Zurich Herald, 1919-04-04, Page 4DASHWOOD. RETURNED SOLDIERS Our village and neighborhood turned out to give a right loyal welcome to Sapper Earl Guenther QUALITY IN OUR FIELD ,hare arrived home, Last week CROPS . Pte. .t1.l,rees Clark, Arthur Parker, The attainment of .quality in the and Wm. McLean were weiceinert "worth while" of farming. home, signaller Fred Clausen , Live -stock, the best of ther•i bre- fforraeriy of Hens -til, Was also given ed, well fed and thrifty; fruit:,,, Warms of subacription;`i1,25 per year who returned from the front on a healIS we13°1".i•large of ,size, rich in color and al- . advance; $2.00 may be charged Saturday evening, A number of .1'b& H »ns.ul Sprzng Show will be avor; crops vigorous, free from, if not so paid, U. S, aubacriuti cars, loaded with friends, went held on April 8tH. weeds, productivenad pure of vac i lDns $1,75 strictly ip advance. Na out to Exeter awhile a Jong , 1?i, A, W. Moir has sainted his, • iety, these things represent •4qual Paper discontinued aontil all ar- procession of school children and farm on the 2nd con., ]lay, to Wm, ity," and its attainment should be, Buchanan, Mr. M. R. Rennie has moved in- the goat of our farming ambiti- ons. to R. Eacrett's dwelling on Ox-. As applied to field cprso it has ford St, The house vacated `by to he considered in two ways, first Ma Rennie is now occupied lay Mr, the quality of the standing :crop, I. !warped Tlz,uraday afternoons • razn the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE rears are paid unless et the option mounts met them on the way in. Of the publisher. 'The date to The entire streets were filled Which every subscription is paid tvitlz people all anxious to greet is denoted on the label, the hero. ADVERTISING RATES d was crowded to overflowing. Ad- ed thcx flour and feed business•here had grain. The quality ofthe cr- dresses of welcome were given by Mr, and Mrs. N. P. Warrener at- op in the field is determined by t tended the funeral of the formers the, state of tilth and fertility that father held at Clinton last week. the seed bed is in 'at the time of I Bowling, and by the care given to STANLEY .TOWNSHIP. ' the selection and cleaning of the Beed previous to seeding. Qual- A reception was held in the town ity in the threshed grain is deter- mined hail, .Varna on `Thursday evening, mimed largely by the sante fact - A publvc reception was hal in , J. Patterson who has urchas- Mr McIsaac's spacious hall whhci> p second, the quality of the area- R,t • Effective after Jan 1st, 1919, • Display Advertising -Made known n application. Revs. Graupner and Yager. Dr. Stray Animals—One insertion 50e Taylor, Messrs Neeb and Howard., three insertions $1.00, after which Sapper Guenther made Farm or Real Estate for • sale a reply:, A march -past was then i0c. each insertion for one month held when the whole assembly laf four insertions, 25c. for each gave him a warm hand -shake. subsequent insertion. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hey Sr., of Miscellaneous articles of not Zurich, visited at the home of Mr, more than five lines, For Sale, To and Nes, Fassold on Sunday, Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., Assessor E. Klopp was in our each insertion 25a, village on Saturday., Local Reading notices, etc., roe. The sale of real estate and house per line per insertion. No notice Mess than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e, Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a line. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- ti,o'n and $1,50 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding '1 inch, $G per year. Address all communications to THE HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. IN MEMORI.M Stelek—In loving memory of iWilliam Stelek, who departed this life one year ago, April 7th 1918. It is one year since that sad day, ghborhood over the week -encs. When one eve loved was called Mrs. and Miss Laird spent the away. week -end with friends in Zurich. His weary hours and days of path, Mrs. Ed. Edighoffer and child - And las troubled nights are past ren of Yale, Miele, are visiting in Iles ever patien wornout frame, town. ,Has found sweet rest at last. - 1'he Moon and Stars are shining. :On a lone and silent Grave, Beneath lies the one we loved But whom we could not