HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-02-21, Page 4• T.a.E HERA.-D Usued Thursday afternoons from the HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Terms of subscription ;$1.25 per year I in advanee; $2.00 may be chargedl if not so paid. U. S. subscripti- ions $1.75 strictly in advance, No paper discontinued until all ar- Sears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. ,The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISING. RATES Effective after Jan 1st, 1919. Display Advertising -Made known sen application. Stray Animals -One insertion 50c three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 60c. each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion Zia. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a Esse. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- tion and $1.50 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding 1 inch, $6 per year. Address all communications to THE HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. DASHWOOD, ilTrs. Broughton has returned to her home in Whitby of ter an ex- tended visit with her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. J. Kellerman, Mrs, V,'itzel has disposed' of her property worth of the village to G, Fisher. Mr, G. Edighoffer made a bus- iness trip to London on Monday.' Mr. Albert Tyler of Sarnia nisi:e:l with relatives this week. We are pleased to hear that Mrs G. Kellerman is improving after her recent illness. Mrs, Art, Weber and children are this week visiting in Stratford. FIENSALL Fifty per cent of the net profits from the exhibition in England of "Hearts of the World," D¢ W. Griffith's Watest production, is given to the British Government for war purposes. Mr. Geo. Swale had the misfor- tune to fall off a load of logs the other day and ,fracture his knee,. It is reported that Hensall will have a weekly newspaper in the near future. Miss Grace Horton has left for Sask., to teach music. Bonthron & Drysdale have fit- ted out a modern office in their store. t Pte. W. Sangster, a member of the 161st, returned home from overseas last week. The Bell Telephone Co., are busy this week mo ring their switch- board into Geo Scotts new store. EXETER. Dr. W. E. Dearipster, of Toronto, a former resident of RExeter, died on Feb. 7th, at Timmins, Ont. Sergt, L. Rivers, Ptes, R. South Scott and E. .Collingwood recently returned home from overseas. • Wm. Andrew attended the Fair Boards .Association at Toronto, last week. Frank Simms of Creditono has purchased a house in Exeter nad will move here in the sprnig. Thos. E. Handford, of Ongersoll a former resident of .Exeter, died on Feb, 6th, aged 60 years. The remains were interred in the cem- etery here,. Reeve Sanders of Stephen • and Reeve Beavers of Exeter, were appointed at the County icouncil as delegates to the Good Roads @convention to be field in Tor- onto. ensali 5 ne Thesd.ay, ow light y February 25th 11 ANNOUNCEMENT !EXTRAORDINARY DIRECT FROM A. SIX -WEEKS' RUN IN THE MASSEY HALL, TORONTO � ee are at Goderich this week on the a Nv '. N ow OF ALL L, Jrury.O "SURPASSING EVEN HE BIRTH OF A NATION• Mr. Stainley of Lucan is visiting THE AND UNAPt sR,OA,C,HED BY ANY OTHER PRODUCTION.", at the home of Mr. J-. T. Keys, Babylon Linc. .On !Sunday `e en- ing he gave a very fine- ee at the Goshen Epworth Le, :. One eveningl ast week the mein- bees of the Methodist congregation at Varna gave the pastor, Rev, R. L. Wilson, a pleasant surprise by presenting him with a load of oats. After the oats were stowed away an enjoyable evening was spent at the parsorva,ges In Stanley, on Fels. 12th to and Mrs. John Dawson a son. CREDITON. Notice to Credit ors IN THE ESTATE OP JOHN HOWARD, LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF 7IAY IN THE C0 LINTY OF HUBON, FARMER, DEICEAS-• ED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in• that behalfohat all persons having any claims .a- gainst John Howard who died on the 21st May, 1917, are required on or before the 10th March, 1919, to send by Post or delivered to V1'a11- ism John Howard and Henry How- ard, Executors of the Will of the said deceased, R. R. No. 2, Zurich Ont., full particulars of their claims and that after the said 10th March, 1919, the said Executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, haring regard only to the claims of :which they shall then have had notice, and that the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets) ere any part thereof, to any per-' son of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Goderich, 10th Febru- ary, 1919. Proudfoot, Killoran &. Cooke, Solicitors for said Execut- ors. Geo. Lawson, Sr., fell the other day and fractured a number of ribs. Miss Mabel Wenzel is visiting fri ends in Kithcener, Our Red .Cross Society recently forwarded $200 to the Belgian Rel- ief Fund headquarters. A Valentine Box Social was held in the Town Hall last Friday night TAI x i LSWNSHI? Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. .tlerb Smith in the loss of their 3 months old baby, Hazes Merrill, which passed away on Sun- day, Feb, loth The baby had not been well for .some time, and .lit spice W. the best of care and at- tention it gradually grew weaker till atl ast the little spirit resumed to God who gave it, The remains were laid to rest in Bayfield cem- etery on Monday. There is no ,flock however watched and tended. • , But one ;dead lamb is there, There is no fireside how e'er de- fended, But has one vacant chair. Geo. Elliott and Amos Keys 11 `nze Mester Producer's Master the Production The Sweetest Lore StoryEver Told The Greet Spectacie Ever Conceived Cr ted on the, Battlefields lds of Franco, SWEETEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD A ROMANCE OF THE GREAT WAR. David Lloyd George to D. W",.Griffith on "Hearts of the World"--. stYou will do this in aid to humanity. "The idea back of your splendid story is a message to civilization that its fight will not be in vain. Let me be the first to predict tha when you have completed your labors, you will have produced a masterpiece which will carry a message around the world -a story which will inspire every heart with patriotism, with love of country With the great Cause for 'which the civilized nations of the world are now fighting in France. "This, Mr, Griffith, is the greatest and most wonderful task p youhave ever attempted. God speed you in your great work and grantthat you may accomplish your d esires," HEARTS OF TUB WORLD IS MORE THAN A DRAMA --IT Cx0R T STRAIGHTO !THE HEART' -ITIS THIS HUMAN QUALITY 'I`H� T MAKES I3 EA?:TS OF THE WORLD AS BIG AS MANKIND. WILL BE SHOWN HERE WITH A SPECIAL ORCHESTRA A ND EFFECTS St arting sharp at 8 . Prices F -'' 5c 1.0Q 1 AAUC'FION SALE OF FARM To be sold by public Auction at Seaforth, Saturday, March, 1st. at 3 o'clock. This farm contains 100 acres all cultivated, Lot 11 con. 6 Tuckersmith, H. R. S., with barn 56x80 feet stone foundation, pig pen, driving shell, and hen. house, 6 roomed frame cottage, good well with windmill. Situated on on Kippen Road, 3 miles south of Seaforth. For further partic- ulars apply to James Finlayson, R. R. No. 3 Kippa�n. Phone 8-t32 Se 'forth central. FARM FOR !SALEI Being lot 9, con. 11, Stanley,100 acres. Will be sold reasonable. If not sold will be rented for a term of years. Apply to owner, Stogdil], Goshen Line, Stan- ley. 4t3�2p. FOR RENT Three acres land, with comfort- able house and good barn, on Babylon Line, Hay. Can give possession after April 1st. For particulars apply to J. Hey., Jr., .Zurich. FARM FOR SALE $5700.00 100 -acre faun on the Huron Reed, half way between Se- aforth and Clinton, frame house, 7 rooms, bany barn all fenced with woven wire, 45 acres plowed, and in the highest state of cultivation $1700.00 cash. Geo. Beauregard, R. R. 4, Clin- ton, Ont. Phone 20-617. IG H o A SAWL OF ALL KINDS ST 0�4'. PRICE RAID' a_Ll . `jl �iJia ':/� '.` 49h An Old Fashioned Custom The appointment of individuals as Executors is an old-fashioned custom that is gradually dying out. In naming friends as Executors of your estate you unconsciously burden Thein with additional responsibilties. The appointment of this Company as your Executor will relieve S cu of any feeling of obligation to it friends. Apply to the local agent for Zi;t;, b and district he will gladly explain the extensive tic,‘ico which this Company,/ can render your Estate. ANAD=S { IRUST 3M A Y 'Managed In conW:Cetian wi h 6 he Huro!i & Erie mortgage Corp in. ttio HEAD OFFICES `'LONDON. ONT Applications for Guaranteed °.nr_ vestrent Receipts received lsy ANDRE HESS, Agent ZURICH, ONTARIO -. Wil .._- for /)Z 4 ;i; 4,; . .,.: "� ail 11111111111111111111811111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!IIIi1111111111111111111111111111111111111i1;IIN111111111111 11i111111211111111I1Ni1111111N1111111111111111111NI111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ng11111. HOUSE FOR SALE -Fine residental property in Zur- ich, has been placed in my hands Wi for sale. On the premises is a good 2 -story modern brick resi- de"nee and also a large brick st- able, all in good repair. Plenty of good drinking water. For particulars apply to A F. Hess, Zurich. FARM FOR SALE • Consisting of 149 acres, lot 15, con 15, Hay. Large bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, hen stable and a good 12 roomed dw- elling. Good water at barn and spring on rear 50 acres, 5 acres. sowed in fail wheat, 6 acres in fall rye and 55 acres fall plowed balance is in grass. Convenient to church and school. Will be sold reasonable. For further par ticulars apply on premises or add- ress Henry Brown, ER. R. No.1, Dashwood. Ont. 2-30pd STOP CATARRH OPEN s. NOSTRILS AND HEAD. Says Cream Applied in Nostril) Relieves Head -Colds at Once. RESERVE SEATS NOW ON SALE AT, HEMPELL'S DRUG STORE. ,ACT QUICKLY AND AVOID TIIE RUSH FOR SALE Two Thoro•"yrad Shorthorn Burs. One 13 months old and the other 18 months old. Will be sold re- ortable. W. IL ?file, 14th Cdn,;flay, FABi2 FOR SATE 120 acres on Saub]o Line, L. R. E. con , Hay, 2+1 miles south of St Joseph Goo:' 2 -story brick house. and good bank barn, 42x66, new- ly shingled, with cement stables and in first class repair. Land all improved. Par particulars ap- ply On premises, B. Hendrick, proprietor, j.9- 8t �•.•..•..•..�..•..•..•..•..e..a.•.,•...ro..0“4. 0..amo•o•u•.m. 4. a • • 111( if KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat less meat and take Salts for Back' If your nostrils are cogged and your ache or Bladder trouble - head is stuffed and you can't breathe Neutralizes acids, freely because of a cold or catarrh, just get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nostrils and let it penetrate through every air passage of your head, soothing and healing the inflamed, swol- len mucous membrane and you get in - dant relief. Ah! how good it feels. Your nos- trils are open, your head is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no more headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream. Balm is just what sufferers from head colds and ea, tarrh...need, It's a delight,. r• Yours? 'Uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; the bladder is irri- tated, and you may be obliged to seek re- lief two or three times during the night. When the kidneys clog you must help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At i5.rstyou feel dull mise i the kid a ry n ney region, you suffer from backnrhe, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rhea- matic twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; also get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a ,glass of water before breakfast for a few flays and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so at no longer is a source of irritation, thus enih a bladder weakness. Jad is inexpensive, cannot in- ure; mates a delightful effervescent in- jure; drink which everyone should take now and then to ?seep the kidneys clean awl active. Drt ggists here say They sell lots of Jed Sal",:s 1, folks who bellow) is overcoming rouble while it is only trouble, Tele 1,.•. 1 CIu 9 t Herald and Daily lobe ... _.. ... .._ ... .................. $5.00 2,60 5.00 2.60 4.50 Herald and Weekly Globe ....... ... ... Herald and Daily Mail and Empire Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire "Herald and Daily Star Herald and Weekly Star ... .._ ... ... ..................... 2.60 Herald and Daily News ...... ... ... 4.50 Herald and Free Press, evening edition ._: _.. . 5.00 Herald and Free Press moaning edition .._ ... 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ... 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, evening edition ___ ._b.00 Herald and Farmers Advocate .... .._ ...... . 2.75 Herald and Farm and Dairy __.... ._. 2.00 Herald and Weekly Sun ...... ... ... .•_ --•-_- -.- ..2.25 Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star __. 2.35 Herald and Canadian Coun tryman 2.00 Renew your papers with us and save money • 0 on The HERALD Zurich I IIIIfINllllllllllllllllllll 111111 II III III I I III 111111 II IIII I II 1 II I II II I! II I I �I I � I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI� 11 III IIII I 11111 I III III (IIII 1111111111 IIII 11111 I.I � II I IIIIIIIIIILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III We print Bill Heads of all kinds Account Sheets Letter Heads -Envelopes In fact everything that can be printed. Let us know your wants. ZURICH HERALD