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Zurich Herald, 1919-02-14, Page 8
+ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. + 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .: e ..... ... ... _e.g.__ .. '-• -*--e- +++++++++++++++++++++?+++++++++++++++++++++++-S+++.; COAL FOR, SALE ,r(41 ,ch xt weck for partic co) ) lars I 41 L. + 14,ss .• a qsa g..or 3 4. 4. `4. 4. 0,4 as.:1.1 , 0 ‘ 11. S9 WE HAVE, IN THE NEIGHBOR- HOOD OF 150 TON OF SOFT CUA,L FOR SALE, AND AS LON:4 AS I. IT LASTS WE WILL SELL SsUVIE * FOR $6.0 PER, TON, CASH. FOR :: BURTHER INFORI'SLATION PION. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- 4. 4. 4. .4. 4. e.. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4- e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4:4 General iiardware, Stoves, 4. 4* 4. 4. 4.• *tr. 4. 4. 4. 4,* 4. 4. .1. PapT, --Pk* tinwa 1 4,9 etc. ydro "%ones an n X4 LP IA S4 £W , AJTO zdel Lv PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4, 4 4. 4.4 4. 44 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ++++++++,+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44 + AUCTION SALE Of 20 head pure-bred Shorthorn cattle, cows, heifers and bulls. 10 head of young Shorthorn grade tattle, Purebred improved York shire brood sows, 6 god drafthor- ses and fillies up to 1000 lbs. 4 dreft mares, supposed to bein foal. Fowl; pure-bred W. Leg- horn. General Btock of good new implements. On Fefruary 21st at 1 o'clock p. in., on lot 27, con., Hibbert, 5 miles east of Terms -8 months credit. on ap- proved joint notes; 6 per cent per annuni off for eash on credit ani- ounte. Wm. Nairn, John Chambers, Auctioneer. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Horses and Cattle, on Lot 9, Con. '11, Hay, 3 miles south of of +Zurich, on Monday, Feb., 17th, at 1.30 o'clock, p. m., sharp, the fel- lowing; HORSES;. -1 bay horse rising 8 years old; 2 Percheron fillies, ris- ing 1, well matched. CA TT1,E;-1. tow, tine to calf in March; 1 cow, due in April; 1 e.ow, due in August; 1 heifersup- posed to be in talf; 8 steers,. ris- ing 2' 4 steers, rising 1; 3 'heifers rising 1. About 5 ton good :do - ver hay. irroprietor has sold one of his farms and is overstocked. TERMS OF SALE;-AlI sums of $11300 and under, eash, 7 months tredit will be given on furnishing •approved joint notes: 3 per cent cif 011 ,eredit arnonnts for cash. (.4sis',. • : • • Poseenberry„ Alex "Voisin, Arni-onser, reenrioor, Z. P. S. R3P,0RT Report for Room IV. Subjects for 'Fifth Classes; Biology, Reading, Grammar and History, Sr. V- Mildred HoLfrn cocL'Azt;...).5. Milli:1g, Co. LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday,) 45 Butter „,„ 42 Dried Apples 06 Potatoer per bush -. 1.00 Wheat .., ... 2.06-2.11 :Buckwheat ,.. 1,00 Jilour (11.50-01.1(1 Bran 38,00 Shorts 41.00 Live 1'4og4 fu'e 15,50 ITEM Or LUtAL li wit, box, low Jade wagon with 3 inrsi tires, 2 Percival plows No.10 ALICTiON SALE, • an %.4 .1.8; sema4se6e:yetion harrow; new &- Of Farm Stock and Implements, hot drill, Deering ucl- Ets The undels:gned aue.doneers tivaior, Massey -Harris bean hare have received instructions to sell vesler and scuifier, roUer, scuffler; by public: Auction chi Loc. 16, eon. stone boat, 16 -It. hay rack, Frost 0, Stephen, 21-2 miles north-west, & Wood disc, grindstone, wheel of ,Cieditan, on Tuesday, March 4th. barrow, dehorner, Commencing at 12 o'clock, p, 2(100 -lb scale, sharp the Following; Clinton fanning mils gravel box, Waterloo 4 h. p. gasoline engine, 11ORSESe- 1 horse rising 5, 8 inch Maple Leaf grinder, 13e11 weight about 150 lbs; 1 horserie- cors cutter, bobsleigh, bag truck, ing, 10, Nboui; 1600; 1 span of heavy grass seed sower, root pulper, oxe earriage geldings Asia); 10; .1 yoke, crowbars, ehovels, chains, heavy drat Iiliy rissig 3; loiriv- hinges, set single harness, 2 sets in colt rising 3; 1 pony, buggy team harness, collars and