HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-02-21, Page 1XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2I, 1919, YOUR HARNESS NEEDS + Will be promptly attended to,here. See about 4. i + DOUBLE. TTAltt HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL MINDS 'F' .Q. All our sewing done by hand I i 4. ' Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads; Curry Combs, etc .!. c A Trial Solicited F TIL- ZURICH I —�-4.— F—'— : —+—+-- ÷—+—..—+—+—+—✓c--+-4—+—+— n„ See ;, are0 C4&6=r"Et1Q8$0069080 dbeees r x,,;:;,.0000® :teas e e • 0 0 • @P •e a •e ;e • e e , 0 0 410 An ur have be, r "duce hip a V 'e..✓' Y �••�{ W IN o 34' Mr. JJacob Bowald visited rel- atives in Kitchener this week. Mr. Alf, Melick is tooting some of his effects. to the village. Misses L. Galster and R. ]Silber, are attending the anillinerq open- itngs at Toronto'. Mr, Frank Wickwire of the Hensall Observer war a business visitor hi town on Wednesday. seocoaose eesesVI'iG o®,f.esesiU®eeeee 0 NOW yes tgr chance to rroha high-grade C;°" E` oat 9 ,I;es5 a c115 at a ams ,• a. raa.lx , a� m ,M., �2ac-.,.., ..x:.r, a. ".1•+4,,1 • 'lir 0 0 e 0 •e .,® e e °e0 0 W 0 0 . 0 0 is 0 0 w. 0 a a 0 0' 0 0 0 O ee a 0 0 0 0 i 410 0 Phone 59 f, wJ ***0041161196(01046$610192,14 SNAG 00000008010ecteesee for ur IOSSAIERFASEMMIZZIOT.Mara SSi 14 Produce Wanted 0 3 ffa 0 e w 0 a a 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 e 0 e 0 • 0 a 0 0 i 0 0 w a 0 as e 0 A ��Di409a606059080000398660000 006be 0 0 • 43 0 a e a 0 e 0 • • 0 0 0 e 6 l se02000e3t9*LWAa3Q>� $00' The E[enaail Seed Show will be held oin !Fab;, ,28thL. Mr. and Mrs. -John Zettel retu- rned from a 'visit to Kitehener last week, Mr. !Zettel has purchaF: d' a fiine home in that city. Da'iid W. Grirfith's supreme tri- umph "Hearts of the World," Coming to Hensall town Hall for ielie eight only Tuesday, Feb. 23 Might •be ,called a cinema grand 'opera, so well does the music ac- companiment fit the picture. Thole,. Ss a theme runeing .lu'ough the symphony ' iihdieating every imp- ortant character and every jasture *timed with the music. The !picture might easily be understood 'without titles as some of the mus tic, to which 'everyone knows the .words describes the scenes exactly Seats now on sale at Hem.ph.ill's .Drug store. "Mr. H. G. Mess has received a; lite kiting plant, for use on the farm, or tan villages not connected with, by erd, made by the Northern El- ectric Company. He has set i t u, in W. C. Wagner's house and the sy t:em is working Mine. This is one of the best lighting outfits Li the market and is well worth in- vestigating.. ST:Y. WILFRED LAURIER Sir Wilfred Laurier passed a- at his home in Ottawva on Mo: dae Feb. 17th, after a very short illness. Death was due to pat aly<•is. 'Hits death is a e great los, to .Canada. He was a brit - Beet speaker, a statesman of high order and always a gent'.•: -1 m•a�'�, Lady Laurier is prostrat- ed Ind much sympathy is felt to her A state ,funeral will be !tele! for the ex -premier.. Yz: v " •NIONE MEETING ,,�� f •.Hulal.r1Lc't'3o.. 1f! l)•n " 'c s- of the Bay. Municipal Te- ephone System. was held on Wed- nesday and the attendance was snot large. Reeve J. • Laporte was appointed chairman. Various matters were discussed. It was decided to have the account of the long distance and local tools sent out monthly to the subscribers when, they exceed $1.00 and the same can be paid to the treasurer. LATE i\IBc3i.. E. Schilbe. On Monday, there passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Ro,ae, 15th icon., Hay, Mrs. El- izabeth S hilbe, in her 70th year, Deceased had been in failing he- alth for some years, the cause of her death being diabetis.. The funeral was held on Thursday interment being made in the Luth- eran cemetery. .One daughter, Mrs. Albert Rose, and two sons, Conrad and. Louis, all of the 11.h con., Bay survive. '°' @ OXII + ftersALIf mMf4 ObiesclifFS-10m*4€ + I Zcs4aizilt,A.A CANIaza •SOO*. 