HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-28, Page 5YOUR EYES Call and have them TESTED FREE Special Prices for a limited time only High grade gold filled frames, best ground lenses, Reg. $6,00 for $5'.00 !High grade -Silver Aluminico Tr- aine,s best ground lenses. Reg. $5.00 for $4.00. Best quality finger piece mounts gold filled. Reg. $6.00 for $5.00. Satisfaction always guaranteed. . E. APPEL Jeweller and Optometrist Zurich Book Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, BOOKS, FANCY AND PLAIN WRITING PAPER NORDHEIMER PIANOS, PHONO LA GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS NEEDLES, FOUNTAIN PENS, FANCY PAPER TABLE NAPKINS. LARGE SUPPLY OP SACRED AND SECULAR MUSIC, Etc. Book Room in Lutheran Parsonag e 44++++++++.1-4-4-:-:•+++++++++++ Zurich Meet MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES„ Yungb .ut c ; ,1 DeiCllert WA TED Cream, Eggs, Butter aud. Poultry Highest Casa Price Pais POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT- URDAY 'WI.'` RITIN Phone 94 Zurich The coal famine is over for the presence, Town and country can now be supplied. We have ori hand a good supply of hard and soft coal. DEALER IN Delaware & Hudson C'o.'s SALTS IF KIS LACK H EN SALL OR BLADERBOTER LOCAL NEWS Evangelical Conference Closes The Evangelical Conference which has convened in the Zion aVangelical Church, Tavistock, closet, on Monday afternoon. In the evening John li. Wectlau- fer and M. G. Gell were ordained as deacons, Missionary subscri- ptions to the amount of $3,917.59 were received, '1 h.e ministers we- re appointed to their respecitvefi- elds as follows; ONTARIO DISTRICT J. G. Litt, P, E.; Bridgeport, S. R, Knechtel. ; Kitchener, J. P. Hauch and A. Y. Heist; Aldboro, J. C. Morloek; Arnprior, L. Witt- ich; Blenheim, N. Ra'Earnst; Cain- pdetn, W. Drier; Chesley; H. A. Kellerman; Crediton, 3. M. Rauch; Dashwood, W. J. Yager; Rim - wood, 0. G. Hallm,wn; tlainsboro, A. F. Stoltz, ; (+olden Lake, N. II. Reibling; Hamilton, A, ,E. P;e,sch; Hano\ er, A. W. Sauer; Hespler, J, B. Dengi.s; Killaloa, E. H. Dorsch; Listowell, E. M. Gischler; Maitland, W. H. Campbell; Mildmay, E: D. Becker; lafilverton, F. H. Bean; Morriston, A. T. Nash; New. Hamb- urg, W, 0. Iiehn; Normanby, G. L. Grows; North Easthope, W. S. Henry; Parry Sound, D. J. Mar- tin; I'.elham Centre, W. E. :Besse; Pembroke, W. M. Sippell; Port Elgin, H. H. Leibold; Rockingham. L. H. Pletsch; :South Cayuge, E. Mohr; Rai'nham•, J. W. Wettlaufer Toronto, G. D. Domm; Walkerton, J.' H. Grenzebach; Wallace, F. Meyer; Willoughby, H. E. Roppel; Zurich, F. B. Meyer; Elmira, 0-.F. Brown; New Hamburg, Wo. 0. Hehn; St. Jacobs, M. L. Wing; Waterloo. S. E. Schrader; Sebri•ng- viile, W. Zimmerman ; Fullarton, .J A. Schmidt; Tavistock, A. D. Gis- hler; South Easthope C. R. Kauth; Stratford, F. A. Lawson. REV. F. B. MEYER I Pastor of Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Zurich, who comes back for another year. N ONT. Phone House or Office—No. 10, ; Harmless to flush Kidneys and neutrttt. 1ze irritating acids—Splendid for system. Cement Work Am prepared to do anything i n the way of building cement silos, foundations, floors, bridges, walks and all kinds of cement work. Get my prices. Alex. Foster Zurich. St.12p•. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter Eggs ... . Dried .Apples ... ... ... ... Potatoes per bag ...... ., .., 1.25 Wheat ... ... . ..- ... 2.06--2.11; Oats ... ... ... _. ... 50-651 Barley .. ......... ... ... ... ... s0; Buckwheat ...- _.. 1.00 Flour 4.50-6.101 Bram 38.00 Shorts ......... ........ 44.00 { live Hogs Lob Hcneall ... 21.00 50 44 06! Kidney and Bladder wcaa esd result from uric acid, says a noted authority. The kidneys filter ' this said from ,.the blood and pass it on to the bladder, where it often remains to irritate and inflame, causing a burning, scalding sensation, or setting up an irritation at the neck of the bladder, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night, The sufferer is in constant dread, the water passes sometimes with a scalding sensation and is very profuse; again, there is difficulty in avoiding it. Bladder weakness, most folks call it, because they can't control urination. While it is extremely annoying and some- times very painful, this is really one of the most simple ailments to overcome. Get about four ounces of Jad Salts from your pharmacist and take a table• spoonful in a glass of water before breakfast, continue this for two or three days. This will neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation to the bladder and urinary or. gans which then act normally again. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless, and is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Bible, and is used by thousands of folks who are subject to urinary disorders caused by uric acid irritation. Jad Salts is splen- did for kidneys and causes no bad effects whatever. lIere you have a pleasant, effervescent llthia•water drink, which quickly; relieves bladder trouble. FOR SATE Building, solid frame, iOx2t4 suit- able for hen stable, garage, Pte!, Apply to C. Hartieib, Zurich. EGGS FOR HATCHING White Leghorn eggs for hatch- ing. 60 cents per setting of 13. A. G. Ehnes, Zurich. areameaser FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, in good state Of calk tivation and well drained, iwo. good barns, one new; pig pen and chicken house. Good brick. house, Good location �'e E I CASH �{-,y PRICE I beiing two andda half miles south g � of Hensel' and two and a half miles from Exeter, and. half a mile from London Road, Reasonable I J terms. For particulars apply to Herald Office. LOQ OF ALL KINDS Hel Ij K. _1,18,. EGGS FOR HATCHING White Leghorn eggs for hatch - law, 60 cents per setting. Also Peerless Barred Rocks at $1.00 per settingr,. Julius Thiel, Zurich, BUSINESS CARDS 'ROUI)FOU ', ii1LLo1.AN, & COOKE. Be, rite. etr., Solicitors, Notaries • Palle see. Office, on the Square, 2nd door In .m };riniton St. (iorlorch. Private funds to loan at lowe.t rates h". kaouvroox, K. O. J. 11. KzLi.o,aax. 1.1. J. 1).Coma dr. Cooke will be in kiens,tll on Friday and Saturday of each week, ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. 