HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-18, Page 1Vol. X 1 X ZURICH FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 18, 1919. �i�—�- — —3-- -day--^H--t—d--—*—+—+—+--+-*-^i�--+--0-4--* Y 4 YOUR 1-IARNI3SS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. Seeeus about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, • REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS + All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full life of. Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc 4 A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH 4.--4-4.-+ 3. + + + + 4. 4. +-4 1• 1 1 Miss Donedla. Ruby is spending the week with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ediglioffei• were visitors at Dashwood o,t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and Mrs' D. Smith of St. Joseph, attended: the funeral of a neiative at Ar- kona, on Monday. 4.a • MN. NOONO.0O.0Oi0.O•••.•OONO.O•NNO. 1F O.00••••6.000000000000000000000040 • 6 • a •• , 1 New Styles in Men's• • 1 1 Hosiery,Etc ' • Hats, �Shirts, Ties, • I • AI•• ..• • • 'Ai k 5 �_ 2 i • • • • • • i _ ' ' AN 1 • • r0 fa r,• 40 a0 .• $• 0 • • 1 IMIESSEanallatalaalt The reputation of this store as a mens high -grade Furnishing " Store is so widely known that it seems hardly necessary to dwe 11 on this department, other th an to state that eve are more than living up to' our former records and to a very great extent main taining old prices. New Spring Hats NEW WIDE RIM• EFFECTS In green, navy, steel or black Prices from $3.75 to $4.50. Newest in Shirts SOFT OR STIFF CUFFS, NEGLIGEE, OUTING OR SPO RT STYLE Ian stripes, fancy or plain colors. at $1 to $2,75 New esigns in Wall Papers Brighten up the interior Of your home this spring. Splendid designs for any room. Bring in the ,sizes of your rooms and get an estimate of what it will cost you, All Wool" Serge for Suits FOR LADIES COATS These Serges are all wool able for odd coa 'ts "end tailored. very low as they s\r?,, bought AND SUITS and old dyes, and are very suit suits. We know our prices are many months ago. Ladies' Silk Gloves The largest assortment 'of ladies glo ves ever shown. Colors iii White, black, gray and beech in all sizes. Ladies' Aut $ 'A large range of ladies autocaps to choose from at very low prices. Ladies' ilk Waists We have just reserved a nice range of ladies silk crepe de ,chenne waists and striped silk waists in all colors aid. sizes. .Also ladies white voile waists at old prices. Royal P rple St >'< ck Food A perfect tonic for all kinds meal, chick Teed, etc, FORMAL of stock, Also pig meal, : alf EHVDE Use Formaldehyde this year and grow more crops. Will pre- vent smut in oats, etc. Full directions on each bottle. Phone 59 nesseasehmassessszassaweassemoso Produce Wanted tittioa • Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith visited relatives near Dashwood on Sun- day. Don't forget to attend the:C3ox Social in the Town Hall on Mon- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wnr,. Steinbach, of ''Detroit, visited relatives here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington John- ston were business visitors at Lon- don on Saturday. Mr, Lloyd Ralbfleisch, of Wat- erloo Seminary, is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. .7, Kellerman, of Dashwood visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Schwartzentr- uber" of the Bronson Line, are sp- ending a few days with friends at London'. Mr. Daniel Staubus has returned from Goderich and has moved in- The Shoernan to the house owned by Mr. John Siemon on Walnut Street. *OW t9 41111101111104#04*ffO ff"✓ *1**.34re/o+*4lifa *44 HOMO. The Zurich Turf Club is making arrangements to hold horse rac- _!!Illlli111111h lii111111IIIIIIIII!1111111111111 ll1111!IIIIIIIIIIIIII; 21111IHHIHIII1111HI11Hill!11111111!111H1Ii111111H1111Hllllilll!IliilllHiIIHIIHH!IIIIIIIIii1R'IIIII,I1111ilillITilSIihiliiiH'.!'uHHIIlHHIII res m 1 a 1.1 Shoes that will wear well. Also Rubbers,Socks,Cvershoes, 's.. �era7hanesy etre 1 tib o 4 l BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. F I TZ 1 es on the local track on June 3rd next. Liberal prizes will he of- 1ered. Rev1'. B. Meyer, Mr. and Mrs. • J. Preeter are attending the an- • nual Canada .Conference of the Evangelical Association meeting _ held at Tavistock this week. Word was received last week of the death of Mr. Eugene Becigne eul, a former prominent resident of St. Joseph. Mr. Becigneul pas ( • sed away at Windsor on April Sth, see Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Kipfer, of Bay- .G :•' • • • • • • • field were visitors in town un se Tuesday, while here Mr. Kipfer disposed of his property occupied 7-4 "• , Mr, Jacob Kipfer to Mr. Wel- 3. Johnston. Ord has been received here of •. the death of the wife of Mr. Al- • bert Schwalm which took place out • west, Deceased was a victim of ri the Flu. Her husband and two 2 email children survive. • The death took place at New11 Hamburg on April Sth, of Mr. L • Henry Dei.che=t, one of the most se prominent residents of that town. ' c co He was 53 years of age. He eon- • ducted a successful harness bus- ilness for many years and recently h.ad purchased a farm near there. 