save, Wife and Daughters. hold effects of the late J. Kuntz was held an Saturday, Mr. John Kraft our popular shooman bou- ght the house and will soon move into it. Mr. G. Koch. who is now, at the flax mill intends soon to move to the village, Arrangements are now comple- f h.idkig a School Fair March 27th to welcome hotne one i ors of our heroes, from the battlefields of France, in the person of Jack McKenzie, son of Mr. R. Me. Vigourous plants are essentiall for the production of large, pl- ump grain, and these can only be Kenzie of Varna. Jack enlisted : produced in a `well tilled fertile out West two or three years ago l seed bed and by a vigourous var- and was not able to get home to' , iety which is the product of care - see his friends before going over- Jul breediing and selection. The spas. purity and uniformity of a var- It is little wonder his friends are , iety can be maintained only by glad to see him safe home again„ , consistent through the medium of During the evening he was prese- the ,seed -plot and the fanning-- rned with a club -bag and set of aro.Mi.itary brushes, an entertainment To produce quality in our crops cc.0 or o i of music and speeches was given attention must be gi,=en to all the in our village in September. A and lunch d was served by the lafactors enumerated, while the number of schools have joined. Home and School gardens are LeS neglect of any will result in a crop planned for and every effort isOur schools and churches are inferior in appearance, yield and •closed on account of an outbreak reproductive power. be. ng • made to make this the of the flu. elnt of the season. The prize- Some of our farmers got §oma list is now basmadeout. spriing wheat sowed a week ago, Mr, and Mrs.. Sol Martin visited but it is not up yet•. Gess the we - friends in the village on Sunday. other is too cold. Misses Truemmer and Lipphardt of Zurich, were visiting in the nei- CREDITON tr Sire county council appoint- ed a delegatio z to wait on the On- tario Govern, -lent asking that dog taxes by pooled• with the co- ending a few days this wee in e`,einin.g„ unity so that vilagesl and towns Seaforth'. Will be compelled to pay a port- Miss Queenia Hodgins of Cred- iotn of the cost of sheep killed by I iton was a week -end visitor in dogs. It is claimed that many of town the sheep killed are by dogs from ?'villages and towns. Mrs, J Kellerman spent Satur- day and Sunday in London. Mr. Norman Kellerman and dau- ghter Kathleen of Kitchener visit- ed with the former's parents this week. Mrs. Schaab of Waterloo is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs, W.m Ehlers. S. Finkbeiner of Sarnia visited his mother here last week. Farmers have been making map, mot only in increased yields and le syrup. larger profits, but in the satisfac- Norman Vincent has Moved into tion that a'tends the application Barriing weather injury, quality and yield go together. Large yields per acre generally go hand yiin hand with grain of bauetiful appearance and uniform excellence, and vice versa. The farmer thus receives r'enerous remuneration for his 1 tborm but what is more importaan', in striving for quality he will f'id his greatest reward, hes new farm on the 16th con, which he purchased from Simon Morlock, Christian Link, of Linkviile,Mich. passed away on March 24th, aged 72 years. He was formerly. a re- sident of this village. • Miss Pearl Geiser of Toledo, 0., visited her home here last st=eek. Mr. and Mrs. G. Merrier rae sp- Pte• WmI, Sims was welcomed home from overseas the desairea It takes approximately one and at half cords of wood to make a ton of paper, which delivered, co- ats the weekly papers considera- Mrs. Ed. G. Kraft is visiting in London a few weeks EXETER At a meeting of the Men's Olub of Trivitt Memorial church a re- solution was passed opposing race __ track gambh ng of intedlieent and concentrated ef- f-_ HOUSE FOR SALE Fine res dental property in Zur- ich, has been placed in my hands for sale, On the premises is a good 2 -story modern brick resi- dence and also a large brick st- able, all in good repair. Plenty ofegood drinking wvater. • For particulars apply to A F. Hess, 'Zurich. • FARM'OR SALE 100 acres, in good state of cul- tivation and well drained, two good barns, one new; pig pen L Hardy recently received the i and chicken