HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-04-04, Page 5YOU EVES
Cali and have them
Special Prices for a, limited time
gold filled frames,
lenses, Reg. $6.00 for
Silver Alurninico fr-
High grade
best ground
High grade
ames bust ground lenses. Reg.
$5,00 for $4,00,
Best quality finger piece mounts
gold filled. Reg. $6.00 for $5.00.
Satisfaction always guaranteed,
R, E. A. P PE L
Jeweller and Optometrist
'Y'•1••e•w••a•w••o••2•r�✓r{•✓r•k••k••4•-3+•9• :••4°•S•IM°•4••C^4••t'•
Zurich Book Room
Book Room in
Lutheran Pars nage
K trt
Fresh and Salt Meats
Bolo.g•na Sausages, etc
Highest Cash Price for Wool
ru bl utr & l
Cream �g
:Butter an
lice .re
v 7uT:
ur ch
Pictures from .:,
Iso one 1 -
Two hours of Solid
Doors open 7AS�
Children 20c Adults
Most Seriou3 of Thew Widely
Estahrslleil in Ol:i Ontario,
Varieties of Grains 11'lzielt (five Heav-
lest Yields -0, A. C. No. 21 Gest
Earley of d,11 ,.- Get Everything
In Readiness for Spring Spraying
(Contributed by Ontario Department or
Agriculture, Toronto.)
reFIOLALS of the Ontario De-
DULlbµ) btlLreeee,.,
b*%x'r w' 4•i", 1JOssIlI,y ;tjt'
some cases too strong for safe apple.
It is needless to say that the Hare
of spraying niaceinery should never
be neglected. Indeed, the spraying
outfit should never be put away af-
ter tieing uxitil the mixture is thor-
oughly cleared out from all parts of
[be pump, rod, piping, inose and noz-
zles by running clear water through
them. The water should be drained
from the engine, and all parts clean-
ed and oiled. ---Prof, Jno. Evans;
0. A, College, Guelph.
A Handicap,
Frame House and dot with sta-
ble i1n 1Zuriah, Apply to Geo,
rl'hi�e1 for particulars.
200 bus. feed beans, Price 75e
per bushel, Apply to Leon lied-
erd, 1-2 mile south oil a:. Joseph.
$3,000.00 to loan on :firs: mart
The question of the limitations of gage, For particulars apply to
partnient of Agriculture in- A. F; Bess, 7.;uri,ch,
spatted 313 seed ' God was raised, the theory .of the
potato divine right of kings- was shattered, , --
delfts in Northern Ontario the "Me and Gott" claim was bliss -
last year of 278 acres, and 119 fields fully ignored and the war settled by EGGS FOR HATCHII�.;
.qualified for certified seed. It Is esti- 'two nonoes yerheard ata railroad + White Leghorn eggs for hatch -
elated that there were 16,000 Bushels station brae da before file war ended. ,
el tedtthee s i "Dis slice am a big war, but de big- ing• 60 cents per setting of 13.
.? seed secured from North ; ger de better fo' we sho' is goin' to ! A, G. Ehnes, Zurich.
.a ern Ontario. prophet the
shipped to Old Ontario to be planted j other was far from certain, and said
ee All of this is beingwin,"said thedusky
Picy t es this year. Iso. "C'ose we'll win," pressed the
The survey which s other, " `ten thous
y s e' -ain't clot writ fol us? De ling, 60 cents per setting. Also
was made last an shah fall at ' White Leghorn eggs for habeli-
°� ' Year by inspectors to detect diseases d td
aJE;X in the potatoos was spread over 32 1
Y V counties, although the reports fro
-m - -. four of that number are not include
i SCHOOL REPOORTV in the statistics because of irregulars
ties in the work. The territory cover
i The following is the school re- ed was from Northumberland an
A ry
Laved of Host, God A mighty, am on Peerless Barred Rocks at $1,00 per
m the side of de righteous. Ain't all de setting:,,
d white folks prayin , ain't all be black
folks prayin', ain't you prayin' ain(' ! Julius Thiel, Zurich,
you a believin' Chat ' ?'
