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fillet Weekly
Developed in dainty printed ma-
terial and delightful to look at. The
body and sleeve are in one, anti the
.freedom afforded by the simplicity
of the cut makes this little frock
most desirable for kiddies. I.VScGaIl
Pattern No. 8804, Child's Hot -Day
Dress. In 5 sizes, 1 tog years. Price,
15 cents.
The turned -up hem and the un-
esual sleeves are the -features of this.
attractive suit for Missile. McCall
Pattern No. 8840, Misses' Coat Suit.
In 3 sizes, 16 to 20 years, Price, 25
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Four Weederfut Copies of the Scrip-
tures Are Here Described.
The largest Bilge in existence is in
the Royal Library at Stockholm. The
covers are made of solid ,planks, four
inches thick, and the pages each
measure a yard in length.' It is esti-
mated that a hundred asses' skins
must have been used to furnish the
309 pari hment leaves Of this colossal
book. et is considered priceless.
A well-to-do New Yorker is the
proud possessor of a manuscript Bible
-• written by his only son, a cripple. He
could only work about two hours a
day, i3o he took over two years to come
plete his task. It does not contain a
single error or slip, for if error or slip
occurred the youth discarded the
whole page. The verses and headings
are all in red ink, and the whole is
beautifully written.
Inn a house in Grafton Street, Lan-
don, there is a shorthand Bible which
was written at least two centuries be-
fore Pitman was born. It was written
by an apprentice in the days of James
II., when to possess a "common or
garden Bible" was rather dangerous.
A lady in the Milted States cherish-
es a Bible probably as old as the one
written lu shorthand, which an ances-
tress baked in a loaf of bread when a
house-to-house search was going to be
made for stray copies of the Scrip-
tures. The 'soldiers came to search
the house, but It is not a natter of
wonder that they failed to find the
book, which now, looking pretty old,
is the American lady's chief treasure.
Not to the Swift.
A fellow said to a famous sprin-
ter: "I'll race you and beat you i'
you'll let me choose the course and
give me a yard's start,"
"Fifty dollars to one that you
don't," said the sprieter confidently.
Name your course."
"tJp a ladder," said the challenger.
Our 1919 ataloOue is you€'$ isi'r
8 easiling. Write tod tt-ikis free
FJE1 in !Jour seeds mans 1z Edi ire...
yow',seedsrna.n. Our 64 (fears of
rtt unbroken. success speatl llrli' ascii'
.a. �!. .SOM ERS eamm),` OP TO.
"Making two blades grow
.ai, i er''i 4rA+�."r ,Pr't4.:i'•"'';i�
where only one grew before."
Fkmfor this Se
Delay in ordering standard fertilizer in the hope of 'lower prices
only means risk of disappointment in deliveries. Prices are set by
-cost of this season's raw- materials, ordered months ago, and labor
wages, which are fixed by the cost of living. You cannot afford to let
your rand run down.
"Shur -Gain"
o *,,m
.� ert mz r
Are wee. named—they mean a sure gain to your land's fertility—they
mean strong, heady growths and easily sold, high priced crops. Its
because our expert chemists compound them on the latest knowledge
of what Canadian farmers really need—no frills, no experiments—that
they get results. Write to -day for discounts, prices and Booklet.
v,. 670 A
If You Would Enjoy Life You Must
Look After Your Body.
The longest livers are the parson
and the farmer; among the shortest
are the butcher and the publican. The
length of individual life, however, is
governed by heredity, which often
fails some of the members of a family
famed for longevity, by occupation or
environment, and by habits.
It has often been remarked that ex-
cessive eating ---especially flesh eating
—kills as many people as excessive
drinking, This accounts for the posi-
tion of the butcher and the pupliean
in the death -rate of trades and profes-
The parson is not a big eater, nor
is he a drinker of alcohol, but what of
the farmer? In his case there are
numerous safety-valves—the ride on
horseback, the drives to markets and
fairs, the day's shooting, and the al-
most continuous life in the open air.
