HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-03-07, Page 4TH. lL. L1ER•$A e ilseued Tnursd:ay afternoons from the mist: fol' ' °IE.RAILD PRINTING OFFICE' a 1 STANLEY TOWNSHIP; j o&, AVER 'MEADOW Mr. Wmn..:Stugdill has rented his' �Sehool Report for S. u Nes 12 farm on Oush Line to + i Ettn- Hay, for the .month of ki'ebru;zry, terns of f'v y ears' Based on good atiend•xn..e, good i asst has bought a house and 1o4 bene\lour and perk t work.. rearms of subserlptiees is";U5 per year i iin ti erne �vlrare he intends to moveSi. 1V.—N olsun J c if rey In advatnce'; X2.00 uzay be elaarged! shurtly. He is having an auction Jr. Liam. Eawe n iecaseho, Gear - if not so paid, U. S. s:ubserieti-Sala Of his stock anu imp.cnieess tale Sciiiibe, Lillian Rose, 'Theresa ieldinger, Albers Fieissha er. 1 pane $1.75 strictly zea a.tivanee.Na! on Tuesday, Mar, 11th. Sr.11—Greta Sthilbie•' Beatrice gaper discontinued until all ar- fir j. Taylor lies iiurahased the • oars 2sre paid unless at the olrtion farm of J•.:C. Reid on the Bayfield K1opp. Ervin Schilbe, Myrtle l P.°a.i for 'e12,5u0, and gets pose- lllasse. ttif .the publisher. The date to I Jr. II— Margaret Schilbe, Har- log present. After concratulatxons Which bscriptiou is Maid, this Pring Miller,.Agnes:` all drove to the home of the brie ita demoted on the label, Mr. E. .slierner, why has been on _ IVlaiciin •er, Il,azei Masse, Elizabeth. de's father • s served. After STANLEY TOWNSHIP, On Tuesday, Mari:li 4th Miss i . Bata Keys, eldest slaughter i f Mr. ,J, '1', Keys, of the Babylon . Line was united in marriage to Mr, Trenton Austin Sturdy, of (doder- icli Tee nshipe The .ceremony took place at 1 o'clock, in the Goshen church and tivtis 'performed by Rev. R. L. Wilson, Only the immediate fri- ends of• the contracting parties be - ch every su essiozi us s elft lfiojnp, C;ordan , where a beautiful �ved- g do's dinner gra be - ADVERTISING alter 11AT,ES the farm, had a sale of his steel. Eatiour, groom left • ;Effective after San 1st, 1919. and implemeets this week and is i Pt Il — Melvin Schoch, Norman which theiri bone in Goderich 'l'own- o l4lade known size imb bitch to A SC.afield. I+leischauer, Edgar Hasse. • ispiay Advextiainb- d Kl Leon I ship where the groom has a fine tin application. air �fl5.h. 1 Haugh. farm The • 'don b0cI t $100 Town - Sr. pr. — ;slower opp: best wishes of their and Merrier, I1abe : - aug i. Stray Amrmala—One teem' -- Jr Pr.— Eleanor Fleischauee, c many friends follow them to iliree insertions Miss h,iLizzie Stecklis a fisting n- Elmer Masse, Leonard decker. their new home: Farm or Real Estate for sale sod by, her brother, is viisting fri- Teach + i47r. herb Smith and family are e month i a II. Beacom, 1fi0 moving this week p list. lead on friends her iylra Mr, Frank Mousseau of Hensall, ( :On Monday, March 3rd, spent a few days last week at the G. Elliott passed away- suddenly at home of his brother, Ed. 1 the home of her daughter, Mr. Jos. Denom.y, of Courtright, • J. E. Hai'nwell of Varna. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mee, She was formerly t sici since the enleaoh t of Geo, Denomy• • l Goderich Tp. Mr. Bernie Denomy has hired of her husband, some years ago, with Mr. Geo. Jeffrey of the suis- h her dau- I has ght mades.her One s n�andome i sist dao ht - m err. ZVIr. Frank Badour was in God-lers survive; John Elliott of Clin- Mrs. J. W. Reid, Mrs. J. E, eri,ch one day last week on • bus- torn, Mrs. Barnwell, Mrs. Geo. Clark, Inc ss 141r. Joe, S. Bedard is getting hfs � John Reid and Mrs. E. a but Fee of of new store ready for his stock Ofei Varna and Mrs. Wellington shoes, groceries, etc. Mrs, P. L. Demomy and Miss B. Mousseau attended a birthday din- ner at Mr, F. Mousseau's last Fri - 1 day A large number of wild geese modern brick rem - have been ,seen at along the lake. good 2 -story This is the sign of an early spring d.ence and also a large .brick st- Mr. Paul Bedard is -.visiting fri- able, all in good repair. Plenty ends in Detroit•, of good drinking water. For m particulars apply to A F. Hess, - °f :Elmira; Zurich. er'" to the 50 acre c, each insertion ro!' on ends in «Vater oo• -. -- f four insertions, 25c, for each Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Hay of -Kip- DRYSDALE. firm he purchased from Norman! Mince lam insertion. en spent -Sunday at the home of IVliscellaneous articles of not pen and Mrs, :Chas. Meyers, ;more than five lines, For Sale; To Ir g.