d , peal to Scripture was weighty but not
convincing, nor was the thought of
- 1 stun, The ap-
t poll. for S. S. No. 6, Hay, for the Peterborough counties west to Essex
1 molnth of March. Names in `•or-, not including Simcoe and Victoria. 1
Mrs. C. Fritz spent a row days ! der of nex'it, ! was found in this survey that a
en London last week, Ji'. IV; -Llan Martin' Oscal average of 15 per cent. of the pots
y I toes had the most serious disease o
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Weido spent' Greb, Discola 'Smith, Cecilia Far-! Leaf Roll, and that 7 per cent. wer
Monday in Seafortlz, well, Luella Foster, .Adeil Witmer.' affected with Mosaic, a total of 2
Miss M. 14ieliride is visiting fri,_I Sr, 1I1;- Charlotte Farwell, i per cent. affected by ,disease. An in
b i Edwin Iiegier, {xeorg•e Reg er,i • teresting fact revealed by the survey
ends in Blyth. and Clinton. t Dorscrna Foster. is that the diseases are most common
Miss Irene Lipphardt is vision along the shores of Lake Ontario,
g' Sr. II;- Luella Farwell, S.nth- 1 through Dufferin and Wellington
friends in Dashwood this Week. f ony Regier, Bruce Rose, Edith Grab : counties, and along the shore of Lake
Mr. I. ,Hudson of near Seaforth Edgar Foster, Katharine Hiuser, j Erie through to Essex county. Far -
was a visitor in town on Monday, , Leonard Dabus Arthur Briss0.n1, Cher north the percentage of disease
t ' a nation's millions on their knees"
n a final argument to the coal -black
Thomas. "Ain't all dein Germans
prayin' jus' as bard as de res' of us?"
e be queried. "Sho' dey is, but," tri-
2 tri-
umphed the other, "caro'. you see it
- . am all to no pupose? God cain't un-
derstan' what dey says in dat heathen
tongue, can he?"
Didn't Deny It.
Messrs. W. F. Braun and M. E]1'b l Jr, He -Laurence Regier, :Eche is such smaller. While the average
Witmie,r• b for the two diseases is 22 per cent.,
some howed a much
Pt. II; - Orvidle Witmer, -Geo- higher
rate, athe s iHaldities si d 29, Wel-
rgitna Foster. land 61.7, Lincoln 33.5, Wentworth
Pt. 1.- Anna Marie Farwell, A- 26.6, Brant 44.8,. Halton 32.1, Peel
bel Heuser, Alphonse. Dabus. 51.9 and York 25.4. The standard in
Primer; - Harold Masse, this province permits of two per cent.
D. "I. Fowlie, Teacher. ceLent. iinf iiNo. 2. - Ins severe eed dllr Mosaic
the percentage is the same, although
in slight Mosaic the figures are
The cause of these diseases is not
known. Whether there is some or-
ganism, or whether the climate
has something to do with them, is a
matter of doubt. Prof. P. A. Murphy,
of Charlottetown, who is the Chief
Pathologist for potatoes for the Dom-
inion, and who is attached to the
Central Experimental Farm, is at
work on this problem, and it is hoped
that before many months the 'cause
will be known. At any rate, it is
own that the diseases are more
eommon hi potatoes in the Southern
States. That is why it is expected
Ontario seed potatoes will be in de-
mand there in a few years.
er visited relatives in Crediton on
Mrs. Laird and Miss Laird, of
Dashwood, visited friends here
over Sunday.
Our mailing list has been cor-
rected to April 2nd. See that
your label reads right. `
Dr, and Ml's, .T. Routledge, and.
daughter, Mi..ss Ida, attended the
funeral of a relative at London on
Monday. -.
