HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-28, Page 1Volt XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, APi-di. 1919, No 42 4. DOUBLE TRA.11.1 }.-IARNESS, SINGLWEIARNESS, Will be promptly attended to laer S a )oa REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS + 1 1 Mrs. M. Fritz claugleer 12:atoned to her home. the past winter ta Dashwood hest :sees .treetatitc. Visited relatives here iaat Mrs ()has, 4* fest --essaesa•seel ei.elesSet Sas:leaf Sessile:cal trfasteQse Isassear,0400weezegeseolgeopee, YOUR HARNESS • NEEDS Mrs.. Otterbein, who had spelt • Ilazel, of London called on friends I`'s sts , All our sewing done by hand here over the holiciays. Geiger, ofToronte M + r. C. Fritz was a businels • s, is Rugs, Blankets, Bells eniversity spending the hell - days at his home here. i es 4,1 itor to London oil Tuesday. I Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Carry Combs, etc .1 Mrs. A. Zeller, of Detroit, vis- Miss Masgaret Hess, of th ee 1 A Trial Solicited -, er the week -end,. 1 ited relatives mad friends here ov aeaforth High School, is spetmli i I the holidays at her home here. I: I Og r) gin LA Mrs. Morris Hamacher, of Mich Messrs. Ward Fritz and Lennie; 4' 4,, sees trl s aed it LI +1. igan, and Mr. and Mrs, .Iool If ech- ler, of near Exeter Calfas, of Kitchener, spent Eas'eril visited rot_ i at their respective homes here. as I e• . ia GestreeN900.01000 coozeseeeseetweoeecamtetasee$ se megeisitsee%gacsect govseets and is now open to book dates Sos iesaier..2.9.a.o.L.01(.. taken out an auctioneer's liceess; sales. +---0-4—+-1.—+ —+— ativ•es here over Sunday. -Ma Oscar Klopp, 14th con., leesi e te e e e e 0 e e 0 0 0 0 0 0 ire 0 0 0 01 e • 00 0, el 41 40 e 41 . e . 1 . *a • e le -0 0 lt, 3 Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, ty, 0 0 0 0 0 ,tte ott e 0 9 65 0 0 (0 0 0 le e to le te e e • o e to e , 0 - e $ • 0 0 0 0 a, 0 0 4 seassaseeeeseasesesszseseaamszecesmenceseam The repntation of this store as a miens high. -grade Furnishing Store is so widely known that it ,seems hardly necessary to dwe 11 on this department, other th an to state that we are more than living up to our former records and to a very great extent main taxiing old prices. New S NEW WIDE RIM'EFFECTS- In green, navy., steel or black tS Prices• froxn $3.75 to $4.50. ex est in ‘t iris SOFT OR STIFF CU1•'eS, NEGLIGE, OUTING OR SPO RT STYLE In stripes, fancy or plain colors at $1 ew Designs in larv, apers Brighten up the interior Of your home this spring, Splendid designs for any room. Bring in the sizes of your rooms and get an estimate of what it will east you, AL! Wool Serge for Suits FOR LADIES COATS These Serges are all wool abla for odd coa ts and tailored very low as they were bought AND SUITS and old dyes, and are very snit .suits. We know our prices are many months ago, Ladies' Silk Gioves The largest assortment of ladies glo i'03 ever shown, Colors In white, black, grayand beech to all sizes. aches' Auto Cps prices, A. large ra 'age of lathe.s autocaps to ehoose from at 'rely low ,1_,,makes9 Silk Waists We have just resolved a else range of ladies silk crepe do demo waists and, striped silk waists in all colors and eizes. Also ladles white voile Wa;tils at old prices. A meal, oyal toe_ F74 A. ood perfeet tonic for ell kinds or stock. Also pig meal, zalf (thick loed, etc, 5,,,,,,,,A n.,,,,o , til PIA; r,' . 