sweatpa and harness. ds, new Do Laval crea .Cattle; -5 fresh sows; 2 COWS'm separator Daisy churn, aap pails, Chatham dun April 'e v.' due March incubator and brooder, 25 8-fts 1st; 1 2 -yr. old heifer due March cedar posts, 25 0 -ft. end posts, 150 15th; 3 2 -yr. old heifers due late old cedar poste, several cords of ter par; of May; 3 2-3,r. old steers, wood, 100 lbs. barb wire, 100 11,s. about 1,00 lbs. each; 2 heifers As-. coil wire, 50 -lbs. binder twine, 8 ing 2; 1 steer rising 2; 0 yearlings bush. red clover seed, 1-2 bush. 5 calves; 1 pure bred Shorthorn . lover seed, barrels, pails, roan 'Lull 007012) calved Jan. 2nd, j crocks, etc. alfafa c 1916 The above cattle are aI1 Household Furniture; Horne choice stock. 2 broad sowswith Comfort range, new Famous base - liter at foot, 8 stockers, about 6' burner with oven, 2 beds, new bedroom suite, wash stand and sink, lounge, organ, wardrobe, co- mbination sideboard and ehina . cabinet, hanging larap, parlor lamp new. Massey -Harris 13 disc drill; rubber tired baby carriage, high Deering mower 5 -ft. cut; Oliver' their, tables, chairs rockin ghairs, corn cultivator, Cockshutt riding washing machine and wringer, st- plow, single furrow, 2 walking uffed owl and other numerous ar- plows, 12 -ft. lhay rake, Deeving; lama roller, 4 section diamond hat row. Clover Leaf manure spre- ader, 2 lumber wa.gons, new wag on rack, large gravel box, 2 pair bobsleighs, top buggy, cut- ter, road cart, fanning mill with betre-- 2,000-1b. scale, wheelbarr- ow S2 ft extension ladder, 24 -it, extension ladder, workbench, C1J atham incubator nad brooder, bean picker, 125 3 inch tile, 50 feet ' 1 inch piping, cross cut saw, hand corn planter, clehorner, large chop box capacity 30 bush., gasolthe, tank, grindstone, feed boiler, R.R. dozen hens. 1 Collie dog, IMPLEMENTS; - 7ft. Massey- Harris binder, nearly new; 1. 3-, horse Deering •cultivator, nearly. No reserve, as proprietor has sold his farms Terms of Sale;- All sums of $10 and under cash,. Ten months cr- edit will be given on furnishing ap proved joint notes, 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. B. Bossenberry, W. G. Well. Fee, a W. Robinson, Proprietor. .Auctioneers. W. S. Johnston, Clerk *-+ AUCTION SALE • .01 Farm Stock, Implements, Etc, mail box, 2 set double harness set, The undersigned Auetioneer has of driving harness, single harness, received instructions to sell by 150 bushels marigolds, 4 tons of Public Auction on Lot 25, Con. 9, timothy hay, quantity of wood Hay, 1-2 mile east and 1 1-4 miles forks, shovels, whiffletrees, north of Zurich, on Thursday, Feb. Yokes, 'ehaims; hoes and other 20th. Sale commences at 1 o'elo- numerous articles. ck, p. in., sharp, the following; HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE; Ran ge cook stove nearly new, base Horses; Heavy team coming 9 burner nearly new, wood or serial year old; 1 Gelding coming 2 heater, wood heater, sideboard, .Yrs.; 1 colt coming 1 year; glass .cubboard, book case, sink General Purpose coming 7 yrs. with flour bin, 2 bed steads, good CATTLE; 1 cow due to calf leather eouch, wash machine, par- in March; 1 cow due in May, 1 for lamp. cow due in Sept., 1 farrow cow; No reserve as proprietor has 2 steers and 1 heifer 3 yrs old; 1 sold his farm, steer and 3 heifers 2 yrs. old; 2 TERMS OF SALE; All sums of 2 steers ano 2 heifers yearling; 1 $10.00 and under, Cach. Nine. Calf ,Six n10.110.8 Old, 1 calf 2 months credit will be given on months old, furnishing approved joint no' -es. Leichester Sheep; - 19 Leiches- 4 per tent off for cash on credit a- ter ewes, 10 'ewe lambs, 1 .Leich- mounts Hay, wood and roots, ester Ram lamb, registered. Cosh. Hogs and Hens;- 1 brood sow in pig, due at time of sale. A- bout 5 dozen White Leghorn hens IMPLEMEN P5; - Massey -Har- ris binder, 7ft. tut; Massey -Harris Manure spreader, Deering disc drill, Deeriug mover, hay