—.i. .St,ephensore Mr. Geo. Jeffrey is on the sick ( Mr. leathain Pecke on Tussdt Y al- Reof .tent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, ete,, each insertion 25a. • Local Reading notices, etc., 10e, leer line per insertion. No notice ;Fess than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a $ihxe. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- tion and $1.50 for two insertions If moderate size. Professional Cards not, exceeding Y inch, $9 per year, Address all communications io THE HERALD PRINTING CO. • ZURICH, ONTARIO. QED Cream, s '+�, s, Butter er o p it e tgh t ash Mr. John Leslie is able to be out ,again after his recent illness. Mies Ruth Keys returned home after a pleasant visit with friends at Chiselhurst. Quilting bees are the order of the day. Mr, Mike Kennet returned home last week after a pleasant visit with friends down east. Please take notice that the reg- ular meeting of the Blake Wom- en's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. H. C. Zpafe on Mae. 18th instead of ]lar. 11th. All ladies are welcome. The following is a list of the monthly shipment of Red Cross work sent in by the Institute — 9 pair socks, 1 child's sweater, 1 pr. Mitts, 7 wash cloths, 19 scarfs 39 pair' stockings. Total value $63.44. ADDRESS AND PRESENT- ATION On Wednesday evening of last) Be'.'G. F. Brown week the members of Blake Pres- attended the BrownBergerly wed •t' assembled' Tuesday at the home o Mr. AS Wednesday Fake kala POULTRY TAKi.:l EVERY SAT - U; _DAY 1757 s '_BMW Phone T1 Oh qPo 1 meet Fresh and Salt Meats Eoicgra Souse€.'ss, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS 7115.1 wi � n & was spent in social intercourseU lunch being s y' HIGH 1 p. 'Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE Fine residental property inlx Zur- ich, has been placed in my for sale, On the premises is a, FARM FOR SALE bytes' an congregation dung on 150 -acre farm, consisting of lot 5, f and Mrs W J I h Vr d esday was observed by. Stevens where Rev. D. Johnston by special services and marked the and e -ht. lot 6, eon. 9, Hay. This a few well chosen words called Mrs, beginning of Lents. is a splen lid farm. Land is in per Stevens forward and Miss Clara Messrs •W F. Braun and Ids, feet shape, 7 acres good bush on ;Zapfe read an address and Miss Silber visited their respective premises• Good frame house, Margaret McBride presented to bank barn, and other out buildings her a well filled purse In token homes in Crediton over Sunday. Will be sold reasonable owing to of appreciation for, her assistance" Miss E. Voelsing has returned ill health of owner. For further as organist in the services of the, her Home in Hanover, oaf r •a F3irt ' 'tart ularS apply to Joseph Pos- her church during the past fourteen' week's visit with relatives here. ter, Jr., Babylon Line, R. R. No. 3,• e OF ALL K. 9 DS EST CASH PRICE PAID iifieisK Li I years. Mrs. Stevens made a feel- I •_. ing reply expressive of her life long attachment to the church, she k -was about to leave, and had the abundant satisfaction of being able to say "I have done what I could The remainder of the -evening 01 w w Te epherne ore t ri are hie ' served b the ladies Get your copy at your cent Dal c� "elle u h egation: Mr and of the congregation:. YOUR EVES FMrs, Stevens are soon to leave for office, Zurich or Dashwood, 1• + -� their ne« home which they have ral recently purchased from Mr. Ed. X20 acrFARM FOR SALE • es on Bauble Line, L. R, 1 Morrison on the 2nd. concession of 'Stle Following is the address ;— Call c'i ir+ have -themDear Friend;— T' E E I FREE We