house. BLAKE. Good brick house, Good location __ _ sad news of the death of his Uro- beiing two and a hail miles south A Social and Presentation was don J Charles J. Hardy, of Lom- ( r I b H�elnsall and two and a half • o xe eI Ind h� if a mile SAW LOG OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID TAWE1bLieiI, zrich held iIn the Blake church last Fri- The Exeter Bo�vl;ng Club has miles from E t •, , 1 b1y- over one hundred dollars. Take day night when Pte, Thos, Johnst- been re -organized for the year!, i from London Road. Reasonable 'off the price of a cord and a half: ox, and Pte. M. Johnston, returned Exeter nave a royal welcome to' terms. For particulars apply to of wood and you get some idea of soldiers, were presented with war a Exeter returned heroes. ;:Herald Office how costly is the process of main-; Memento's. A short programme Miss nFumber Scott of Exeter and;, " - ` `" " asa°°,,,,,,,.,: v ae•.•g papeure, or how much profit the was enjoyed after which lunch was Kenneth ..McKellar of Cromarty ' ; paper combine has, vel aril a very pleasant tin d at thePresbyterian I =' Hopes omen Will +--^i• ser u were married s was spent by the large number on March 26th who had come to do honor to our manse •i NEW ADS — J. Gasclio ta Son, young heroes. Mrs, Eli Snell passed away on a Adopi UKHabit os. S. Bedard, Oscra Kopp, A. Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drysdale of ( March 22nd .after a few months 1 l' . E' r illness. Meliek, Melick and Brown, Hy. Gal at the spent Wednesday evening S Purdom and A. Campbell have' • at the lzomo of Mr. R. Allan. 1lkeln over the Overland agency Glass of hot water each morn - DRUGShome of 11Ir. Jas Allan As We1 As Men r an rs z — M d M J A Carnne and children spent Saturday at the here, !s EXCITE YOUR JEJNEYS, USE SATS If your Back is aching or Bladder bothers, d ?,nk lots of water and eat less meat. When your kidneys hurt and your back feels sore, don't get scared and proceed to load your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract, Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, lay flushing them with a mild, hermiess salts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their nor - anal activity, 'l'he function of the kid - Mesa is to filter the blood, In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of tieid sired waste, so we eau readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid- xieys active. Drink lots of water—you can't drink -too muck; also get from any pharmacist 7ebout four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few .days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined 'with Lithia, and has been used for genera- %ions to clean end stimulate clogged kid. toys; also to neutralize the acids in write so it no longer is a source of irri- station, thus ending bladder weakness. +Tad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- ure; makes a delightful effervescent thia-water drink which everyone should take now and then to keep their kid- *eys clean and active. Try this, also keep up the water drinking, and no /doubt you will mender whet became of •5rour kidney trouble and backaohc, COUNTY' NEWS. I Ing helps us look and feel township. Happy, bright, alert—vigorous and Pte. aril' on Johnston, who is tar- Seaforth has organized a golf ; vivacious—a good clear skin; a nat- i,ng treatment at Burlington, sp-I I ural, rosy complexion and freedom ant the weekend under the paean-' club„ 1 from illness are assured only by tal roof, Judgement was reserved in a' clean, healthy blood. If only every Mr. and Mrs. Roy Consitt, of I suit against the Township of Bid-; woman and likewise every man could. Rills Green spent Sunday at the dulph brought by Messrs. Hudson i realize the wonders of the morning E inside bath, what , : ratifying change home of Mr. H. C. �Gapfe. : anti Havrey to recover 112805,60, would take place Miss Foster of the Babylon line the loss of '08 rains alleged to ]navel ' Instead of the thousands of sickly, spent a few days last week at been killed by dogs. Evidence anaemic -looking men, women and home of Mr. and Mrs. Lang which took more than two ,sessi-'; -girls with pasty or muddy complex- theons of the Spring Assizes to hear, ; ions; instead of the multitudes of ion clean, sweet, fresh, thison I Smallpox of a mild type has