HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-03-07, Page 8FOR 15 DAYS ONLY BEGINNING FEB. 20111, TO 11IARC'EI 8th. In these tines of high prices, itis to your special benefit to come Mid share in this clearing sale. The prices we are quoting on many lines of goods are less than whole sale prices to -day Here are a few of them. We have many more to show you, so be sure and come and get your share of these wonderful bargains SILK POPLINS BLANKETS New goods in leading shades, sub- Best quality extra value. We are marine, khaki, claret, Russian t?re-E overstocked in these, so offer them all 1 2-4 at $3.90 a pair. 11-4' at $3.00. 10-1 at 2.05. en, etc. 1 yd vide at 1.50 yd. PRINTS Best qualitie blues at 30c yd. light colors 20c and 25 cents. yd. TOWELING 300 yds reg. ..�.,., ... 30c value to clear at GINGHAGINGHAM20cyd. 40 in. wide, checks and stripes to 200 yds reg 25c value to clear at 15c yd. clear at 25e to 35c per yd. SWEATER COATS 15°/ off on all sweater coats. Some special bargains, do not miss these DRESS GOODS 6 pieces only Reg. 60c to 85c to clear at 45c per yard. FLANNELE7'TS All yd. wide flannel 35 libwl and dark colors, Reg. p'1Cea mow 30c, A few pieces at 2.2$25c. MENS' AND BOYS' CL Men's and Boys suits and overcoats selling at big Extra. values in boys suits, sizes from 25 to�� Do LADIES' COATS UNDERWEAR Ladies heavy fleeced reg. priee1..30 now $L00 yd. Chilclrens ribbed reg 35c and 40c. to clear at30c. reg. 45c value 35c. MEN'S PANTS & SHIRTS'H2.50 Men's cottenade pants reg. for $2,OO Everyday shirts abargain at $1.00 Mxtx T IN reduced prices not miss these. BUSINESS C=ARDS :'EODUF )OT, KILLOIZAN, & COOKE. Sairiacers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &e. Office, on the Square, cad door trim .Hamilton St, Goderich, Private funds .to loan at lowest rates W. Pxoue oom, K. 0. J. L. Kreeo&zs. H. J. D. Cooitn. dr, Coolie will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public,. Com missioner, Conveyancing, 'fire and Life Insurance. Agent ior g- ,or Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Co Herald Of flee. Zurich. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST A few ladies coats left which we are cleaning out regardless of price the We have them from $6.00 up. Yo u mus is eel these' to' app ; values we offer. i lee Fresh Ginger snaps .._ ... ...15e lb. Canned tomatoes ... 20c. a tin 2 packages Luz for ... .., .-.25c. 3 pkgs. 15c. 'matches ... 40c. Valencia resins at ... ... .. 15c1b. Lantern globes ......... ... hoe each Z. P. S. REPORT. Report of Room I for the *month of February is as follows ;— Jr. 1I.—.Helen Zoster 90, Beulah Koehler 76, Mervyn Schwalm 74, Vice Diechert 63, Angela Mittel.-: holtz 63, Stella Callfas 5s, Dor- othy iZettel a., Baseline Thiel 53, Willie Neeb 46; Rosabelie Albe recht 40 Jr. Pt. IL—Russel Ducharme 37, Edward Brenner 27, Goldie Ut- tlev 26 13e sure and get your share of these. Babblt's cleanser -.. .-. 3 for 25c. TERMS OF THIS SALE, CASH OR TRADE, NO UOODS BOOKED 'AT SALEPRICES ase Sr, Pr. — Vera Kalbfleisch 1), Harry Dunlop 29, Dennis Bedarfast fall, all due during next Bedard. 25, Brace Koehler 21, Harold Faust summer, 2 heifers due in march heiis- 21. Willie Liebold 19, Franz Koch and April rilsing 2; ing 3: due in March; 3 steers ris- en1s 15. ing 2; 3 steers 1 year old; 6 Mi;d. Pr.'' --Lawrence Howaldr, calve3 months old; S�I•Ieep;-14 Floyd Foster, Floyd Kropf, Mil- cave 1 rant. Sr.Fr Jr U — Earl I10GS; — 2 brood sows due inn Pre. Grant Koehler, April; 18 store pigs; some Meas Thiel, Grace Koehler, Aaron Yan- IMPLE11IEN TS ; — Maxwell hay tzi. loader Mas � Number on roll 28 Average at- t�elndance 26 nick mover; reaper; Massey -Har - 0; O'Brien, Teacher,l ris side delivery rake, used one se - Following is the Report of Roon� ason, spring tooth cultivator with IL for the month of February seed box, fertilizer disc drill, roller Jr. IIT.—Idella �Rowald 107, Ir- g foot, bean cultivator„ disc, 12- ene Decher 101, Dorothy Brenner . foot nay rake, 2 lumber wons 91, Kathleen Siemon 88, Garnet bob sleighs, open buggy, cutter, Walper 80, SU:laude Meidinger 67, iron harrow, riding plow, 2 walk - Fred Davidson 07, Raymond Fisher ing plows, gang plow, hand scut - 61, Vernon Davidson 60, Leonard fler, scraper, wagon rack, gravel Wagner 39, Fred Quackenbush 30, .box, grindstone, set double team Elmer Liebold 16. harness, set single harness, some Sr. I1— Mildred Geiger 112, An-- lumber, 6 lr. p. gasoline engine, na Mitielholtz 107, Leonard Prang chopper, fax ingmill, large cut - 93, Evelyn Ducharme 90, Martha ting box, weigh scale 2000 lb. bag Heideman 90, Kenneth Koehler 87,- tl u l., hay fork; 1803 lbs. fertilizer; Luella Beichert 80, Wesley ;C^31 ?:�° °• Qa:ef hay; stoneboat; cross - 66, Austen. Hey 56, Arson Kellen 36. cut sa�nr, neckyokes, e'vhiffletrees, - Sr. II — Agnes Dietrich 61,_ Hazel chains, rope, forks, scythe, shovels, Bedard 42, Alice Dietz 28, Franc- hoes, barrel, tubs, and other num- is D1etri-h 26, Tom Thiel 0. emus drtl•cles.. Mayme A. Lamont, teacher. Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor ol huolii III. for the p TERI`ITSa01s 5JSAZE farm. aAll sums of month us February, based on test $10 and under, cash. Over that exams dela during the month: amount 8 months credit will be' Jr, i'r . Total required 435; — given in furnishing approved joint' Veola Prang 528, Eva Fee 500, Mab motes. 4 per cent off for cash on el Preeter 491, Mary Mittelholtz •l89 cr"edit. amounts. LOCAL MARKETS (Coerected every Thursday.) Butter ...... ... .. Dried Apples P 1.25 Potatoes per bag ••• ....2 06-1.25 Wheat 60--61 80 Barley . 180 Is uckwheat x.50-1.00 38.00 44.00 10,50 42 37 06 Bran ... Shorts . ....• •-. Live Hoge .fob :Bewail ;FOR SALE 1915 Ford Auto. In pair. For particulars Herald Office, Zurich. good re- apply at seeseettUie .tc. 01 Farm Stock wind Implements, on Friday, Mar. 7th, at lot 12 con. 12, flay 'Township, commencing at 1x.30 o'clock the following acric- les will be sold. 1 matched team rising 7; 1 mat- ched teat. elating 6 ;one gelding and one mare supposed to be an foal; 1 driver rising 5; 1 lt nd Im1; pCATTLE;— 6 COWS some calved ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .4.4 .»o oror A±>•i•34. y +•s •i•+a ei'fie'i'•;++;. 3.++ tie.+.i.., + + ++ .,c,+++ ya4..,++ General Uardware, Stoves, .3. 4. e . AUTO 5 w 4. KVADE Buildirig Paper, Tinware, etc Hydra Su pl i fPilmi "y ar PREETER BLOCK - ZU RI CH + M 4 4 •1. 4• 4, 4 4e 4• 4e 4e 4e 4e , ; Massey -Harris bender, .- ft cu, used one season; 6 -ft MCCor Ann aucement" WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL .A.'GENTS FO,F. TIMI CELEBRATED IIIASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR *NTS IN TER LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAQtiti13INERY, PLOW POINTS, ti ETC. GIVE US A CALLa Zurich bars & Son Ont. by 4e •;eee+ s +., ++4.+4 ,.+++4++ ++ 4e 2 +4 4e4.3 e3 •++e: •'e+4.44• : o°•I.+ti+•l••i•-: M4•4 f Muriel .idowata 476. Sr. 111:: - Total required 435; Eleanor eet charme 576, Luella De - cher 527, Ethel Dietrich 524; Fran- ces Mittelholtz 517, Milton Hey 513, Gerald Bedard 508, Marguerite Prang 479, N adelena Meidinger 401, Edmund Bedard 401, Newel: Geiger 410.. Sr. III. Total required 421--- Elda Callfas 519, Ruth Branner 485, Lizzie Lcibold 483, Frieda Deichert 4(38, Austen Schwalm 453, Ethel Hess 451, Gordon Schwalm 431, Lulu Aibr. cent 430, Ivan ' ungblu. 429, Gilbert Ducharme 428, May S:bwalin 44, Agnes Zettel Lillian Rader 319, John Kocehms 205. F. Kalb f lei.sch, Teaehedl America's Greatest "alae UNITED ENG15''E We buy direct from factory. No middle men's profit. Can sell cheaper than most can buy wholesale. Engines are first-class. We have sold a large number. Ask users how they like their , a tett* gualuts We .handle pinups, piping, etc, ZURICH .le NOT INFORCE TILE LAW? It is a matter of doubt if par- ents realize that there is on the statute "woks of Ontario a 1a.v splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, u hich pro v ides for the fining of , foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stone parent:+ ..,a° allow their children aoh, can, instead, feel as fresh as a under sixr `o'r years of age to' r k tem eachomorning and flushingthe sluices of the out the on tui .�.ets aster ninecloelz whole of the internal poisonous stag- at tagat nigh.. unless accompanied by 'sant matter. them,s tee; or some adult person Everyone, whether ailing, sick or :ilii, -,i. tt 1 uy the parents. well, should, each morning before "(,iette.,•e 231, Sec. 17, Ontario St- ter with aa. teaspodrink a onfsl of limestof real one Mut.", , wild under sixteen wphosphate in it to waot sh from the stom- yix years ,, .,;e shall loiter in any sell, liver and bowels the previous public ,' eea after nine o'clock in day's indigestible waste, sour bile and the evening or be there unless a°- poisonous toxins; thus cleansing, companies by his parents er guard sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before putting more Iain be an adult appointed 11y the food into the stomach. The action of parent or guardian to accompany hot water and limestone phosphate on, such