Our bodies are the most perfect, and
the most delicate, of all pieces of
mechanises, yet we take less care to
adjust and repair them for regular
action than we take for the machines
we construct. We cram them with the
wrong foods, or we fill them too Lull;
we abuse them, and refuse to deny
We attend to our horses and cattle
`more carefully than we attend to our-
selves, and attribute disease to any
cause but the right one—self inflic-
tion. Thus lives are wasted at sixty
which ought to have been twenty
years longer, while the average dying
age of forty-three ought to be seventy.
Life depends, too, not only upon the
temperate habits, but upon its being
lived with a purpose—and that pur-
pose a good one.
Pure air is the first condition of life,
yet most people ignore it, or place it
second to comfort, by closing their
windows at night. The sedentary
worker, like the manual worker in an
impure atmospbyere, roust make up his
loss by passing abundance of pure air
through the 'lungs.
He will inhale five times more air at
a pace of four miles an hour than
when sitting at his desk. and every
muscle should be tegularly exercised.
If a healthy man learns and obeys
the laws of health, he will remain
healthy until he is worn out. Thus he
must esteem at their proper value pure
air, exercise, temperance in eating and
drinking, and the intriduction of use-
fulness and contentment into his daily
The Goddess the Wood.
E'en dearer than the thought of Spring
When Wintry frosts gleans cold,
Is this glad light of Spring herself
That doth the earth enfold.
No radiant dream of paradise,
Were half so wondrous fair,
As yonder low new leafing beech --
The sunbeams in her hair.
I think the great sun worships her,
For as he seniles above
Among her frail, translucent leaves.
Ile lays his gifts of love.
A tree no more for sun -adored
The beech, as goddess pale,
Enshrined within the quiet wood,
"Unfolds her mystic veil. «w'
"John," ., said Mrs. Stylover, "I'm
going to town to -morrow to see the
new hats,"
"You forget," her husband remind-
ed her, "that to -morrow ris Sunday
and the stores will be closed."
"Who said anything about stores?
I'm going to church,"
The finishin8 -touch
of satisfactions to
many a br akfa t
is a cup of
A rich enj;.gable
1-.--4)b1e bevera6e
The Sun Life Assurance Company's
48t1z. Annual Report, ^just issued, not
only surpasses last year's record, but
is better than any ever issued by the
Company. Every department of its
activities shows strength and pro -
gross. New business secured consti-
tuted a record, total assets are higher
than ever before, income Is larger,
total assurances in force are much
greater, while the surplus of over
$8,000,000 indicates that the Company
is in a splendid position to safeguard
the welfare of those intrusted to its
Its assurances in force now exceed
$340,800,000, a gain of nearly $29,000,-
000 during the year. New policies is-
sued and paid for exceed $51,591,000,
while assets, which gained $7,460,000
during the year, now crowd close to
the $100,000,000 mark. To be exact,
these amount to $97,620,000.
Thenet surplus remaining above all
liabilities and capital stock exceeds
$8,000,000. During the year the Com-
pany paid to policy holders and thein'
beneficiaries $9,768,b00, a sum con-
siderably in excess of the amount paid
last year, the heavier claims being due
to the war and the influenza epidemic.
Another new record was made in
regard to income with $21,651,000 re-
ceived, a gain of over $2,300,000 dur-
ing the year. The Company is now
comfortably installed in its new office
building on Dominion Square, Mont-
real, where unequalled facilities en-
able them to carry on their large and
growing business in the best possible
Bench and Bar.
The wit and quickness of repartee
which characterizes Sir F. E. Smith,
who is now Lord Chancellor, with a
salary of $50,000, at the age of
forty-six is proverbial. In one of his
early cases he was opposed by an
elderly, prosy, long-winded lawyer,
who spoke for six hours in his con-
cluding address,
• Then Sir Frederick rose. Looking
at the judge and jury • he smiled
slightly and said:
"Your honor, I will follow the ex-
ample of my learned friend who has
just concluded, and submit the case
without argument."
etre! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
' O 0 0 0 .0 0
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
in high heel footwear they suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely makes the
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw and women are
warned to stop it,
A few drops of a drug called freez-
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon the entire
sbrn, root and all, lifts out 'without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of ah ounce of freeaone, which
costs very little but is sufficient to re-
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from one's feet.
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without inflaming or even
irritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. Clip this out and pin on your
wife's dresser.
Her Dilemma.
"What shall you give your husband
for a birthday present?"
"I don't know. If I don't buy him
anything, he'll rave at nye, and if I
do he'll want to know where the
money Came from."
Wiriervs Liniment for sale everywhere.
Not Much Chancel
"Conscription has, maybe, saved the
country," growled the soldier; "but
what I object to is the company it
drivee, a man into. I'ni a plumber by
trade, an honest workman, yet I'm
compelled to suffer the society of such
professionals as a lawyer, a minister,
and an auctioneer." "No' a bad
selection, .Tock," remarked his friend.
"Oh, maybe no' in a way; but when
the minister and the lawyer start an
argument en Egyptian law in the mid-
dle of the nicht across half a dozen
beds, wi' the blessed auctioneer as
umpire, what chance has even a
plumber o' stoppin' the gas leak?"
The poppy grown in India is of the
same sort as that raised in Turkey,
but for some reason connected with
the soil or climate, the Indian poppy
contains much less• morphine and
rnuch more narcotic than Turkish
To construct a huge highway after
the Rieman 'method would cost to -day
at least $500,000 a mile, So thor-
oughly were these roads built that
they lasted for hundreds of years.
Lice znay he gotten rid of by
washing the horse with a five per
cent, solution of any of ,the coal tar
preparations, such as creolin, kreso
or sheep dip, repeating the washing
once a week as required.
ISSUe= 14--'19.
.A Question of .Age.
The stout party had been in the
boot shop for over an hour, and the
patient shop assistant had had half
the stock down for her inspection.
She found a fault with them all until
his patience became quite exhausted.
"These would suit you," ire said,
taking down another pair as a last
Still the lady was not satisfied.
"I don't like this sort," she said,
"They have a tendency to get wider
when they are a bit old."
"Well, madam," retorted the exas-
perated assistant politely, "didn't
To whom it may concern: This is
to certify that I have used MINARD'S
LINU14ENT myself as well as pre-
scribed it in my practice where a lini-
ment wag required and have never
failed to get the desired effect.
C. A. KING, M.D.
Piling It Up.
An Englishman, for his first time
visiting Ireland, was out driving one
day with Pat, when he remarked to
"I say, Pat, what a lot of hills you
have in Ireland."
"Shure we have, sir," said Pat. "We
had so much land here in Ireland that
we had to put it in heaps."
Setinerd's Zdzlurent Believes Neuralgia.
What We Are Coming To.
Pte, Brown (at desk) : "Just ask
Captain Smith to post the day ledger,
and remind Colonel Jones to prepare
that statement for Bond Bros."
Remit by Dominion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen you get your
money back.
The word "magnet" is derived
from the nanie of the city of Mem-
nesia, in Asia Minor, where the pro-
perties of the lodestone are said to
have been discovered.
1Kiaard's Liniment Duren Burns. Bto.
The first attempt to transport the
mails by ,air is credited to the Brit-
ish, under whose auspices the expert_
ment was made with varying success
in India in 1911.
Music in the home evenings keeps
children off the streets. Fewer chil-
dren on the streets at night means
better citizens.
Save your hair! Make it thick,
wavy and beautiful—
try this!
Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
scalp; of dandruff—that awfrfl scurf.
There is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a feverish-
ness and itching of the scalp, which
if not remedied causes the hair roots
to shrink, loosen and die—then the
hair falls out fast. A little Danderine
to-night—now—any time—will surely
save your hair.
Get a shall bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from e
any drug store or
toilet counter, and after the first ap-
plication your hair will take on that
life, lustre and luxuriance which is so
beautiful. It will become wavy and
fluffy and have the appearance of
abundance, an incomparable gloss and
softness; but what will please you
most will be after just a few weeks'
use, when you win actually see a lot
of flue, downer-hair—new hair—grow-
ing all over the scalp,
5A Cure for Pimples
"You don't need mercury, potash
or any other strong mineral to
cure pimples caused by poor
blood. Take Extract of Roots—
druggist calls it "Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrnp—and your akin
will clear up as fresh as a baby's.
It will sweeten your stomach and
regulate your bowels." Get the
genuine. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles.
At drug Mores.
