meeting of the
Blake Womans' Institute was held
at the home of Mrs. H. C. Zapfe
on April 8th. The meeting was
opened in the usual way, after
the - business was transacted, a
short program was given.
Mrs, D, Tough gave a very in-
teresting paper on preparedness
the home followed by an instrum-
ental by Mrs. G. Freckleton, Mrs,
Wm, Finlay and Miss Gladys Doug
las gave short readings after which
Mrs. ,Zapfe tad Miss Clara, gate
instrumental selections on the pi
ano. The meeting closed by sing-
ing the National Anthem,
Mr. Robt, Boyes of Egmondville
called on friends in the village an
Thursday last.
Mrs. Jake Kennel returned home
.after a pleasant visit with friends
down east.
Quito a number from this vic-
inity attended the picture show in
Zurich last Friday night.
Mr. Wm, Douglas of Brucefield
ealled on friends in this vicinity on
Friday last. " ' l ' •
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hey and child
ren spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Thos Meyers, on the
Babylon Lines,
H, Rumohr purchased the briele .0 1 SAL.L.
f-' from D brau.n,i wr $2100;u0.
• Subscriptions aro now being sol -
)cited for the soldier's memorial. •
o! Thos, Crewes, a respected resi-.
st; dent, of Exe.er, passed away Bud,
Ideally oil April 5th, aped 67 years.
house, biaeksautii shop and WWII
S r S .r'kv i ti Z. OUNciL
The council of the Township of
Stephen convened in the Town,,
Hall Crediton, on Monday, April
7th. All members were present.
'rho minutes of the previous sheet,
- erg were read and adopted.
g Webb'Penhale._. That By-lawNar
- 254 to authorize the reeve to sign
al the contract between the Municl
pality and Jos, Lawson, contra-
- ctor, for the construction of 5
.cuiverts, having been read three
times, be passed and signed by
the reeve and clerk and the .seal
of the Corporation attached ther
eto. Carried.
Hayes -Webb That the follow-
- ing be appointed to enforce the
d provisions of the cow -tag by-
law Nelsoii Baker from eon t t?,
O eon 7 inclusive. Ed, Wilds, c•o ,
g.I 8 re 15 ixielusive, A. Ireland. ten,
o' 1e to western boundary. Carred.
d Webb-Neeb, That W. 13. Oliver
- be appointed to collect the a--
- license monies due the munieipa-
lity for amusement tax. Carried.
- The Fence Viewers, Pound
p Keepers and 1kathmasters were al
ut so appointed for the year.
- Tho following orders were
s paid.. Toronto Stamp & Sten ;;l Wo
e'• res, lags, $10.00; Alex, IYIcEpattern'
- rein. Statham drain, j$1; .A.ugusals
Latta, rep. bridge, 50c.; ',sea',seas:lies
- terd. and others, work in gra rel
g pit, testing, $4.50; Geo.. I,Iaweou,
1 grading, $2; A, Hodgins :ray Co,
gas account, $$13.20.
d The council adjourned to meet
' again on May 5th at 1 p. m.
- i lather, Clerk.
Nicholson & Regan recently made
a shipment of a carload of cattle
to Toornto.
Mr. and Mrs, Jno. Baird have
moved into the village to reside,
Bruce Kienzle of Detroit is vis-
iting his honi,e here,
Dr, Orme has exchanged his Ford
touring ear for a Coupe,
A -Samisens' Institute has been
organized here with the following
Pres., Mrs, Chas. Zwisker; Vice. -
Pres., Mrs. Chris, Hoist, Secy,-!'
Teas„ Mrs. Herb. Either. Ther
organization has commenced with
a membership of twenty.
