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Zurich Herald, 1919-02-14, Page 4
UR. a"D lemied rl'hueledaY afternoene fR eau the 'HERALD PRINTING •OFFICE' items of s'n1 cviptioe ;$1.25 per year In advance; $2.00 may be charged. of Tarot So paid. U. S, subaeriutis i One $1.7.5 %trrictly in advance,No paper discontinued -until all ar- rears ave,paid unless at the option of the ,publisher. ,The date to which every .subscription is paid ea demoted on the label. ADWERTISIN x RATE Effectiee after Jan 1st, 1919. 'Display :Advertising -Made knowe esn application. ,Stray -Animals-One inserlaon.5'Oe three i.aaaertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sa.lse SOc. each insertion for one =oath of £our. ; insertions, 25e. for .each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of net snore thazi five lines, For S"ale,Tre Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25a. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. 1To notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10e. and 5c. :a line. Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- tion and $1.50 for two insertions if moderate size. Processional Cards not exceeding 1 inch. 16 per year. Address all communications to THE HERALD PRINTING CO. ZURICH, ONTARIO. COKE FOR 'FUEL I will have a ear of coke for domestic use at Exeter station Jae 30th. Any one in need of fuel Beall up. D. Tienian, Dashwood, ;VEST POCKET THRIFT CAl3D The N.at'o'nal War Savings Com- mittee h..s issued a new p vest pocket ",shrift L l 2 3-4 by 4 3-4 inches in size. Ladies, golfers, piny class .of persons, will find this a 'very convenient .means for the. !carrying of Thrift Stennis, and it is hoped that all persons from the !boy or girl up to the milliouare ernes,- make .use of these cards. V.44U.'-Qi-R.: Ii57. Cer From rale and snow the soil irefielves per ,acre ?er annum p p, tioximately l 5 pounds of nitrogen in forms a'nagabie for crop use, as ohown by results obtained in the work of determining the fertiliz- %'ng value of zein and snow tarried on by the Chemistry Division of the Department of Agricuiutre As- igigning the reasonable figure of 20 +cents per pound for the nitrogen, the precipitatioe; supplies annually plant food to the soil worth appr oximately $1.30 per acre. according to the report of -the Mitis''er of Ag tricuiture for the;year ending May. 31st, 1918, 0 An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh ays a glass of hot ,yeater with phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away. This excellent, com eteeenee health measure being adopted by miI1 olaa:. Physicians the world over eecom- xnend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more importance than .out- oide cleanliness, because the akin pores do not absorb impurities into ;the blood, causing ill health, while the spores in the ten yards of bowels do. • Men and women are urged to drink roach morning, before breakfast a. glass of hot water with a teaspoonful �o£ limestone phosphate in it, as a eaarmless means of helping to wash }from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible amaterial, poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, Sweetening and pure ying the entire alimentary canal be. Sore putting more food into the stone each. Just as soap and hot water cleanse Bind freshen the skin, so hot water and ilimestotae phosphate act on the elfin dnative otgans. s Those who wake up with bed breath, sated tongue, nasty taste or have a ull, aching head, sallow complexion, cid stomach; others who are subject o. bilious attacks or constipation, hould obtain a quarter pound of lime. stelae phosphate at the drug store. his Will cost very little but is elide lent to demobstrate the vaItte of he lde bathing. T"hose''who continue it ach ro- tic:Meado eduits are-assured sloes NMI health and apQeatariegef DASUWOOI. ,-w -Miss :Bid of Bay eld, spent a :few drays last week with 1'1r, and .Mrs. ,3, .C. Reid. 4Ptc'. Il. Gainer visited with fie - ends 'i'n London this week. Mss. Geo. Keliennen is at pres- .etnt •under the doctor's care. We .hope for a speedy. re,cover,y Mrs. - P, Humble .and children of .Sarnia are at present visiting with _relatives. -.Mr, John JIart1 ib of Detroit is eesitirng his parer tta Mrs. Roy Davie and Miss Lily ..Davis spent Sunday with