Zurich Herald, 1919-02-28, Page 3twcatome THE CAP TRAFALGAR 0.0001.000 SS:NDJNG it 1IE1tMaiN PIRATE • DOWN Y's () i3AVY JONES Iletraordi.nat'y Duel Detest:t•it a Br telt and at German Crcliecr ii.ate;\f as the lBaattle of the Haystacks. Of. all the naval engagements tl oceaz'rod du eiing. the.•. w:ir hone perh was stranger than the fight beth the British 1U) (:'re,) Ill I ila and t •(. ertaiai t :ship Crap Trafalgar, Ci were '),,taant'ie liners Of the floati palate: type only erne! into atixilia cruiete ; they met by elusive. 'w•h no other shies were nearby and e gaged izi an extraordinary duel, whi has been 'called the Battle of the Ha stacks. Never have two ships wi emit towering upper works stood and tried to butter each other pieces with gunfire. The first news we bad of the e moment, says the captain of t ,British cruiser Cornwall, was a wir less that Capt. G--•-- sent out sayi that he had sunk the Cap Trafalga but that as his bridge was burned, steering gear shot away and all h navigating instruments destroyed, would be glad to have some one coin and tell him where be was and lea him to ae place where he could, so speak, lie down and lick his wouh for a while. It took a jolly bit 'searching to find a ship that could tell any more about itself than tha but we finally sighted her ragged si houette and led her to such a have as our rendezvous afforded. Poor 0-- had lost a good de more than his steering gear, for t fire that had consumed his bridge h, also gutted his cabin and reduc everything in it to Cinders except a old Norfolk jacket. As G--- was about three times the girth of an other British officer in those water et the time, the wardrobe we tried t get together for him was a grotesqu combination. He cut a weird figs on the battered old Campania, bu there wasn't ops of us who wouldn have changed places with him—Nor folk and all—if we could have ha half his luck. A Fight to a Finish. Both ships, according to G---' account, began firing as •soon as the came in range. In the midst of th fight a German shell struck the cap tain's Cabin and started the fire tha spread to the. bridge, destroying th n.-\ i sting instruments and ultimate ly made it impossible for the com mender to remain there. To redue the tremendous draft that was faun s,, the flames, G----dtea led the Car nvuiia "down the wind." Nothing else \. ould have staved her. Except for ono thing, that would have enabled the now tliat•oeeitly worsted (aI- t' to h 0— thin"t know it) Cap ' tt d ,•ar to withdraw fh•on1 the ac - (ten, The German ship hersc f was en f i e and had to tar, , the same c: •-e wlily-nilly. From that moment t... 1 title wns as irri:trie 'aF' joined t ts of t1 sec: old Spanish knife dee e i which t11:? utlponcnt v; ere I; led togciher in a room to fight to to <' h'h, '.:,• r being driven from the bridge, the British t.!,,tain, ono of then lip - g et inn in the navy, and not vary "c'zrht>;" on his feet, had to keel) the F:h t) „coin,;' by running here, there and eve y*\,here, With the battle going on all the time, he had his men rig up a jury steering gear, r.nd then, as he no longer had any pipe communi- cation with the engine room, he haacl to dash bael. and forth between two or three commanding positions. "If. I wanted to open the range a bit," he said, "1 had to nip for'ard, wait till there was an interval in both gunfire and shield -burst, and yell down a hatchway to the engine room to "`Slow port!" Or if I suddenly :found at imperative to open the distance, I had to make the same journey and glass word down to 'Stop starboard!' X etas racking my brain for some plan of action to follow when our failing supply of shells became exhausted; suddenly the Clap Trafalgar began to heel sharply and started to sink, It Was