HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-28, Page 8111119111.001101,117.101U00or ..,..ammiemtuarem 0.04.01....000.0000 .00."000.0 FOR MEN tr elf r 11 For Ladies's Wear So silk poplins in fashionable shades, Reps, cord silks, Georget- tes and crepe du chenes. Also serges; poplins and garbardines for suits or dresses. See our fine display of spring caps, felt hats, fine neglige shirts with collars to match, new tieal, gloves, suits, tweed rain coats. tiotrisefurnishings Window shades, curtain scrims, linoleums, oilcloths, conguleums, and tapestry rugs, quoaceri ti 4 01[1 • -fr.' 'SW i; tili • . eeee ee,,eseeerf.t6.ei A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND, ALSO CALF AND PIG MEAL, PRATT'S BABY CHICK FEED, OYSTER SHELL, NEW GARDEN SEEDS. • + Ciaaerai lardware, Stoves, .., + Bliiiiii; i3 1p r, TillWalrel etc. 4. + + + + * + El y to ro SU He— 11 .. f',5 gil * + + + + . . + + il S i•,17',4,7 p PI ,,-. ,I,. ,, ',;,I,', 4. "1. 4. ...1; + 4' + + 4',', W • , 711. ,t(=,.3, 4072, 0.!' ":. • 11 0 - 1, : r ft i,x," i' , 1,-F: i. 4. + P REETER BLOCK — ZURICH 3: .:... ..E. ..:. ,e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ • '`"A 131 13V1 11..ry P1 6 ONLY SN 21w wing at a s3 21 11.11 stt 11.ev “tvars pric,c; ONE DAM HAY' LOADER, NONE BETTER, PETER HAMILTON SCUPPLER, BEST ON MARKET PETER HAMILTON CULTI V ATO R. BISSELL DISC HARROW BISSEL LAND ROLLER ONE 4% h, p. UNITED GASOLINE ENGINE, SLIGHTLY USED. ABOVE WILL BE SOLD AT CTITPRICES, AS WE NE2,D THEMON- • i BY. We handle pumps }Aphid etc FOR RENT orti litorc, n Harticib's Block Zurich, formerly occupied by S. E. Faust. Splendid opportunity for a shoo store. Dwelling ean be arranged at rear if required. Aet quickly as the people of Zurich :and vicinity ‘ire longing for the second s'ioe store. Relseeethta rent. Ae;ete 'e C. FOR SALE THRESHING• UOTFIT A 20-22 h. p Stratford traciton en gine and Stratford separator com- i.viete with feeder, cutter, blower and elevator. All in first class condition and used only six sea- sons. ,.or paxticuiles apply to Ed. 1 Relehert:, Zer:ea, P:ione 10 on 01. 10.00•40,0,00,00000,0000000:0,00,0000000.01,0.0.00•,0•00.0•0.0,000.1,003100:100,7" Zuirich GENUIN E, PAR: For Sale Here. Made by the Ford Motor Company of Canada and guaranteed to quality, This will prove a great on vonieeee tc., Ford Owners. We can .sup ply you with Any make o Auto Tires, ThNRY CIALLNAN as ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST .baseball 'Meeting at the Commercial Hotel, on luesday Eve. April 29th., at 8 O'Llock. —Be present! Verd. Howald, of the Wat- erloo Seminary, is spending the. holidays with relatives here, Mr, Rhineman Kallelleisch, of the Mols 013 s Bank Staff, Alvin -ken, 91.).• ent Easter at his home. here, Put your Money into 'War Sav- ings Stamps and let it work. A carload of Cement just ar-, rived. Melick & Braun, Zuric.K. Mrs. Hy. Thiel and Mrs. C. Kel- ler, of this village, have received word of the death of their brother, Mr. Henry Elsie, which took place at Pine Meadow, Conn,, on Sunday Deceased was well known here having lived for many years onthe farm new owned by Mr. Win. Each Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Report for the month of April, of Room IV, Sr. V. —Geometry, Arithmetic, Phsics and Chemistry. Mildred Hoffman 65%; Jacob Hab- erer 59; Olive Zettel 52; William Blackwell Ir. Jr. V. —Arithmetic, Spelling and Physics. Russell Preeter Meda Surerus 76; Edna 'Zettel AUCTION SALE Of High-grade Household Fur- niture, also 1 horse, 2 wagons and 1 sleigh. if not previously sold, in Zurich ex, Saturday, April 2lith, at 1.30 oclock, p. m. E. Bossenberry, auctioneer. S. E. Faust, clerk. C. Hartiel•la, proprietor. No reserve as proprietor is leav ling townt +—+ STEADY WORY AT highest W ages. For Experienced Operators, Tailors Pressers On Men's fine clothing GIRLS Do you want to learn a trade and have Steady employment? We will pay Inexperienced girls $14.00 per week .While learning Operating Hand Sewing Basting Tailoring On Men's fine clothes. .Returned Soldiers .Learn tailoring and obtain 'Steady employment We will pay you $16.00 per week While teaching you ?ressibag .• Cpttiner :.