0 1 Help the" '" Construct the Manhood that will Re -construct Canada LL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship " to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours' boys in the last four and a half years. Wherever the Can- adian Soldiers went, the " Good old `Y' " went too. And now it is coming back home with them! For the support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well expended. We have rendered full account. We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red. Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Re- construction period. The Annual Red Triangle campaign will be held throughout Canada May 5th to -Oth, 1919. The objective is $1,( 0,,0{?, ; For Our Men keturning For Canada's Manhood The Y.M.C,A. will keep its chain of Service unbroken till the end. For the soldiers and their dependents, returning from Overseas, we ,leave provided as follows :- 1. A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves Great Britain, with a:. full equipment of games, gramophones and records, magic lantern; literature and writing materials. Where possible, also a piano or an organ. Lectures, concerts, sing songs, instruction re Government repatriation pians, and Sunday Services. 2. Red Triangle comforts and facilities for the meta on ar- rival at Halifax, St. John, Quebec and Ivlontreal, including cof- fee stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc. 3, Red Triangle men on every troop train to provide regularly free drinks, eatables and cigarettes, organize games and sing songs, and furnish information. 4. Red Triangle free canteen service, information bureau, etc., at each of the 22 Dispersal centres in Canada, 5. Red Triangle Clubs in the principal cities of Canada in the shape of large Y.M.C.A. Hostels to furnish bed and board at low rates and to be a rendezvous for soldiers. 6. Seventy-five Secretaries to superintend Red Triangle service in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Canada, 7. Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y,M,C.A. privileges for six months at any local'Y.M.C.A. furnished. In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, wo have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in Northern Russia, Palestine and Poland, „ear The Reconstruction program of the Y. M. C. A. includes the following vitally important develop- ments :- 1. An increased service to 300,000 teen-age -boys i.i the Dominion—the development of Canadian Standard Valency training; Bible Study groups; summer camps; conferences; service for High School boys, for working boys, in the towns and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who have lacked opportunity for mortal, moral, physical or social development. 2, Inauguration Cal? a a; fid 4,V; Red,'Mai Diel_55Pdo t.`711"-, \147/e ffr4' I •iV For the wives and children Overseas, dependent upon Can- adian soldiers, and for Y.W.C.A,_ work in Canada generally, a sum of $175,000 from the Red Tri- angle riangle Fund will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the y.w.C,A., which is caring for the soldiers' women folk, and their little ones on the long jour- ney, from Liverpool to Canada, end is also extending its work for Canadian girls. Por their sake also be gen- erous when you make your contribution, of Y.M.C.A. work la tile country, and tate smaller towns and villages lacking Association buildings and equip- ment, on a plan of county organ- izations. This will include the establishment of Red 'Triangle centres for social, recreational and educational work among boys and men, in co-operation with the churches. 3. The promotion of Y.M.C.A. work =one Canada's army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y .1I.C.A. buildings and in the factory buildings, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetin; > entertainments, games and sports, 4. Tho establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated dis- tricts where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold the front trenches of industry. 5, Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1910, we have to provide for enlarged work among railway men, college students and for our campaign to encourage physical and sex education. Under all our work we place the fund- amental foundation of manly Christianity. TJ`OR the sake of our victorious soldiers and 1 their dependents, and the happiness of their home -corning; for the sake of our future' citizens, our teen-age boys; for the sake of rural life in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers in factory and work- shop; for the sake of lonely leen and boys in our mir s and forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhood—we appeal to you. Give us your contribution, little or big. Be as generous as you can. Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he calls, or if you live where it is difficult for him to call, send it by check, money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Toronto. Please Note: We are not asking for money to carry on our work Overseas, with the Artny in Great Britain, France or Belgium. That work will ccitinue at its maximum for some months, financially provided for by the liquidation of our assets Overseas, and will not terminate till the last man has sailed for home. National Council, Young Mex.'s Christian Associations of Ca ^. ads The Red Triangle Campaign is being conducted under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency, the Duke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., P.C. Icon. Campaign Chaumont - Taint W. Rose. Montreal Campaign Chairman: Campaign Treasurer: G. Hortuni r Woo), ,Toronto Campaign Director: THOMAS BRAuSEAw, Toronto CitAS. W. Bisnor, Toronto 150