HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-02-21, Page 8FOR 15 DAYS ONLY BEGINNING FEB. 201h, TO MARCH 8th. In these* times of high prices, itis to your special benefit to come and share in this dealing male. The prices we are quoting on ninny lines of goods are less than wholesale prices to -day Here are a few of them. \Ve have many more to show you, so be sure and ,come and get your share of these wonderful bargains SILK POPLINS BLANKETS New goods en leading shades, sub -I 11Tiss lI. Ri marine, khaki, claret, Russian Gre- • Best quality extra. value, We are overstocked in these, so offer them the millinery aI.1 1 2-4 at $3.90 a pair. 11-4 at and London. $3,00. 10-1 at 2.05. COAL FOR SALE • .(Correctee every Thursday. WE HAVE, IN THE NEIGHBOR- HOOD OF 150 TON OF SOFT COAL Eggs_ . ... ... ......... �il FOIL SALE, AND AS LONee .A.S Butter . . ... ... ... ...nee 42 IT LASTS WE WILL SELL SAME PotaDriedtoes Appaeles bush .,. ... ... 1.00 00FOR $8,00 PER TON,CAS wheat .,.... ,.., H, FOR heat ... ... ... ... ... ... 2.06-2.11 FURTHER. INFOR112ATION PRON. Barley ... ... ... ... ... ... 60 24•--Hensall COOK BROS. MilinBuckwheat ... ... ...... ... 1,00 Flour ... ... ... ... $.50 -G.10 H g Co.�OBran • ... 38.00 e asap Shorts --• ......... ... 44,00 Live lIo,gs fob• I;ie..nsall 1540 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEST Mr, Win, F. Braun visited friends and .Crediton last en Kitchener week., en, ete. 1 yd wide at 1.30 yd. , PRINTS Beat qualitie blues at 330c yd. Iight colors 20c and 23 cents. yd. 0 IN GH.MS 40 in. wide, cheeks and stripes to clear at e5e to 35e per yd. :SWEATER COATS 25% off on all sweater coats, Some special bargains, do not miss these DRESS GOODS 6 pieces only Reg. 60e. to 55c to clear at 45e pe: yard. PLANNELt 1'T All yd. wide illi ;nennga light, and dark colors. Eng. price '35 ani 10e now 30c. ee few pieces at 22$25e. TOWELING 300 yds reg 30c value to clear at 20cyd. 200 yds reg 25e value to clear at 15e yd, UNDERWEAR Ladies heavy fleeced reg. price1'30 now $1,00 yd. Childrens ribbed reg 35c and 10c. to clear at 30c. reg. 45c value 35c. MEN'S PANTS ce: SHIRTS Men's cottenade pants reg, 2.50 for $2.00 Everyday shirts a bargain at $1.00 :s MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHING Men's and Boys :3uits and overcoats selling at big reduced prices Extra values en boys suis, sizes frotrrt 25 to, 32. Do •not miss there. LADIES' COATS .A few Indies coats left which we are clearing out regardless of price We have th::ni from $e.00 up. You mus tsee these to appreciate the values we offer. Fresh Ginger snaps ... .-. ...15c lb. Canned tomatoes 20c. a tin Be sure and get your 2 pkgs. tacks for ... ... ._. 25c. 3 pkgs. 15c. ennatches .. . 90c. Valencia resins .at ... ... 15e lb. Lantern globes ............ los each share of these. Babbit's cleanser ... ... 3 for 25e. TERM OF THIS SAE, CASH OR TRADE, NO GOODS BOOKED AT SALE PRICES J. Cascho 011 Papal., TinaYV a1e, etc y4 Hydro aup lie a: �s o` - dr .4. k k -1• =4• r +++++++++++++++++++++++++41$.