0 r NM 4ta tir.,111O- kr% YOE -Use Formaldehyde this yeer and grow 0 vent smut in oats, etc. Full directions on 0 0 0 0 0 60 '0 more evens. Will pro - each bo tile, rAmpalr-m1.3EtitMtr.r."4-4V70=4020=0.3=0:=7"'"`=,. Et0,4.1("2:Z.Z.:-V.3.-RE?ro""ZrZaTle0Ntawhaktro5=0 Phone 59 0 0 0,1 11140404414466*60.4* Prod u ce Wanted e4. es* fa, 0 0 0 0 o•• 'oO1, were visitors at the 110211C, or Mr. anal Mrs. Preete:, tor a few days this week. Mrs. A. C. Kalbfleisch, of Detr ;eit, was called here last week ow- ing to the serious illness of her father, Mr,. J. H. ,Solinell. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. spent . 0 the week -end at the borne of the O datter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. • Wilhelm, Milverton. es. Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Bissett, 41' Saltford Heights, visited at the Mr: J. Merner, M. P. of forth, -and Mies Minnie and Me, • Tad ceded friends here on Sat- urday. -70aceestecs4c, ffessessiS.SSIbeissea Shoes that will wear Aso Rubbers, Socks, Overshoes, etc. DrrrEtt AND E MIS WANTED Co FRITZ The Shoeman SefeeescsteseeteiStesets10-1-110.1esesle, scaedine, visited her sister, Mt -a. se ...nes M.Y1'tl Johnston, 0.1 Kin- ,..;;;ISS,S,S.,.SSS,SSIlileiliNISSMS1 SieleefilieTSSeSSS,,SiSS'..r.S;;Siai,STISiSTS,IiiSISIPISISS.SeeeleessSSse...SSeaSellat • as slullus Thiel, foe a few fdayslazt Week. 1 1 Me. and Mrs. Wm, alaxkus o 1:a 0 0 0 We have opened our f -NEW.SPRING GOODS s.. TA in .w i • (.1sitee. is • -' sst, • .- • ''' '.d," \e'..., . .----- ..‘,.• . .. . , 1 lalyta,,,-LiNfa 1TO. .17 rs We are offering some bargains in • ,,II:Orne, of the latter's mother, Mrs Iless Sr on Sunday. ,4"... Garnet Jacobs has purchased Oes 'e ! . eros, 'being dos lit, eon, - 6, etiasees-'‘from R. Tinney, who held mpany. iMr, .T. J. Merner, M. P., It, ussder lease from the Canada flag sold his 100 -acre grass farm in Stanley, Mr, John Turner purch- I asing 50 acres and Mr, Oscar Ko - 0 00 Mr, G. Holtzman, fire and wind insurantse, agent, is doing a seller the other fifty. Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 14- I i-•:1 Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Your wants taken care of .• PHONE /1 on 97 0 i busSniliiS PO Wind insurance for the ; ;.,•••,•;::,.:6•........:•.... .....:• ,...;..,:o],•:,:•;:.....,.1.::,.,,• .,,...,..;,,:,!pi.!....:.:1, ..::,•,..-.•.L.:::•'•:!,.•-•i:•:•-%;•!:,:.r!:;:;':;::..;1,,,,:;:.il!ti';11w 411° i TrOnin Insuranee Co This • i e. : - - sse" ss s ., , .• . ••.•....-..„ ,„•,,,....,•,•,,. ....re__ .•.. • . . • .... :-34.,. 8 1 pany issues one of the best polic- .. The e lies to this line. a t Mr. and Mrs, Zach. Desjardine et ZURICH LIBRARY 2, left this week for Western Canada o where they intend to spend the 0 Is Now Open. Hours: DQUGL t) O lon Line to his son, Herbert. I 3! Mr, James Green, Parr Line, I dsaposed of a calf .last week' ; • , months and 26 days old which web ' ghed 860 lbs to M. Love. Me, 1 LoVe Says this IS one of the best sum mer months, Mr. Desjardine has rented his farm on the .13at)y-- WG °Hess jeweller and i Wednesday and Saturday 1 Opticarx Aftei%zoon • and Evening 2:1::o 5 aad 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. O , calves he has ever shipped for its 2 ' age. i 1)1-, J. Routh:ago, V. S., ls 0 i A. largo number Oi: -DOW b00k4 . havn,g,,Iiis house wired fos hydro, shelves ready for distribution. The on Wednesdaes 2 i membership has reached nearly 73 Miss Nora Siebert, nurse, of ; se e) . tly added. 