1 .10 1. Shoes that will wear well, Also Rubbers, Socks, Cyersh es, etc. BETTER A:iD EGGS WANTED C. FR TZ The Shoerrlan t 'l t"^" f A fff fe fs ? f9 f$ ..t4 ni, mit n u n,, w _•.,,��l�u�k,�..��,til,ll•;��J.�,,�',�;J•,,, „E..;,I�U69..,.,,����,,,I�!1�•�h„.66,i„rn�u,l:,I�iU;'!lltill(��Nltf11�C;:��,rL.�'ur�,,,,,.:;�u!tGi6rlllalU�l� WEDDING BELLS very pretty wedding took place at the Itonie of the bride's muther, Mrs. O rtsude Surerus en the ]3i'oe- son Line, when her eldest daugie-- er. Miss Flossie, and Mr. Otto Wil - lest were united in marriage. Rev. F. B. Meyer officiated. The liv- ing room was,prettilydecorated in Onk and white, an arch being in the Conner under which the cer- emony was performed. The brill: who was given away by her broth er, Mr, Gordon Surerus, looked very pretty and graceful in agcilvn of white Crepe-de-chene, with over blouse of satin which was beat utifully braided. A. panel finished with deep white fringe hung loosly from her shoulders. A small but dainty wreath of oran- ge blossoms held her veil in place, which was arranged in a ca lh effect. eller bouquet being of white and pink carnations. The brae end groom were unattencl^ 1. M'es Meda Surerus, sister of the bride, played the wedding Mi.e0h. ltvss Mede looked very becoming iln a dress of green silk popli.h, trimmed Zvi 7h fringe, The presents were ntihnero''as teed costly,, among them being :eve 'al checks The bride's Inin ' ^+i ll y' Costume Was of submause silk ;r- iinnied with fringe. The ynre•s bring lined with send sill; x.*..pity"1 a Id -ed very touch to the .pr.es•3 ger Coat was black plush with rose eat'In'hat, and her furs of grey wolf. 11'he young •cot.p'e will -re ,'ale tat -Arai grafi;;. A MERRY XMAS and ppy and Prosperous NEW YEAR to our customers and friends. Fi:.t_TZTT• GROC:+r�T' 'ci ,, T 3'T.r R Sri t• ,r �.T TT Highest Pricesfor Farm Produce Rs '� DOUGLAS F, TONE 11 on 97 The Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute met on the evening of Feb. 12th at the home of Mrs, C. Fritz. The meeting was well attended, A very interesting paper given en "Fresh Air, Suash ine and Laths." by Mrs. John Hey Jr.. Mrs, J. A. MacKinnon and Mrs. Campbell apse gave a paper per- ta:.ni,hg to the sul,jects. Miss Ida Routledge then gave a, reading which was appreciated by all pres- ent after a pew discussions the meeting close.d repeating the Lord's prayer in unuision PUBLIC LIBRARY Quite; a number of books have b.eu donated by residents to the Zurich Pubiie Library. In a fut- ure issue we will print a full list of the same. Bring them to the Hernia office. The canvassers for members arz inreeing with good sueees:i and the require:I number will s'ion 1 obtained, FAFt1'1S SOLD Mr, Henry Schadc has sold his Ent. farm on the Saul*? Line south, <ems::S110 • of 110 acres, to Mr, John Laporte, for the sum of `1,- lOtoet1. Mr. L•tpor t. has purchased the same for his son, Wilfred, and gets possession in March. eh'. Henry Walper has sold his 1 120 -acre farm o,i the Bronson Line, Hay, to Mr. Chris. Zirk, of Stanley Towuship, for the hand- some figure of $12,500.00. Mr. Zirk gc is po,sessien in Meech. The auction sale of Mr. W, G. Wellington Feo held on Tuesday was lardely attended and good pri ees were reilizc•d. Mr. Fee and. family will move to Sea.forth wvliere he has pureha.sed a house. NOR SALE Good 8 -roomed brick dwelling with kitchen, in +'Zurich. Also gar- den with plenty fruit trees. Apply to Mrs. V. 1(ochems, Zurich, Ont. •1t33 BLAK WISHING IOU ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON W. G. Hess Jeweller and Optician. Incorperated 1855 The MLSO NS .BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General liankini Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT BAN tC MONEY ORDER Savings Bank Bapari €eat Inbetest at highest euecont rates Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager