HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-03-14, Page 8YALE FOR 15 DAYS ONLY BEGINNING FEB. 20th, TO MARCH SSth. In these times of high prices, itis to your special benefit to come and share in this clearing sale. The prices we are quoting on many lines of goods are less than whole sale prices to -day Here are a few of them. We have many more to show you, so be cure and come and get your share of these wonderful bargains SILK POPLINS BLANKE`T'S New goods in leading shades, sub- Best quality extra value. We are marine, khaki, claret, Russian Gre- overstocked in these, so offer them GM etc. 1 yd wide at 1,50 yd. a)1 1 2-4 at $3.90 a pair. 11-4 at $3.00. 0-4 at 2.65. PRINTS Best qualitie blues at 30c yd. light celors 20e and 25 cents. yd. 1 TOWELING 300 yds reg. 300 value to G INGHAMS to in. wide, checks and stripes to 208 yds reg 25c value to clear at 25c to 35c per yd. SWEATER COATS 25% off on all sweater coats. Some epeeiai bargains, do not miss these DRESS GOODS 6 pieces only Reg. 60c to 85c to clear at 45c per yard. FLANNELETTS All yd, wide flans t 35 light, ghan, andi dark colors, Reg. price now 30c A few pieces at 22$250. clear at 20cyd. cl••ar at 15e yd. UNDERWEAR Ladies heavy fleeced r(reg. priceyd. reg 35c and 40c. to dear at 30c. reg. 45c value 35c. MEN'S PANTS & SHIRTS Men's cottenade pants reg. 2.50 for 00 Everyday shirts a bargain at $1.00 Childress ribbed NMPNS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Men's and Eoys suits and overcoats selling at big reduced prices Extra values in boys suits, sizes from 25 to 32. Do not miss these. LADIES' COATS A. few ladies coats left which we are clearing out regardless of p We have them from $5.00 up. Yo u mus tsee these to appreciate values we offer, ;. 15 ' t l 1. I a 1, i : ' ' • . Fresh Ginger snaps ._. _.. ._.15c ib. Canned tomatoes ... 20c. a tin Be sure and get Y 2 packages Lux for ... ...: ._-25c. 3 pkgs. 15c. matches 40c. Valencia resins at ._. .._ 15c ib. Lantern globes ... _.. ._ ... 10c each Rabbit's cleanser .... ... 3 for 25c. TERMS OF THIS SALE, CASH OR AT SALE ascho share of these. BUSINESS DARDS t'ROUDFOOT, KtLLORAN, & COOED. !3asriators, Solicitors, Notaries Public &c. Otlaeo, on the Square, and door from Hamiiton St, Goderioh, Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. Peoueroor, K. 0. J. L. Enae s,aa. H. J. 1). Cooits. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel!. on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public, Com missianer, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent .or Huron & Eric Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Office, Zurich. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST HAY COUNCIL. Hay Council met on March 1st. for its regular monthly session. All members were present. The ininu tes of the previous weeting were read and adopted.. The following Pathmasters we- re appointed for the respective di- visions for the current year. Div. No. 1, A..Willert; 2 Geo. Hawkins; 3, John McDonald; 4 3. McEwen, 5 H. C. Soldan; 6 R. Th- ompson; 7 J. 'Iriebner; 8 Bert O'- Brien; 9E. Broderick; 10 Jas. Ross; 10a Alex Ingram;11 W. D. rice the Wla TRADE, NO GOODS BOOKED PRICES Son LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday,) Butter .., ... 42 Eggs-. .., _.. 37 Dried Apples ... ... 06 Potatoes per bag .. 1.25 Wheat .., .-. 2.06-2.11 Oats ... ......... ... ... . . 60-65 Barley ... .., ... ... 80 Backwheat 1.00 Flour .-- r4.50-6(.1010 Bram ......................... 44.00 Live Hogs fob 1'lensall _.. ... 16.50 TERMS OF SALE; - All .sums of $10,.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 9 months credit will be given on furnishing approved, joint notes. 4 per cent off for cash on credit amountsl. F, Ba senberry, By. Schade, Auctioneer Proprietor. AUL; i'iC'iV SALE .Of Farm Stock, Implements and; Real Estate. On W ednesday,Mar. 26th at 12.30 o eiock, when the fol- lowing will be sold; REAL ESTATE;- Being ;West half lot 4, S. B. con., Stanley, con- taining 50 acres, suitable for graz- Thompson; 12 Wm. Alexander; 12a ing purposes.' Hy. ivison; 13 John McMahon; 14 HORSES; -1 bay team, 7 and 8. 2 J, Gould; 15 Wesley Coleman; years old, about 16001bss each; 1 15a Mat Tenney; 16-20 W. J. Dig- nan; 17 I. Willert; 17a A. Luker; 16 0. Fee; 21 C. Redmond; 21a G. Datars; 22 A,. Reichert; 23-24 J. McDonald; 25 Geo. Blackwell; 26 W J Blackwell; • 27 Sol Schrader; black team mares 4 yrs. old well matched; 1 family driver, quiet and reliable; iblood colt; 2 gel-. dings rising 3 yrs. old; 1. gelding 2 yrs. old; 2 colts, coming 1 yr. :old. 23 F. Ragan; 29 Jos. Wildfong; 30 CATTLE- Cows in a.-1 condition Sol Martin; 31 F. Eisenbach; 32 14 cows, some highly bred and S. Dietrich; 33 BEd. Reichert; 34 some an calf; 7 steers, coming 2 Thos. Dinsmore; 35 3. England; 36 yrs.; 6 calves; 1 Shorthorn bull S. Hoffman; 37 J. Decher, Jr.; 38 registered, Nonpariel Duke, 1208- 3, A. Smith; 39 G, Clausius; 40 J. 04; dam Moss Pose 84358, Sire Non- Oe.sch; 41 J. Wean; 42 L. Wolper; pariel Lord, 87184. This is a very 43 Ed. Re,stemier ; 14 W. Bassow; 45 fine animal and well bred. iChirs. Erb; 46 C. Gaselier; 47 F. Wil- HOGS; - 22 pigs, about 125 each lcrt; 48 J. IZiler; 49 3. Haughe 50 Abroad sows r due to litter April. J. W. Horner; 49a Hy. Brown; A Rosa; 52 J. Jeffrey; 53 J. Schro- IMPLEMENTS; - Massey-Har- .eder; 5.1 Jac. Gagstetter; 54a L. ris binder, Deering mower, •new Kalbfleisch; 55 Geo. De.nomane; 56 hay loader, side delivery rake, 1 N. Denomme; 57 L. N. Denomme; 10 -ft rake spring tooth,eulvitator 58 W. Jannison; 59 G. Turnbull; 60 with seed box eoanplete, spring 1'. Schade; 60a T. F. Turnbull; 61 tooth cultivator, drum roller, spike A. Turnbull; 63 J. Cochrane; 64 roller, inew Oliver riding plow, , W. Jarrott ; 67 J. Keys; 68 C. Mey- new Massey -Barris walking plow, ers; 69 B. Howard; 71 A. Hooper; 2. Pinery plows, mew clover bunch - 72 Wm. Pfaff; 73 John Bender; 74 •es, pea puller, 4 -see. diamond har NNOTTITCEMENT-1 Will be open for business commencing SATURDAY ARCH1 15 with a complete line o{' HARDWARE ND FURNITURE Your needs in repairing and plumbing attended to promptly. Phone 63 dick Browu Successors to Hartleib & Faust Produce taken at highest prices .1-4,aeceeteereeenee.. IIIIIllllllllllllnllllll' MILii1:7ERY --_, . YOU ARE ,CORDikT.LY INVITED TO CALL. AND SEE OUR DIS- PLAY OF SPRING MILLINERY,„ ALL THE LATEST SHAPES ;f,4..:.•; 4 •'r•1•i••!'4. 4 4 }•-�- 4444«bfi•4. �v.;..l..;.. ..Y.44 •so.;..l..t c•� •c•: i 3 �•-§••t��i»., .;•s,, z• 4 4 General Hardware, Stoves, 1 4 Buildii Pape!", Ti?iwaie, etc. I 4.�r,�h �° p Ii s and u 4. 4 ..ft eta 3+- -i 4- ask � �mom i; 4. 4. PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. 444-.4.4.+44o4'r-..• c 4.--, :•ti4 4 .4. ••:--r�E.i--r- -�f 4• 4..;-44. .;..1..; 4.4 +4,3+4.4 America's Gi'eatet Value UNITED ENGINES We buy direct from factory. No middle men's profit. Can sell cheaper than most can buy wholesale. Engines are first-class. We have sold a large number: Ask users how they like their Plii#51440t Pdgiitt#" We handle pumps, piping, etc D. Snider; 77 Rich Baker; 56 3 E, F. Willert ; 79 W. Bowman. The following were appointed Poundkeepers for the year;- J. Ross, S. Greb, W. S. Johnston, J. 2 16ft. hayracks„ bobsleigh with Weida, Geo. Becker, J. W. Horner, bunks and platform and ordinary T. Turnbull, L. N. Denomme. !bolsters, 6 h. p. gasoline engine, Fence Viewers; W. Caldwell, 3. grain crusher, cutting box, Clinton Pfaff, E. Klopp, B. Steinbach,and fanning mill, horse power, speed A. Hendrick. ;lack, 25 -ft. rubber belt, 30 -ft leather Sheep Valuators; W. D. Thomp- bull:anew Magnet cream separator son, P. Haberer, C. L. Walper. I feed ;cooker, 1200-1b. platform sca- The following accounts be paid; 1 2 set e heavy es harne lig2 seti 41 Dolph Bedard, refund, tel. tax, gle harness, 1 buggy, gwagon, $2; Albert Hess, splitting wood for and numerous other articles. hall 75c, J Sopha, gravelling road TERMS OF SALE;- All sures of to lake, $61.20; 45 Bell Tel C. L.D. $10.00 and under, cash. Over that tolls, Dec 21 to Jain. 20, $64.58; eamount 8 months credit. will be Herald MacKinnon, fees $37.25; e 2Pr. Ch ar ette, 'notes by 4% off for cash on credit etc., $19.00; F. Hess & Son, acco- amounts. unt, $3; E. Wurm, account, $3; S. E. Bossenberry, Greb, rep culvert, con 8-9, $2.50; J F. Taylor, Casper Watper, Laporte, expenses Goderich, $5.75. Auctioneers, Proprietors. Munitipai World supplies, $8.10;1-- " AUCTION SALE Clerk .reg B. M. and Deaths for Of furniture in Zurich, on Satur- day, 22.60; D. A. Casntelcoal day, March •22nd, at 1 o'clock. E. for hall, $24.80; Hydro lights for Bossenberry, Auctioneer. E. hall, $1; L. N. Denomme, statute Appel,proprietor. labor re J. Overholt, $4..50 C. L. �������Smith, putting flag on hall, 50c;L. Schilbe, rep bridge C. R. $2 00.[ESS The Collodi adjourned to meet A. P. Hess, CLERICIagain on April 5th, at 1 o'clock. A. P. Hess, CLE•RK.. rowe scuffler, high wagon, low wagon, wagon box, 2 gravel box- es, new Wintermutes combination hay and stock rack 16ft with car + AUCTION SAT AII'4UNEYS IItJRT Of Farm Stock and Implements, Take a glass of Salts to flush Kidneys Mr, E. Bossenberry, auctioneer, 1 if Bladder bothers yon -Drink has been instructed to sell by pub- I lots of water. lee Auctiosn at Lot 26, L. R. E.,Hay ; Township. 3 1-2 miles south of St. Eating meat regularly eventually pro - Joseph, on Tuesday, Mar. 18th, at duces kidney trouble in some form or 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp; the follow other, says a well-krtown authority, be- i e,'.- cause the uric acid in meat excites the get AND TRIMMING1SI, NO FORMAL OPENINGS 11■ E' POUILEOGE HORSES -1 driving mare, ris- kidneys, they become overworked., sluggish; clog• up and cause all sorts f mg 9 years. in foal to Percheron, distress, particularly backache and mis- t driving ro}t, rising 3 yrs. old; ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin - 1 heavy ,sucking colt, rising 1. ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- CATTLE; - 1 scow, ruing 8, stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, due to Of in April; 1cow, ris- bladder and urinary irritateon, Th t r back hurts or kid- line 7. due in April; i. .fresh cow, e women you neye aren't acting right, or if bladder calved (3 weeks; 7 steers, risiaig bothers you, get about four ounces of 2; 1 heifer. rising 2; 3 heifers, ris- Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; ilnr, 1; 2 .eteers, rising 1. 8 pigs, take a table vonful in a glass of water ;il,out 2 1-2 anosnths old. before breakfast for a few days and your IMPL7M-Rarea •kidneys ~vile then act fine. This famous matsalts is Mau(' from the acid of grapes eicle de"eevery ser'ader, M'�sse"r-H1rr;s and lemoa mice, combined with lithia, �, car. ry rake. hnv 7o�rl^r, 011. and has lee., used for generations to e e t WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOP THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO'AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS TN TIM LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC, GIVE ITS A ,CALL, ati•.,rs Son Zurich - - Ont. NNO JNCEIII�N`T Many lines of new Spring Goods have arrived. New Silk Shirts, Hats, Caps, etc. Ready-to-wear Clothing For Men, Young Men and Boys See our steel roller, been scufflar with nus ler, waeide, twin plow. wa.lkina, plow. riding' plow, sot diamond liar rows. s^uffTer, E'•et he tvv doulite har'ne,gq, rue:"inn 1,0x, 1 1-2 tn•', �^t"iz^t mai oilier ruumeroas a,~- t':clP5. flush clog~ eta kidneys aiid stimulate them to normal urea ity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irri- tates, thus eliding bladder disorders. Jai Salts cannot injure anyone; melee a delightful effervescent lithia- tvater drir % which millions of men and women .ae now And then to keep the es teal uric'ry orgsais clean, Thu. avoiding t,e,rioue lsidu0Z g '- Leave your measure for thhat made to order suit EGGS AND BUTTER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOF GOODS Z'irich ecial the next10-days Dress ' oods, Plannellette Blankets, Ciothing Ladies' Underwear Iiosi.ery Towelling Groceries and Redpath Sugar as