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ AUS` 0 EET R BLOCK Z U R i C G o AUCTION SALE Of Horses, Cows, Wagons, Har- ness, Furniture, Etc, Mr. E. ]3ossenberry, auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at :Zurich, on Sat- urday, March 1st, commencing at 1.30, p. m., sharp, the followeng; Horses;—One pair well matched carriage horses. This team has taken many prizes at local fairs. :Cows; ---One cow, due to calf in .April; 1 pure bred registered Hol stiffen cow, supposed to be in calf; a. registered Jersey Caw, supposed to he in calf; 1 Jersey coven due to freshen before sale. Chattels—Lumber Wagon, near- ly new; wagon box with siderack set wagon springs, light ewagon with pole and shafts, heavy bob- sleigh with platform, nearly new; light sleigh and box, 2 buggies, good Po. Vaud rulae, grave; leor,. utlEdge is attending openings at Toronto IMLEMENTS — McCormick, b:,neer, Deering mower, 10 -ft hay rake, Deering cultivator, Massey-. T3erris corn cultivaeor with bean harvester, 11 -hoe Massey -Harris •seen drill, 2 11uerj plows, gang plows, 2 set 3 -section. diainondha-• rro tis, 2 lumber wagons, One • nearly new; wagon box, pig rack coal box, 3 seated carriage, top. h: buggy, bobsleighs, light sleighcut- ter, Clanton 1u horse power, 218- d' eft. hay racks, one new; 2 gravel boxes, 3 set team harness, one e i nearly new; set light harness set t harness, horse clipping ma- chine, .hand clipper, road scraper, t fanningmill, 1200-1b. scales, grind - n stone, 30 grain bags, 1-2 bush. Al- b sike clover, 50 cedar, posts, forks, doubletrees, neckyokes, sugar ket- e tle, table, some chairs, 2 cook st e- ave and other numerous articles. • No reserve ao proprietor has sold his farne, TERMS OF SALE — All sums of $10 and iunderj cash. Ten months s' credit will be given oil furnishing. approved joint notes on credit mea - 'omits, 4 percent off for cash on - credit amounts. B. Boysenberry, Jos. Gascho, Auctioneer. Proprietor.; Dr, and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf re turned last week from a visit wit relatives down east. Mr. John Gellman has purchase a good mallcow and can sup ply milk to a limited number o customers. There is an eager export marke for Canadian maple producuts i the States, where there has bee a great decline in the home pro duction, England and Franae,ar also inquiring for our maple sug ar.—Canada Food Board. A1,3t;FION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implement. an Friday, Mar, 7th, at lot 12 con 12, lla-y Township, commencing: at 12,30 o'clock the following atria les will be sold. 1 matched team rising 7; 1 mat cued team reeling 6 ;one gelding and one mare supposed to be i m. S, Johnston, Clerk., foal; 1 driver rising 5; 1 col resin', 1; CATTLE; — 6 cows some calved.Of Farm Stock and Implements, last fall, all due dazing nest Etc. The undersigne.l auc;.ioneers summer, .2 heifers due in march have received instructions to sell and April resing 2; 1 heifer rix- by Public Auction on Lot. 10, eon. ing 3: due in March; 3 steers rise 9 Stephen, 21-2 miles north• -west. ing 2; 3 steers 1 year old; 6 of Crediton, on Tuesday, March 4th. calves 3 months old; SHeep;-14 Commencing at 12 o'clock, p.rn., sharp. the Following, HOESES;— 1 horse. rising 6, April; 18 store pigs; some hpw,lveight about 1500 lbs; 1 horseris- IMPLEl?IENTS; L Maxwell hay' lin ;�'en, about 1800; 5. span of heavy loader,; Massey -Harris binder, 7- carriage geldings rising 10; 1 ft. cul used one season; 8 -ft McCor .heavy draft filly rising 3; 1drive miek mower; reaper; Massey -Har eng colt rising 3; 1 pony, buggy ris side delivery rake, used one se- end harness. aeon, spring tooth cultivator with Cattle; -5 fresh cows; 2 cows seed box, fertilizer disc drill, roller due April let; 1 cow due March 9 foot, bean cultivator„ disc, 12- 1st; 1 2 -yr, old heifer due March foot hay rake, 2 lumber wagons 16th ; 3 2 -yr. old heifers due late bob sleighs, open buggy, cutter, .tea part of May; 3 2 -yr. old steers, iron harrow, riding plow, 2 walk. about 1,000 lbs. each; 2 heifers ris- ing plows, gang plow, hand scut- eng 2; 1 steer rising 2; 9 yearlings flee, scraper, wagon rack, gravel 5 calves; 1 pure bred Shorthorn boa, grindstone, set double team -.roan bull (10;012) calved Jan. 2nd, harness, set- single harness, some 910. The above cattle are all lumber, 6 h, p. gasoline engine,choice stock. 