the members and adher- ents of the Presbyterian • Church, Special Prices tor a. limited time- Blake, desire to express to you only 1 our high esteem for you and your E. con , Hay, 234. miles south of St. Joseph. Good 2•.etory brick house and good bank barn, 42x66, new- ly :shingled, with cement stables and in first class repair. Land all improved. For particulars ap- ply on premises, E. Hendrick, High grade gold silted frames, i family and our deep appre'ciatain i proprietor, ]best ground lenses, Reg. $6.00 for of the Christian Services you $5.00 have so freely given in the church I �,o_ - High grade Silver Al.uminico fr- ' and in the Community. We are, The coal -famine is over for the 'aims best ground lenses. Beg' indeed sorry that you and your ;pre:sena, Town and ourtro can 1¢5.00 for $1.00. . ' worthy husband are so soon to supplied. We have on :Best quality finger piece mounts leave us. We feel that now nt yourre-i hand a good supply of hard and. Uo1d filled. Reg. x6.00 for $5.00. moval from us wi11 be a distinct soft coal., al, Satisfaction always guaranteed, loss to the church and to the come' Ouriieh, 33pd. AUCTION SALE Of Cow, Hens, Implements and Household Furniture at lot 9, con. 11, Stanley, ion Tuesday, March, 11 at 1 o'clock, P, M. E. Bossen- berry, auctioneer; William Stog dill, proprietor{. • g� r-. mu!nity- � . b I In the .sabbath Schooi, in the Wo jeweller and t t • t l m,e,,'s Missionary society and in all hovel ovingly and efficiently ser- I DEALER IN ode sits the life and wort: of the church you COMB TEA Dalt. l I ; sed your Lord and Master. shall indeed miss you in the lead Delaware & Hudson Co.'s f .the: praise of God which you We ing 0 FABEB ,RAy HAIR haY*e so officientiy done for the, 4c p int fourteen years, in this too you'i�'C,� ERAL '`a 'Zurich Book Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, BOOKS, FANCY AND PLAIN WRITING PAPER NORD,H {IMER PIANOS, PHONO LA GRAMOPHONNESLRS CORDS FOUNTAIN PENS, FANCY PAPER TABLE NAPKINS. LARGE SUPPLY OF SACRED AND SECULAR MUSIC, Etc. Book o..Lutheran na in Luthel an P r• s+Znage �F••i•6 -f�•1•o�•'r• i + •i ' ,+ l ..> .;.s,.4..9 l••i :•+ ' have been faithful, and we wish so Naturally Nobody ' all Hiatt you have clone in this ,Phone House or Office—No, 10. , can Tell. Way for the praise and glory of ...•,., -.. you to know that we have appree EN SALL If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens fated more than words can express 1 our God. Grandmother kept her hair beauti- ks a token of our love and es - fully darkened, glossy and attractive u and of our appreci- •with a brew of Sage Tea andSulphur. °Whenever her a r oo � , thi sin „ faded or rde mixture -was applied with 'wonder- this purse, as a little gift that attractive term for yOu i took on that dull,aticvn of your labors of love a streaked appearance,this mong us, we ask you to accept of l f2u1 effect. 13y asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur may help you to remember that in Compound," you will get a larger bot- the old church and congregation tie of this old-time recipe, p where your days and years have 'by the addition of other ingredients, all you have fri- littlecost,This bran thus far spent, y to restore natural color and beauty to love you and whose prayer follow the hair. bl- A well-known downtown druggist you that God may abumdani:ly7ur Tea dy to use, at very simple mixture can be depended upon ends tried'', and true who dearly *says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and eas you tend yours and when t Sulphur Compound now because it works here are finished that we .darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied-- may all meet in that blessed home It's so easy to use, too. You simply beyond, where they never say dampen a comb or soft brush and aC,00cl-hve�' (draw it through your hair, taking ones Istraizd at a time. By morning the Blake, Pel), 20th, 1919, d Pres, hair disappears, alter another SIGNED,—A. 3, McDonald eppileatloii or two, it is restored to its W. kI S., Jelin A. Manson, elect. aiiatural color and looks glossy, soft ' thrid beautiful'. This preparation is a of Session; W. A. Tough, Sup. 5• 4:1,eIightfu1 toilet requisite, It not ftt .