Mr. D. Haugh of Dashwood cal- led on friends in vicinity made its appearance in .Ashfield : • 9 Sunday I roster. was concluded last Saturday mor - Mr. and Mrs. John Parke enter- • ,Hing. The hinges on the quest- tamed a number of friends to a ion whether some of the sheep slid birthday party last Friday night. Mrs, Geo, Armstrong and t:hild- 'not die from. a disease instead of ori b do ren of Bru.cefield spent the week- from w r y ,ng y gs• end with the former's parents,Mr. Mrs. Susan Wyatt of Clandeboye spoonful of limestone phosphate in it and Mrs. H. C. ,Zapfe. who died recently left an estate of to wash from the stomach, liver, kid - Pte. Thos. Johnston, aceompan- $16,680, and authorizes bequests of neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- ied by his brothel', Gordon, left on $2,000 to St, James Anglican Church vious day's indigestible waste, sour Monday for New Ontario. Claindeboye, $•4,000 to "the poor fermentations and poisons, thus The regular meeting of the and needy" and $500 to her nurse; cthe le n tees alimentary nd canalsbefore Blake Wom:ens' Institute will be the balance going to various rel- putting more food into the stomach, held at the home of Mrs. H. C. - atives including $4,000 to a grand Those subiect to sick headache, bil- •Zapfe on April 8th, All ladies are n-ephew, Leslie Wainpole, 0 lousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we. should see a virile, optimistic throng of rosy checked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by, drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea - I CT Light welcome. . srai 4LL . • 1 - colds; and particulary tbose who have VOTER FOR IIARBct1' a pallid, sallow complexion and who Po e ater 32 Volts, Semi -Automatic r ELECTRICITY APPEALS TO YOU TO -DAY BECAUSE IT IS USEFUL, ECONOMICAL, SAFE, CONVENIENT AND RELIABLE. ELECTRICITY WHICH HA.S RIEtVW3LUTI'ON11ZE D 'WORKING• AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE CITIES HAS NOW THEW SAME INFLUENCE IN THE COUNTRY ON TRE FARM. A Northern Electric Power and Light Plant on your farm. Will light your house, stable anddairy. Will run a separator or churn. Will wash the clothes 'and do the ia'olning. Will run the sewing machine. Will operate atoaster Will operate a varum cleaner Will pump water for your house and barn!. Will charge automobile batteries. It will make wife's work easy and reduce household expenses. The most complete plant on the market to -day. Not a 'single plant but a line of plants, A size for every prospect. WOR'KS'. are constipated very often, r are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store ;which will cost but a trifle but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation. We must The estimate presented in the Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Smallacombe Houde of Commons at Ottawa last and family left last week for the week contain the following votes west where they will make their for Drake Huron harbors, futurI' hom10,, t tBayfield, repairs to pier, $3,800, Win, Murdoch has returned from, Goderich, rep. to clocks $2,700, remember that inside cleanliness is n few months visit with relatives 1 Grand Bend, rep to dock, $1,250 !more important then outside, be- at St. Thomas. Kincardine, rep, to piers $2,400. cause the skin does not absorb impur- Doin't miss the big concert int Port Blgi'n rep^ to waif, $5,000- .hies to contamiizrie the blood, while the Town Hall next Monday night I Southahmptbn, repairs to herb'. .do pores in. the thirty feet of bowels >lore of the boys from overseas , or works, $6,000, Agent Ens Zurich ;Iuupuuuu111l1lullllallnmuuu FIRSTSERIES (1919) COST DURING —1919— JAN.$ 4.00 FEB. $ 4.01 MAR.$ 4.02 APF''. $ 4.03 MAY $ 4.04 JUNE$4.0 JULY $ 4. I Il iPnnpttnlpINllugllullICUHputf dun IIII>Iiillhlt.„.. ri. DEC.$ 4.11 -,:a1111111 n aumro 1 M vitel.tiLiiiitillAirkfil t019Ra�.<. , ,w, ,ec 011111011101 1111111011110111110 1111111111011non Wfuluh11l11Nu1r. r Read'.` ''', the F ii reoqa e : Notice how the cost—and the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W.S.S. 2$ c5I14, OF— a 11'OR SALE Good 8 -roomed brick dwelling with kitchen, in 'Zurich, Also gar. den with plenty fruit trees. " Apply to Mrs, V. Koohems, Zurich, Ont. 4t33 Dr. E. S. F .ard. e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY; MAIN (MICR -- HEN,1