Word has been received here of
the death of Ezra Krein, of )Peace
River, Alta.
o.'2' FTER
Mark Wilds, who conducted a
store at El'nnville, has purchase
Abner Mallard's stock at Grand
Bend and gets possession on May
W. M. Clarke left this week for+
Overcome by heart failure, while
workiing at a well on his farm in
Stsn1ey 'i'ownship, Prof,,
Richardson, B. A., recently apro-
fessor at elanitoba College, fell
into six feet of water and was
drowned, Prof, Richardson wae.
formerly a resident of Bayfield,
and the funeral was held frons
Andrew's •Chur-h there on Settles
day, interment taking place at
Bayfield Cemetery.
Prof. Richardson was one of Hur-
on County's distinguished schol-
ars. During his course at 'Tor-
onto University he was awarded
the George Paxton Young scolar-
ship in philosophy Later ne won
a scolarship from Clark University
at Morchester, Mass Seen :alter
this he accepted a post wiW Man-
itoba College.
0-i account of ill -health, Prof.•
Richardson decided to retire tem•
porarrly and take up farming in
Stanley Township. His fatal at-
tack came while ne was engaged
in some work at the well. It is
believed hel ost his balance whiel
suffering from an acute attack of
heart trouble.
Rev, W. 0. :Itichardson, of Ar»
thur, and Mr J. G. Richardson, of
Stanley Township, are brothers,
About 16 years ago he purchased!
a farm on the Bayfield Road and'
has since been engaged in farming-
He has also been Clerk of Stanley,(
for a number of years. Mr, Rich-
ardso�n was a roan who was well
known and was respected by all
who enjoyed his acquaintance. He
was 50 years of 'age and unmarried'
He was a faithful member of the
Bayfield Presbyterian church, in
which church the funeral services
were held on Saturday afternoon,
conducted by the pastor, Rev, Mr,
The service at the grave vas
conducted by the Foresters, of
which Order Mr, Richardson be-
longed, He leaves to mourn his
loss 2 brothers and five sisters,
who have the sympathy of the
lneighborhood in their berea'verne
The auction sale of David 'Tohn- -
Ston last Wednesday was well at-
tended and good prices were re-
alized. The total amount of. the
sale being nearly $7,000.00,
Mr. John Dennison has disposed
of his farm' near Varna to Wm, R.
Johnston of Bayfield,
Cl;n M:onlday last Mr. and Mrst
Wrn, Stopdill moved from thy'
farm to the eomfortable residence
they purchased In Varna. It is
seldom that a person spends so
many years a continuous resident
of onr place es Mr. Stogdill has,
hewas bopn 69 wears ago ors the
farm he has just left and his res
ided there ever sence, His many
friends hope that he may live:
many years and enjoy a even -ear -I
ned rest from actf' ities of life.
Ptes, Gonion Parker and George
• Brock returned leonine last weeat.
'.t'he funereal of Melvin Fulton,,
who died in Chicago, was helot
hero on Wednesday of last week
A ieiureular petition asking the
G. '$ , R. for better connections, es-
pecially at Lucan Crossing, is 'be-
ing largely syned.
•Harry -Soldan has returned from.
Gillead, O,, with the five Pereheron
horse "Intiane." Pte.
.Pte David Blackwell, who ree-
ently returned from o verseas,was
united in marriage a few clays ago
to Mies Lottie Dygnan, daughter,
of Mr. Ross Dignan.
.W.m. Fee had the misfortune to
have his leg fractured the other
day while removing fence posts
with a chain. { i
The Hensen Bowling Club has
been re -organized 'and the follow-
ing officers elected;
Pres., Mr. Donald Grassick; Vice
Pres,, D. A. •Cantelon ; See: -Trs.,
P. B. Buchanan, Managing Com,,
W. 'A MacLean, A. W. E. Hemp-
hill and M. R. Rennie; Auditors,
C. McDonell and H. Arnold. It
was unanimously decided to make
all returned soldiers honory memb-
ees of the Club.
The Main street will be given
a coat of road oil this summer.'.
It, is expected that the Jackson
Mfg, Co., will open a branch fac-
tory here on or about May. 1st.
• Although the weather was un-
favorable there was a good erowd
at the Hensali Spring Show on
Tuesday April est, and the exhibits
were very .creditable.