our second or third salvo,. which had holed her badly at the water line, that did the business." Down in the surgical roonh the sur- geon had just finished amputating and s.ndagihig a gunner's hand when someone shouted ;into the door of the <dressing station that the German ship 'Was going down. The wounded sailor crowded to port just in time to see one of the last salvo's from the Car-. hepenis go crashing into the side of the eling enefny. "Humor, boys!" he Shouted, "If I 'ad as many 'ands as an oktypuss, I'd 'l' giv'n 'am all far the joy of puttin' that blinkin' pyrit 4OWn to Davy Jones." "Impatient people water their mis- 1e1ties and hoe up their comforts." ilf§Qour. e ifs. �. it - n hat ap3 e'en he Bo ng en c11 y- th off to n - he 0- n r, his is he c d to ells of n't t, rl- n al he ha ed PRISONERS BURIED ALIVE. n of y 5 0 e re t It d s e t e e The .. e,?.,v':1. y ij} !ZsFY Though simple in line this niedel carries rather an air of sophistication that suggests it is not for the young Miss. .McCall Pattern No. 8751, La- dies' Low Waistline Blouse. In 5 sizes, 34 to 42 bust. No. 8723, La- dies' Skirt. In 7 sizes, 22 to 34 waist, Price, 20 cents each. Transfer De- sign No. 336. Price, 10 cents. This pattern may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St,, Toronto, Dept. W. 1.10000.* Fiendish Cruelty of Germans is Des- cribed by Returned Canadian. One of the interesting passengers by the Princess Juliana, who arrived at Ottawa recently, was Sergt. F, Web- ster of Ottawa, who enlisted in the first few days of the war, and wont to Prance with the 2nd Battalion. He was gassed and taken prisoner at the second battle of Ypres, and interned in Giessen Camp. Of this camp it is. said that it was ono of the worst in Germany, and the hardest to get out of. There were eight barbed wire electrified entanglements around it, and the only chance of eseape was to burrow rabbit -fashion under the wires, "But on more than one occasion some 1 poor chap basy burrowing was dis- covered by the guards, and invariably the opening was closed and sealed; the was buried alive and left to die." Sergt. Webster says: "I have seen one Englishman knocked down by five Germans, and his face smashed in by live rifle -butts crashing upon it alingst at o'te time." The socr,nd time Sorgt. Webster at- tempted to escape he managed to get about 1.30 kilometres toward the Dutch frontier, when he was taken prisoner by a game -keeper. When taker into the nearest village, and it become known that au 'i to lander•, was in their power, the .Inunish lagers shamefully shamefully iii -used llini, v s s always- food will play a b1. part b .s a man eatsr �h sois he ir e uts a food for body and brain (Contains the building phos- phates of -the rain.) Canada Peed Board License No.2-026 rear,' 1 PtifipiCESS PATRICIA'S NIA BMA Conut)3hldet" The Bron, Aleaaruier it s.ey, R.N., Salome., to Anelent Teeters fanlify. 4'7otunl:xrrrkez the Dent. lr t itun1 It,N„ \w)", nieriietd Prilrct,.,s Valli tiro t+n&;.o,d daugitfor r)f CI ItJt, Duke, tpf ('omwught. i one: of the 1 sorts.et the Vith 10arl et falhousic ,,' brothel' 01 the pretsont. Barr, lfc1 an aide -de -cramp to the Duke of (: naught in Canada, and afterwa Mac; ('olrni-.ndE:r to Vice -Admiral 1tobeelt at the Dardenelles. Per serriees during the Dardanelles op tions _Commander Ramsay received D,S:O. Ile has rruc,o been employ at the Admiralty., The Ramsays of Dalhousie are o of the oldest families in the Se nobility. In Scottish history they It been prominent since the 13th o tulle They were Scottish 'Emulator great flower es early. as the •W of Independeuee, and at one time ev contended with the mighty house Douglas. For generations they ha been most closely associated With F farahiro, whore tlw