0 end new names are being onnstAn- Impute is -visiting' at the home , i her patents, Mr, and Mrs, W. L. S i ZurIch. is to have a baseball team Sesberi 0 1 this sun -Mier, An organization me A -welt ecndoted :Easter progr„f m f 0 , et:fag will be held this week and I am was givcn in th? Evantlylical 1 • une -----------0t teams the towo the -church W'1S orow:10..i. t2 port and everybody should bele a i Mi. E. J. 11033 -r:thrllea 'Crum I 3 i kmdieg hand, I Toreeto les, week, where he ha ' Sch. 3 have been purchased for oar Mr. &beer.' Seim cll. New Hans -I 1 Library and soon be on the berg, ea,led on old friends in town O the prospects are very bright for church on .3anday evening k•••4 an : 0• .f has ever had, The boys need sup- • S1 summer raonths. 0 'Ater neere,e ; 1-0:, a half hoildw3r in Zurich durine teo so ,: to will again be in line, An agitteion is on foot to eave W0. se would suggest that Thursday nes- g ; ernoon during themonths of ides se i June, July and August bo made <1! the half holida.el.. 0 I Ihe Box Social held on Mondne ( as -A 0 ' in c-ning under the auspices to, I or 0 ; the Ladies .Aid of the Lutheran eh- 1 -0 ;urch was largely attended. Th!: 1 f; I proceeds of the evening amounted 0 '0 to nearly $80.00 and this with the ° 0 money raesed by selling tickets fer '' 0 a tomforter will realize a nrat 1 a sum for the Aid. 0 0 Mr. and Mrs. John P. RHO -sell t 8 shipped their household effeets to II 8 ititchener on Tuesday and they I 0 0 1 years they -lived here, made mn ny •i' 1 left for that city 001 Thursday. Mr.. n : and Mrs, Ilifekbeil, in the Many o e -warin frionds, who deeply rtsgret n. 0 their don-rhiro, but wish them 1 Yt, e ss ", repels happinsas in their new al • sornel.esi his set,liet le the , • • • . SAt.11.0!".. Ile feu ves 1,:nr.11l:,' Petesbore, where it has a zees et piti. With the Ele:Ar:c Como - any. NEW BUITI.111e1 SHOP. Setrich how hns the eseoad hoe 'j''•.# YOfi,;,1'S. W. RIZby JOIMS:0:1 1111" shop in the stnnd y oectlpiti by Ti', S. Kit.ler as a •oureetionery store. A. full line fresh meats, ete„ will be kept n hands .EAVING TOWN i1_-. 11, 7. Dunlop, Manager of Li.' laed breech of the Moisens n k. has r.NTived notice fi'om foal Glace that he has peen tree siee•red to Frankrord, Ont., oast To!..onto, Duninp and unly expect to leave foe their sew home in about ten days. Mr; Co;I:8-, Ridgetown, hes been spointed menager of the :case]. aash Zurleh, a414004 t.,e.t.4:3,41r4 48604 • 1.* I I.:. JUST RECEIVED a new stock of Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade Fountain Pens and Bicycle Accessories. Complete Line 01 WATCHES, JEWELLERY AND CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN' PENS 11'L- .15II1II,HTS AND ELECTRICAL -SUPPLIES, PL'S'CLE REPAIR/NG AND VULCANIZING, ETC., Phone ........esseseasessesseeseeseeeesees.......... resexaseesemaseesee seasseessessessinseer-se Incorperated 1855 The (.r" i AU' 2 ED A NT L'r CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,8C0,000 93 Branclie:i- in Canada A General Banking! Business Transacted 1, ci [Icy urrtRor cizEprz BANK MONeSS OltleSiS Savings Bank Department ILvol,t at bigtettl, ,zuricEit, ratos Zurich Branch T. DUNLOP, Mamager -t