child. , an empty stomach is wonderfully in- •A child found in a public place vigorating. It cleans out all the sour after the hour named abo e e unless fermentations, gases, waste and acidity so accompanied .may be warned to .and gives one a splendid appetite for go home by: easy Canstable or pro+ your breakfast t breakfast, ashiline phosphated you are and hot ot 4 barS One -in -one soap 25e. t bation officer or of'tieer o ' a Cliil- water is quietly extracting a large v+ol- dre;n's Aid -Society, and if after mete of water from the blood and get - such warning the child is und' 'ting ready for a thorough flushing of fo all the inside organs. loitering in a a public 17lace,su4 h� The millions of people who are both.- child n.:}: be taken by the consta- erect with constipation, bilious spells, bit or officer to its homy to the . stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness; .Children's Shelter. I others who have sallow skins, blood A parent who permits his child , disorders and sickly complexion are to violate this section shall for urged io gat a quarter pound of lime- dthnra pino'Whato front the drug store. the I'S offence incur a pena:ty ��l4in,. rt'i'l cost very little, but is sufli- n" V; , 711. cost 043 .1 fo rt s'o'' : z,icEt i., .make anyone a pronounced eel 1 , -1 a,.,„ and /or a th'r•:1. o' 0-1,1 ; ,r', f"•., r,ub;ect of internal ealef t sms` ont 'offence 415.'. i - B. Bossenberry, F.sr.raylor, Henry Walper, Auctioneers. Proprietor. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Says we will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness. Sanitary science has of late made rapid strides wits` results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat• est application of its untiring research is the recommendation that it is as necessary to attend to internal sanita- tion of the drainage system of the hu- man uYvan body as it is to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, FINANCEru DEPARTMENT. DOMINION INCOME WAR TAX ACT TO WHOM APPLICABLE. . Every person who in 1918 resided or ordinarily resided in Canada or was employed in Canada or carried on business in Canada, including corporations and joint stock companies. WHO SHOULD FILE RETURNS. 1. Every unmarried person or widow or widower, without dependent . children under_ twenty-one years of age, who during calendar year 1918 received or earned $1,000 or More. 2. All other individuals who during calendar year 1918 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $3,000, during the fiscal year ended in 1918. FORMS TO BE FILLED IN AND FILED. FORM Ti. By individuals, other than farmers and ranchers. FORM T1A. By farmers and ranchers. FORM T2. By corporations and joint stock companies. FORM T3. By trustees, executors, administrators of estates and assignees. FORM T4. By employers to make return of the names of all directors, officials, agents or other employees to whom was paid $1,000 or more in salaries, bonuses, commission or other remunera- tion during the calendar year 1918. FORM T5. By corporations, joint stock companies, associations and syndicates to make return of all dividends and bonuses paid to shareholders and members during 1918. Individuals comprising partnerships must file returns in their individual capacity. e. GENERAL INFORMATION All returns must to file.. IN DUPLICATE. Forms may be obtained from the Inspectors and Assistant Inspectors of T,.tcation and from the Postmasters at all leading centres. Returns should be filed immediately. Postage must be prepaid on letters and other documents forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Addresses of Inspectors of Taxation for this District : LONDON DISTRICT. Inspector of Taxation, Assistant Inspector of Taxation. - Carling Block, WALKERVILLE, Ont. LONDON, Ont. Assistant Inspector of Taxation, STRATFORD,' Ont. ENCEil Many lines of new Spring Goods have arrived. See our New Silk Shirts, dais, Caps, etc. Ready-to-wear Cly thing For Men, Y ung Men 1rad Boys Leave your measure for thhat made to order suit EGGS AND BUTTER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOE GOODS Denomy gyros., Veseaser Zurich 1 nix Sale alance Ladies' Coats, all sizes f Fe ruary and colo re. while they last each $3 atabaSerANTSCUIRMILID M.* 1 only Ladies' Coat, reg. $40 for $30.00, Big Reduction In Ladies' SweaterCoa'ts, Underwear, Furs, Silks,etc: I. 1 only men's Fur coat, rege $45 for $35.00 1, Big reduction in all men's and boy's clothiing, sweater coats, etc„ SNAPS IN GROCERIES 7 boxes peas . $1,00 5 gale, Coal 0111 $1.0.0 seeeeeL :l rie 78