Miss .Lena. Steinhagen, Miss Nettie Revell° of Grand Bernd visited her. and Mrs. Howard .a few days last week.. . Miss Lorena. Denomy of Drysdale spent the week -end with Miss L. Guenther. Mise Pears Wurtz of Zuirch is visiting with Mrs. J. Kellerman. ehEAT,H IFrederick Genttner Sr., died -suddenly at his home on Thursday last in his 70th yea.r The de'ceas- 1 ,ed had not been in very good he- althier, some time and early Thurs day xnorming was stricken with a paralytic.stroke and passed away about :noon. He is survived by his sorrowing widow, two sores and five daughters, Fred of town, 'Ch- arles and Mrs. Frank Clark of London, Mrs. F. Welts and Mrs. 'Harness of Exeter, Mrs, S. Gooier of SlelaniBton and Miss Emma at home. Who all have the sincere sy- mpathy -of the entire eommuni,yt The remains were laid to rest sin `the Ba'onson Line cemetery on Sunday. Rev. P. Graupner of the 'Lutheran church. officiating. -Pte. T. Johnston and sister,Mary :sof Blake -called on friends in town Ism Monday. 'Mr. C. "H. Haugh of Brucefield, spent a few days of last week wishing 'his sister, Mrs. G. Keller - ewes) and other relatives. The concert given by the school ;o'n.Friday evening was an unqual- i'feed ,sueeess both socially- and fin- atncialiy*, ,Bach, item on the pro - gran was ;well rendered and mer- ited the applause given. The hall was cstoweled to overflowing and ,several scores were turned away unable to get in, The drills were well doeao and the tabieauux. fairly broeght down the house. In re- sponse to the -request of those un- able to gave admittance,. the first might, the move= was given ag- aiin on Tuesday night., when a good attendance greeted the per - Somers, Dr. Taylor occupied the !chair the first night and Mr. How- ard the secoaad. The receipts from both evenings amounted to $9Q'00 which will be used in enlargieg our present lib- rary, CREDITON. Walte,r son of .-rev, and Mrs. S. M Hauch is Ul with appendicitis. N. Holtzman of tie U. S. Army and F. Beaver of the U. S. navy arc visiting their .homes here. Michael Pirnlibeleer has moved into the village, A special service was held in the Evangelical church. last Sunday when about 70 pupils of the S. S. will be presented ak-lth diplomas and seals. DRYSDALE. Another of the poineers of this section, passed away last Sunday in the person of George D.enomme, aged 86 years. Deceased was a resident of the Saub'Te Line nearly all his life time and was highly re- spected. The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment being made en the R. C -cemetery, STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Geo. Hill has purchased the farm belonging to the Victor Dale; estate near Brucefield. The other day in Jowett's bush Thos, Elliott was injured in the face by a falling limb. Pte. Bert Morrow, has returned to his home in Kippen from over- seas, Be served about six. mon- ths in the trenches and was woun- ded slightly. A soleal evening was held at Kippen in his honor. The War Savings habit is bolls convenient and profitable. Sixty-four notices of applications for sailse of divorce have been re- eeived at Ottawa, Petitions for the ,necessary legis;a.tion wiII be pre.sente:l to the Senate when Par- liament ear-liament assembles., More of the applications carne rore Toronto than any other city of the Vot i1nion, There are five Ottawa ppliitd;nts 4 STANLEY TOWNSHIP, We aro again .noauinded ext thr~' uncertainty of life in the sudden death of Mn. Das'.i,d J Melei c.hcty; ,He was in his usual good health up to a week ago, when he was suddenly stricken with paralysis aind lay in an unconscious coodit- iou till last Friday when the ..end cane. He was a son of .the later Henry lVlcLiaaebey and was born.56 years ago an the old .homestead farm on .the Goshen Line. $e was united .in .marriage to •Miss Amelia Wagner about 20 ,yeasts egra, :and she with a .family ..of 1 soon and 3 .daughters sur.via e. Marls •syippat1 y is felt. for .the bereaved family as they .will seedy miss :the protection and.the wise Council of a kind and love b husband and father. The remains were laid to rest in Bessfieid cemetery on Mon. "Fe•b.10 the eervice being conducted by Fee:. Mr McFarlane of Bayfield, :Notice to Creditors •IN !J HE ESTATE OF JOHN -HO WARD, -LATE OF THE TOWN- SHIP Ole .HAY IN THE ,COUNTY IsOF .HURON, FARMER, DEICEAS- ll, .Notice is hereby given pursuant -to the Statute i'n that behalfahat all.persons having any claims a ,against John Howard who died an the 21st May, 1917, are required, on .or before the 10th March, 1919, toj ,send by Post or delivered to Will- iam John Howard and 'Henry How- ard, Executors of the Will of tha said deceased, R. R. No. 2, Zurich Ont„ full particulars of their claims and that after the said 10th March, 1919, the said Executors will pro need to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the peewee entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whim .they shall then have had notice, and that the said :Executors will not be liable for the said assets :or any part thereof, to any per-. son of whose claim they shall not them have received notice. Dated at Goderi•ch, 10th Febru- ary, 1919. Proudfoot, Killoran &; Cooke, Solicitors for said Execut ors. EXETER --- The .remains ..of Mrs. Jno Cal - well, :who dieet. n Winnipeg, .were it+lerred _hi the cemetery here. Na, .Arno. Rowe .received the _sad !ne.w.s •that his son, Pte. Wilbur Rowe, had died in Frapee. :lie eelleted .in Saskatchewan. Bee - .sides his parents two brothers :tle,o .511reeve.. k fhe 12th of July will be celebr- ated ie Exeter tiles year. On Jan, .29th one of the oldest residents .of Exeter ,passed away .the person of Jane Sperling, relict .of the late Wn-i. Heaman, aged 94 ,,heats. Tno, ,Mallett has sold his house to G. W. Davie. Two beeiness men of ,..town :and one ifroin Brucefield Isere up be- fore Magistrate W. D. ,Sanders, charged with a breads of the Special War Revenues eget, by failing to affix a war tax stamp to a tin of health salts and two of them were fined $55 each and one $58.00. GRAND BEND A quiet but very pretytw.ectding took place at the Presbyterian; Manse on Feb. 3rd,, when ,Mr. Ezra Webb, sola of Mr. and _Mss. Stephen Webb, of Stephen, to Miss Olive Green, (laughter of Mr:' Isaac Green of Medford. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. A. :Carriere, both bride an41 lgr nam being unattended. The hap- py couple took the two o'clock train at Parkhill for Detroit and Bay- City, Mich„ where they will spend a couple weeks honeymoon with relatives. On their return they, will reside on the groom's fine farm on the B. Line. The oung couple are popular in he community and will have the best \wishes of a host of friends !or their future happiness and wel- fare, ' HURON COUNTY GOOD ROADS REPORT Highway Rate Expenditure 0f 1 mill on designated Roads $10954.68 2346.50 3010.26 4317.38 1759.60 8812,10 1117.•19 R44.87 2392.47 2180.75 Ashfield ,.. .., $2596.80 Colborne ._.._. _..... 1522.00 Goderich Tp. ... ... 2208.60 Grey . .. _..... ._, 2857.50 Ray ... ... __..-- 2407.00 Howick ... ... ... ... 3351.90 Hullett ,., ... __, ... 2571.00 Morris ... ... ... 2491.80 McKillop _.........,. 2678.80 Stanley ... ... ._. ._, 42135.10 Stephen ... ......... 2738.80 Tuekersmith .........2413.30 Turnberry* .._ ,_. ...1630.00 Usborne _.. .. ... ._.2417,50 Wawanosh, E. ...... 1604.80 Wawamo.sh, 'x.....,.1613.90 Bayfield .._ ... ... 141,40 Blyth ... ......... ... 270.80 Brussels .., ... .., .., 321.00 Clinton ,.........., ...687,50 Exeter . .....,, .._ 538,20 Goderich ..: ... ... ,-_1422.60 Helnsall ............ ... 250.40 Seaforth .._ ... .__ ...750.00 Wingham .., 703,60 Wroxeter ............ 150.20 $42501,40 13UY FARM FOR S ADI ""Being lot 9, con. 11, Stanley,100 acres. Will be sold reasonable, If noteeoldwill be rented for a terns of years. Apply to_ owner, Wm. Stogdill, Goshen Line, Stan- ley. 4t3ep. FOR RENT Three acres land, with comfort- able house and good barn, on Babylon Line, Hay, .Can give possession after April 1st. For particulars apply to J. Hey., Jr., FOR SALE 1 fresh cow, 1 cow due March 1st. 1 coif, pigs ready to wean. Apply to 'Sol. Bechier, Bronson Line. -1--� WARM FOR SALE $5700•.00 100 -acre farm on the! Huron Road, 'half way between Se aforth and Clinton, frame house, 1Ni11111111111111111111111111881111111101111111111111111811111111111110111111181111111111111111111111111111118111111111111 IN111111111 11111�iN 1111lfili111NIi11111111111IMIINll11111�(11181f1�1111111111111111(llllllllfl1E11l 7 rooms, bony 'barn all fenced with 111 (IJ „i ,, ttn wire, ,45 acres plowed, and in the highest state of cultivation $1700.00 cash. •Geo. Beauregard, I:. R. 4, Clin- torn, Ont, Phone 90-617, SAW LOG OF ALL KINDS HIGHEST 0ASiH PRIDE RAID albfleishZuriek9� ,p • An Old Fashioned Gustoni The appointment of individuals as Executors is an •olGlafashion ed custom that is graduaYly dying out. In naming friends as Executors of your estate you. unconsciously burden them with additional responsibilsies. Tha appointment of this Company as your Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to friends. Apply to the local agent for Zui.i.ch and district the 1111 gladly Explain the extensive seis,.iee which this Company/'can render your Estate. ANADA RUST COMPANY 'Managed in connection -with,. The Huron' & brie M©rtgageargotatior>I HEAD OFFICES i' LONDON,'CNT Applications for Guaranteed Investment R eeoipts received by ANDREW HESS; Agent ZURICH, ONTARIO dI0U;SF, FOR SALE Fine residental property in Zur ich, has been placed in my hands tor sale. On the premises is a good 2 -story modern brick resi- dence and also a Iarge brick st- able, all in good repair. Plenty* of good drinking water. For particulars apply to A F. Hess, 'Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 149 acres, lot 15, con 15, Hay. Large bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, hen stable and a good 12 roomed dw- elling. Good water at barn and spring on rear 50 acres, 5 acres. sowed in fall wheat, 6 acres .isa fall rye and 55 acres fall plowed balance is in grass. Convenient to church and school. Will be sold reasonable, For further par titulars apply on premises or add- ress Henry Brdwn, ER. R. No.1, Dashwood. Ont. 2-30pd 1876,25 ■ ry� 1876,25 ,�.,@�7J11LLJJ11 3869.02 3592,10 686.92 761.46 ES! OOK YOEJNI, IIARI(EN_RAY HAIR Use the Old -tion Sage Tea and Sulphur and Nobody Will know. Gray hair, however handsome, de- notes advancing age. We all know the advantages of a youthful appear- ance. ppearante. Tour hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. When It fades, turns gray and looks streaked, just a few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur enhanoes its appearance 156340,31 a hundred -:fold, Don't stay gray! Look young! Either prepare the recipe at home or get from any drug store a bottle of "Wyeth's 'Sage and Sulphur Com. - pound," which is merely the old-time recipe improved by the addition of other ingredients. Thousands of folks recommend this ready -to -use prepara- tion, because it darkens the hair beau- tifuily, besides, no one can possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally and evenly. X'ou moisten 5. sponge or soft brush with it, drawing this through the hair, tasting one srnail strand at a time. lay morning the gray hair disappears; after another application ee two, its natural color is restored and it becomes thick, glossy and lus- trous, and you appear years younger. Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- pound is a delightful toilet requisite. It is not intended for the curer. trait(.• g+ tion of prevention of dIsts10.•r' Have You Bought Yours? ee The ral • lir Club ,a i g List Herald Herald (Herald Herald Herald !Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald Herald and Daily Globe ...... ... ... $5.00 and Weekly Globe ._.,... ._. _.. 2,50; and Daily Mail and Empire ... ... 5.Q0 and Weekly Mail and Empire ... ... _.. 2.60 and Daily Star ... ... ... 4.50 aind Weekly Star ... ... ... ... ........ 2.60 and Daily News .. end Free Press, evening edition .._ . and Free Press morning edition .._ and Advertiser, morning edition ... ......5.00 ' and Advertiser, evening edition .._ ... _5.00 and Farmers Advocate .... ... ... ... ... 2.75 and Farm, and Dairy __.... _,..._ ............... 2.00 and Weekly Sun .. ..2:25 and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35 and Canadian Coun eryman ... 2.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 Renew your papers with us and save money K The HER LD z rich 1iI181111111881111DNllllilllllll1(11111111111111 i 11 1110111111118111181111181IIlIlIINIIINIIIIII1111118111111111,r,11 I111lIINI11NNII881111110111111181!NIIII81i11811181111181N1111111111111111110111111NIIIlIH11111111111111111111i We print Bill Heads of all kinds Account Sheets Letter Heads Envelopes In fact everything that can be printed. Let us know your wants. &mon HERALD • •