Drs. H. Williams. of London, .A..
J, MacKinnon and B. Campbell,
performed a ;successful operation
on Mr. I3, ) ungblut for appendic-
itis on Wednesday, The patient,
is doing as well as can be expect
�- - - - ultr3r A pleasitng feature of the Y. P.
A meeting held in the Evangelical
sa�re,�aad v �s b;ds�.u,�
Price Paid
` °.O'BRIEF" .
MIMMaimiler•INImma•ftlielMoielmatemillibi.......nama.:* .1 -
Where growers of tomatoes have
!church last Sunday night was et a ,suitably place for srarting plants
wet) -rendered quartette given by it is re,comuiended, that they
the Misses Seibert and Routledge,' should grow their owe stock. By Leading Varieties of Spring Grain.
- The !number was very much enjoy careful selectioh from individual The old Six -rowed barley gave way
+ed' by all present. A well-timed plants from year to year a val.,.to the Mandscheuri, and that in turn
address was also given by. itety may be much improved from has given place to the O.A.C. No. 21,
file standpoint of earliness, unit- t riowhichis to the wgrown exclusion lloflghout On -
Sypes of 'Hansa)). p
ormity, and productiveness. When all other varieties. The Egyptian and
Henry Ford's latest idea for sown in greenhouses, in a sunny. the Black Tartarian varieties of oats
improving conditions of his ern- wilndow, or• ine a lv)it-berl, trio which were popular at one time have
ployees is a six -hour' working day seed should l e sown in br,xes or been largely displaced by the Banner
and more recently by the O.A.C. No.
without any stopping for meals. flats containing three or four in- 72 and the O.A.C. No. 3 varieties,
'.t•he plan outlined provided fora 'rhes of soil. The seed is usually The C.A.C. No. 72 variety has a corn -
workingman to have his breakfast sown in rows about four inches:. pai'atively strong vigorous straw,
' and then go to work, remaining apart from one-quarter to one_ spreading head, and white grain of
an the job for six hours, and tom- half inch deep, the sell firmly pre- good qualit3r, the hull being quite
ssed down with the hand and made thin. In experiments at the Ontario
ivng home ready for dinner at say,Agricultural College it has surpassed
1 p. m., with his day's labor over., moist but not wet. When the the Banner in yield per acre in each
- , rough leaves appear the little pl- of nine out of ten years. It has made
THE LETTER. E' ! ants are transplanted into other a phenomenal record in connection
occupying the bi ox in with the
Phone 84Zurich
The coal famine is over for the
present, Town and country can
MOW be supplied. We have ort
hand a good ,supply of hard and
soft coal„
DEALER IN g flats or hog beds about two inch- zo Standing Field Crop
' typographers "t. c." the letter "ee es apart each way. Further tran- Competitions, taking more first prizes
r is the most unfortunate letter in splainting to about six inches a- btiued.t11T1ioher O, varieties ovoats ariety Delawaretzdson C o, s , p g
i the English alphabet, because itis part is recommended as soon as ten days earlier than the Banner of
LLn � 1 always out of cash, forever in de- the plants ,commence to erosl-d the O.A.C. No. 72, and is an excellent
t C `,4 J A bt, never aut. of danger and in hell ,each other. This information is f variety for arising with barley when
all the time. For some reason1 it is desirable to grow the two in
taken from Pamphle No, 22 of the; combination. Of the spring wheats
l E N S A L L N "T". I •thy fortunates of the letter has Central EYper'iizental Farm zs hich 1 th It d
Fife, theMarquis
Phone House or Office -No, 10.
New Te epho 'e
Dhh ctor e
are here
Get your copy at your central
±affi�ee !Zurich or Dashwood.
(Corrected every Thursday.)