Tn Cattee, the principal prize
winners were; --
Aberdeen Angus, aged bull, H.
C. Soldan, who took sweepstakes
in this el :se.
Shorthorn, R. AI, Peek, J.Smillie,
Bull cal ,•ed after Sept, 11, 1917,
Wm. Pep,ner, who also won first
for cow or heifer over two years;
R. D. rHu,iter second.
Heifer under 2;—R. D. Hunter, W.
Siveepst ike for best male; R. M.
Sweepstaice for female; — R. D.
Hunter, Win Charters, Seaforth,
In Horses the winners were ;—
Aged Olydstale or Shire stallion
Berry; Stallion foaled 1916
tear later, i , McAllister & Sons, 1
alnd 2nd,
Aged Belgian ur Percheron stal-
lioln—A, C. Soldan, P, J. Berry.
•Stallion• foaled 1916 or later ,H. 0,
Aged carriage or roadster ,stal-
lion—P, Murdock. Stallion foaled
1916 or later, J. Decher, Jr,
Heavy Draught tears — L. H.
Hader, , i r , •
Agricultural team — D. Brintell,
B. Deters, E. Pfile,
Mare in foal—Alex. Buchanan, jr.
3 -yr old Agricultural gelding or
filly — A. Buchanan, Jr„ W. Mc-
General purpose team—J. Decher,
)Carriage team—J. Ortwein, ,E.
Single carriage horse—H. Neeb,
Wm. Green.
Roadster team—W. Decher.
Roadster colt — C. Truemner, 5,
Single roadster — J, Hudson, R,
T. Luker
Beat Agr. filly of 1918—W. F.
Judge of Horses, Dr, 73aker of
Toronto. Prizes were given by
the Socie'v and were augmented
by a mumbtr of specials from loc-
al nierchaintse
Miss M& -'l Wilson of Wilton
Grove, has returned to her home,
after ,spending the week with
friende in this vicinity.
Mrs P Schade is visiting her
paresnts, Mr and Mrs, 7', Turnbull
in Sarnia,
Mr, and Mrs. C. Smith aattended
the funeral of a friend at Pirko
Ina on Monday,Mise Gerrie Schade haas return
ed home otter a pleasant visit
with frie,n� at Shiplea. -
The wont'"et is very warm whi
SCh. will enable the farmers to
begin their spring seeding.
Nlisy ri TTnindriek has aa morn
ing gl•-r :gine 'which has already
prednr,•,t . n' x large blossomy
A nuinil•> •t• of our farmers are
en/nine their fruit orchards.
. vvelravvimmovaravismiminreeMamomovosi1010_.
S. Hardie
�' N `IST
MAI i'' 'we . • HENS ALIA
Kalbfleiah, Zurich
a2 Volts, Semi -Automatic r
A Northern Electric Power and Light
Plant on your farm
Will light your house, stable and daley.
Will run a separator or churn.
Will wash the clothes and do the iroining,
Will run the sewing machine,
Will operate a. toaster
Will operate a. vacum cleaner
Will pump water for your house and barns.
Will charge automobile batteries,
It will make wife's work easy and reduce )household expenses.
The most complete plant on the market to -day.
Not a siingle plant but a line of plaints,
A size for every prospect.
II. a. IIs
An Old Fashioned Custom
The appointment of individuals as Executors is
an old-fashioned custena that i5 gradually dying out.
In naming friends as Executors of your estate you
unconsciously burden them with acdditionalresponsibilties.
The appointment of ibis Company as your
Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to
Apply to the local agent for Zurich and district
he 'will gladly explain the extensive service which this
Company 1 can render your Estate.
Nanoved to confection tviai
The Huror& Erie Mortgage Corso:ration,
Applications for Guaranteed investment Receipts received by
We print
Bill Heads of alikinds
Account Sheets
Letter Heads
In fact everything that can be printed.
Let us know your wants.