0 • sa 0 0 0 ae 6a6606645006a066060049t@VOOttt04% • 5 0 0 0 0 • 0 w • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 Mr. W. L. Seibert has moved in- to the house he purchased from the Ronnie estate, and occupied by Dr. J, Routledge, .V S. Mr. Rout- ledge and family have moved into the house purchased from Mr. John Fuss, who has moved into the house vacated by Mr, Seibert, on the Puss farm, south of Zurich. Mr. Conrad Thiel recently recei- ved word from his son, Adam, who is located near Spirit River, Peace. River District, Alta., that while a- way to town fire of unknown or- ign totally destroyed his shanty and all the contents. This is a real misfortune to Mr. Thiel as supplies are hard to obtain in that far north country. Pte. Ed, Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Fisher, .was given a. hearty welcome last Friday even- ing. He was brought into the vil- lage and met at the outskirts by the school children who sang pae:-, riotic songs and cheered lustily for the hero, An open air mee'ing was held on the square and short addresses given by Mr. N. .E. We have opened our NEW SPRING GOODS in M. 1. GELATELS FAS bRa r ca'J6'� ETele We are offering some bargains in Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE �il!l�+il i( (i,!!Pli!Il'� t'� H!nl'F.rill!i!II!IIIIHIIIIIIIHI!illiilNHlil!'itlHi!!!IIIIJII ihrPHlil1 i ul!Hllill!!!I!IIIIIlg11i!I' 4' 1, 1ni, !pHillli"� �'t V6111111'll!I,I 9li�i'"halll!i;Hi'!;ii!911HH!!ilMllllllllig The ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. FOR RENT North store in Hartieib's Block Zurich, formerly occupied by &E. Faust. Splendid opportunity for a shoe store. Dwelling can be arranged at rear if required. Act quickly as the people of Zurich and vicinity are longing for the second shop= store. Reasonable rent. Apply to C. Hartleib, Those who want to visit ;riends over the Paster holiday will have to pay regular return fares, as no Da1un , Rev. F. Meyer, Dr. A. J. special antes will be given on Can- MacKi!nnon and Mr. Alf Melicl', adian railways, which have all they Mr. Fisher replied. briefly and tha- can do to furnish cars for rolling nkecl all for the fine reception ten- dered hiiml. The monthly meeting of the Zar- ieh branch of the Woniens' Instit- ute was .held at the home of Mei. J. Preeter. Papers were green by Mrs. Peter Manson and Mrs. J. Special Easter services will be held iln the churches next Sunday. The Lord('s Supper will be a part of the morning and evening services in the Lutheran church. A cantata entitled "The Resure Douglas, both were of great 'ar_ rection" will be given in the Evan- terest and Valu©. A presentation geli,ca, church next Sunday even- was made by the members on the Fina Institute to the President, Mrs, W. MORE CHANGES L. Seibert, after which she replied I Mr. Henry Deters, who tool: very thankfully, also a very in - over the local Massey -Harris ag- terestin : discussion followed as e'ney last December, has sold the usual. implement shop and stock to Mr. The next meeting will be held Casper Walper, who has been ap- at the home of Mrs. Peter Manson pointed local agent for the Massey EASTER PROGRAM Harris implements, Mr. Walper i A. suitable program will be gives is well posted in this lino of busin- ess and should have. no trouble in Raster Suiuday evening.The.i wiling a large quantity of the cants.' a "H s Pheo rection" rri'.l he famous M.-11.' binders, mowers, _ e erste lyhe tiles, s.:It :al . •jr'.i•7� j f•t.^.. W .G.Hess Jeweller and Optician JUST RECEIVED a new stock of Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade Fountain Pens and. . Bicycle Accessories. Complete Line Of ' WATCHES, JEWELLERY ANTI CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN PENS. .r`,SHLICTHTS AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, BICYCLE REPAIRING: AND VULCANIZING, ETC„ Phone No. 74. EIZENItegiNitt incorpc rated 1855 MOLSONS h e MOL ONS ,ANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada it General Banking [Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTEROF CREDIT BANE. MONEY ORDER Sayings Bank Department Intei.st at highest currant rate Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Maua.ger