Butter ,.. . •„
° e c i e, Marquis and the
been overlooked, so we will cat) is available frum the Publications f Wild Goose are the principal vane -
attention to the fact that "e" ne- French of the Depar.znent of _lg- ties. At the present time, however,
issin the�sbe beginning ayexistence., sr'Lcuttat Ottawa. The pam:p- when
is sourgent the Marquis
in peace. dfor wheat f
g g filet deals 'not only with tomato and the Red Fife, and especially the
the colnincncement of ease Had the culture at Ottawa. The paniph-i former, should be grown as exten-
end of trouble. Without it there let deals not only with tomato cul-: sively as possible in Ontario. Spring
would be no neat, no life, n0 hea- titre, but mushroom culture anal rye does not yield equal to Winter
van, It is the centre of honesty, the forcing of rhubarb during the l rye but its cultivation will perhaps
makes lope perfect, and without winter ,season, The soil and pia- f p ese t eyear, somewhat
Th0.A,CurNo. the
it there could be no editors, dev- ,rating for tomatoes are tulle- des -variety has given the best results,
its or news. Reporters Ser vice, scribed as well as treatment for; surpassing all other kinds in yield of
Z. P. S, REPORT. grain per acre.••-•• Dr. C. A. Zavitz,
O. A. College, Guelph,
diseases, training to the centre
stem and other useful information,
Report for Room II, The
marks are based 0-0 Attendance,
behaviour and efficiency.
Jr. III;- Irene Decher 129; I-
della Howald 120, Dorothy Brenn-
er 123, Claude Meidinger 110, Leon-
ard Wagner 106, Raymond Fisher
102, Garnet Weber 98 Fred Qua-
ckenbush 74, CVernon Davidson 58,
-Sr. II; -- Anna Mittleholtz 134,
Mildred Geiger 126, Leonard Prang
42 111, Martha Heideman 109, Luella
Prepare for Spring Spraying.
6.°...„u,u.a,n,ona,°. ° ,tlo,...ver,..,.°..�..°..o..e..°...,.,,,o.,.
= Efficient and economic spraying is
STOP O TSR N` fl M i hard to attain with the use of poor
NOSTRILS AND HEADs machine ay. The power sprayer is an
_ e cpensive piece of machinery, but it
t is effective when properly handled.
Says Cream Applied i t lvouirils ee j Its usefulness can be greatly impair-
e Relieves Head -Colds at Once. ° I ed by improper care. To secure the
` o highest degree of efficiency in spray-
s .a.,b.ps,.e°,.o.°..e.w..e..6•.,uA.o..u.m,�.,p„°,•° q.,m...•°..y p y -
If your nostrils are clogged and your lug the maintenance of high pressure
head is stuffed and eou can't breathe is necessary. Probably high pressure _
freely because of a cold or catarrh, jut ie not needed in all cases; it is, how
get a small bottle of Ely's Cream, Balm is
true that by means of it more
thorough and, consequently, more ef-
f fective work can be done in a much
shorter time and with much less ! o
• The agitation of the liquid in the
tank is another important matter. In
the case of most sprays, the individ-
ual • particles that make up the in-
secticide are suspended in the water.
Unless the sprayer is equipped with
n good agitator, these particles will
settle to the bottom, rendering the
mixture in the top of the tank weak-
er-talon i'.n eeauld. be.,end thee in the
Eggs ... „ ... .•. 38. Reichert 98, Evelyn Ducharnie 95, . at any drug store. Apply a little of
• 1 this fragrant, antiseptic cream into
Dried .Apples ,., y 061 Kenneth Koehler 87, Wes. Callfase your ziostrils and Iet it penetrate
Potatoes per bag . - ,..... 1.25 $4, Elmer Liebold 30, Austin Hey, through every air passage of your head,
Wheat ... ...... 2.06--2.11 61, Alvin Gasnla,o 61, Arson Keller soothing and 'Healing the inflamed, swol-
Oats ... ...... ... ... len mucous membrane and you get in-
,.. ... '60--65 86` etaxit ieIief.