loader,. hay tedder, rake, steel roller, etil- tivator, Olieer riding plow, walk- ing plow, gang plow, dise, scof- fler, one horse turnip seeder, set harrows, 2 wagons, bob sleigh,. gravel box, 2 hay racks, 2000 ibs., seales, cutting box, root pulper, Clinton fanning mill with bagger Ogees seeder, stock rack, feed rack, block and tackle, 10 rods woven wire, eheep dipping tank, sugar kettle, power jack, 2 set double harness, 1 ,single harness, bag ten - dr, cream separator, car for Wood- en track, woad Eove, cedar posts, eider barrel, R. IL mail boxes:me Alsike clover seed, logging chain 3 1-4 bush. seed beans, grindstone, whiffletrees; cattle salt. Many other articles too numerous to Jacob Haberer 62, William Black, Frank Taylor well 561, Olive (Zettel 52, stor E. Bossenberry, Meliek. last month Olive Zettel's average was 58 instead of 85 Jr, V.- Meda Surerus 07.5, Bruce Klopp 67, Dorothy Campbell 61, Ivan Kalbfleiseh 56, Iva Kollin- ascii 55.5, Edna ,Zettel 5e, Theohp- ilus Denomnie 54, Theodore Wag- ner 52, Ruth liartleib 521, Freddy Weseloh 49,5, Lillian Weseloh 40.5, Russell Freeter 41.5. Sr, 117;- Gordon Wolper CO Whit •ney Truemner 541, Hilda Neusch- wanger 53, Bert Siebert 52.5, Eul- oleic, Geiger 47, Iiiez Yungblut 46, Lennie O'Brien 44.5, Dorothy Fritz 44. 1 Only approximate average, • N. E. Mimes, Pelincipal 0,211=7=11,:graprOneeMartacq.avaIDE.m.rnaximmasosem '07AZTTED Orem, 'Eggs, Butter arc Poultry igheot Cash Price Auctioneers. Proprietor. JAlonzo Hodgins, Clerk. AUCTION SALE 01 Farm Stoek and Implements Ete, The undersigned Auctione- ers have received instructions to sell the following by puolic Ailed on on Lot 26, con., 11, Hay, 1 mile north of Zurich, on Tuesday, Fels, 18th. Sale eommencesa 12.30 o' clock, 1. m„ sharp. Hors.'s;-Ono good quiet family driver, rising 9, by Non Parole; 1 gclelang, risiog 5, about 1r000 lbs; 1 filly rising. 3; 1 matched span geldings by Nateby Royal, CAITLE-I. cow, rising t;, due to calf Mar. 26; 1 cow ris.ng 5, sue. Apr. 3; 1 heifer, rising 3, due Main 25; 1 heifer, r,sing 3, due ApieSS 1 Holstein- cow, risiug 6, with east; at foot; 2 good heifers, about 1 year old; 1 fat heifer rising 3; 5 ' steers, rising 3; 1 herermention , rising 3; ' 4 calves rising 1; 1 registered ImPhInelits are nearly all new. rham 'bull 3 yrs. old. 1 No reserve as proprietor has sold Some of these o-choice eattlehave POULTRY TAKEN EVERY SAT- farrn /43611 won prizes at local fall teirs, Terms of Sale; -All sums of $10 w ?i.e URDAY . , 1 bood sow,..ancl uncle's eash. Ton months er- du( to litter Apr. 18; 10 store pigs edit will be given on furri!shing ap About 109 Leghorn and Roelthens proved. joint notes: 4 per tent IMPLEMENTS; - Massey -Harris off, for cash on credit amounts. D:ebinder 6 -ft ent nearl ; oralth, mover, -wagon compibie.' n:Bosubberry, Peter •Haberer Aczeti en r3":31,1:3•:31`.0.", ce . • en WE HAVE BEEN' APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS' pop THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN TE44 LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAOHINERY, PLOW POINT, ETC. FIRSTSERMS (1989) COST DURING -1919 - ..11Mil.$ 4.00 FEB.$ 4-01 GIVE 15,5A CALL 1.4ZI'' a r • s , * MA $4.02. MAY$4.0 JUNE$4,0 J Or cad M 111113 MONO 11110 51 5115151 ?fp, se's .).14„...;_,Se, the • - gpf es • - F.. Notice h©w the Q"'cost-and the cash value -of the stamp ad. vances each month until, ori the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada pledged to pay $5.00 for each W.S.S. , IDIO IMOMPIPICa* NelieSeorteieekse za To the People o Zurich and Vicinity We have opened up a Gent's Fuurnishing store in Mr. E. Appel's stand and are prepared to show yov, Ready-to-wear Clothing For Men, Young Me A Leave your measure for thhat made to order suit EGGS AND BUTTER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE VW GOODS and Boys en rick We Extend to One and AH • ret'rs"SAT-7--ERfNis 78