Earl of Dallhou has great estates. As Earls cf 1.' inure they were out in the '45. Princess Patricia was horn at Bu. Ingham Palace on March 17th, 18 neer older sister, Princess erger is Crown Princess of Sweden. Duri the Duke of (:onnaught's tenurs of t Ctovernor-Geueradship of Canada, Pr cess Patrice, greatly endeared hors to the people of the Dominion and the course of the war the title "Princess Pat" has secured a furth hold upon Canadian affections as t designation of ono of the most gall of the many gallant regiments of t Canadian Expeditionary Force. It is worthy of note that this the fourth Scottish marriage to to place in the British Royal Tamil Princess Louise having married t Marquis of Lorne, afterwards the 9 Duke of Argyll; the Princess Roy the late Duke of Fife; Prince Arth of Connaught, Princess Patricia's on brother, the young Duchess of Fif while now Princess Patricia has bee united to a descendent of William Ranisay, a companion of Robert Bruce, and one of the signatories the letter forwarded in 1320 to t Pope, asserting the independence Scotland. c:iaa, the our and .48 021 - de his era - the od ne ots ave en - les Vali en of ve or sic an- ck- 38. et, ng he Sn. elf in of er lh e ant he was ke y, ire th al, ur ly e; n de the 0Y he of Let the Wind Do the Work. The farm windmill will play an important part this year ill the great food -production campaign. The farm: windmill should be no "slacker" this year. It should be ready day an alight to absorb the energy of- th wind to • lift the water for thirsty gardens. Lack of thnely rainfall is Often the doom of an otherwise care- fully handled and tended vegetabl STONY i,7 WAR'S HAVOC huaereue \+ill t,'i,r Are Entit'e1y Wipoei Oct ef Fecistenve. Ont, of the meet atppallar.[; doeu- meats i has : seen is :a map of Bel- gium iprlusU g in red the extent of 001 0 C FANSES YEAR HAIR ' MAUS IT HOMER, f.4 War's destruction in this +:otrntrS. The "1'ry this! All dandruff disappear • and hair stops coining out, map is Shown la an offlcs in whish the authoritie:; nr, tabulating details of war'; havoc, writes a eorrespon- tient. 'kit is not yet a•o;nplete, ,for At has been impossible to obtain aecura'te records of enemy* destruction in Western 1''I•andrs, Which was the territoa'y most terribly ravaged. In that district are places like Ypres, Dixlnude and Roulerti• -jai eight minor Belgium provinces there was damage in 718 cornlnulni- ties. No fewer than 355,358 houses ti rere totally destroyed. Churches, town halls, museums, "communal buildings and libraries are, not in- cluded in these totals. When the Germans evacuated Ter - monde 1.52 buildings there had been entirely destroyed, 889 partially des- troyed and only $8 remained intact otyt of to previous total of 2,329. Lierre had 682 buildings totally destroyed and 76 partially destroyed, and to ell iintents and purposes it is wiped off the earth. Louvain shows total destruction of 1,108 houses and 0 partially destroy- ed; Loos ani Reese], 528 entirely des- troyed, and Malcanes has 307 entire- ly destroyed and 155 partially. I have seen a circular letter sent out by .an American tourist agency foreshadowing a great number of sunener visitors to see these ruins, and asking about hotel accommoda- tions and inclusive prices for parties. Dinant, if it replies, must say it has not such a building as a hotel left, and is not likely to have one in time -for these now invaders. • „tU'-y3--o•--0 0 0-0-e0 a Sir 9 Willi the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out 'Without Any Pain Sore corns, hard cores, soft corns o1• any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost ane can get a quarter of an ounce of free - zone at any drug store, which is sufli- ' to rid one's feet of every corn or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while :sticky, driesthe moment it o ; is applied and dura not enflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue,. This announcement will interest ' 1 e Many women here, for it is said that e the preent high -heel footwear i.: pet- i . garden. This year the farm garden will b an important factor in reducing th cost of living. Aceordingiy, ever precaution should be taken to pre vent a failure of garden crops. 