•. �'1*nl. �'�tnie, c"1"1 -all, B�. M. tended for the cure, mitigation • or prof } int,:,,p r~f disea ; . IF RACK eHURTS R USE CREAMVI FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Quicg Relief from Head -Colds. It's Splendid! yIn one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snnilting, blowing, headache, dryness. No strugglingc for. breath at night, your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of 'Ely's Grease Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, nntisepte, Healing cream in your nostrils. It pen- etrates through every air passage of the bead, soothesthe inflamed or solle mucous membrane and relief comes in- atantly, It's lust fine. ! Don't stay ;stufteasu. with a cold. or nasty atsrrb:liei; leome5 acr rufokly3 :�,, 5ile K._,.' elaT 32 Volts, Semi -Automatic r ELECTRICITY APPEALS TO YOU TO -DAY BECAUSE IT IS. USEFUL, ECONOMICAL, SAFE, CONVENIENT AND RELIABLE. ELECTRICITY WHICH HAS RIETIOILUTI'ONIIZE D 'WORKING, AND LIVING CONDITIONS IN THE CITIES HAS NOW THE; SAME INFLUENCE IN THE COUNTRY ON THE FARM. A Northern Electric Power and Light Plant on your farm Will light 'your house, stable anddaiiry. Will run a separator or churn. 'Will wash the clothes avid do the Will run the sewing .machine. Will operate a toaster Will- operate a varum cleaner Will pump water for your house Will charg:e automobile batteries. It will make wife's work easy and reduce The most complete plant on the market to -day. Not a single plant but a line of plants. A size for every prospect. 4 . a. &less leaning. and batenc. household expenses. Agent Eat loss meat if Kidneys feel like lead or Bladder bothers you—Meat forute =IC acid, Most folks forget that the lddneye, tike the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need +a hushing occasionally, else we have backache and drill misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheu- matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disc orders. You simply must keep your kidney active and clean, and the moment you 'feel an ache or pent in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jed Salts from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before 'breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate then to normal activity. It also neutralizes the • acids an the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blaclder disorders. Sad Salts .is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent MIAs?water drink w bleb everybody should take n race` and then to Lees) their kidneys clam, thus avoiding serious complications. A well-known local druggist says he Ll sells lots of Jail Salts to folks' who believe in overcoming; fcidxioy trouble 1ifb12 it, ag • f only ixoutblo, WAR -SAVINGS STAMPS ARE SOLD Zarrich. WHEREVER YOU SEE THID SIGH uild a $$O .. ond A Plan For Investors-- ig and Little NOMTRMireno.0 Dominionof foix,<k wCerCertificate cate Ono 111 N,1... wo ,rp„ „ry gC04,NCM A. War -Savings Certificate, provided free of charge with your first • War -Savings Stamp, has spaces for 10 War -Savings Stamps. A War -Savings Certificate with a W-S.S. in each space is a Dominion of Canada "bond" for the payment of $50 on January lst, 1924. And you env esi; ;fess than $41 to secure it --paying as it proves convenient to you. War -Savings Stamps cost $4.02 in March, $4.03 in April and. $4.04 in May. Fill up your THRIFT Card (16 Thrift Stamps at 25c. each). Thrift Stamps earn no interest, but a filled card represents $4 when you invest in a War -Savings Stamp. 62 AT AL1, lVi0NEY.Off2DSI2 Pos'r OFFliCE,S, BANKS, ETC. tanmeameormansomurra FOR SALE Good 8 -roomed brick dwelling with kitchen, in Zurich. Alsogarr- � den with plenty fruit trees. pl y to Mrs. V. Boohems, Zurich, Ont. 4t33 D ' `' aYe DENTIST At ZURRICH EVERY WEDNESDAY pASHW0OD EVERY THURSDAY' MAIN OPFICI -4 HEN' ,ki.4