.Ah 1 how good it feels. Your nes-
trills ere open, your head is clear, no
more hawking snuffling, blowing;
mor, headache, dryness or struggling
Crean( Balm s just
Barley ... ... ...... ... ... ... 801 Agnes IDietrich Francis TomDietrichh Thiel 100,86
73uekwheat . .....,,, 1.00 g' 7,
Flour ... .,.. 4.50-e to Hazel Bedard 76, Gladys Melick no
Drari 1 51i, Alice Dietz. 56,
r 3s.00
tl arts .•..•............. 44.001 Average attendance for month
for breath. Ply's
C am B 1 i
l ' o£ 11tsI'0-«27 what sufferers from head colds and car
e11' Hoge, fob Hemel) ....,, d8.25 , taxxht:need, It's a .ileli` h a
1 Ill, A., Lamonf, .Teacher, g .....
Wife (during squabble) - You
can't deny that I made you what
Hub -.I certainly can't, for what
All aecounts owing to Rartleib
& Faust are now due. For the
convenience of parties to make
settlement we will be in the sore
formerly occupied by R. F. Stade,
adjoining the hardware an Satur-
day, Apri] 5th, and the following
Hartleih & Faust, Zurich.
I am is head over heels ie debt,
Synthetic milk is being produced
from peanuts by European chemists.
A mixture of two or more honeys
always is darker than any of the
+Zriginal tinea.
His Retort.
Richard Baxter, after the Mon-
mouth Rebellion, appeared in the
witness box before Judge Jeffreys, ref
evil memory, and was greeted by the
."Butcher Judge" with -„Richard, I
see a rogue in thy face!" The sturdy
Puritan replied, "I was not aware,
my lord, that I wore a mirror there"'
Barristers, Solicitor,, Notarik&
Public no, Office., an the Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton et. Gcrderich.
Private funds to loan at hare:: -t, rates
PP. Paororoor, C, J. L KIL1.oRAs.
H. J. 1). Cc;ona
Mr. Cooke will be in llens'tll on Friday
and Saturday of each week.
ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Pub1'e
Com missioner, Conveyancing,
Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co. Herald Office. Zurich.
4'e r Stare at Drya.I
Cole to our store
A shipment just s received.
c)n . a1
odalli Dr3rra10
11111!1111NN 1111N11111!1111!!N11!111!111111!Ili'!1111!!N!NIN!@i1NN!!I!11!I11N1111111111!111111,1Ilil!1111!1! 11 l f' I �t�l, ' 1 llE I10'r; i'ti3 „' 11 ,11', •
II I N ..d NI,�.i61,i,aN,,,G.�If'�:�,�,,,,',,,',!��,,,VHiI„il,N!„!IliLhl!li!��a;i,l„!!al!111VIIICpiNilll
Herald and Daily Globe ......
Harald and Weekly G:obo _.._..
Herald and Daily Mail and Empire ....., 5.00
Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire ... 2.60
Herald and Daily Star 4.e,0
Herald and Weekly Star 2.60
Herald and Daily News 4.50
Herald and Free Press, evening edition ... ... 5.00
Herald end Free Press morning edition ... 5.00
Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ... ... .....5.00
Herald and Advertiser, evening edition ... ,.. 5.00
Herald and Farmers Advocate ... ... ......... 2.75
Herald and Farm and Dairy .. .., ... 2.00
Herald and Weekly Sun ...... ...... ......... .2,25
Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35
Herald and Canadian Conn tryman ... 2,00
,....... $5.00
Renew your papers with us and save money
The HE., ALD
5►hill lii1111111N11111IIiIIBiNN11111 U 111P2
' _ IIIIIII!NN!IN111!111111111111!IN!!111111111!NN!111111!11!11111111111111111N!11!1111111111111!1111 I11NII!N!!II!11111RM1111111!11NN11N!111!111111111111111111NI11101!!1111111111III!!111!N!(I,NIN!INN'J!N1111NIIIII111!III!I