1 those areas where natural rainfall i not dependable, ecnte simple method of irrigation should be prhvicded. The farm windmiil will servo faith fully and well in lifting water for irrigation if given an opportunity This faithful source of power will not nava the garden unless the owner ro- operate.s in conserving the water pumped. The average windmill lifts water intermittently end at a slow rate, Consequently;, if the water pumped is :Allowed to flew directly onto o tlz e warm, dry soil, a .mall area only can be satisfactorily covered. A small trickling flow does not spread laterally over the surface, but perm - laths deeply into the soil and beyond the roots of the shallow -rooted veege- tabies, If the water lifted, on the other hand, is stored in tanks, barrels, or reservoirs, a volume sufficiently large can be seeured in a surprisingly prisingly short time to irrigate effectively a much larger area. A barrel -of water (un- taining 311 gallons will cover a garden bed six feet wide by eight feet long, one inch deep. A quantity of water even as as this, small if pro-, perry applied, will greatly help the lettuce bed or the shallow -rooted rad- ishes. It iri advisable, therefore, to use even an ordinary barrel for story age if nothing Inger is available. A reservoir sufficiently large to hold all of the water the average windmill can pump in three or four days is much more drrsirable. The ordinary stock tank made of wood, steel, or concrete would serve well A tank five feet tdt op holds enough water to cover an area fifteen feet Wide by forty feet long and two Inches deep. In a day of average wind the farm windmill will more than fill a tank of this size with water. SuroI,v try a "Daucprice I1 cleanse" if 3'ou wish to immediate double the beauty of your hair. Jil moistt:�n a cloth with Danderine a draw it carefully through your ha taking 0110 small strand at a rim tilts will cleanse the hair of bust, di or any excessive oil ---in a few minut you will be amazed. Your hair will wavy, fluffy and abundant and posse an incomparable softness, lustre• w1i luxuriance. Besides beautifying the hair, one a plioation of Danderine dissolves eve particle of dandruff: invigorates tl scalp, stopping itching and falling hal Danderine is to the hair What fres showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the root invigorates and strengthens them. 1 exhilarating, stimulating and life -pr clueing properties cause the :lair 1 grow long, strong and beautiful. You can surely have pretty, soft, lustrous hair, and lots of it, if you wi spend a few cents for a small bottle o Knowlton's Dandevine at any dru store or toilet counter and tri' it a directed. BIRTHDAYS xtkot' it3C'dl'ir1) lila QLC FOX, �,�,� Y ic'al %; . t'ble reward. ieeteP rave Bothwell, Ont, 'OE NAZI/ tlt71I'l�'rD 1ti3seval'AF.'M ,'' v. and lob 1)rn:titig t'lant in Eastern Ontario. Insurance carried $1,1;00. ,;o for $1,.200 en ouioia ealo, "lsos 6t1, Wilson l'ublla+hinr Oo., r,td.. Toronto. )r FIEICT.11 NF s`, "<11' +it VGA ,�AI,IER T in I•Tew U,tt.lti,) Owner going to France' will sell $2,000. Worth doubler that amount• Aj pl9 J. ?'i., ole "Wilson Publishing Co.. 