-70perat2ng On Men's fine clothing .Theodore Wagner 67; Bruce ICloPP Apply at once 82; Iva Kalbfleisch 58; Theophilus E. G. HACHBORN & CO. Denomme 53; Lillian .Weseloh, 50; 50 York Street, Toronto. Dorothy Campbell 50; Ivan Kalb- fleisele 46. Sr, IV;— Hygiene, Arithmetic +—+ FOR SALE Two second hand seed drills and. and Spelling; Gordon \Yelper, 80; one cultivator. All in first-class Bert Siebert 71; Whilney Broken-, condition, L. Prang. shire 66; Rennie Weber 62; Inez Yung blut 61; Euloine Geiger 55;J LOST Hilda Neuschwanger 52*; Dorothy. A. mein's rubber on Sunday even - Fritz 51; Lennie O'Brien 38. ling between Zurich and 14th con, (*) Approximate average, Nelson E. Dahms, Principal. Report of Room II, for the month of April. The marks are based on examinations, The total number of marks for Jr. III. is 500. III;— Garnet Walper 413; Irene Decker 406; Idella Howald 388, Raymond Fisher 367; Leonard Wagner 361; Fred Davidson 355, Vernon Davidson 351, Claude Me idinger 331; Fred Quackenbush. j 327; Dorothy Brenner 277, The total No. of Marks for Sr. 11. is 600. Sr.. II.— Kenneth Koehler 489; Mildred Geiger 463; Leonard Prang Evelyn Ducharme 420; Wesley Cal lfas 411; Atistin Hey 382; Luella Reiehert 37u; Alvin Onscho 366; Martha Heideman 333*; Anna Mit- tlehol'z 290 "*.; Elmer Leibold 22'7 ***; Arson Keller 138 **k jr, IT; ---Total No, of marks for Jr, II is 500; Agnes Dietrcih 389 Tom Thiel 367; Francis Dietrich 344 Gladys Melick 297, Hazel Bed- ard 281; Alice Dietz 201. (*) how many exams, the pupil missed. M. A, Lamont, Teacher. 71ereirt of Room I, for the month of April; jr. Ha •— Beulah Koehler 194, Helen Foster 193; Vico-011e Deich- ert 179; An'elq Mitteilln'tx 171, Morvyn P".4r,vairn 161, Th- iel 157' Rt1.11 Cillfas 151. Doroilre Zet*. l';'11 Neel), 118; Rosa - belle k' • t 09. jr, TT Ressell Dneherme 101. Pelwael 111rreer 92; Geld'e T.Tt- tl.ev 79 ,fr 7 Kalbolels-11 117 Harry r1,11,11 111. 'fleeela -steereel 101.: W'"i 1".ieVol4 07.: r'1,-tco 0- " li'ttese• Finder please return to Jos. Gas - ho, :Zurich. B 0 R N Dahms—At Zurich, on April 23rd, to Mn. and Mrs, N. E. Dahms, a son, john Voelzinge Keys—To Mr. and Mrs. Artie Keys, Babylon Line, Stanley, on April 1.8th, a son. Baker—In Dashwood on April 16, To Mr, and Mrs. R, Baker, A daughter. DIED Elsie—At Pine Meadow, Conn., , on April. 20th, Henry Elsie, aged 84 Years, --+--- • Farmers are busy sowing spring wheat and preparing the land for other spring Crops, GRAY 1A1R DARK AND 9EAUTIFIL 3ECO ES Try Grandmother's Old Favdrite Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compound- ed, brings back the natural color and lu4tre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray. Years ago the only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which Is mussy and troublesome. Nowadays we simply ask at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul- phur Compound." You will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients, at very little cost. everybody uses this preparation now, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally andevenly, You dampen a sponge or Korloee, soft brush with It and draw this .. e5 . through your hair, taking one small Sr. — Lawrance T1,j111 strand at a time; by morning the gray ridiicrallisappears, and after another ap- en or two, your hair beComei% 'klellick 07, Nri"or,‘,1 beautifully thirk, thick and glossy arid 59. you look years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound is a delightful 'K00111", ""1111. toilet requisite, It is not intended for the cure, nettgation or prevention oe 0. mov,se. PAINT! AINT! With Spring house cleaning, comes the need of paint and varnishes. We handle the Martin Serious Brand, a pure Linceed Oil Paint, guaranteed as good as the best. Also the Chi -Named Varnish and varnish stains, which when once used, will always speak for themselves. GARDEN TOQLS We have a complete line of garden tools, forks, shovels, spades, etc. We handle wall paper cleaner, Weeder .polish, Dustless mops Carpet Sweepers, arpet Beat- ers, carpet tacks, Curtain Stretchers, in fact every thing c needed in Spring house-cleaning, MI:00r0e1.0.401M000, WE MAKE LIBERAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL CASHSALE . elle__ & _ au Successors to Hartleib & Faust Phone 63 Produce taken at highest prices EffiMgelMIZES2=15ffie.."r1=2-&,71,1 • Masserlianis imapi ments nn e ent WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN TIM LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ETC. ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, GIVE US A •CALL, er er L We are giving Special Bargains for the next few weeks on all our Do not miss these Bargains. oci ar,t,oza tho rort 10 ays ress Goods, Flanriellette Blankets, Clothing, Ladies' Underwear Hosiery Towelling 1 Groceries and Redpath. Sugar