HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-11, Page 1AEMSSIN0 :e URICH ERALD XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL II, 1919. No•40 • 4. YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See,ue about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited 1 FRED THIEL ZURICH 1• 4. • Mr. alnd Mrs, W. IL Finkbeiner, and daughter, Miss Hazel, of Stratford, visitel relatives here o- ver Sunday, Only thirty-nine "originals" re- turned to Canada with the famous Princess Patricia,'s Canadian Light Infantry Regiment, and only sev- enty "originals" with the Fifth Mounted Rifles. , •••••••••••••00••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • I, • • I 1 1 1 • • • • • 1 • • • • • o 0 '0 ts .6 • • • • • '110 '40 to • • tia • Many lines of our new S ring Goods ow on Disilay. 401011:0 : • "1" I -4 I I • New Felt Hats Special Line of Men's Feft 13ats. Also tnew ties for Easter, Fancy Shirts, Tweed Rain Coats, etc. 110112X2IMEMSZBR0ezza New Silk Poplins NEW LINE OF Silk Poplins just re-ceived. Also new Dress Ginghams. Willanake serviceable and stylish dresses. SEE OUR STOCK OF CURTAIN SCRIMS. IMISKIMISMEFEEREMOSZETEGagr.IBLY" m„,„•zzgamwvomostmoseaatt,„, Phone 59 Produce Wanted 23"44ZZ Z.,40"" ""4,744.,027,47.4-. aa:VoZ7Zaza- .11.Q, -.11-41S• 'Miss Anna Hess is visiting relati- ves in Detroit at present. Mr. WM. Lehman, of Caledonia, Mieh., is Visiting his mother near Blake this week. Tuesday was -a wet disagreeable day and the Spring Show at Hen- sfi.1.1 was poorly atteinded. 'Fte, Wrn. Otterbein returned to Kippers last week froro, overseas. He enlisted with the 161st Battal- iiun Mr. H. G. Hess returned from London, on Monday, where he un- derwent a successful operation for throat trouble. W, G. Wellington Fee and family have moved to Seaforth, ,Where, Mr. Fee has purchased a ;comfortable home. Ma. and Mrs. John Kipper of this village mourn the death of one of their little twin boys, which ,took place on Monday. The proceeds of the auction sah. of the farm stock ad irnplemea ts of Casper Walper held recently • amounted to nearly $7500.6.0. Mr. and Mrs. Na B. Vickers al • • Duamheller. Alta, were visiting lie. re for a week recently. Their • friends and relatives were much pleased to bsee them agailn. Mrs Emma Sanders and son, • Edward, of Muskegon, 'Mich., en- • • joyed a short visit with friends • here last week and were the guests • • •of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schnell. •Mr. Ted Mittelholtz, of River • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 0 • • 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 a • • • • • • 0 . a a. aata ,..411 14%4 Rouge, near Detroit, spent h past week ,with his parents hetree,. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mittleholtz. He is engaged in one of the shipyards in that city. The public examinationaend con- firmation of .the catechumens of 1* -4 the Lutheran Church takes place aeat. Sunday. morning,.. The last einglish Lenten -serviee of the sea m" son will be held Sunday evening. Theme of ;Sermon;—jesus' Burial..ff.- Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce - Tho 'returns to the Registrar - .General for the first .quarter of al Your wants taken care of 1919 of biaths, deaths and rnarriag :71 es 61 Ray Township are as foil- ri ows; i3irths 14, of which 5 are aa males and 9 femalesr and *Deaths, 11 12, of which 9 were males and 3 females. Marriages 4, Pte. Ed. Fisher arrived home last week for a day. His arida.- al was not known in time to arr- ange for a public welcome but his many friends were glad to welcome. him home. He left a- gain the next morning to resume his duties in a store in Kitthener. The first number of the Farmer's Sun, formerly the Weekly Suo, came to hand last week. This is the official organ of the U. F. 0. and is a weekly paper which sho- uld have a large circulation. It contains much interesting reading besides full aind late market re- ports. 11 1 1 1 44904 l4itaact•4**0$00041 44000444400001.44110100184011101101144•040•11.40490•0 Shoes that will wear well, Also Rubbers, Socks, Cvershoes, etc. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED •C. FRITZ The Shoeman 1 4114"4" I )4ilegla temitale 4 41001:004441040414 .40411,04+4104010$ 44000111144414010114. 11111111111P111011111I11111111i11101111111011111111111111111111i101111411111131111111111111111111111filllial9i111111111110111111HIIIHNIlla11111111111111111111111$111111111111311:i1111111M111111111111111111113 ▪ NW SPRING GOODS in We have opened our E -- PRIM GELATEAGHHA, We are offering some bargains in Wall Papers, Mixed Paints and other lines. giGII�ItIlllI�1>II�UI{NNIINI@II��IIVIf�)1HlI�E6 FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND The Toronto News has ceased publication as such and now app- ears as the Toronto Times. It alnnounces that its fiscal policy will be to adhere to the National Pol- icy and a -system of protection • such as will cultivate native indus- try, The Times made its first ap pearaince on March 27th. .1, Merner's Shorthorn stock sale on April 1st at Seaforth, a- mounted to $16,560. Forty-six an- Mr. C. Fritz called on friends in lanais were sold at an averave 01 Dashwood on Sunday. $360. Purchasers from Exeter were; —Mr. Nicholson of Crediton, a yearling for $1,000; Albert Ether- ington, a bull, for $960; Y. H. Rat- cliffe an imported cow, for $560; R. D. ,Hunter, a cow, for $410. EASTER PROGRAM A auitable program will be giv- en in the Evangelical church on 'cantata "His Resurrection" willlhhee Easter Sunday evening. rendered, besides special singing by the choir. A. War Savings Society has been by tho'Tealicers of West Huron to $8,800,000 formed in connection with the tho section making the most imp- 98 Branches in Carada Lutheran church and the follow- tovements to the property of ing offiteas appointed; Pres., Rea,: both adage and country—in the H Rembe; Vice -Pres., W. H, way of building, and seeding road Johraston; Sec'y., Miss F. 0, lab- side, cleating up generally it- fleisch; Trees., H. A. Howald.The reand orchards, homes nad bards( purpose of the Society is to lnter- replueling road rail fences with. est the members of the congreg-I wire, planting trees along road, ation in the Thrift and War Sav-• etc. Let every property owner, ing Stamps campaign. Ten 'mem- see that his irpperty is .not an hers joined the Soeiety the same Nora to the others Let us all 1 eveningand prospeets for a loan and se what we can do. You many mot.) are bright. Buy War, will add to the. value *f your pra-i slaa:alas Stamps. t perty, R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE The ZURICH LIBRARY Is Now Open. Hours: Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon and Evening 2 to 5 and 7 to9 o'clock. Library at Miss Lydia Faust's home. FOR RENT North store in Hartleib's Block Zurich, formerly occupied by S. E. Faust, Splendid opportunity for a shoe store. Dwelling can be arranged at rear if required. Act quickly as the people of Zurich and vicinity are longing for the second shoe store. Reasonable rent. Apply to C. Hartleib, leacvassuomostmaraopos.w.e.m 'Mr. E, Oesch, barber has recov- ered from his recent illness. Miss Reale Either of Monckton spent a few days at her home here this week. .A fine assortment of Easter and' Confirmation eards is found at the, Zurich Book Room. Messrs. Mend?: & Braun have purchased an auto truck for use in their business. A prize of ten dollars is offered ess Jeweller and Optician JUST RECEIVED a new stock of Cameo Necklets Waterman's High-grade Fountain Pens and Bicycle Accessories. Complete Line Of WATCHES, JEWELLERY AND CLOCKS, FOUNTAIN PENS FL- ASHLIGHTS AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, BICYCLE REPAIRING. AND VULCANIZING, ETC. 'Phone No. 74, lannwnamints.mememmw Incorpc rated 1855 • The MOLSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE A General Bankint Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BANK. MONEY ORDER.' Savings Bank Department Interest at highest (percent rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager 120=04.'4' .",13tirikl=w---40,