'Limited. Toronto. air ruxnaa,lJ�asrx ca' 1p ><`lA1CCP1R, TII);1oi:'3. LtJ:t1i'S, ;dace t. jot internal and external, cured with - rd aout be1orebfoo Meta. 1)z.t JSellcran Medlcat , Ir, Co„ Lit:,ited. Callingwood• Ont. e, t'T0 TIRE'S, 80 31 .4.t;To '1'11/349, rt ,C3.. 513,25. Tuht•o 01.65,. All ranee cut es rale i,ieee, BiNer'lato Garage & Rubber he Co Gerrard and liarnillnn Ste•,. Toronts,- ss` and 72. ---28 L. ioorchestoc tat. t1`e:;t, Montreal. P d yy,: st®S ry INSTANTLY RELigV rD ;w h 0, ts' 0- 0 0 PINEY RFYinclDEP. ASKANT O tUCIGIST at writetyrsan-Kaci Co., Mort t:AI,N.Q. Prise 600. R<mrn.ber the name as It nigh clot by keen ugar+i 1VIarbte Caves of Oregon. II Amid the wilds of acuthwestern Ore- gon, almost unknown to rho world at g large, is situated a serie' of under - a ground chambers aid passages re- m:arI:ablo for their ci e ar.d for the beauty and unusual character of their decorations. Within the hist few years they have been made a national nhonumc,nt, end aro now known as the Marble C'avee of Oregon. I do not know the gracious day That drew your shining, soul to earth, When so much fire, so little clay, Staid Goodwife Nature brought to birth. But all the sweet, wild birch were there,— "She is our Sister and shall sing,"— While the flowers whispered, " prepare To see a Iovelier blossoming." Then Beauty, tulle had touched ye: lips With flaming roses dipped in dew Shut Love within your finger tips. (The South Wind was. the breath 5 you.) But eh, there carne another day, And suddenly—You were not here A Gift transcendent slipped away; I know your heavenly birthday dear. lk9ls ara'a ntaiment Curea Colds..Se, litinard,o 1411.1,nent Coreg e5asz'c2 la Cowa Eighteen members of the British Hou.:e of Commons. lost their lives I in the recent war. G ("°aatvgaibses»sm9z\se^,e®Qa®o % Rheti t k Pales CbAre relieved in a fow deye by w el taking 30 drops of Mother Seigei's <� (,a Syrup after meals and on retiring. e '61 It dissolves the lime and add f c,) accumulation in the muscles anti e v) joints so these deposits can be e texpelled, thus relieving pair and ®) soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also ke known as "E.itract of Roots," gs) (t, contaiusnodopenorotherstrong o) drugs to kill or mask the pain of Co rheumatism ee lumbago, it re• pa) moves the cause. 550c. a bottle at drag,gttsts. II Jack's Bride A sailor who has recently married gives the following description of his bride and her apparel: --- "My wife is just es handsome a craft as' ever left millinery dry dock, i, clipper built, and with a figure - 'cad not often scan 4-.1 •itrall Croft. leer length of keel is fire feet eight miry , acl displaces twenty--ee':en feet f cede air, of :kilt d t'at, idde to her cel in the b,.11rc,ttin, fun n the \.asst rr;.t_. Erin, "At the time we were spiicc.I she \'S1, )10\V i i ;l n :.t:;i a t \•,itii °.t:lI1tI112'; il liie_•y r,l l;'.re end terse t e t ieseil p, ete±1'.. with fir - y ting corns on Trac fcnlly every o Woman's feet. - s I -IOW ll'?If leen Os, VO frill i neees Result of Recant fleet/ton 4:10:,., i>"1.t±. Women -Are 'Fbh l:iag for ;:elv,.;, i Those \v1+5 \ e .,;;•etit; i it tie? • 1 way the wteseen 're g tet.: .._ler t11 -,,i Ireland would use t rrah: •.j 14, ' , .y 1 5•• t- g_s ha\c..n.. tr. . _,t•_ -„•,,,...„•a,;tr° ,. ing discoveries sty , rtl. ;r ing the e'e tion ret erne. F e, thing women t. alts- lett, a , a 'e which shows teat, t 'ive, won.,..;-; .,, not elanniele h•, tee sfc•} tt for thesis seealt„ t • tit., i., t 1 hand they aeons t . ": t+ Ot t'si •;j: t their men -toll e ort .1 het .'c.11, their own prat ,'i !tet td In only three A V.C. sits ill: the Britiah House of Commons for the first time in 21 years, This is Lieut, -Commander Percy 't\hompson Dean, who Wats tin command of a motor boat in the raid on Zeebrugge, The last elects d IMP. to wear the Cross was ,Sir :henry itavelock-AlIae, member for S. 1'I. Durham, who was murcl?red in the i{hvber Pass+ in 1897, i':a.< of t:ie ilea ^t0•1 i'h t F \\.i.. ill it° \: leen t.,.. ; f , . t 'i: i. + : t tt t 'r' ait'. u, !' ,.iti' 11.h .t1;.Ji i> $ .J; ' ,a?n V IL : , :'I, \w .1.. e,', a t. iki•- ('01 . .. ,' ;?et of ten- te ;; i i \e1. L..:ii e 1 ' a,t•t .. t,.... I' -...d0 ., t 3..0k 0' at i. t: is e t sheet dews the i a \ S,1 :i ,i -e, s h , t!. ' - thaw at2 e ; tot':? ,dell. i, lt:t , ,.. ,.,et,a1 1 tri- .' P : c) f„ .- y Lt ., C 0..1}CRS„ ', c " a \t t- tot 1 t. i,1' nt lo•i nitt ll C'nteti farts it Easy' Matt \, i' ,;i•,o1i� lady 1\ho, hav-. , t t 7 t !1 ,t f. t, a t u le, .. 1t. bour�.-,IIt as it t at \\.tett_ :he idclightetd to a the ht,ait, , \i 1, 11t„<tt.'ftht t Iiht httt7 "excirtin`- 3 mite we ieei eg; hoVwi, t e ttitr y l'tc p ala 1,+; iAwlt) caths c 1 d• y's f eph•. t 11 z colli; do tato y Iay e. ery flat;-'?" •ill' the• t'ottid, or c ou se'," i till the put,1 II"oud lady, '.but for people in our p)osit.ion 1r is no'• n;.cessary or� the'., to d9 e were women ('all caildidatee, did thee e - ceive more then ttnt t1-ir•cl the Tr_ t .::. vote. The exeeeptauthi 'Welt t ;fir?. I)espard, Mies 1'at,hhure ''t it; Meearthur, It; is by 00 11 e 12' i, ti•• that all the votes 1'Dr tent'. --'i' t I -leaf were east. by women. Out of Oa x -; 101 women voter, r e l ta!r•, i i,•t;1- , 1. chaster, Mrs. 1'ethitifl\fence..a- 5,1 Meisel but 2,98;1. 01 the 14,S01 r t°e` meth vetch :c ,n Mansfield, Mi :` I:c, k P1 ham received xividd but 1,000. ft loolke vere Miiteh as if ret . nst, trttfon .hat.' :,i. -h t, (` i commenced i, (,•eat Britain end tine.. the women are doing their own think- ing, th Keep Your Heaith TO-NIGTIT TRY Mhiarti 111:11/8 f' r that Cold Lind Tired .}+Oern. i.r. Get Well, Keep Well, Kill Spanish Flu !)t., llabili, the OLD RELIABLE, Mehr 'tel)' z,.t Iat t �'r c ). r.:a. Show me not the wrestler la the place of exercise, but in the lists; and show me religion not in the scess,n of ht grin{;•, but at the seas'n of pr:aa- tiee,••--S. Chryscstom, eel mars $intiuci,•t Gras alistertta,rt. 19MUti No. NiNl1 Ilgtxlar ',c lidoimeaaa Ceram T i$ aes1 ,, At the bei inning of 1.01.4 Kaiser Wilhelm \vaa the richest person in Germany, witha fortune of over $98,- 000,000; next came the, Grand Duke of kheekIenburg-Strelitz with $89,- 000,Ot10, and then Frail Krupp MI; Bohlen Wait $80,000,000. ee °Y.N's f> F atul ,�he...s..- iw in •tt ,> �tloan's j,t , 1-ae�at ' has the. yy�aahe.+. ;i., _ SFHiar, �a tk' Cil. ta• �S: A Q.''w'3 ghee .'=tie 7ili "• hs'I:a Cii t ii scalls i ' c rcllla'1.1 .t nl 11,t'- nt rent - to .''c h , r ' t auc. rings irtiy, ct 1r, .1 wunnrtul help ft.i c::t.r. ;I su•.un_ e.,,t.:t .: , i.; ui: clic, Itis i} - . �e (z t a i„` ii'h tltil t - cz» is e +Mica e , ,1* ti UC` •hr it r1 .•,t iti d ' 1 h:te s1:;tti: 111 t- ...:.:? a. lie' i , i;' ii iatk,, trt!c., 1.20, Let Cuticua Save Your On retiring', comb the hairoutstraight1 then make a parting, e ently rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with the end of the finger. Anointadditionalpartingsuntill the whole scalp has been treated, The next morning shampoo with Cuti' aura Soap and hot water. Sample Ertel) Free) by Mall. Address cost. card: Cuticura Dept, 14, Belton, 41,5,.1.°", Sold byrdealers throughout the world. BETTER HORSES IF THEY HAVE .... y • SpaImes Distemper Ct+yIyipotin 1 n When your horses aro aubj,tated to t;hangtng weather eon- ltir]ihi3 of winter and scenes. their systems become run down with the result that they are very suyo00tlbie to ;DISTEMPER, INFLUENZA. ri.x..• IMXI:, COUGHS o1 COtms. Si'OEiy'aq will keep your horse in good condition, r y lli,a wystem tan Ward off diaettse• I3uy of your druggist. MPQ1•r'N 'MEDICAL COMPANY, Cieshen, lndinna, tj,:l•A•. 0