2 brood sows with chopper, fanningmill, large cut - :litter at foot, 8 stockers, about 5 ting box, weigh scale 2000 Ib. baydozen hens. 1 Collie dog, truck, hay fork; 1509 lbs. ferti'.izer; IMPLEMENTS; — 71t. Massey - quantity of hay; stoneboat; cross- iUarr.le binder, nearly new; 1 S- cut saw, necicyol�es, whiffletrees, ' horse Deering cultivator, nearly chains, rope, forks, scythe, shovels,+ new', Massey -Harris 13 disc drill; hoes, barrel, tubs, and other num-i Deerng mower 6 -it. cut; Oliver erous articles. eetern cultivator, Coekshutt riding Positively no reserve as the pea-' plow, single furrow, 2 walking prietor has sold his farm. 6 plows, 12 -ft. lhay rake, Deering; TERMS OF SALE — All sums of lane; roller, 4 section diamond har $io and under, cash. Over that row, Clover Leaf. manure spree amount 8 months credit will be ader, 2 lumber wagons, new wag given in furnishing approved joint on rack, large gravel box, 2 motes. 4 per cent off for cash on pair bobsleighs, cup buggy, mit- credit. amounts, rack, road cart, fanning mill with B. Bossenberry b'ieat• 2,000 -lb. ecale, wlznelbarr- F, Taylor, Henry Walper, ow ee ft .extension ladder, 24- it. extension ladder, workbench, Ch- atham incubator nad brooder, bean pi,eker, 125 3 inch tile, 50 feet 1 inch piping;, cross cut saw, hand ----+---- AUCTION SALE Ewes, 1 ram: HOGS; — 2 brood sows due in Auctioneers, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Impleme:nne etc., The undersigned auctioneer hat. corn planter, dehorner, large ,hop l! by .box 'capacity 30 bush.,gasoline received instrueLions to re public:: Auction on Lot 16, con„ 14, tank, grindstone, fecal boiler, R.R. "'•` ' tilay, on Thursiay, March 0th, Sate good heavy team harness 'compl- ete, 2 double set carriage harness set rubber anounte2 single har- ness, power washer ,.'and wringer combined, with gasoline engine at- tachment; doubletrees, neckyokes, wagon jack and numerous other Furniture ;--Hall rack, small table baby cutter, couch. Terms Of Sale;— All sums of $10, and under, eash. 10 months credit will be given on furnishing appro- ved joint notes. 4 per cent off for eash on credit amounts, E, Bossemlberry, J". Preeter, Auctioneer, Proprie tor, STILL IN BUSINESS For close prices on New Design Cabinet high grade phonograph, For Sale 'Blue An berol Edison accords for hall pricey Call or write, H. Well, Zurich.. 'commencing at 1 o'clock, I. n, sharp the following; timothy hay, quantity of wood, HORSES;— 1 iniac]: mare, 1.1 81 forks, shovels, whiffletrees, neck - yrs, old; 1 black horse, 7 years yokes, chaf,ns; hoes and other Sold Thtse two horses make a numerous articles, well matched team. 1 mare, 5 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Ran years old; 1 mare, rising 4; with ge cook stove nearly new, base mail box, 2 set double harness set of driving harness, single harness, 150 bushels mangolds, 4 tons of foals 1 driving { marc, S Yrs oId buraxer nearly new, wood or scowl ' u r rw t WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED, LOCAL AGENTS; POP T1 F CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS. AND: BEG TQ AN - NOL NCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL. YOUR: WANTS. IN MB LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO - REPAIRS FOR MAOHTN,ERY, PLOW' POINT31,.. ETC. GIVE US A CALL rich on nt. NV NATIONAL WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE �:~ OTTAW.A. SIR HERBERT B. AMES, Chairman, CAMPBELL SWEENEY, Vancouver SIR GEORGE BURN; Ottawa: JOHN BLUE, Edmonton W. M. BIRKS, Montreal H. A. ALLISON, Calgary HON. GEO. A. BELL, Regina JOHN GALT, Winnipeg GEO. M. REID, London REND. T. LECLERC, Montreal SIR J. DOUGLAS HAZEN, St..JbIiti• W. A, BLACK. Halifax • HON. MURDOCKMcKINNON,Charlottetowa Information. REGARDING. ia avin s ta s t ADDRESS NEAREST OFFICE. BRRITISRI COLUMBIA . . . . Room 615 MetropoiitattjBuilding, Vancouver ALBERTA . 218a 8th Avenue West, Calgary; 742 Tegler Building, Edmonton SASKATCHEWAN 803 McCallum.Hill.Building, Regina MANITOBA .......501 Electric Railway- Chambers, Winnipeg THUNDER BAIT . , . . , Room 410 Grain Exchange, Fort William, Ont. WESTERN ONTARIO 361 Richmond Street, London, Ont. CENTRAL ONTARIO . 34 Toronto Street, Toronto EASTERN ONTARIO Victoria Museum, Ottawa QUEBEC 160 St. James Street, Montreal NEW BRUNSWICK 89 Prince William Street, St. John NOVA SCOTIA Metropole Building, Hollis Street Halifax PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Provincial Building, Charlottetown 0.}-J.M.S. Letters addressed to "Secretary, War-SavingsCotnmittee N and marked on envelope "O. H. M. S." require no postage. 37 To the Pe. pie o Zurich 'a d Vicinity We have opened up a Gent's Fuurnishing store in Mr. E. Appel'a stand and are prepared to show yov.. Ds eady-t �wear Clothing For Men, Young '''` en and Boys Leave your measure for thhat made to order suit EGGS ANT) BUTTER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOF GOODS r s., a nn urich ale Balance of e r ,�,ruF�, ry Ladies' Coats, all sizes wind colors. while they last eia,ch $3 1 only Ladies' !Coat, reg. $40 for $30,06. Big Reduction In Ladies'..-SweaterCoa'ts, Underwear, Furs, Silks,ete, tit ,1 only mien's Fur coat, reg•, $45 for $35.00 e wscitgaseasektoosneaossumwelemetemea Big reduction in all men's and boy's �clothiing, sweater coats, etc, w th foal, 1 colt rising 2; bred by heafier: wood heater,sideboard sivelelaraMmeirmanumanaunnimmiwonvoneesturrtrureawaxamsat...w,^c • WiStMeavotemmaimonnoamegerhswarto.atlesaak Non Parole; 1 •, olt rising 1, sired glass cubboard, book case, sink with flour bizr 2 bed ste by French Ghana. ;CATTLE;-- 3 cows, rising 4, aas, boon due to calf en April; 1 cow, xis.. leather couch, wash machine, par- 4 ing 1, due in. May; 1 cow, 5 yi.d. lor. lamp. old, due in A;.n'il; 1 cow, 5 yrs. old, due to calf before sale; 1 cow 9 ;nears old, titre in .April; 1/ cow, 5 yrs, old, due to calf be- fore sale; 1 cow 9 yrs, old, due en April; 1 eow 6 yrs. old, due ylr November; 2 heifers, due hi Note mber• 2 he;furs ,due 1n November; 2 heifers, due in Sep- tember; 1 s' ecx. rising 3; 2 steers -ising 2; 3 steer; rising 1; 1 steer' calf; 4 months o'd. 10e hens, No reserve ars proprietor has! sold his farms;, TERMS OF SALE; All sums of $10.00 and under, Caeh. ''dine Months credit will be given on; furnishing approved joint notes. Coal ,O4 4 per e nt off for cash on credit a. - *mounts Hay, wood and roots, Cash. 'rank Taylor ' Tl. l3osee!h'berr;p, .Alf, '1V.kelicltr Auctioiue,ers. Proprietor. !Alonzo Hodgi1,e C"•.eek, SNAPS IN GROCERIES bars One -in -one soap 260, boxes peas $1.00 ' ' '5 gal;i,. Non 78 NEW 1D:21 PATTERNS