' A B 1) I5 N $ .W
• Complete Fertilizer, Write George
Stevens. Peterborough, Ont.
,i'41vr+i'yCBI« Niroiki,DTEB,
Any fanoy poultry to sell?
Write for Irtrices. 1, Weinrauch & Son.
10-18 St, Jean Baptiste Market, Mont-
real, Que,
good prints; finishing a specialty;
frames and everything at lowest prices;
United Conti)anY.4 Brunswick Ave Tont .
and job printing plant in blasters&
Ontario, Insurance carried 31,000. W111
yo for 81,200 on euick sale. Boz el.
Wfis,,n Publishing Cn.. Ltd. Toronto
Wi'EKL1' NnWSPA1'Oit-k�'ot SA1.11
}rr. Now Ontario. Owner going to
?`ranee Wili ecU $2,000. Worth doubts
that amount. Anoly J. H,. oto Wlteom
I'ubllslting Co.. Limited, Toronto
xrca s t;1, Y,1;,8.1� o v 9
�✓ internal and external. cured with
cut pain by our home treatment. Write
us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, tint
erlVRRP..'e'oTms )31401101,MM COLTGi30,
'kJ C O DD 5, lintONC1il.Ail, ASTF£IYiA
8ND 7ZoA.RsrNESS ,&S virm Q VB.ED
wane. We have hundreds of testi-
mons nin vrtes
tifyinialg tofre
the w•or,deryerfprtul hofealingCanada pittiver-
{ Mr. Clarke. 770 Indian Road, Toronto.
eoug•hed for 28 years with Ilrnnchitis: iL
cured him. Mrs, Clarke, No. 1 Yoilitgi a
Ave„ Toronto, coughed for 16 -rears;
one Bettie cured her. Sohn B. tlihbs.
Fenella, suffered fifteen years with
Brom hial Asthma, says there is nothing
like it, W. McBrayne. New Liskear.i,
"It is the greatest Mixture I ever took.
Send me thie,e more bottles." The a110ve
are ortly a fc:w names of the many th.�us-
I antis that have benefited by this great
mixture. Write any of the above. They
will he only too pleased to tell you more
about it. The above mixture is sold un-
der an iron bound money back guarantee
to eure any of the above ailments. Ten
times more powerful than any known
preparation, acts like magic. One dose
gives instant relief and a good night's
rest without a cough. Price 60 cents.
16 cents extra, for mailing. Three bot -
ties mailed free for 11.50. Sold only by
Buckley. The Druggist, 97 Dundas St.
Bast, Toronto.
ormcmea e,thlymaa.ne , it Montreal, P.Q. PreniceSin
Rem:mbcr the name as it mhht not be seen np:4n
Seamen the world over entertain
the belief that renamed ships are
lftinard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
You don't have to rub it in
to get Cusick, comfort-
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that stia
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rheu-
matic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing relief you never
thought a Iiniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in. applying, sure
to give quick results, A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it. Made in Can-
ada. Get it today.
Inee, +ERc., glee.
Cuficur y :seals
That Itched ;>1 Burned.
Scratched Constantly.
"I had pimples and blackheads on
my face which were caused by bad
blood. They came to a head
and were hard and red caus-
ing disfigurement for the
time being. They itched
and burned So much that
I constantly scratched and
made tbern worse.
"I sent for a free' sample of Gutisurs.
Soap and Ointment, and afterwards
bought more. Now I am completely
healed." (Signed) Miss Josephine A,
Wetmore, 35 Sheri 5, St., St. John,
N. B., Aug. 10, 1917.
Keep your skin cleat by using Cute-
tura for every -day toilet purposes.
For Free Sample Eaclt by Mail ad-
dress post -card: "Cuticua, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
pohWs Distemper Compo d
For I)ISTI \IF'L•'I , INli'L1II8NZA, 1'INT, Joria, COUGH or
Ct)Z+1t among h.rises uucl mules. Twenty-five years' use
among tli,, hest horsemen in America have given the COX-
POiTND an enviable record as it preventive and cure. A
few drops daily will keep the, cunnus in good condition an
hissystem will resist thecaee. Regular doses prescribed
tviIl cure DIstompor,
SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen, lndliz?la, U,S.gQ